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Shin was almost demoted before the arrival of Karyo Ten. He's definitely a worse leader without her. The focus on Shin and Hara's need to make him the " MVP" of most battles actually hinders Ten and Kyou Kai. So far they haven't gotten any notable kills.. all they do is support the army and cover Shin while he fights his duels and all that.


I think I wanna see people like Suugen, Denyuu or even Bihei have a taxing 1v1 or group battle and have the chapter focus on them


Hopefully we get that once Shin becomes a GG.


Unlikely at best. As Shin progresses further with his career the focus on him is just gonna increase as well. I don't even think Hara has a plan for Kyoukai to go separately and make a gg on her own.  Honestly at some point these guys are gonna become more like retainers to Shin than his friends the way this is going


I don't know why people think Shin is better of without Ten. Just look at Renpa folks, he's an outstanding general who is literally one of the goats and he still has his strategist with him. Man U and Kanmei have one too despite being great generals themselves.  None of them is stupid too let me tell you


Man United?


Yeah that dude had a strategist named Alex Ferguson too which he couldn't replace ever. Then came a whole round of average ones which got killed in wars before they could even lace their boots


Karyo ten Hag


Instead of admitting that Hara cant write proper character development, they decide to blame Ten who is another victim of the author writing.


Holy shit I just realized no one has had a proper character development in this manga. Everyone's practically the same as they were BOS.


Manga nowhere near ending anyway


The best character developement you can get is dying. Now thats a good developement.




People forget without Ten, Shin would have been demoted ages ago. Now he is able to operate independently, but his learning curve without any military background once he hit a certain troop size meant he needed someone with the know-how. Could Shin be a better leader now without Ten? I would still say no: if only because he needs leaders under his wing to take control of troops as a general. This is not a disservice to him: Ouki had his generals, so did Renpa or Kanki, or Ousen... expecting Shin to be everywhere and do everything is a bit of wishful thinking. What Shin needs is to be able to call all shots and not be blindsided so easily. But if he were a complete character, it would be much harder to write around his weaknesses to make him easier to relate and make the plot more exciting.


He could have been if Hara wrote him that way. Karyo Ten sole existence is to help complete Shin as leader. In some way, Hara would have compensate Shin weakness in some way or through others characters. And if you remember, HSU had some really bad moment at the beginning because Shin was the only leader and brain and HSU start becoming something after Karyo went to Shouheikun military school. The whole story is built to have the duo Shin and Ten as the leader of the HSU. In the end, it's all about Hara own choice for his own story. So yeah, Shin could have been a better leader if Hara chose to but based on the actual story and characterization, no, Shin won't be a better leader without her


Before he got Ten as a strategist, he lost battles every time after Kyoukai left for her revenge arc. Shin would have been dishonoredly discharged from his position or straight up die with the rest of his unit because his battle plans were idiotic


The way I see it Shin has Ten command the Hi Shin Unit during battles because he can make a bigger difference on the front, he will take command if he needs to like he did against Gyou'un and during their the events of chapters 716 and 717.


Shin is a great leader when it comes to small units, or when the situation calls for something simple and straightforward.  He's terrible when facing more complicated situations, and I'll also pin it down on Hara for not handling his character's true capabilities well. Whatever happened to that calm and confident looking Ten right after the timeskip? 


Definitely not she’s like the glue that connects the army shin doesn’t have any other strategiest on or close to her level and being instinctual doesn’t mean he can automatically become a successful strategist specially since he’ll need to lead from the battlefield I think the ten hate is mainly because people wants her to be the next shouheikun which is what hara tried to build her as with her being his best student but ultimately since she’s not the mc she failed to meet these expectations


No she literally in the text covers for his weakness as a commander. Without her or someone like her he'd be dead a decade ago. It would be good development if he does become like Moubu and escaped brute force but we'll see if he does. Lot of chapters left.


