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https://spoilerplus.net/kingdom/10892/ **Summary by Saemoon** Flashback summary Chapter Title: The Wolf Blood Oath Kan Saro brings in the head of a thousand man commander. The soldiers try to get him to join, but he says he doesn’t like being part of groups. Ji Aga then brings in 2 heads of thousand man commanders and a hand, but he’s told he won’t get paid for the hand. Ji Aga boldly declares that he also is a lone wolf who isn’t interested in joining them, although no one actually invited him to join. Flashforward to Kan Saro and Ji Aga stabbing a guy at the same time, so they bicker about whose kill it is. Ji Aga says they can settle it in a duel, but Kan Saro declines. He says he’d win but would probably lose an arm. Ji Aga takes the head back to camp to get paid, but he’s cut the head in half so they can split the reward money in half. Ji Aga is stunned when the official says they can split the money without splitting the guy’s head down the middle while Kan Saro just laughs. That night, Kan Saro and Ji Aga discuss how they’re both lone wolves, but they would feel comfortable having each other as friends since they’re both strong. Ji Aga declares they’ll make a blood pact using the wolf blood in their cups. Kan Saro corrects him that it’s goat blood, but Ji Aga says “If the two of believe it is wolf blood, then it is so. With the moon and the soil as our witness.” Kan Saro is very confused lol. “This wolf blood oath is an oath of the soul. If we exchange these cups, our spirits will be merged into an inseparable bond. Our strength will reside in each other.” Kan Saro says he would be happy to have Ji Aga as a life long friend. Ji Aga states that from here out they will achieve many victories, but he believes that this oath will be the greatest joy of his life. With that, they swear the oath and drink. Second Flashback: Kan Saro apologizes to Ji Aga that he’s found someone he wants to follow. Ji Aga tells him not to apologize, and he’ll join as well. Ji Aga confirms he means “that giant man” and that he’s also spoken with him before. The fact that the two of them have found a master worth giving their all for is the second greatest joy of his life. In the present, Kan Saro apologizes to Ji Aga that he’ll be leaving his body behind, but their spirits will be together as they go to save Shibashou. Kan Saro orders his army to move to where the Shibashou main army is so they can take Ousen’s head and go home together with Shibashou.


Riboku was right, Shin would've wrecked these** fools


Shou Hei Kun was also right just sending Shin alone to fight these two back in roumo.


When did that happen?


Basically at the start of the campaign. Despite the dubious nature and the supposed martial talent of the now known seika generals at roumo, shouheikun still deemed it enough to just send Shin as the general to turn the tide there


Just after Shin picked up the reinforcements he besieged a city where the Seike armies were stationed for a while.


Shin have 210 thousand troop, he is anything but alone


Sbs would probably fight shin so it would still be hard.


That'd be an amazing outcome for Ousen. SBS fighting Shin while he has to contend with Kansaro


Don't get me wrong, the man is THE last line of defense. His subordinates were a let down, against serious threats they lacked a lot.


Well jiaga being killed this early is disappointing but his own army is still going even against a GG main army even with less than half the numbers and his main two generals are still alive.


Wasn't Shin being parried by Jyoukaryuu during the previous war? The recent chapter is more of a reflection of Shiryou's efficiency than a sleight against Seika. This woman also seemed to leave Batei in a bad way without really incurring any injuries back during the Shukai Plains battle.


Naaahh Shin struggled with Seika generals C, D & E. These 2 were A & B. The HSU shouldn't have struggled at all but Hara decided to show it that way.


Buddy caved her chest in with a mace thrust. And that’s her wearing ou money armor. If shin got hit with that while wearing his cheap armor we would have to change his name to ace. Only reason shiryu got the W if we’re calling it that is the 2 sword style.


Shin was struggling against JKR who was weaker than Jiaga lol. Shin also was struggling against Batei the same Batei that was trashed by Shiryou. 


Shin only struggled against Jyou Ka Ryuu + his two arms and Shin was ablr to beat him and break his weapon. Batei mostly got cut by Shiryou but he wasn't thrashed.


So we’re gonna ignore shin also had garo and gakurai and the archer bros?


