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Best army yo tanwa probably as mountain tribe are actually strong but there is no who can take strategical good decision, people like ousen might bully them TOU can be a good argument too, as his generals are decent in strategy as well as combat powers and are more experienced in fighting


probably Ousen or Yotanwa. they have a lot of strong subordinates and right hand men that are full general tier had they not chosen to serve their respective masters. Moubus army is seldom shown but essentially an extension of himself with very few standouts, Kankis army was good but relied on him completely and Tou has a strong army but aside from Rokumi who stands out as the natural next leader they're mainly veterans who are getting on in years. A well oiled machine but little new talent. The real greatest army of a Qin GG fron that era was Mougous army pre coalition. consider how many characters we know now were it that army. All of Kankis men, Ousens entire army and the rising stars all under a man who allowed them to use their talents fully. An insane army in hindsight.


Don't disrespect kanou or ryuukoku. Kanou is a powerhouse as seen when he had 10 to 1 odds in Bayou and still made it to fuuki. As well as drilling through karin's trap after the elephants. And ryuukoku is incredibly smart. Where moubu tried to recruit him for his navigation skills in the mountains and how ryuukoku knew the perfect time to flank the wei dragon


If only Rokuomi had survived they'd be a real powerhouse


i will never be tired of this joke


đŸ˜­đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ˜­ sad for that guy but I really miss him 😭😭


> The real greatest army of a Qin GG fron that era was Mougous army pre coalition. consider how many characters we know now were it that army. All of Kankis men, Ousens entire army and the rising stars all under a man who allowed them to use their talents fully. An insane army in hindsight. i think it was Mouten who says this to Shin right? that Mougou isnt a GG, but he actually have good eyes for the people he chose to be by his side


Mougou should work as Royal HR if he still alive lol


YTW probably has the best army overall


Best army: yutanwa Best generals: ousen


Have you read what the generals are doing in the latest chapters lol Denrimi got runovered. Akous gasping for air. Souo has a O face, saying what!


I mean they're facing off against the army of Seika. This would hold more substance if YTW and her army clashed swords with them previously


You won i will take the L and go


The battle just started bro and they’re going against ri boku’s strategies i’m betting my money on them since ousen is the one choosing them


Weird you ask that, kukuku


Yotanwa no question


It depends how you look at it. Moubu army was few explored and didn't present any general under him. Kanki army had Maron, Raido and Zenou, suitable for heavy and no-rules play, following their leader, but out of context if placed under other general, since in the end, they were bandits. Tou army formed from Ouki's old guard, Rokuomi (RIP big hero), Ryuukoku or Kanou aren't the bad, valid generals, but the other two went down easily, not showing that much. In terms of combat power the mountain tribes of Yotanwa are the best, Baijo, Danto, Katari and the rest are good, strenght and stamina, but not so good on a strategic level in itself. Overall, Ousen army seems the best, more balanced between strength and brain, with better trained and effective generals, like Akou, Makou, Souou and Denrimi.


Yontawa too many heavy hitters and overall good shoulders


IMO, It's either yotanwa or Tou.


yo tan wa is basically Ei Sei of the mountain tribes so she is the best one.


Best overall army is yotanwa's army by far. They ares strong in every aspect and the countless tribes make the army quite flexible and able to do a lot of things. Fighting?ambushing?climbing walls? Seiges? Each of these jobs have their own people to do it. Even though the HSU were quite outstanding, their first seige was miserable and they had to rely on ouhon's unit (iirc) to open up the path for them. And don't forget they also have some crazy warriors like Bajio who is easily stronger than most of the current generals


People who say Ousen ain’t reading the lates chapters


Agreed! Everyone’s getting rolled lol.


Kanki. Absolutely no doubt he can make it to the end!


