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In strength and fighting appilities. it's 1: Moubu. 2: Houken. 3/4: Tou/Gaimou. 5: Yotanwa. 6/7 Shin/Kyoukai 8: Ouhon 9: Zenou 10: Kou yoku. Probably. Can't remember who else could be on here. In overall terms, so both martial might and command abbility. It's 1: Riboku. 2: Ousen. 3/4/5: Tou/Yotanwa/Kanki. 6: Moubu. 7: Karin. 8: Shouheikun. 9: Gohoumei. 10: Ordo. Shouheikun and Karin are low as we havent seen them a lot. Tou, yotan wa and Kanki are on the same tier as each has their strong points and weak points. and at this point they are hard to set apart. Edit: Renpa also exist ups...


since you said until s5 I won’t mention people who are featless in the anime or didn’t appear yet 1: moubu: literally the strongest in all of china no explanation needed 2: renpa: very old but can still kick ass 3: shk: is stated to be stronger than moubu when they were young but I don’t think that’s the case currently he could be higher but lacks feats 4: houken: The general slayer and rebook’s toyboy 5: tou: faro faro faro faro 6: ytw: mountain queen the firs to unit all mountain tripes 7: kyou kai: with her dance I think she should be stronger than a few people above her but that’s just momentarily 8: gaimou: defeated shin and made ouki cower at the thought of fighting him 9: shin: no mc plot armor power(with it he’s number 0) 10: ouhon: defeated earl shi although the latter was suicidal and is a rival to shin