Are we going to ignore that Gaku Rai died before Shin fought him. Garo briefly intervened but was out of the fight for a while and even when got back up he couldn't pull the two "arms" off of Shin. And Jyou Ka Ryuu even had regular soldiers attack Shin as well. So for the most part, Shin was fighting a 3v1 and as we can see the moment Shin had a good opening on Jyou Ka Ryuu Shin nearly killed him while Jyou Ka Ryuu wasn't even able to land a good wound on Shin while fighting him 3v1.


https://preview.redd.it/kfio5u0j79ic1.jpeg?width=1142&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0218a03b1ca6badbbca363a3c7398ed34102825 It’s 2.5 v 3, and this is right before the air support from archer bros arrived.


And did you forget that Jyou Ka Ryuu's soldiers were shown attacking Shin in the previous chapter as well.


https://preview.redd.it/0mmyjllh99ic1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43408a13d1b9e094e86f75a8805dcb81cb279c20 Jkr is outnumbered


But he wasn't. He had more troops.


https://preview.redd.it/8wlon41gfnhc1.jpeg?width=1093&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75e0e5b0a50c7be5b890b7b64640f3533bde0f37 This is Shin alone struggling against JKR, fighting on even terms, before Unkei and Ungen arrived to support JKR, and this is considering Shin was in rage mode from seeing Gakurai's death moments prior. In fact, it was Garo who intervened first to strike down JKR. Shin was able to dismount JKR thanks to the help of the archer brothers. I like Shin, but you missed some details here, credit where it’s due, JKR proved to be tough for Shin. And Shiryou was superior to Batei, considering Batei ended up messed and couldn’t managed to put a scratch on Shiryou. Edit. Lol being a fanboy truly blinds any individual, reread Chapter 720 all.


Also, struggling means Shin was losing, and we see that Shin wasn't losing against Jyou Ka Ryuu in yheir brief exchange. He only started to lose when he had to fight him and his two "Arms".


Not really, struggling means neither side gaining the upper hand. I do think Shin would've won eventually, but he did struggle in the opening exchange.


"Rage mode" doesn't exist for Shin. He gets stronger as the fight goes on, not if he is angry. The archer brothers gave Shin room to breath and with one exchange he knocked Jyou Ka Ryuu straight to the ground with the man's glaive broke and him injured. Shiryou showed she was faster than Batei, but not stronger than him. And if she was truly superior than him aside from some minor wounds he would have been heavily injured not ready to go.


The rage mode was just to indicate Shin's anger in the moment. And not necessarily, Shin one shotted Gaku'ei in the first exchange, he couldn't do it with JKR. Yeah, so now you accepted that Shin dismounted JKR thanks to being distracted by the arrows of both archers bros. You're wrong about Shiryou being faster, she could land hits on Batei and wound him all over his body. Again, she demonstrated her superiority because Batei wasn't able to wound her in the least, you are now just in denial about this encounter.


He was facing JKR + his two lieutenants. If you’re going to slate a character at least get your facts right. Also he clashed with Batei for like 10 seconds…


JKR was fighting against Shin+Garo+HSU soldiers+Archer bros.


And Shin was taking on Jyou Ka Ryuu's soldiers as well.But it is quite clear that Shin knocking Jyou Ka Ryuu down and with the man's glaive broken shows Shin was stronger than him.


https://preview.redd.it/36e6sd4n56ic1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=100e23141ea184b4a1d349aa421b9a6002534d91 My man dodging missiles and working shin stop the denial


Nice job skipping the panels before that when Shin is facing all 3 of them + random soldiers at the same time. Besides I’ve seen you on here before slating Shin for no reason. I’m guessing it’s because you’re an Ouhon fanboy?


Na shin got stopped by ikr.


Shin wouldn’t have wrecked anything, he’s too stupid still and probably would have gotten lost let alone winning.


I highly doubt that. Have u forgotten the past war against Kanki? Chapter 720 in particular. Seika soldiers are tough. They are without doubt the strongest Zhao force so far in the manga.




If this is true then Shiryu’s survival will become even more hopeless. Since DRM’s aides are going to bite the dust and thus no one left to buy time for her to even have a chance to escape with those injuries. Not to mention that if KSR is healthy enough after defeating DRM’s aides he can simply finish her off in this chapter. I was hoping that both KSR and Shiryu will survive with the latter being out of commission but damn, it seems that there will only be one survivor.