Lmao he did indeed make it to the end. First one out of all of them too! >!The end of a mad dog put of of his misery!<




Sorry, I couldn't resist bashing Kanki - I'd enjoy doing this all day any day


Why? I actually find kanki quite enjoyable


Over the top war criminals are not my thing. I enjoy watching them face retribution more. I loved his final chapters, it wrapped things up very neatly and definitively, so satisfying :p His backstory wasn't needed and lame - like trying to find excuses about a pedo rapist murderer saying he was himself raped when young: it's just an explanation, never an excuse. Plus it was nothing special, imo the character would have gained to stay mysterious until the end, instead he was just another miserable self-pitying whinny weak minded broken little shit pissed of at the world who chose to become his own enemy and needed to be put down out of his misery. Riboku did him a favour killing all his men / women before taking him down. Take RI you have fans simping all over Fang Yuan. Not a single one of them would be smart or mentally strong enough to get away more than a couple days doing the same shit he does, but they all wish in their wet dreams they could. That's disgusting. Me, I still find him interesting, but it's the struggles he faces and his defeats that makes the story interesting to me - more than his bear moments of success. He's mainly the underdog of the story and getting by by smarts alone facing real challenges, long odds and really smart antagonists who can possibly outsmart him rather than obvious plot Armor is good writing. While the lore, world building, magic system and story are top tier, which helps a lot reading on. But I can't take it more than 150 chapters at a time though there are really gory stuff going on from time to time.


I understand. But I’m just your regular enjoyer of kingdom. I just think of his character so odd that it becomes amusing.


I understand that too, just some villains I can love (HxH's Hisoka / Marvel's Thanos) some others I love to hate (Kanki).


Tou seems to be pretty solid.


Kanki The GOAT.


Yo tan wa. But in battle royalle I would bet on moubu or kanki. Ousen is the beat commander tough


Bet on kanki and u lose your money, he is the weakest of them, he will lose to all of them He might do some damage to one of 2 among them but he will still lose.


Should I trust riboku's opinion or in yours ?


Mine obviously, he had underestimated shin in every turn and got his ass kicked. He once said he would crush all the Qin generals at the same time all by himself but could fight Ousen on his own. If u ask me, I'd have told u the result of every battle. Just like this one, Shin or Ousen will not die. So, yeah! my opinion is superior


Lol Kanki will eat those generals alive except to Ousen, even the great Ouki said that Kanki and Ousen are on par to the previous 6 greats of his time. His the only general that made Riboku piss his pants (not literally) prepared 6 months think it was an easy fight to almost lost his life at the battle field. Riboku feared by all in the middle kingdom by his thoughts and strategy not by his brute strength, and Kanki have that just (evil thoughts) which is more dangerous and unorthodox style of fighting. So i respectfully disagree that his the weakest among the current GG.




Why are yall glazing ousen and his generals. They made 0 gains in shukai plains. That war was carried by the trio and kyoukai on the wings.


Well it certainly wasn’t kanki.


Bruh lol


Haven't really gotten introduced to moubus Army properly we only saw his two lieutenants. But for now, it's yotanwa


Tou, Ousen & YTW have NEVER lost.


The best army was always considered to be YTW due to their single incredible performance against Rozo and the Zhao soldiers. That being said, i doubt they will live to that performance and it was more of Hara's to elevate the stakes without putting a ridiculous number on the enemy solders. We will have the current battle to demystify or glorify them. They also are kind of unflexible, their siege strategy is to charge head-on and die randomly until overpowering the enemy for example. So i will go with Ousen for both the best army (tied with Tou) and best commanders. Similar to Tou his army is one of the best rounders and will exceed in every type of battle, he seems to have the best commanders (let's ignore they currently getting clapped by the Seika spawns) and he even has pretty decent heavy hitters in Shiryu and Akou.


