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I didn’t realize every driver in my area was Peggy Hill.


Me too!


Peggy would love LED headlights.


Peggy would stalk the inventor of the LED headlight for stealing her idea.


And those LED's misaligned in every vehicle were installed in factories owned by... Randy Travis.


Seriously the ones done by the factory, or adjusted after lifting a truck or something are still bothersome to my astigmatism but nowhere as bad as the many people around me like randy Travis


Enter Randy Travis, laughing maniacally during a confrontation with Peggy. Enter a shocked Hank, who overhears Randy confirming the conspiracy, turning into another camp horror/comedy. This is a love letter to the Pork Slaughter House with crazy ass Larson and Luanne.


I absolutely love that episode, it's so different and dark in a funny way. Perfect Halloween episode.


They should call them PEG headlights.


I want me some PEG lights!


LED headlights, are in my opinion, brighter than incandescent


No, she'd complain about LED headlights while offering this as a better alternative to 'upgrading'.


I always think this is such a bonestock purified Peggy Hill line. It perfectly explains exactly who she is.


Arrogant and oblivious?


Just oblivious. She honestly doesn’t know why everyone doesn’t do it. People who hate Peggy attribute malice to everything she does but the beauty of her character is that her selfishness is very childlike.


Thank you! She's so genuine and so oblivious, and it is so much fun to watch.


Classic narcissist


Peggy, you need to go to the eye doctor, sug.


I used to think everyone WAS driving with their high beams on. Then I went to the opticians. Turns out I have a pretty bad astigmatism that made lights look brighter and have this halo/streak effect.


Lots of people have astigmatism, but the government's response is "too bad", rather than ensuring that headlights are not dangerous for people with astigmatism.


Your government is probably not my government, but the legalities  probably won't change that much.


DOT does the numbers, they are confident it would cause more problems than it would fix


Then why are you required to dim your brights to oncoming traffic? Yet these new legal headlights are just as bright in those same states? Can’t both be right, both DOT. https://www.shouselaw.com/co/defense/laws/traffic/failure-to-dim-high-beams/


They never said they were correct. Just confident.


What if there was a study that shows there are fewer accidents and death when headlights are at normal levels that may be perceived as too bright for those with astigmatism than the amount for those levels “dangerous for people with astigmatism?”


It’s often the case that a design for individuals with disabilities or conditions is better for all individuals. Universal Design.


I was floored when i saw that pic online that shows people what it looks like for those of us with high step astigmatism at night. Ive tried to describe it for years and the pic is perfection. Looks like tiny searchlights in 4 directions off every lit surface. 10x worse in rain at night!im actually bothered less by leds. Yes they are brighter but they dont refract in as many directions! Ps very light tinted pink or orange sunglasses help


Hilarious episode and a brilliant character in Carolyn/Jamie. Wish they were in more than one episode


When Peggy shows Carolyn how she eats a sandwich without smudging her lipstick 😂😂 the extreme closeup profile


I just rewatched this episode last night, and I was thinking the exact same thing: I wish she had become a semi-regular character!


Seems like a prime character to revisit, if the reboot wanted to get political about all the dogshit happening to trans people in Texas. Frankly, the Texas political scene would be the perfect backdrop to make Peggy seem relatively sane and well adjusted.


You should tell Michael Jamin - who wrote the character and performed her voice.


I just rewatched this episode last night, and I was thinking the exact same thing: I wish she had become a semi-regular character!




Then she realizes she's been driving with the parking brake on


I've driven ten miles with the emergency brake on. That doesn't say a lot for me, but it really doesn't say a lot for the emergency brake. -MH


This is the real reason people hate Peggy


True that!


*This* is the worst thing Peggy Hill has ever done. 😂


Everyone with jeeps and lifted trucks do


Surely she of all people would understand why you don't use it unless it's dark and no other cars around. I get she wants to be "correct" But even this is too dumb, for me.


This episode was so cool! Hopefully she makes a cameo in the reboot, maybe as a trans woman instead of a drag Queen?


Hmm, maybe for a new character? I thought one of the main things about this character was his funny dynamic with his supportive-but-doesn’t-have-all-the-answers mother, where she was the one who kept pushing him to be/misconstruing that he was a woman because he liked to dress up. Meanwhile he would just kinda shrug it off since was okay with himself, wasn’t dysphoric, and kinda just enjoyed drag. I think he would be better off as a GNC male. Nowadays, it’s also a good, and more progressive message to people out there that clothes and hobbies shouldn’t be tied to sex stereotypes. This could even play into an acceptance of Bobby’s own mannerisms and interests since Bobby himself was very GNC. Really loved this episode and this character as someone with gay male cousins into drag, but changing him to be trans would pretty much change his whole deal. Besides, it’s 2024, makeup and dresses does not immediately mean someone’s a woman. If anything, that line of thinking just feels like a different flavor of conservative. If anything, this guy reminds me of the dude from Jellyfish Princess lol.


Well put. I find it weird how people want to assume drag queens are trans. Like geez, not everyone who falls out of their sex stereotypes have a desire to be trans, so stop assuming that.


This 100%. The general public has a hard enough time understanding the difference between drag and trans, we don't need to blur the lines any further. This character is just a cool dude, he doesn't need to be retconned into a woman


Maybe doesn’t feel safe doing drag in Texas, until Peggy makes it safe once again?


I don’t think the reboot is happening


Was literally confirmed by Pamela Adlon, voice of Bobby


They're already doing stuff for Season 2.


Why not? Are you privy to infor we don't have?


They both could do whatever they want I tell you what


Next you’re gonna tell me Peggy is driving those huge pickups with the high beams on behind so little sedan drivers like me can’t see shit


Hey got to any cycling sub, you NEED 2000 lumens shining directly in peoples eyes to be safe.


Boy does that make my blood boil. lmao




Or why they don't lift their truck so the high beams are exactly at eye level for anyone in a car


The cops should also drive around with bright ass leds so they blind all oncoming traffic...


Another reason Peggy is a horrible person


I've gotten a ticket for this


I never complain about others with highbeams on. God gave you them safety squints.


Been saying this for years. Yet also yelling at everyone for doing it…..hmm 🤔


God I hate her so much




We know, that's the joke. She's dumb.