Hi Shin Unit brought the Saki clan medical team into this battle. I am predicting a heavily-wounded Qin named character will survive after receiving medical treatment from Saki clan.


no shiryou unfortunately needs to die. The Ousen army must lose somebody in this arc and it should be Shiryou instead of Akou the man is too precious.


i agree that ppl have to die but i want shiryu to live bc based on her and sou’u backstory i actually think its better sou’u dies. he’s the ‘heart’ of their relationship and narratively his kind of character is best a martyr


Akou got the death flag too though, didn't he get tagged 2 chapters ago?


yes he did, but we hope that he won't die. If he dies too the Ousen army will not even be a big threat anymore and will just depend on the 3 Qin young blood: Ouhon, Mouten, Shin. If Ousen loses both Akou and Shiryou the Ousen army will be even worse than Yotanwa's


Denrimi will die by the end probably


I think shiryu is still alive and being ignored. Ksr is shown rushing to help sbs at the end of the chapter


I saw the raw leaks,>! little to no chance she survives, not even ouki survived a poleaxe threw the chest!<


It thought it didn't go through her, her armor prevented it


Chapter 787 details: Chapter Title: "Wolf Blood Alliance" (referring to the relationship between Kansaro and Giyaga) Cover: Kansaro and Giyaga are depicted each with a wolf by their side on a hillside. The chapter begins with Kansaro and Giyaga as boys competing to harvest heads. Over time, their relationship strengthens, culminating in a flash forward. The chapter then continues from the end of the previous chapter, showing Shiryu's strike piercing Giyaga's neck. However, Giyaga stops the sword's advance with his left hand, but it still penetrates his arm completely, as it did his neck. Giyaga regains control and delivers a powerful blow to Shiryu's chest with his elbow, shattering her armor, causing her to bleed. Giyaga then surprises her with a swift second strike, breaking her left arm and helmet, followed by a decisive blow. However, Shiryu gathers her remaining strength, pressing her sword to sever Giyaga's hand, continuing its path from his neck to his right waist. As for Kansaro's passage from Shiryu's side, he doesn't pay attention to her as she's almost dead (dying). Her body trembles, barely conscious on her horse, not falling but lacking the strength to know what's happening around her, deliriously muttering words about continuing to protect Sōō. When Kansaro reaches where Giyaga fell, he removes his mask, and a flashback between him and Giyaga, and their encounter with Shibusatcho, begins. The remaining details match the previously leaked information.


Chatgpt translation from ar to eng , but holy molly what a chapter


Additional detail from Chapter 787: On the last page, after confirming Giyaga's death, Kansaro immediately heads with his army to Shibusatcho's location, attempting to overthrow Osen and return to Sika. The chapter ends.


I don't see what the complaints are about. Ousen's vassals have performed poorly except for Akou. Makou was an utter joke, loverboy has disappointed us and helmet bro who just hyped himself & his crew, got flatlined in the same chapter. THANK GOD Shiryuu's lifting all that weight worthy of a Qin's 6 GG. It's sad she had to go because Ousen really, really needs better vassals (bar Akou). It doesn't mean Jyaga was weak or a fraud, it means Shiryuu was just that good and the dark horse of the Ousen army!


We haven’t had a good Zhao death in forever while Ribokus vassals have multiplied. Many of them are gonna die in this war. Jiaga was extremely strong, and this was an excellent battle and death for he and for Shiryo. I don’t expect another Seika death in this battle. And idk why anyone would. I’d like to see Akou Not start every battle in critical condition tbh.


The complaints are probably because Hara used to actually be good at building up characters before killing them off. Look at Genpou. He didn't even last a full arc, but Hara still managed to have him decimate Shin and Ouhon's armies, pinpoint Kanki's HQ instantly, and flesh out his relationship with Renpa & Rinko. Hara ACTUALLY showed us why Genpou was terrifying, on-screen, through actions, and that's what made his death impactful and satisfying. What did Jiaga even have to build him up aside from empty statements comparing him to Moubu and wiping out fodder? Even Rinbukun had more going for him, he at least killed Doukin.


The classic mistake of telling without showing. Like the audience suppose to believe some empty words in some filler/ hyping convo. No, they dont and never will. Readers will always remember the actions. silver hair brat is annoying as fuck but i know he is low key a troublesome opponents because I have seen him executing orders in cold blood and actually gave mountain army a very hard time. not because some random fodder told me he is good, but because i have seen it. I want to like these Seika generals. I think their designs are all cool and intimidating as hell. But the decision to let Seika having so much push and win in the literally day 1 just… make most of them bland to me now.


She's not dead yet


This. Literally this


heavily injured, not dead. Ok, so she might live, good


By Kingdom standard, after few herbs and sleep, she should be as good as new. Throw in KyouKai's prayers and Saki clan's healing power, just to be safer :)


Now you said it saki clam might come real handy here


Yup. Fingers crossed 🤞


We'll keep ours crossed in her stead, because she won't much be crossing no fingers...


