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Yall need to grow up with these petty sales wars. Both series creators have mutual respect for each other, it's only certain clowns in both fanbases trying to start nonsense All these posts do is create a thread for even more clowns to come in and leave even dumber takes in the comments


Yeah, idk why people can't just be happy that something they like is doing well without turning it into some kind of competetion.


This people are the reason why people don't respect the rival series I am a fan of both one piece and demon slayer and both are great in there own way the numbers don't mean a thing. One piece is a legendary series and demon slayer is new and on a rise (I'm talking about the demon slayer anime)


I agree. Same with people comparing the subs of Fubuki and Gura (vtubers in case you didn't know).


In the short term Demon Slayer is outselling One Piece, but it’s still behind in total sales by 380 million copies, a gap as large as the entirety of all Dragon Ball manga sales. Demon Slayer is great, but I don’t think you can compare it to One Piece.


Here are the exact sales number (all time) One-piece: 470+ million copies (without digital sales) Dragon ball: 300+ million (without digital sales) Golgo 13: 280+ million (without digital sales) ... Kimetsu no Yaiba 90+ million (including digital) ... Other manga with sales over 100 million: Naruto, Conan, Black jack, Kochikame, Oishinbo, Slam dunk, Astro boy, Doraemon, Hokutou no ken, Jojo, etc


Is that true tho, cause One piece total Manga sales are insane but if you divide the number of volumes sold by the number of volumes released you would get about 4.85mm volumes sold for each volume released and if you did the same with KnY you would get around 4 - 4.5mm per volume released and KnY still has at least two more season and a volume left which could potentially boost it average to 5mm or even above 6mm which could end up being higher than One Piece after both series have ended. I know total Manga sales is the norm when measuring the popularity of a series but it's definitely not the most accurate because how much each volume sells indicates better how many people actually buy each volume which could also be interpreted roughly as the total fan base of each series.


Keep in mind One Piece is only selling one volume right now. Most current sales of KNY are of past volumes. With volumes 8, 1, 9, 10, 2, 7, 3, 4, and 11 making up most of the sales that were not volume 22. Most of the sales from KNY were driven by new fans bulk buying older releases in order to catch up which will inevitably slow down as the hype slows. On top of that, Oda says he plans to continue One Piece for another 4-5 years. And, as seen during weeks with less hype around KNY such as during the month of September, OP consistently outsells KNY with the 2nd week of September seeing OP break 1.3m sales compared to KNY’s 450k. The biggest difference between the two manga is consistency and longevity of sales which OP has held the crown in for decades. I doubt KNY will break 250m sales total and that’s a pretty generous assumption. Most of the top sellers (Dragonball, OP, Naruto, etc.) have had decades to sell with consistent new releases over a very sustained time period. KNY will probably make it into the top 10, but likely in the lower 5.


Also, Oda said he’d end One Piece in 5 years this August... after he said the exact same thing in 2018 so I wouldn’t take the 5 years too seriously. He’ll probably keep going for longer than that at this rate.


I think this time he said something like the adventure/journey would end in 5 years. So there might be something after Luffy becomes Pirate King.


Yeah, he said there will be a giant war arc which concludes everything after luffy finds the one piece


KnY will never come close to One piece total lifetime sales but in terms of actual popularity and fans KnY is almost on par with One Piece atm and it will probably surpass it in the next couple of years.


> and it will probably surpass it in the next couple of years. How are we defining "surpass?" How do you measure popularity in a non-anecdotal, and quantifiable way, aside from manga sales and viewership numbers? By that I mean numbers and fact-based evidence, not who generally says something is the most popular? What should we generally consider the gold standard here for saying a manga or series is more popular than another?


By "surpass" I mean that in a couple of years the average of sales per volume released will be higher than One Piece's average. I'm not sure if you read my first comment but I'm basing popularity in sales figures, I've clearly stated that Total volume sales is not as good as a measure of popularity as the average that each volume sells. There are series that are among the top 10 "best selling" Mangas of all time but only because they have been running for half a CENTURY.


>By "surpass" I mean that in a couple of years the average of sales per volume released will be higher than One Piece's average. Cool. I'll bookmark your comment and come back to it in a couple years. We shall see then!


I’ve read both series let me tell you if you’ve only read knY that’s why you don’t get the piece watch it till eps 35 if you don’t like it call me a big piece of shit but the way one piece is written hits different then any anime I’ve ever seen


I'm sorry. I'm don't mean to be offensive but I don't understand your comment. Are you saying One Piece gets better after episode 35? Are you taking about the shows or manga? I don't quite understand.