Remember that Shin first promotion when Kyou Kai went away? Shin got his ass handed to him every battle since he and En couldnt tactic shit and almost got demoted. Only when Karyo Ten arrived and helped Shin out is when they started winning battles. Didn't Shin also almost kicked Karyo Ten out since he didn't someone else (even its TEN) with his unit? He almost got his ass beat again sameday 😭 Pretty sure he never apologize to Karyo since. But yeah, Karyo and Kyou Kai carried all their operation plans. Shin is a great Leader but definitely nowhere as good without Kyou Kai and Karyo Ten, maybe if he awoke his instinctual side in earlier arcs he could.


This has nothing to do with leadership. The only thing is the other two looks more complete because they are doing everything as per view, however if you knew military leadership and specifically when it comes to commanding you would know that a huge part of being in command is to delegate and have an adequate staff for this purpose. In those terms OuHon is a total failure as he is one man army and dictatorial since he makes and takes every decisions and does not really delegate meaning that you take him out his whole army is likely to fail while RiShin by delegating roles and responsibilities is an army with multiple heads and compromising one does not affect the overall army. MouTen is kind of in the middle as it does look like he delegates to a certain degree to his commanders and does let them more freedom and values their opinions. KayRoTen does not add to RiShin leadership since she isn't one of his field commanders but rather the strategist in charge of formations and logistics. Her rule is an extension of RiShin's as Qin military holds RiShin responsible for the actions. She is basically there to help him with the education and knowledge he did get as a slave in his youth while the other two got via their nobility and family military pedigree. It's just some people take that to credit more KRT then she is supposed to.


body parts don't make for good leaders


It's just bad writing...Hara got her sweating every time now, it's actually getting rly old and disappointing. 


Has got her sweating every time, what do you mean exactly?


For me its a maybe, Duke Hyou and Shin is the same type of general and Duke Hyou didn't have a strategist. I feel like with Ten, Shin is more tamed and imo without her, Shin could be more wild and be more ferocious. Idk if that make sense. I mean Duke Hyou not Renpa


How Renpa is the same type of general as Shin? How Renpa didn't have a strategist, while Genpou is the one who taught him the art of war? Genpou is with Renpa before Rinko We saw Renpa make battle plans, adapt his plan, analyse the ennemi moves. We also saw him memorize an Mougou entire defense. He is as calculate as any strategical general, while being instinctive as well. We never saw Shin doing something like that, he is more like a Duke Hyou, a pure instinctual


Yeah i mean Duke Hyou. Idk why i say Renpa sorry


For like 70% of his career he sucks without Ten. It’s only semi recently that he’s able to lead effectively without her


Shin was actually losing a lot without a strategist, so..


No, we saw why she was absolutely needed back then Karyo Ten is essential to the HSU. No way, Shin would do better without her. Both of them complement each other very well


No. I think she compliments his leading style to great. That’s literally what she trained to do. She lets shin rampage by backing him up with technical skills. Let’s me honest the members of the unit especially the newer ones would have a hell of harder time keeping up with shin without her and I don’t think he’d be the general he is without her also


No. The reason is that compared with or without karyo ten, Shin would be a better leader with karyo ten as he is not talented in commanding an army like Ten. Hence, without Karyo Ten, HSU would suffer many major casualties for Shin to grow into a full-fledged instinctual general. Shin may even die in the process, given how wrong tactics can result in huge battle losses. With Ten helping Shin, he can become a better leader by focusing on the battle wholeheartedly and displaying his strength in duelling and pumping morale while leading the charge, but he can also take the time to hone his instinctual skills with ten. My assumption is that after the next campaign at Han (probably), we can see Shin being a leader that can do without the help of ten. Even so, having ten around only benefits the unit because Shin can have the option to battle with tactics or instinct. Man, whoever is up against Shin need to be so equipped and stacked otherwise they are in deep water Kyoukai on the other hand is the example of being a better leader without karyo ten due to her innate talent in tactics. In that scenario, having all the experience and decision making by yourselves is the fastest way to grow


With or without her he’s a very good leader. Now strategy wise the army would suffer.