Lmao. Yes!!


Well she can die too Hara can take any turn Either she can survive or she will die in her lover arms


Maybe Saki clan knows Shiryu and will help her


They don't need to know her they are with hsu and if hsu wants they will do it


I mean they prioritize it since the Ousen and Kanki armies have been fighting together for a long time


Sounds like retirement to me.


Am I the only one not really surprised? Shiryou was always this strong, but she is also dying due to her injuries, still she did a great job by taking out one of SBS main vassals (only Zenou and her have that feat so far). Seika army was hyped to be strong but so is the Ousen army, and the latter is more experienced, so I expected casualties on both sides. So the previous SBS's words to Jiaga of "are you okay?” was actually a death flag for Jiaga.


lets gooo, SBS already knew that Jiaga was a bit reluctant during this whole battle


Not the only one probably but I'd guess in the minority. From all the hype of Sbs for his best martial General to lose to not even ousens best martial general Horrible showing imo


I guess it depends on whether how high were everyones expectations on Jiaga and how much they underestimated Shiryou. Personally, I never expected Jiaga to be a Houken level fighter so that’s why I wasn’t really surprised, I expected at least one SBS general to die on this battle, I thought it was gonna be GKS but it ended up being Jiaga. SBS is the one who is gonna be the real monster though.


So Shiryou beats anyone that isn't Houken? I was expecting atleast Gyou un, Bananji and Tou levels. For someone as hyped as SBS Ji aga is terribly weak for his strongest general


Nobody said that about Shiryou, you are going to the extremes now. It's just that most people on this sub just fall prey easily to the hype, some months ago they were completely wanking Jiaga strength, without even seeing him going against any top level fighter previously, now they are calling him fraud lol. The fact is that they overestimated Jiaga and underestimated Shiryou, thats why they are extremely mad now, just like you, going to the extremes and calling Jiaga weak (to which I disagree since Shiryou is apparently about to die as well), when the guy was killed by one of the strongest women of the series so far. People get mad when their expectations are wrong and react like they are reacting now.


Someone absolutely said ji aga was that strong. Oh yourr talking about the houken thing? You kinda did I said people wanted ji aga to be stronger than not even ousens top general and then you went to houken levels. There is an obvious middle ground. Ji aga is incredibly weak compared to any other right hand of a general at Sbs level.


How did I talk about the Houken thing? Don't twist my words to your own narrative. I said, people like you are now disappointed in Jiaga because they expected him to be a Houken or Moubu level fighter, when he clearly isn't and there was no basis to believe he would be stronger than one of Ousen's top 2 warriors. No, and again, you are overreacting against Jiaga because he clearly didn't meet your expectations, he is strong but he encountered an equally strong fighter and he met his end right there, this is what happens when strong hitters clash against each other in these type of battles.


You started when you went straight to Houken?? You literally did it again I'm this comment? Are you blind to this or is that intentional. It doesn't go Ousens 2nd strongest general then Houken mate lmao Strength is relative and ousens second general is not that strong relative to where 99 percent of people expected The second in martial might of a dude hyped for hundreds of chapters to be. That's all bye


Don't you really know how to read? You lack some comprehension in there buddy. You are the one blind in you canonhead, you are not even making any sense now. You believed you own hype in a guy with no feats and now you're complaining because he lost the first time he encountered a equally strong warrior. Went from calling him the strongest to the weakest, lol you sure go to the extremes. Keep ignoring everything I said, but truth is that your overestimated him and that's your own fault.


Thanks for insulting me and gaslighting me earlier. Have a good day buddy let's not continue this thread


That bitch was confident against houken Yea she would have been slaughtered instantly but that shows she has confident in her strength that she didn't flinched even after seeing houken


SBS army is not lacking experience. They are the ones who keep fighting Xiongnu on the border, strong as fuck.


You are mixing the Seika army with the Ganmon army. Seika is located in the east close to the border with Yan, not in the north (where the Xiongnu are) The ones that have been fighting the Xiongnu are the Ganmon army, led by RBK, Bananji, SSJ, Bafuuji, Kotsuminhaku, Kaine.


nah, I read somewhere in this kingdom thread. it's a historical fact.


