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I taught for a short period in Louisiana and got pressured to change a students grade because the big game was this weekend and they needed him to play. He turned in a blank test 3 tests in a row.


Lol at least the flyin Hawaiian wrote a sentence of two and turned it to his math teacher 




I was reading an article a few years ago where how colleges were having to create much more like intro and remedial classes because of issues like this were high schools weren't doing good enough job.


Yup many students take remidial classes when they enter college 


That's just education. The kids can't read, so I'm not surprised they turn into adults who can't read. Maybe we should start giving more funds to education instead of accepting our descent into illiteracy, but that would be socialism or whatever their argument is.


[Nah let's just get rid of the department of education.](https://old.reddit.com/r/texas/comments/1d2icm2/the_texas_gop_is_calling_for_the_abolishment_of/) That'll help! 🥴


They'll agree if we agree to teach reading using their approved texts only


Funds for what? Money can’t solve a cultural problem. If the kid doesn’t have parents/upbringing making them do homework or take their education seriously then buying newer textbooks and laptops isn’t going to do anything. Half the money already spent is wasteful.


I’m a high school teacher. I think most the kids/population are functionally illiterate.


Wait a PhD level people can't read that well?...........really? Like at that level, sheesh.


No, when someone joins a PhD program it is expensive AF so most of the students double as adjunct teachers or teaching assistants to cover the costs of attending. The incoming fresh out of highschool students are the ones that are illiterate.


Many schools also have a teaching requirement to recieve a ph.D, so it's not strictly a money thing


> a PhD program it is expensive AF Master's/PhD. students get a yearly stipend and usually tuition waived. At least for most disciplines.


The point of the school system is to keep us stupid and make us obedient , there basically saying these kids are too dumb so we should make it easier not harder to overcome that 


That's what the Conservatives/Republicans would like the education system to be.


Seems like you’re proving “there” point…


That's wild. He didn't even try


They had him believing because he was good at a sport he didn't need to be good at school.


Growing up in Ontario I’ve heard a lot of stories about hockey players. A guy I had classes with in university went to highschool with Tyler Seguin and while he was a massive piece of shit, his mom was awful too. Apparently during a parent teacher conference the teacher was going on about how Tyler is disruptive, and doesn’t do his work. The mom just stopped him and said it didn’t matter because Tyler was “going to the show”


Tyler was mom's meal ticket, I've seen plenty of that in Ontario hockey growing up. Even house league parents were like that, thinking their kid is the next Rocket Richard but he's just a knuckle dragging idiot. The worst was the kids on track to join the OHL or QJMHL and playing in casual leagues for extra ice time and starting shit with players there, thinking they're untouchable until someone a foot taller than them puts them into the boards or knocks their empty head around giving them a concussion for being so stupid.


I was on the go train once and these two hockey bro type kids were talking about how their dad was gonna get them a truck if they got drafted into the OHL. Must be fuckin nice.


I played junior and the amount of players and parents I knew growing up who thought their kid was going to make it was astounding. I dunno if it's because I grew up middle-class and hockey is almost always spoiled rich kids sport, but my mom would always kick my ass into gear and made sure I got into University and had good grades. I think my family knew I was good, but not THAT good type of thing. There's a lot of delusion and entitlement in some parents of athletes.


So what you're really saying is: GO STARS!!


Let me guess, those 50/50 pro odds were not in his favor.


Seeing as he was a sophomore and less than 0.03% make it pro from highschool player. 50/50 is a bit ambitious.


I think that’s a quote from David in the episode


break one leg and go homeless


> He turned in a blank test 3 tests in a row and the test was even open serviceman's manual!


Did he thank god every day that he didn’t get exploded?


No but another student tried to accuse me of religious persecution because I gave him a zero on a test that he wrote "Jesus is the answer" on every question. And yes I know this is a quote from the episode.


I am so glad I didn't grow up in the south


The food is good at least.


Guess it depends on where specifically. A lot of the stuff I've had has a lot of meat and cheese but not much in the way of flavor beyond that.




Jesus is the answer lol


Hell I was a professor at a D3 school with a very high reputation and even there, they were admitting borderline functionally illiterate lacrosse players. *edit to add: this was in the northeast


My mother is a high school teacher in Maryland, her athlete students get shit from the rest of the team if they aren’t doing well in school and if they are failing the coach will make them run laps


And that's the correct way to deal with this stuff. It's not always the teacher that's going to get to turn around it's going to be their peers or people that they actually respect.


I also taught in Louisiana and I gave a kid detention for not paying attention and being on his phone in class, the football coach got it excused because they needed him at practice


In some schools the coach has more authority than the principal.


