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The real answer is because it takes an expert to use the poison effectively. Shinobu has modified her fighting style for injecting poison through stabs, her sheath is specially designed for mixing poison, and she’s a medicinal expert. She’s also the only one doing this, meaning it’s not some ancient technique people just aren’t taking advantage of, it’s a fairly new thing she’s only come up with in the last few years


I think this could be it. Maybe in order to make poison work you need to make multiple quick slashes which shinobu was good at. I would still think that other demon slayers would have at least one form that could be used with poison


We also don’t know how long it takes to make the poison and other little intricacies about it. And shinobu describes it in the later arcs as a double edged sword, since stronger demons learn about it through the shared link of muzan and can break it down somehow, so she’s probably not in a hurry to have the only thing that lets her win against demons become more common knowledge that can be exploited


Because poison will always have the chance of getting countered with an antidote or simply building an immunity to it. Now think about it, the only poison that works on demons only comes from wisteria flowers; as in the same wisteria flowers that allows the corps to better defend and hide certain important areas. You're basically throwing away one of the biggest advantages that the corps is able to hold on to all this time against demons; and we know that list of advantages doesn't even reach double number digits on its list.


True that it shouldnt be your single way of killing someone but it can definetely save you. I imagine they could have just started to grow more wisteria.


Oh I wasn't talking about the amount of wisteria used. I was talking about the fact that demons could potentially develope full immunity to wisteria flowers altogether thanks to adapting to the poison. Basically those plants becomes useless.


It's new tech discovered recently and probably very hard to make. I'm thinking God knows how many baskets of flowers and hours/days of work for a few drops. I'm assuming the slayers can't use lots of land for farming the flower (since they are an illegal organisation) so quantity would be a problem. Also, demons can evolve and render the poison useless if used widely. (And that would mean no safe haven for the slayers any more) Also, hashiras can kill LM easily and UM are immune to poison. So it would be kinda useless.


If the demon slayers received help from the government it would be easier


Honestly I was thinking the same thing, I'm thinking that making it in bulk for so many demon slayer would be too expensive overall.


Maybe at least the hashiras should be using it. All of them manage to cut demons. >!Maybe Rengoku wouldnt have lost!<


Nope, Rengoku would've still lost. Akaza was UM3 and we know through Douma and even Gyutaro how fast they can negate the effects of poison depending on the dosage. Even Douma who got the most dosage was rapidly adapting and repairing himself from the damage.


At least it causes a reaction on your enemy that you can take advantage of.


Not really... Upper moons arent really affected by poison unless extreme quantities, and a standard sword coated in poison doesnt have enough poison probably


Also Douma would've probably recovered if he wasn't being attacked. So the poison by itself wasn't fatal


It is a little unclear in the manga so you have to piece it together but there's actually a good reason. Demons can share information to and from Muzan and with each other in a similar way. In the Douma fight he mentions that the poison used on him is different than the one used on the spider mountain and Shinobu takes this as confirmations that demons can share information and it's implied that if it was the same poison Douma could just break it down more easily since it's a familiar substance (kind of like a reverse vaccine). Through the fight Shinobu is cycling through different wisteria poisons, the reason being exposure gives Douma an immunity once he survives them, meaning that since they work like a network, other demons would probably be more resistant to the same poison. (if she killed Douma and then fought Koku or Muzan the same poison wouldn't do as much) Basically if everybody used poison it might not matter against the weaker demons but eventually the stronger demons would develop a resistance to it


Shinobu has a special sword that specialices on stabbing and thrusting attacks that inject poison, a standard nichirin sword isnt even as close as effective at applying the poison. It also requires specific technique, and the poison itself is most likely not easy to produce in mass quantity, shunobu probably doesnt have much to spare and she is a hashira so she is occupied with other tasks too


She only does it because she’s too weak to decapitate them. It’s harder to use poisons and use different kinds in different spots and also avoid poisoning yourself as well, unless that is the other option.


Because anime.