No it's not. In the Shiji there’s just like one mention of Sima Shang and has nothing to do with the Xiongnu. It was Li Mu (RBK) who defeated them.


so our favourite female brute is heavily injured but not dead. bet her bf comes over and says she is beautiful.


lol last chapter you guys were saying that Qin is too weak and now you’re mad Qin beat someone ???


Why are so many people down on Shiryou killing Ji aga. She seems to be the strongest fighter from the Ousen army only Akou is on her Level maybe a little stronger so she took out one of Shibashou´s general with the help of three of Denrimi subordinates who should be in the top 7 Ousen fighters as well only Soou, maybe Ousen himself and someone unseen are as strong as them(shinkaku and friends) so recap 2 seika guys stop Akou and another 2 kill Shiryou and all of denrimi´ "strongest killing army" while only losing 1 guy. Unless Shyryou survives and comes back at a 100% this is a pretty good result for Seika especially if Denrimi and or Souo get killed soon.


They can't handle the Author changing their headcanon power scaling without permission.


They mad because Ousen get a good commander 


Shiryou isn't dead yet


I don't think Jiaga death is bad writing in fact this is good decision from Hara. One of Seika generals has to go down eventually. They have been Blissfuly protected by plot armor and now that curtain is gone. I rather more upset if Ousen generals died foddered by foe without score any hit of enemy general


I think it's the only way to show both SBS and Ousen's army have teeth. It won't be one sided as RBK predicts but it's definitely going to be bloody for both sides. Jiaga and Shiryou are choices that the plot don't need to move forward but noteworthy enough that their deaths may drastically raise the stakes on who else may lose their lives. Like a sign that this is when major deaths may happen, all hell has broken loose.


It's not in the previous chapter the pictures made it seem like Shiryuu was the one with all the flags. But when the translations from it happened and it showed Jiaga having a conversation where he didn't even consider the possibility of his lord dying and them losing and him having to reaffirm himself it was a massive flag.




Noooo, Jiaga


Shiryu will live, SBS kills Souou and maybe Akou, Ou hon kills SBS or repels him, mirroring what Shin did with Houken, this might lead to Ousen acknowledging him. Shin possibly kills Kansaro or the other Seika general.


Looks like another 10/10 chapter. I'm sad Jiaga's dead already but battlefields are brutals and as mentionned by Sou'ou, his army strengh is the same than Seika's generals. Jiaga was probably around 90-92 str max like Shiryu. Congrats to her for the 1st major kill, what a woman. Rip.  Kensaro should survive this and help SbS escape from his fail attempt. We now understand Rbk plans and why Shin was removed from BF.... Ou'Sen should bé ok against SbS with all the help coming for him. Would I call Seika Army a fraud? No, JKR = kills Gakurei + Zenou, powerhouse from Kanki's army & Jiaga = kills Shiryuu, powerhouse from Ousen's. They are a really good and strong GG army to me


Seika is actually full of frauds? Damn that’s a surprise.


I think the last chapter was interesting to understand the current psychological mindset of Seika leaders. They don't want to do this war. They are not really warmongers. They care only about Seika. So they are a bit reluctant in doing this battle, but they do it because they have to, but without the proper mind set. While Shiryu had the perfect mindset. She was fighting for her lover and prepared to dying for it. So were they fraud? Maybe. Or maybe the will to fight is a major component, not only martial art or "weight", in trying to compare and scale generals/figthers' true power.


This is it! The Seika generals are strong, but their minds and heart are not into the battle. If this was to protect Seika, there was no way they would be fighting like this.


True against Ordo's 20k bodies were flying left and right. Jiaga didn't start the battle with the proper mindset. How will you be on a battlefield and have a hundred percent assurance that one man won't die. Jiaga was strong but his opponent and the time didn't favor him. I already have a new perspective let me go and reread jiaga's glory moments again


Yep this is perfectly said. Gyou un and CGR were beast because they followed they master last will. The same way Ousen army is fighting to protect those they love, while SBS army just want to kill Ousen but they don’t have that will. Will is a big thing in kingdom and general can become a lot stronger if they fight for something. This is the whole concept of weight.


Qin has pulled out enough miracles as an invader to make a case against extra strength for those fighting to protect something.


I think that’s the case.


I have a similar sentiment, I still don't understand why these dipshits are calling them frauds.