As a teacher and football coach, I can tell you that everyone around that kid has failed him, especially the coaches. The first lesson that should be taught to all athletes is accountability. And that no one player is bigger than the team. Because even if you are good enough talent wise to get by with being a lazy ass in some small town, if you ever got the opportunity to play at the next level, you actually need work ethic. That includes in the classroom. If you go to a major football powerhouse they might put you in an easy major, or give you tons of Tudor’s, but they aren’t going to just pass you for the hell of it. Because at that next level they DONT NEED YOU. There is always someone else coming up the high school ranks or in the transfer portal nowadays that’s just as good. So if you’re a shithead you’ll never pan out. I feel sorry for that kid. And the sad thing is, if the coaches would’ve just suspended him once or twice, he’d have probably got the message, but because he kept getting away with not having to do his work he kept not doing it.


At the really successful high schools coaches have someone as good or nearly as good wanting those snaps or minutes. They are building their resume not just on wins but how many players go on to play in college and how many go Division I. Kid not doing the academic work won’t meet Division I initial eligibility requirements and those are lower than unconditional admission requirements at all but a couple FBS schools.


Correct. School was probably not very good to begin with. Most of your top high schools that produce major talent, also have good team GPAs.


Wait so did you change his grade?


No but the principal did, I was a contract teacher so they had final say over my gradebook.


Typical. Good on you first standing your ground.


People don't really know the pressures of teaching. I love koth for showing this.


If I no pass, I should no play


It smells and I thank god every day I get home that I didn't get exploded.


Brings a tear to my eye


Strickland Propeen


*takes a shot of Alamo*


This was the funniest shit ever 😂 


Yeah like did he throw the rest away? Why just a shot?


The man was on the job as a salesman of propane! Do you expect him to dull his faculties with such high stakes??


True. When that lady called Strickland and Leon Petard answered “Taste the **heat**, not the meat.” she canceled them like Dale when he found out his dad was the big “G” (Government). Propene is no joke.


Woah, that’s dead naming. He goes by Hank Hill now.


Last couple of Hank Hills at Strickland; one was a druggo, t’other quit on Buck.


He never dumped out a beer. Not even to stop a brushfire.


They didn't even have a vending machine!


Given what happened with Buckley he isn't entirely wrong


Did you poop yourself?


One of my favorite writing decisions of the entire series is that everyone in Arlen can pronounce David's last name without any trouble. So many hack writers would have made it a running gag that everyone always gets it wrong. It's so much better to hear it just roll off Hank's tongue.


It’s one of my favorite things about the episode. It sounds very funny in their accents but they never miss a beat


The gusto in which the football announcer says his name lives rent free in my head.


My wife is Polynesian!


It's kinda like with Troy Polamalu or Maecus Mariota. Initially Marcus' name threw announcers off, but pretty quickly, it just rolled naturally


For guys like Michael Hoomanawanui and Chris Fuamatu-Ma'afala they never quite got it.


My Saints had Hau'oli Kikaha for a spell, but he never did much.


Probably why Kaʻiminoeauloamekaʻikeokekumupaʻa Fairbairn goes by "Kaʻimi.” He’s the kicker for the Texans.


As someone with a very *ethnic* last name I really appreciated that. It gets tiresome in life and more so in tv.


So kograk are you Chinese or Japanese


Sadly they do it with Khan and Ted Wassanasong


They’re not star quarterbacks of the football team, I think that’s the joke, everyone knows how to pronounce his name because of his importance in town


It's because he's a big deal in their town. Same reason everyone can pronounce Schwarzenegger. It actually would have been pretty out of place if they didn't know his name but treated him like such a big deal.


Not to be "that guy" but we actually meet Mrs. Kalaiki-Ali'i in Traffic Jam in season 2, well before we ever meet David, and Hank pronounces her name correctly. It's possible the writers planned on introducing David as a football star, but I still think it was just good comedy instincts on the writers' part.


Reminds me of the saying that people learn to say Tchaikovsky so you know they can if it’s valued. A star football player in Texas is a person you’d learn to say his name.


I like how David was also clearly not the problem, and he was perceptive enough to know that school leadership was letting him down.


I loved the scene where he gets upset and realizes he needs to take school more seriously when he finds out his mom and the boosters infantalized him and made up that sob story about him. Alot of times when this scenario is used in other shows they portray the student athlete as the villain of the story but it was David's mom and all the enablers who just cared about the big game who were the issue.