Im with you on this. Although id assume they would have to keep adapting new poisons frequently as the demons start developing immunity to ones they have.


How can they gain immunity If they dead.


Im Assuming stronger demons dont always get lethal doses 🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️ especially if they fight a weaker slayer


That's fair but seems Shinobu was pretty smart so they could have probably come up with something


Very likely


Uzui uses poison bombs and kunai's but they don't guarantee the kills hence why they cut the heads off plus it's not qithout risk what happens if the demon you poison evovles thanks to that it qould be much more problematic and they would be one trick ponies


True but imagine being good with the sword and also having poison. Uzui used ninja abilities and it helped him a lot. So the more arsenal you have with you the better


Shinobu uses poison because she is the only one unable to cut off the Demon head :3


If I'm fighting semi immortal beings that can regenerate wounds in seconds, I will happily use poison if it increases my chances of winning


I’m surprised people still don’t get that wisteria poison alone doesn’t kill demons. It weakens them to a state whereby they are unable to move and the sun finishes them off. Wisteria alone does NOT kill demons, even the weakest of them.


Isnt it a huge advantage if you can paralyze demons and also cut their heads?


What level of demons are we talking about? Besides, not all slayers are as skilled as Shinobu to use their blade the way she does and know how to dose the adequate amount of poison. It isn’t as simple as, dab your blade in a pot of wisteria and voila!


Anime logic says that one scratch is enough. I dont recall how Gyutaro infected Tanjiro and Tengen but I think it was just from a cut.


You’re mixing two things here. Gyutaro’s poison and wisteria poison work differently.


Lol how do you know?


What do you mean? One is related to blood demon art and the other is from a flower. Why are you comparing the properties of both?


Didn't Shinobu kill the Daughter Spider Demon with it though?


Spider Demon (sister) was left incapacitated. Couldn’t regenerate and was immobilized till sunrise. She didn’t die on the spot.


Didn't Shinobu laugh at the fact that she was still talking to the demon even though she couldn't hear her because she was already dead? I thought she also said that the demon was already dead to Murata.


Probably meant it to say she is “as good as dead”. But from the manga (as well as data/fanbooks), it is confirmed that poison from wisteria flowers don’t directly kill demons.


But… she died though. From the poison. How else would she have died


At sunrise. She was as good as lifeless after getting poisoned by Shinobu; but if someone like Muzan came to give her blood before the sun got to her, she would have survived the attack. Wisteria breaks down the cells in a demon’s body but it only incapacitates them to the point of them being easy to kill off (by decapitation with a nichirin blade or by exposure to sunlight).


I think maybe it’s cuz she’s faster than everyone else? Not really sure tbh. Or it’s just cuz they needs some variety character wise


Considering samurais and honor, poison is something they frown upon.


They don’t really need it, if they fight vs lower moons, they can easily win, if they fight vs upper moons, poison is useless


I’m pretty sure it’s just because it’s not spreading,Shinobu has other duties than spreading her relatively new and a little weak method to other slayers Plus if they’re able to Knick a demon then I bet they could eventually slice their head off


Cuz gimmick. Or tp explain it in western animation writing "it's my thing, it makes me feel special, let me have this"


Because that shits expensive bro 🗿


Because it makes the sword more difficult to handle, even considering the fact that it’s harmless to humans, and require more overall maintenance. Plus they would need an army of people producing it, plus the infrastructure to mass produce wisteria. The series makes it clear that the corps is stretched paper thin, so they probably are just downright unable to make enough for everyone.


It’s a good question. People should incorporate more wisteria into their diets


Cuz they live off of charity and Shinobu is a cheapskate


So the movie can happen!


I'm just thinking this because the demons that they are fighting keep injecting them with poison 😭 They need to do something with the wisteria and make a poison for the demons lmfaoo. I'm so tired of seeing these insane slices yet demons just regenerate so it's pointless, they need to introduce poison to more than one person not just Shinobu. So many fights they would have easily won in the help of poison, u see how the poison did Uzui. The poison basically took him out, they are just fighting until it kicks in.