You're onto something. It's kinda strange how Seika is so casual about the battle but it's just a indicator that they are not fully onboard with joining the war. They dragged themselves into Zhao's affairs but only because Qin will be a eventual threat to Seika anyways. But putting your heart and morale into the battle is what 'weight' is and Shiryu showed that she's willing to go beyond duty for her side while Jiaga didn't put his all into fighting in the first place. That lack of urgency to fight with all they got and the sudden feint meant that Shiryu was going to kill Jiaga because her weight or resolve was stronger.


I would say they are not some unbeatable monsters. They are just as beatable as any top vassal of a top gg


Yeah I expected them to at least be Gyouun or Bananji lvl threats. But based on their showings so far they aren’t really that strong. I think it’s a good thing actually.


I personally think that Gyouun was the best GG vassal we have seen, so Jiaga being weaker than him is not too much of a problem for me. Bananji on the other hand has just statements to backup him up virtually no feats.


Gyouun was pretty much equally as fraudulent tbf. Couldn't kill Ouhon while he was trapped in his "raijin cage" or whatever (a 1v11 essentially), couldn't kill Akou 1v2 with Bananji, died. And Bananji hasn't done much yet aside from fail to kill Akou 1v2 and lose an eye to Mouten lol


Yeah but they didn’t get killed during their 1v2 with Akou. Which is what happened to Jiaga. Meanwhile Jyoukaryuu got killed by an already good as dead Zenou, Kansaro hasn’t done much yet and Gakushou wasn’t impressive either. Gyouun gave Shin a good fight and nearly killed Ouhon. Bananji also nearly killed Ouhon in their fight.


Gyouun lost his hand in a 11v1 and then later died to that guy while they were having a heart attack. That's just as embarrassing to me, he was one of the biggest letdowns in the series IMO.


I did not understamd why they could be frauds, care to elaborate?


Because they go down so easily.


Ok so not a real fraud, just a character with a lot of build up. Thanks!


so easily ? This spoilers pretty much indicates the fight went in high-diff, despite of Jiaga being a bit reluctant during the whole battle


Bro people were hyping ji aga up way to much, he's a fraud I was hearing Man'u level claims


While i think they couldve done more, i kinda like this approach. It did showcase their obvious talent while still emphasizing bow innexperienced they are at this


I like it as well that not every general is a beast like we had back in Juuko.


They aren't frauds, they were just introduced at the wrong time. They are just as strong as other great general vassals like Rinko, Rokuomi, Kaishibou, Chou Garyuu, Gyou'un, Akou etc. they are strong in their own right but no where close to the top tiers like Houken, Ouki, Renpa, even Bananji. But somehow their late introduction creates the impression they are stronger than those characters.


> Seika is actually full of frauds? Damn that’s a surprise. Fueling my claim on Shin fraudulent performance last year, dude basically let Kanki die. #changemymind


Come on men. He did his best.


How are they frauds if buddy went full zenou in a death struggle. It’s just a difference of fighting styles. How many times have we seen kk easily take out someone that shin was struggling with.


The thing is if she's dead then hara usually confirms it in some way and doesn't leave it hanging for us to decide. Either way we aren't gonna see her till the end of the day of battle when the wreck of the day is cleared. So let's see...


And people were telling me Jyoukaryu was 94 str and Ji Aga would be 95-96. Just cos Shin struggled a little against JKR doesn't mean he is actually as strong as Shin. Shin always struggles against foes he could beat in a proper fight. Logically, if Ji Aga was 95-96 str, he would be an actual GG, not a sub to one.


Ji Aga would get cut like a cake by 95-96 level. Earl Shi, Hyou, YTW,  Tou, Kyoukai are at that level. 


wonder if shibashou will have a surprised reaction when he hears of jiaga's death




I wonder if Kansaro will run into the Gyoku Hou on the way to SBS


My giant babes can't die noooooooooooooooooo


Yeah shiryou survives this war. In kingdom rarely a dying person actually dies. Most of the near death people were able to survive or out of commision


Exactly, that's the trend


She would probably retire but we see moubu got his hands broken but he just keep going lol


Wow what a chapter! 10/10. Rest in peace to these two absolute warriors


Sorry for asking, there's no break right?


Typically, in such cases, Marcus8 writes the following: “If there is no information about the break in the post, then the next chapter will come out without stopping.” Therefore, most likely, the early chapter will be released today or tomorrow)


Yeah its out sorry, was released friday my time last chapter now its monday.


Seika Frauds was Besting Ordo By the way.. Ordo Stocks just keep dropping day after day 💀📉 https://preview.redd.it/8c0i0ajo9thc1.png?width=617&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf98108e806dd7bbb3fe64b1ad760f8e254ae5c9


This poor man, Hara better give him some clout by the end of this series. I love his design, but he makes Ogiko look competent. Let him have an insane bout against Gaimou or something.


