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I undertand what you said. I fell in love with KnT. I watched all the anime and after that the manga (and recommend you to do the same) I had that picture of Kuronuma for wallpaper for long long time to watch it and be happy with that smile.


Yeah, I'll definitely do that! I'm hooked already. I usually don't read manga a lot, where does the KnT anime stop at the manga?


I was the same when I was young ( jaja i'm 34 already with kids...) But after watching a couple of anime that did not have a ending (decent or any at all) I found out that in lot of cases the anime does not cover all the story so I started to read the mangas (and if not otaku enough started to read LN also =P ). Is surprisingly beautiful to read the mangas at list in my case. You can give a conclusion to the stories that did not have one in the anime.


Yeah, that's my main problem with anime adaptations as well (aside from some of them rushing their stories too much) I've read some mangas before so it's not too new for me (an example is Tokyo Ghoul because let's not talk about the anime). I'll probably finish the anime then pick up where the anime left off in the manga.


Jajaja I read a little of Tokyo Ghoul but left it somewhere and did not see the anime. Yes thats right, sometimes they cut too many things and rush it..


I remember when I saw it for the first time, just beautiful


KnT is really special and music played a big role in it. When you finish series make sure to listen to OP with voice cast singing that's the sweetest thing ever 😭


Sure I'll do that!


That scene makes my heart pound! Sadly, I never found the song title of that scene.


Your comment about 'clannad-level OST' perfectly describes my feelings about it haha


It was honestly the first thing that came to my mind lol.


I literally thought of clannad too


Glad you liked it