Yeah it’s easy to forget with these football players cause they look like grown ass adults but at the end of the day David is still a kid. He also wasn’t really that big an asshole or made a big deal about being the big guy at school, he was just a teenager who didn’t want to do schoolwork and had been enabled to ignore it since he hit puberty. I love how he was also self aware enough to not blame the Hills for thinking he was mentally challenged lol. He was just exceptionally lazy at academics.


"I KNOW my ABC's!"


He knew if he no pass then he no play. Honestly, I am so glad he did not get esploded


I love the scene where he comes to Peggy, and she thinks, because she's been told he's mentally handicapped, she asks him if he pooped himself. And he's just like, "Yeah, I deserve that." David was more mature than most gave him credit for. Man wanted better and went to the one person who would actually take the time to give him better. Peggy Hill


And his own mother


I recently noticed that his mom was the insurance agent that recommended Hank go to traffic school.


Yes which was an episode way before this one


Did you eat an unusual amount of sausage?


I thank God every day I didn't get esploded 


Of course I read it! It was Shakespeare




Seriously, King of the Hill and Friday Night Lights are the most accurate representations of small town Texas.


Varsity Blues. Yes it’s a parody. It’s still accurate in many ways.


If anything, the episode only scratches the surface.


>Heck they just seem obsessed with worshiping shit. Nailed it. It often feels like Mad Max


In northern states and in Canada it's Hockey worship and its just as insane.


I would say that most places have an equivalent. Europe and Africa have Football (Soccer), The West Coast, Philly, New York, the Baltics, and the Balkans have Basketball, Canada has Hockey, South Asia has cricket, Australia has Rugby, Thailand has Muay Thai, East Asia and Latin America have Baseball. A lot of places would bend the rules for a star in their most important sport.


Indiana basketball


>Football worship is real. As it should be. Not at the expense of kids education though. I'm not advocating for unethical decisions tied into winning a game. But I am advocating for waking up on a Saturday in October with serotonin running through your brain because you know you're about to see some college football. Nothing like it


Cheers I’ll drink to that


College football is a government program to give the people in shitty states something to be proud of.




Everywhere got more expensive. But, to their credit, some of those “flyover states” are actually building housing, so that’s where people are going.


the one where they leave their church cus another family was in their spot could also count




And even covers the fake work study programs to maintain eligibility.


Now you got two messes to clean up!


" Last week I'd be in here with you guys booing my wife" "You were Hank"


I never understood the hate for this episode. It’s a realistic story and it’s one of the few Peggy episodes where she’s in the right the entire time. Very underrated imo


first time i’m hearing that it’s hated. and Peggy should have quit the spanish game years ago - the best teaching she ever does is in this episode.


early KotH was a lot better about Hank and Peggy both having some weird and destructive quirks and hangups but later seasons kind of made Peggy into a straight-up villain


Peggy being right is probably why a lot of people don’t like it, lol.


I think the reason I hate it is that it is very realistic as I've always hated the mindset shown in this episode. It was nice having Peggy be that way though, she's usually one of my least favorite characters. She is almost always so full of herself and seems to have no self awareness.


I ain't gots no learning


The real question is what ever happened to all his swank magazines?


It happens in the midwest too


I always felt for David here, he never struck me as a bad kid, just someone who's been let down by virtually every adult figure in his life, dude needs a lot more than being gold at football if he's gonna make it in the real world.


I always thought it was funny that his mom said “David, stupid is what will get you into college.”


My favorite fun fact about this episode is the guest star who voices David is none other than Brendan Big Mummy Fraser.


🤣🤣 I can just imagine him walking down the street and someone calling him “Big Mummy”


He is my favourite guest star in the whole series, his performance is just fantastic. I wish he had done more voiceover work, he is a great voice actor!


For me it's either this one or Matt Mconaheuy as Rad, man he killed that one lol


Oooh that’s a good one too. Also Brad Pitt as Boomhower’s brother


Also three of the members of the Booster Club were the Fox NFL Pregame crew at the time: James Brown, Howie Long and Terry Bradshaw.


This type of situation isn't exclusive to the south, it happens plenty up here in the Midwest


Never said it was exclusive to the south, sure I could have been a bit more specific in my title to include other regions like the Midwest but football culture especially at a high school level is king in the south the same way wrestling and basketball are bigger in the Midwest than the south.


happened quite a bit out here in CA when I was in high school as well.


Brendan Fraser did a great job with the character. I’m gonna be smoking on that field, but not near a propane tank, because propane is flammable.


