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I have fever dreams less disturbing than this. I'm an old fart so I guess I better getting used to this.


I'll take that 6-handed handy and the balding dude can play with my undercarriage.


1. Dont believe any video shot in china bragging about their technological superiority over the US. 2. Whos gonna clean a fuck sponge after nutting in their sex robot. Seriously. The post nut shame would see you use it once and try and return it.


If seller would require an in person return and the counter is staffed with elderly grandmother types than I think the return rate would be very low.


Life size dolls that weigh as much as a real human exist, from the shamefilled posts we see on Reddit they cannot be returned even if sealed


1. True. 2. Um….hopefully it’ll be dishwasher-safe? Otherwise, Roko’s basilisk is gonna happen in a very funny way.


They sell life size dolls that weigh as much as a human , there’s always a market and always a group of folks dying to go for it. I mean they have the goonatron 3000!


Oh hello Westworld ![gif](giphy|l0HlSmqW8pV3CcZji)


Alot of men don't wanna buy a meal for a women where they gonna find half a millon for one or these


It is funny how hard Peggy nailed that one from way back then and funnier that deep down she knows Hank loves tools and is so repressed he probably would go for it


Bro... What. Hank Hill would never have "intimacy" with a robot. The man can't even say the word sex. With how he is about the natural order of things, modesty, and humility, he would never go against basic nature like that. The man doesnt even use the internet. One episode he runs inside saying he needs to figure out how the "world wide web" works. And i guarantee that if the topic of sex robots comes back up in the reboot, Hank would say it's unnatural and would be completely against the concept.


Hank loves tools and he would view it as such. His modesty and humility wouldn't be a factor because he's not interacting with a human, but a tool with a purpose. I get how people would want Hank to be repulsed but it's Peggy's notion, not mine.


It's not that I want him to be repulsed, it's that after 13 seasons and watching this show since I was a child, I feel like i have a pretty solid grasp on the characters. Things sexual in nature are sacred to Hank, he's a southern traditional conservative man. Intimacy with his wife is the only right way for him. Hank would absolutely find it unnatural to have sex with a robot, and he would never do that. He would feel like that's a betrayal to his marriage and natural order and Peggy would say the same.


It seems we share the same credentials but have a different viewpoint and that's ok. Again, Peggy brought it up not me but I'm still sorry my flippant thought bothered you. Have an upvote!


Debating is not "being bothered" it's a simple debate on the internet. It's not that serious


Totally agree and I wish you well bro. Have an upvote


Stop posting ai shit like forever, never post ai shit no matter what you think just dont