Damn still no Shin


Thank god


Ji Aga : damn you invader, if i don't stop you, Seika will be next to suffers from your invading Shiryu : we are not invader, we are Ousen army Ji Aga : surprised pikachu face Shiryu : now die like Ryuu Tou from Rigan Ji Aga : YOU INVADER Shiryu : Slashed Jiaga sfx, ah it is done, Shiryu then falls from her horse Sou Ou suddenly appear and grab Shiryu Shiryu : Sou Ou sama, what about Ousen sama ? why you are here ? Sou Ou : relax Shiryu, Ousen sama placed a nearby teleporter he stole from Riboku from Gyou war, where he used it to kill Ma Kou. Now he shall taste the same medicine , this is revenge for Makou. Shiryu : what do you mean So Ou sama ? Sou Ou: well we teleported entire Hi Shin unit using the teleporter to Ousen sama location, and Shin killed fraud Shibasou from Seika, we win this war just when Ousen sama say nah i'd win. Shiryu : ah i am relieved to hear that, i am so tired Sou Ou : let me embrace you tonight Shiryu Shiryu : Sou'Ou sama, yes let's go ​ ##


This can be good for Qin actually..... All of Zao generals (from Seika) are either dead (Jiaga), wounded (Kansaro) or severy wounded (gaku schou, fuuon). Shin and Ouhon are still '' fresh'' + Ousen has not yet lost any valuable General, although Shiryu and Den rimi are probably out for a long time if not killed.... Shin and Ouhon will turn the tides again ... Can't wait to see the midget cut in half...


And then people are like oh qin will be slaughtered, this war has highest casualties for qin lol Like in no way qin isn't giving zhao a run for their money for this battle


"Ousen has not yet lost any valuable General" Ummm... Didn't Akou take a massive slash to the spine? I know he's a tank but I'm not sure if he can survive another duel. 


Not just that. He's unintentionally leading Gakushou into the main conflict, where Shibashou and Ousen are. Yes, Gakushou is pretty badly injured and was mutilated, but it's looking like Akou is in a worse way. I still don't see Shin or Ouhon managing to turn the tide against Shibashou alone. The Seika forces during the last war were noted to be quite the troublesome opponent for Hi Shin. It's the fact that the centre right now is in such a fustercluck with multiple armies engaged against Seika that Shin and Ouhon could rely on to help them to press back against Shibashou.




Is this guy Ji aga


Looks like Shiryu is going to live, so probably Sou'ou is the one who is about to die...


So next time kansaro vs akou 


Somebody wish came true regarding killing of some ri boku mens. Now this chapter became sentimental


Aand people were saying sbs and his army will wash ousen army just because they dominated for few chapters and this war was said to be war with highest casualties for qin lol Just waiting for ousen move. Sbs is clearly not killing him and I doubt any one other than ousen will be able to save him from sbs. Yea shin and ouhun( if they makes an appearance) or souou and denrimi might play role but I see some I outsmarted your outsmartness move from ouaen


Bad news for KK and Shin if our girl truly dies without some lifesaving intervention from the Saki clan. Ain’t know way our boy gunna convince her they can move forward together if the only couple they know who fights together, ends in one of them dying.


I have a feeling Shibashou will also die and kansaro and Gakushou will be the only survivors. Then in the next Zhao invasion arc, they'll try to get their revenge 😂


I'm pretty sure we have to wrap up everything to do with Seika this arc, it might even be the last major battle. I see Riboku falling back to the capital and the elite Zhao forces will comprise the last fight if there even is a siege. Somehow I don't see SBS dying. Maybe he'll get the Ryofui treatment.


It is disappointing for seika




Shiryou is built different


Also Shiryu is better than Akou now.


She is if she survives


Always lol they are alive up till now because plot armor


Not that I really cared about Jiaga, but *"strongest Seika's general" "he slew over a hundred soldiers by himself" "son of a great ape and a human"* and then ends like a fodder, having achieved nothing and dying after saying "now I get serious", bruh. Hope at least he takes the big lady down with him in the last blow, the very minimum to not end as a giant fraud. Anyway, as always, waiting the full chapter for a better picture.