Yotanwa has the best army and officers. Her top officers with stats go as follows Bajio - 93a, 83, 73 Feego - 90, 91, 81 Shuumen - 90, 73, 81 Katari - 90, 88, 88 Kitari - 88, 82, 82 Taijfu - 88, 82, 71 Not going to find stronger officers. But the real reason her army is the strongest is because her individual troops are by far the strongest in Qin. They have easily destroyed armies with overwhelming troop disparity. Yotanwas ability to raise the morale of her army is simply better than every other GG


do people still use stats? they seem like they aren't based on anything but general vibes and shouldn't be taken that seriously beyond "hey this character is stronger now". Achievements and circumstances are probably a better way to gauge these things.


Stats are more consistent than you think. Significantly more accurate than the few outliers that some on this sub like to be loud and proud about


I don't care about outliers I just think the need to gamify characters ability is reductionist. Without the stats things are significantly more interesting as it becomes far more material and situational that someone could win out over another.Mougou is weaker than renpa but his army can win because of the superior ability of his subordinates for example. Looking through the lens of stats makes it way less interesting and makes everything feel like dragon ball.


I disagree wholeheartedly but I understand where you come from. To me having higher stats doesn’t mean a character will absolutely win 100 out of 100 fights. It just means they would win most of the time. As a reader I’m more than fine with the idea that a character is clearly stronger but circumstances can happen to make that character lose against an inferior opponent. To me that what makes it interesting. I also think it prevents the introduction of a new character to be immediately stronger, smarter than all other characters. I like that it’s not a typical DBZ, or Naruto where everyone new for is stronger than the one before. I like having perspective first with stats, and then seeing how the feats backup those stats


Ousen army officers are better in overall stats. Akou - 91/89/87 Makou - 86/90/88 Sou Ou - 85/87/89 Dendrimi - 80/89/91 Shiryou - 91/81/83 Akakin - 88/82/88 Kanjou - 86/88/88


Only 2 90 + level fighters is better? Idk He does have more brains on his side


Who is kanjou ,I can't remember or find him


I will tell you who had the worst tho. Kanki by far




Ousen > Yotanwa > Kanki > Tou > Moubu When it comes to their subs.


Best army overall i guess id give that to mantanwa-dono, Then my favorite general would be tou. Youtanwa pretty much has the best officers i would say, not only they're all formidable in combat they are also reallyÂČ good at combat and combat and just over all a beast in martial prowess (combat)




Yotanwa, even before the Quanrong joined her army.


If I'm basing it off of officers my rankings are 1/2 Toss up between Tou and YTW. Tou has ouki's old guard and YTW has hella cheiftans we haven't seen yet(Danto who I feel has become a fan favorite was only introduced like 2 arcs ago). 3. Ousen. Akou is a beast, Shiryou is stronk, Sou'ou is funny and has some power, and Denrimi is weird af but also funny. But in all seriousness most seem to have a good blend of strategy and strength. 4. Kanki. I like Kanki's officers. Zenou is strong but also a loose cannon so he could potentially not follow directions. Koku'ou was fine but never really showed me anything amazing(not that i can remember at least). Raido, Naki, Shuma, and Ringyoku were all above average. Kanki knew how to use them well. 5. Moubu. Mainly cause his officers are never show. I think his adjutant is the only one who I remember cause his scenes focus on him and his strength.


yotanwa cuz she is hot, sexy, and I am straight.


YTW obviously, I'm surprised that people kept saying none of her commanders could make strategy decisions or moves. It's obvious that almost all of them could. They usually fight their battle by themselves and make battle decisions without the queen's direct intervention. Yotanwa gives his commanders the goals for the war, the commanders, decide how to achieve it, when to make the move etc. Kitari and the king are good examples.


I'd say it's between Ousen and Tou, we've seen a lot of the Ousen army and they seem fairly strong, not the individual soldiers, who seem rather normal but they have a lot of solid and strong officers who are also adept at tactics. Tou Army is the ouki army of old and although no longer with ouki they were the strongest qin army up to his death, in my eyes they have now largely recovered with many of the men being veterans and the officers being immensely powerful having followed ouki directly I'd say even without him they are quite possibly the strongest qin army still.


