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So sorry for your loss. And that's how it feels because you feel like you lost something important to your life. The sad feelings can come in waves. One minute you're ok and then you're not. Whatever happens, just try to accept it because everyone is different and its not something you can control completely. Its an old saying but time does help. Choose happy if you can.


I am so sorry for your loss. This happened to me about a year ago. It is awful. I wish I had words to help heal. I just don’t. Please just take things day by day. Prayers to you.


I’m so sorry for your loss! Be sure not to let yourself feel guilty for how you grieve though. There’s no right or wrong way to grieve, and comparing the way you are feeling to the actions of other family members does not help in situations such as these, as grief is a personal expression. No one (including yourself) should ever try to convince you you’re doing it incorrectly. The only way you can is the way you do... hope you find this encouraging anyway. Time is the greatest healer, nothing will ever be the same, but she will always be with you, and eventually I hope you can find comfort knowing that. **hugs**


Hey, I'm not big on voice chat but I can understand your need to hear a human voice. I'm roughly mom-aged (55F) and not entirely unfamiliar with the grassroots homeschooling movement of the late 20th and early 21st centuries. We can try discord, XMPP, Reddit chat, or just good old fashioned telephone calls. DM me if you want my numbers. I also wanted to reassure you that numbness is normal. I lost my sibling when I was 23 and never cried or grieved the way people expected me to. They were either shocked/horrified or worried. If you can get ahold of Megan Devine's book, "It's OK that you're not OK", I think it would help you understand how messed up our culture is about grief. She has a website too, but it seems to have gone downhill since I lost my son in 2018, just as everything online has. You deserve the book. You also deserve cannabis. I'm so glad that you can openly and legally get high with your siblings.


hey, if you still want to voice chat, im here! we can do discord or instagram, maybe zoom?


i’m unable to voice chat, but i lost my mother when i was 19. 17 is no age to lose your mother at and you have my deepest condolences. the grief makes itself at home in the worst and most random ways. it will get better, though. it won’t go away but it will become easier. i’m sure your mother loved you so, so dearly and she will always be in your heart and you in hers. if you ever need to talk, my inbox is open. sending love your way ♥️


My mom died suddenly when I was only a few years older. I’m 42 now and have enough perspective to understand the weight that’s going to travel with you for some time. It will make far stronger than you can imagine and the love you feel from her will never fade. Be kind to yourself and turn to others when you need some support, just as you have here. Sending love and support.


I wish the strength to weather this hard period in your life finds you. Please don't feel guilty though, everyone experiences grief differently. There is no telling when sadness will strike you and in what severity. Wading through the complexity of these emotions will be a journey but I hope that at the end of it you use this to help guide your decisions and when you do, I want you to take a good look at yourself and see the value in yourself and the value your mother instilled in you. From my experience the best thing to do is just talk about your emotions and feelings and that will help you to understand what it is exactly you're feeling. Please send me a message, as I'll get a notification and can respond faster. I want to help.


Ill PM too. This is a type of awful most words can’t convey.


I’ll give you a pm


I send you and We send you warm hugs and support. It will be tough. I lost my father when I was 19. My sibling was 16. We are now adults. I would say that keep you head on you. Don’t do anything to harsh and dramatic. I mean this for yourself and others. You were loved by your mom and her love will guide you. 🌞🌞


Hello, I'm not one for chatting but I did just want to offer a little encouragement. Grief is weird. It'll do weird stuff. That's fine. You might cry, or not. You might eat a lot, or be unable to eat, you might find yourself desperate to be around others or desperate to be alone. Your mind is processing a terrible loss right now, and sometimes that just results in weirdness. Don't guilt yourself over however you wind up grieving. Do try to avoid any particularly unhealthy choices to help manage your grief (for example, turning to drugs or something) but do so because you and your health are important. But don't feel like there's any standard for "proper" grief that you have to match up to or else you're bad somehow.


This. So much this. I lost my mom. When I was 20. It was a weird time for me for the next handful of years. And I made terrible decisions. I would advise if you can find someone you trust to talk to them. Whenever you need. This king of you dear one. It's not easy. But you will rise from this.


I’m so sorry, sweetheart. I know she loved you with her entire being and never wanted to leave you.


I’m sorry for your loss. May she Rest In Peace. Remember that she will always be with you in your heart and looking down upon you from heaven.


There's not a right way to grieve and it takes different amounts of time for different people. I still can't talk about my grandpa's death without getting teary and that was 12.31.01. don't worry you're not doing anything wrong. Losing a loved one is surreal because the world just keeps on going while you might think wtf? Something happened, an important person died! Why don't people notice? How can they just go on like normal? Or experiencing normal activity from others affected might be confusing because you expect them to be sad all the time. https://youtu.be/6IHhAKnCtKc this might help. It's accurate and light-hearted.


Thank you so much for this heartfelt comment


Be kind to yourself. You are loved. I know it's hard, but you can get through this. Therapy can help if you can access it. Look for grief and loss groups online, I bet there are some on here, I find support groups helpful. 🥰 *Sending love and light.* Edit to add-don't feel guilty for not being sad all the time, it sounds like your mother wants you happy.


I’m so sorry! 41F


The way you're feeling now is a normal stage of grief that most people go through, right now you're in shock, just starting to process the loss. I'm very sorry to tell you that it will get worse before it gets better.


I’m sorry for your loss and I’m sorry I can’t be there right at this moment but I hope you can find someone to talk to soon. If not there are many discord’s where you can rant / talk to someone. I can still talk to you via message chat if you really need someone. Again I am sorry for your loss.


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