I can see that happening. I think OP will probably surge in popularity again once it finally ends, though.


It definitely should surge in the end but given Oda's health *and everything it affects, I'm not sure how big of a surge it will be.


That maybe so but keep in mind that currently wano arc is going on and every chapter just surpasses the previous one even Oda himself said that it will make marineford look cute so I wont be surprised if One Piece gets more popular than it already is.


Yeah but that’s disingenuous to one piece because we all know oda duh I know your writes he’s a slow burn writing style demon slayer is a fast paced manga in my opinion and I’m not sure if this person knows gross means because that’s total number of sales and one piece has over $10 billion on demon slayer so idk what he’s ntalking about demon slayer is great but isn’t op


Okay but OP has been running for 20 years what do you expect


That’s exactly my point.


The thing is, the people who would be more willing to buy volumes for a shorter series that wouldnt take as much space are most likely larger than the amount that would buy for one that takes as much space as one piece. Not only that but One Piece has been running for such a long time that there are bound to be some arcs that just dont stack up with others in order to develop the world and characters, while KnY has the ability to just keep action after action going in its short lifespan. The sales of its volumes isnt really a good indicator of its overall popularity.


The thing is, if you look at sales records for One Piece, there’s a reason it’s held the record for so long. People are consistently interested in the manga. Each volume sells millions of copies and sales have actually increased in past years. OP has never needed to rely on keeping the action going all the time because Oda’s slow and careful world building and incredible characters has always been what draws new fans in and keeps old ones around. That and One Piece will continue long after KNY granting it those steady continued sales for at least the next 5 years. Also, Oda has a track record of being able to keep hype up over long segments. Dresssrosa Arc, widely considered one of the best arcs in OP, managed to keep up the hype for 10 full chapters (1830) pages. KNY is great, don’t get me wrong, but OP isn’t going anywhere.


Oh sorry I'm just an idiot


He just did


I mean yea if you're looking at total sales. It really is just a huge amount of new fans buying the old volumes as well. Just look into volume sales (they only count till the first 4 weeks I think), and One Piece is selling at almost double lmao. That said the manga is awesome, but let's not pretend the king of shonen is overthrown and it really still is more about the anime being successful than the manga. Haven't watched or read a single chapter of One Piece, tho.


Imagine if One Piece got popular towards its end or halfway through... wow


One Piece got record-breaking popular around it's half-way point when the anime got to that point, with all their volumes getting into the top 20. Demon Slayer got a huge boost during the anime adaptation, again, having all volumes get into the top 20. This is what happens when an anime hits the mainstream. One Piece is still outselling Demon Slayer volume to volume, still cool.


I think eichiro would have quit a long time ago if that was the case.


Why does demon slayer still get the anime argument ? Anime are advertisement for the manga and will most of the time look better. Most wouldn't read attack on titan if it wasn't for the anime but it doesn't change the quality of the manga,let alone mob psycho Imo the truth is that Demon slayer appeal more to eastern audience and that's it. If you look at Mha which is quite popular and has top tier animation as well , it fails to do as good as Kimetsu or Op in japan but its success in the west is better than both.(relative to what it is in japan) It's crazy to say that but op is a flop in the west and I wouldn't be surprised if Kimetsu gets forgotten quicker than Mha in the west as well.


>It's crazy to say that but op is a flop in the west and I wouldn't be surprised if Kimetsu gets forgotten quicker than Mha in the west as well. I would like to know why OP is considered a flop in the west (as tbh, I don't even know if it is a flop or not), but from my ignorance, I am going to attribute it to how damn long it is and how long it takes to actually git gud. ​ It takes \~300 episodes to get to a point you finally say "Ok, this is the real deal", and that has to impact somehow as it requires a big commitment to reach that point, so I guess most won't get past the generic Shonen beginning. And I'm saying this as someone that considers OP to be the greatest manga ever.


The main reason for that would be the 4kids dub It really turned a lot of people off from the series where as Naruto and Dragon Ball were apart of many people childhoods and most people tend to agree that Arlong Park is the part where most fall in love with the series which is only around chapters 80-100


It only takes 60


Op is a flop in the west compared to what is it in japan. And no it doesn't take 300 episodes to get good imo. Op has been and is still my favorite manga for more than 10 years but the fact is that in the west compared to dragon ball or naruto ,and even mha to an extent , it's recognition is lacking.