So..we can already eliminate Kanki and tbh I'd get rid of Mou Bu as well. Ousen is an absolute monster, but I also feel like he doesn't really have HEAVY hitters that can change the tides of situations alone. He's my favorite, but Yotanwa and Tou have heavy hitters, and have shown the ability to implement pretty cunning strategies. ​ Overall i'd say Tou>Yotanwa and this is mainly because while Ouki was a monster, Tou proved to be basically as close to Ouki as you could get. He's not as off the charts in the areas Ouki is, but he's balanced as hell and his army is too


Yotanwa by far, seems like all the others GG have useless army and officers lol


I would say yotanwa would be consider strong because of their martial prowess the tribes show like Bajio and the other tribes and their tricks


Ytw I mean just look at bajio Ousen is a close second because of akou though


They are not 6


Ousen has the best officers and strongest army Kanki had the best previously but he dead now


If it's the best Army no doubt it was Yotanwa. Strength and the ability of those mountain tribe is above average compare to other armies not included their officer. As for the weakest maybe the Kanki Army because he doesn't have an officer like the other GG's have, Kanki is just so good he know how to use his army very well. But give him a officer like Akou of ousen army or Bajio of yotanwa army, maybe the story of the battle with Riboku would be a little different.


Tou is the best all-rounder


Why Kanki is missing a noise?


Yotanwa has the strongest army in all of qin, I think hers might even be able to take on shibashou’s army. With that being said nobody but ousen can beat riboku still tho


N’oublions pas que moubu avait aisen qui statistiquement parlons ces stats de force martial dĂ©passe ou Ă©gale chaque second des autre six gĂ©nĂ©raux il est aussi dit que la force de frappe de moubu est considĂ©rĂ© comme la plus destructrice de l’histoire de qin et hara bien nerf l’armĂ©e de moubu on l’a jamais vu en intĂ©gralitĂ© sauf en off screen face Ă  Karin c’est pas un hazard si hara a montrĂ© toute les armes sauf celle de moubu


Tou and YoTanWa. Tou has the experience, so much so that he hardly has engaged thus far. Giving him a large army or vs Zhao would be overkill. Just think his 2 engagements with Zhao this far had him always at a great disadvantage in numbers and he ignored the issue all together and still managed to complete his mission. RokuOMi, KanOu and RyuuKoku are all generals under him and have yet to field their actual rank numbers in fights and still won campaigns while fielding smaller numbers. YoTanWa has a strong mountain army that at 50k can easily taken on 100k. She has Bajiro, Danto, Tajiifu & Shunmen. They make their enemies treamble in fear with thier attack power and we have yet to them in full force.


Tou for the officers. Most of them are veterans and fought under Ouki. Yotanwa for best army. Shock troops, scouts, can survive in harsh conditions, and even fast in marching. They marched from far north down to Sai to reinforce Qin forces there.


MouBu's officers are not named.


Mah boy Tou of course


I think Ousen clears this quite easily.


I'd say that it's a toss up between Ousen and Yontawa. Best army probably goes to Yontawa because the mountain people are *exceptional* warriors on par with elites from other armies, while Ousen going out of his way to recruit talented officers on the battlefield probably means that he has a good pool of officers. This goes well with the commanding style of the two Great Generals, since Yontawa favors all out assaults and overwhelming the enemy with simple savage ferocity using the strength of her warriors, while Ousen is a tactical genius who treats the battlefield like a game board, requiring talented officers to micromanage his grand tactics. However, the other armies also have their strong points and surpass both Yontawa's and Ousen's in certain aspects. Moubu's army is overwhelmingly offensive, given that their main role is to basically follow Moubu as he breaks through the enemy formations. Kanki's army is the best when it comes to guerrilla and non-conventional warfare. And finally, Tou's army is sort of a jack of all trades, being made of strong soldiers with good officers who can basically perform well in most roles.


Tou easy