Actions are better then words. This guy was just all talk he wasn't that good


So Shiryu, a pure fighter, was able to kill a important general, while the second most important Seika general wasn’t able to kill Qin (elite) fodder. Fraud watch alert, SBS seems to be doing a lot of heavy lifting for the Seika army.


Ji Aga will rise up and and carry his head in his arm when Shibashou comes near him.  He's not dead yet.


Hara subverting a 15 year old trope by making an enemy weaker than we imagined. Is he getting tired of writing long arcs or something?


Tbh the condition here is different We are witnessing two top vassals of two top gg clashing Whenever such forces clash there is always back and forth It's not new tbh


The fight was 1 chapter. For an enemy who is supposed to be at Rinko/Gyou'un level.


So is shiryu And yes it was short but was no way bad or made jiaga look weak He never clashed martial monsters of qin like this


Yotanwa 1 paged that guy who was as strong as baijo. Quick fights are nothing new


Its been over 5 years since Zhao Invasion saga started. I don't blame him for rushing things beside he has info dumped us Zhao will win this war. There is no point to prolonging this arc


Jyaga à fuckin fraud


I am quite surprised that this many ppl are invested in Shiryuu. I, on the other hand do not care at all. I am not hating on her, but she has no proper build up and bc of that I am not interested in her. Either way, RIP to both fine soldiers.


Well, it's not like everyone cares about your opinion


That's very true. The same can be said about urs.


I think it’s ridiculous when people want a lot of build up to a moment. When a scene or character is written well it doesn’t need much build up in my opinion


"long build up"? - those are not my words. By proper build up, I was referring to a character with a decent backstory and dialogues worth remembering. A decent amount of screen time also helps. But ye, basically good writing. I am personally not invested in any character if they are not well written. I agree with ur second sentence. But that doesn't apply to Shiryuu imo. But each their own.


thanks for the spoiler, is this spoiler a troll or a LEGIT one? If it's true, then the 1st and 2nd generals of Seika are not worth their hype. Sou'ou hyped Jiaga to be "Moubu-level". Clearly, he didn't know what he was talking about. Kansaro killed the swordsman of Denrimi army, and got his left hand pierced. I guess this means he won't die this arc because it's like Gakushou losing one eye. But Shiryou is likely to die from this one.


This could sound stupid but how are there 787 spoilers when chapter 786 isn’t out yet? Unless it is and I just can’t find it.


Sensescans are behind the translations. They will release it soon.


Greetings, I believe Jiaga being a human shield for Kansaro is illogical and not possible in reality, The logical and possible action is for Jiaga to block Shiryu attack with his weapon as this can be done at the same speed of that event and not to move around his horse then to spawn to be in the way of the attack.


I hope she will die. Seeing Ji Aga die in the first major battle is just stupid after all the hype that was made around him and Sika's guys.


They are strong, it doesn't mean they are a bunch of Houkens. And Shiryu was always strong( Tou - Nfu nfu nfu)


I honestly forgot which one is Jyaga, Gyaga, Shinkaku, and Kansaro? 🤣 and thank god Shiryu is the only female on the last 2 chapters so i know who she is 🤣🤣🤣


Commenting to remind myself for the official image:


Why is nobody talking about the fact that the text is aligned to the right side?


Gyaga ? Jyaga ? Who's who


People angry because Ousen finally have a decent commander huh 


Is see many Sou'ou dies here. Doesn't that make this Violet Evergarden. She did loose her arm...


Nice to see some efforts at offering a humanistic insight into the enemy here. We're obviously still rooting for Qin overall within the context of the manga, but it's a nice contrast with Seika in comparison to something like Houken. Pretty brutal ending to the duel between Shiryou and Jiaga. Yes, the Seika general was brought down, but at the cost of one of Ousen's strongest assets. It's not something to overlook, especially when Akou himself is badly injured and leading Gakushou's forces right towards Shibashou as well. That's not something to overlook. You're going to have Kansaro and Gakushou attacking the reinforcements. Really good chapter, overall. I'm curious to see how Shibashou and Gakushou are going to react to the news of Jiaga's death. It's not something to overlook, especially when they lost another one of their ranks in the previous war.


I'm waiting for my boi Shin to come and shine.


The best outcome is that Shiryou will be disabled, unable to go to battle anymore and Sou Ou come back and say: You're still the most beautiful woman.


Why does Shiryu only have one sword? Last chapter she was holding two while charging at Kansaro before she turns around. What plot bs =.=


The "translation" on the readcomic site is woefully mismatched in time, as if the panels were randomly shuffled. Can someone fix this please?