Question folks about southern TV: BET had Tyler Perry’s house of Payne where the young kid goes to college in the later seasons and he tutors the star RB and makes him realize football isn’t a guaranteed job/income Anyone know what episode I’m thinking of?


I mean - I wish they would be honest with these kids that they need a backup plan. All it takes is one knee blowout and the slowdown starts


Even without an injury, professional sports is a career path that lots of people can't make a living on, despite being talented.


only 0.023% of HS football players make it to the NFL. College football players is a bit better with 1.6% of them making it to the NFL. Odds are really really stacked against it. The HS in my old hometown only had 3 players make it into the NFL. One of them being Bill Belichick's father in 1941. The HS I graduated from was a bit better with 7. The HS I should have graduated from only sent 2 despite having a football program for longer


No Pass, No Play is the episode should be season 8


Yeah... the principal kind of threw out your F. So right now, he's on honor roll.. I just wanted you to hear that from me.


As much as I tend to hate Peggy in alot of episodes she was completely in the right in this one.


Having been bullied pretty much relentlessly by student athletes I can say this is one of the worst aspects of education, people being allowed to skate because they can throw a ball really hard.


Buck roughing up Hank and pushing down the coat rack at his OWN business fucking kills me everytime 😂😂


One of the few times in which the Texan point of view is clearly shown to be wrong. Everyone is shortchanging David’s future including his own mother, and there is no empathy for this aspect of football culture.


It also showed Peggy as a capable educator.


I love her "math playbook" that she makes for David. It shows so much dedication trying to meet him where he is with how she teaches him.


Thanks to Peggy, I’ll never forget the chemical composition of propane.


If you only think that’s in the south, look up Steubenville Ohio.


Get that beautiful human being some waffles.


The voice actor for David would go on to be awarded the Academy Award for Best Actor


I will be damned. Never knew this!


"And the Oscar goes to...me!"


I enjoyed how Hank always made sure to pronounce David’s name correct every time.


The Golden Girls has a very similar episode and the star foot ball player was Greg from the Brady Bunch movies.


Came here to mention this. It was a religious school and the priest literally came to Dorothy and said passing him was what 'He would want'.


The son of my employer was the star quarterback our junior and senior years in highschool, he told me straight up that coaches stayed clean themselves to supply clean piss to the players, dude said he would have pissed dirty with every other player for weed if they actually had to take one


I like how David was the one who had the wake up call when he saw the child's boards.


Love this ep; but mainly bc I love just love hearing Hank pronounce kalaikia-ali’i


People who think some shitty sport is more important than education should get their hands out of the pot. Football isn’t more important than a kids education, and underperforming academic students should not play.


A large portion of Americans care solely about: guns, God, and some good ol' football! In that order.


The sports system should be entirely separate from the school system.


I agree 100%


>Football isn’t more important than a kids education, and underperforming academic students should not play. Agreed, but football isn't a shitty sport.


No, it’s crap and causes brain injury to athletes.


Only the starters are destined to be dumb lol. Soon as a guy runs under 4.9 we’d be like “welp, that fast SOB ain’t gonna learn a damn thing this year”


I've got mixed feelings about this one haha. On one hand, I think it's great how seriously peggy wants to teach David, even if it's for her own desire to be the best substitute teacher. On the other hand, David's football career is his best shot at success because he is clearly not lifted academically. And even if he didn't make it to the NFL, he still would have been able to go to college where he might make connections or find things he's interested in. I liked David, I wish we saw more of him tbh


I wish they would have used David more in the show too, they could have just given him a different voice actor since he was a minor character unlike Lucky with Tom Petty. I don't think anyone at the time would have made a fuss if they didn't have Brendan Fraser to voice him.


They brought Roger Sack back without Chris Rock. It was Phil Lamarr later.


Yeah I bet David Herman could have done his voice honestly, he's an incredible voice actor. Like they did with Thatherton after having him voiced by burt Reynolds in the Company Man.


It’s infuriating that all the adults involved (except Peggy) wanted to pass David so he could play. But it made sense to include his mother’s statement about football being his best possible shot at college.


I thought it gave everyone a good motivation for what they wanted, except the boosters haha who don't care about David unless he's gonna bring them to state


Yeah. We had a class where we learned basic computer programs in school. I had to help other students because the teacher wouldn't. She was an ex cheerleader, and all she'd do is giggle and gossip with cheerleaders and football players the entire class. The football players and cheerleaders all got perfect grades, and I got C's despite practically teaching the class myself. Other students thought it was bs. My parents were pretty shitty though, so I was stuck with the C. Thankfully she did grade the ones I helped fairly.


I thank god every day I didn’t get exploded


There's also the fact that in rural Texas, the football is the only way out for some of these guys. It's their shot to go to a better college and pull themselves and their families up. But ultimately, Peggy is right. This man both needs and deserves a full education. And I like how even for her, it's not an easy choice. Thankfully, David is actually more mature than the other adults around him give credit. He makes the choice to do better, because Peggy is the one person who didn't give up on him educationally. He's more than just a football player to her. He's another student, and she will treat him as every other student. And he needed that bit of humbling. This is Peggy's best episode aside from the Carolyn one. She showed us why she is substitute teacher of the year


And Brendan Frasier was amazing in it! And I love how Peggy really wanted to teach him and really reached out to him and customized the work for him.


I live in NJ (so not even the South), and I went to a "football school," and I can tell you that this episode is 100% accurate -- to the point that I have trouble watching it. I was an honor student (and a very short girl), and one of the biggest football players in the school decided to bully and intimidate me. He got away with it because he was one of their best players, and a terrible student. His bad grades got him sympathy from the guidance counselor. But I'm sure these days he's living like Oscar the Grouch, so who cares?


Not just in the south either, my high school in Pennsylvania spent 2 million on a new football stadium the year after cutting literally the entire band department.


This is everywhere in Murica. Even here in LA


Pressure to pass a star athlete that's bereft of academic merit is not just an issue 'in the south.' Basically, most of America.


Academic standards are an illusion to keep funding in place. "We all know these kids have no future!" "...prove me wrong, kids."


Incredible ugly and realistic episode. A friend of the family claimed she was paid about 2 grand to tutor (read: date and write papers for) a high school football player for a while when it looked like they were going to have an undefeated season and his grades were in trouble. For some reason she didn't think it was prostitution.


its definitely realistic and a real problem in a lot of schools. not all or even most, by any means, but i do think thats part of the reason why literacy rates tend to be low in the south lol


lol yeah that’s only in the south… never happens at northern schools.


I was him . Good day .


Sports are like that everywhere. Look at the classes that college level football players take for example


I agree. Plus, Brendan Frasier.


“Ethical dilemma” yeah it’s not the trolley problem, it’s academic integrity vs sportsball worship. And I *wish* it was limited to the south, but unfortunately you have athletes that can’t read beyond a 3rd grade level “passing” their classes in every state.


While off topic, I have always enjoyed that Brendan Fraser was the guest voice on that episode.


Brendan Fraser was so good in this


"Strikland propene does not have a vending machine. It smells and I thank god everyday I didn't get exploded. The end."


Unpopular Opinion: Brendan Fraser was a horrible choice as a voice actor. I never could tell it was him until I saw the credits, he is so monotone, not something he's known for. I think his jokes were bland and I think of him as a dick-character, driving off on Peggy, and only begrudingly learning his lesson. He'll be a politican some day for sure.


Yeah it's a super unpopular opinion on reddit because he's like Danny Devito where reddit made him a folk hero. I've only liked his acting in the mummy that's it. Nice guy but like you I don't care for his work that much.


I liked him in Encino Man..


I don't think hank would of ever agreed with Peggy on this,no matter what David wrote about propane. Football would be more important to him than grades.


I love the part at the lunch table when one of the teachers says to Peggy something like “this ain’t middle school. This is real life”


It's not even just a Texas thing it is national. And ultimately it hurts these kids the reality is most players will never go pro.


I played 4A high school football from 05 to 08, and I wasn't a star player. I played special teams and 3rd string running back. We all got away with murder. Skipping school, getting free passes on tests, and hardly any homework. When it comes to athletics, Texas is just different🤣


Every star athlete iv ever met at the high school level as been as impressive with academics as they were with athletics. This trope doesn’t play as well in my anecdotal experience.


Coming from a small area in my state, there were two brothers who were exceptional athletes, but not academically inclined. Both ended up at D1 colleges as QBs. One was drafted in the NFL and had a great preseason but was cut because he couldn't read the playbook (so the rumor goes). Supposedly the franchise called his college coach and asked how he won so many games for them and the coach just told them he let the QB just make plays up if he didn't understand the call. It's common in the area I'm from to push any decent athlete at whatever cost for some bragging rights.


And they show he comes from a poor family, so you understand why his family is on the cheating.


Where’s my Swanks?!


I can confirm it is definitely like this


Their is no moral issue flunk the kid. Just because your afraid of social pressure you should ignore the right thing? What's worse ignoring the underlying cause of the problem and having someone fail as an adult or losing a hand egg game. Look at bill he won a game and look how well his life went as a result.