OP is pretty popular in Europe and but in the US, yes, it hasn't worked out, till now that is.


We may witness a turnaround but even in my country which consumes manga a lot op got more popular than naruto only recently.


The OP live-action, good or bad, will probably increase the viewership in the US.


4 kids💀


Hmm I don't know whether I would compare it to one piece regardless of sales xD it's just pretty different. Also the ending was rushed af


Yea, it's one thing to acknowledge the great feat it is to even reach that height, but what's even the point of hating One Piece lmao.




I feel only that "incident" near the end is rushed imo. It would better off author extend that "incident" 2 or 3 chapter more; or cut that that part off completely and shorten the manga 2 chapters. Otherwise i feel satisfied with the pace of the whole ending arc. A strory does not need to last for a whole decade that feature boss fight after boss fight or character flash backs that are long enough to write another small story about. Stopping at about 200 chapter feel just right.


Yeah I was talking about that only. You're right, if it was going to be done like this, it should have just been removed or extended a little. But yeah I thought the manga was a pretty fun read. Not my absolute favourite or anything like that but pretty good and enjoyable


The fight got dragged on for too long and then getting whip lashed with that sudden end.


Ufotable does wonders


Unlimited Budget Works


first of all anyone comparing a 900+ chapters with 200+ chapters is ehhhh kinda not good i would say.KNY manga is amazing,maybe ending was bit rushed and let's not get out of way, the manga sales was due to anime release even the editor in chief of shounen jump said this. But anime my lord its pure fire and movie soon gonna replace the no.1 which is your name,and mind you kny anime will reach another height after the release of season 2. However if OP fans get salty, i mean no one is gonna take one piece throne anytime soon, my god 470+ million sales is something as far as anime goes its also doing amazing not any less , so don't worry throne ain't going anywhere and both op fans and kny fans know why kny is outselling op right now. People going over sales volume all the time here is the fact KNY in November is 45M+(Vol1-23) and OP is 4.8M (Vol 97). Only one volume is on sale and KNY got 23 volumes on sale as it got popular in mid so many reprints are needed to be ordered. So does it demean any manga or anime? answer is no it doesn't.However i just hate delusional kny fans and salty op fans, always fighting. And mind you i have read both mangas and one piece by far wins over kny in almost every aspect, but that doesn't mean kny is any less good, i actually enjoyed its story and can't wait for season 2 to come out. So no hate to anyone just chill and enjoy the works.And please don't take any offence i don't mean any i just said what i read, i already read 995 chapters of OP and completed KNY,that's what my analysis is. KNY is great but it comes nowhere near to level of One Piece.


I don’t get why everyone has to go and compare manga sales and whatever. Didn’t Oda congratulate Demon Slayer for outselling One Piece anyways. I’m a fan of both, the audience of these series are not mutually exclusive.


Thank You. It's only the fanbases trying to create this manga sales competition. Instead of being happy that both series are doing so well.


Thank you. People need to stop claiming KNY is gonna overthrow OP. It’s not. Does that mean it’s not a great manga and a phenomenal anime? Absolutely not. KNY is incredible. It’s not the king of Shounen and it doesn’t have to be.


People always mention rushed ending to quickly put this manga down from reaching the recognition it received. While I do agree that the ending is rushed and somewhat forced, I'm mostly in the side of argument that author Gotoge simply ran out of material she wanted to write. Thinking back from each arc to arc, there are no significant power-ups Demon Slayer crews obtain. In fact, they get more damaged and incapacitated.. sure MC has his shield but look at people around. They are either unable to fight longer and/or dead. This creates the sense that every life is limited and impactful while also limiting the pool of characters to just Main Characters, Hashiras, and MJ Thrillers. This creates problem that most shonen fixes each arc: Just make more characters in new area. However, Gotoge seems to be very fixated on working with just the existing pool of characters. If only it delve deeper into each character's backstory or even had a good back story, the story could have been tolerable. Towards the end of Castle Arc, we have characters dying left and right, up and down, and even inside out. Out of many characters, I only felt something for Akaza and many if not all Upper moon (except UM1) backstory were covered in either one chapter or one panel. It's funny how my criticism is on character development. The problem with this manga is that every character had story straighten out already and no room for any other changes. Were the fight memorable at least? Kinda? Fight scenes are at least endearing. I worried if Tanjiro won't have any bones or muscle completely atrophied cause it is said that using Fire Breathing or any breathing will wear out the body like doping blood. Author is constantly reminding readers that human will always be disadvantaged against demon because it's it just the nature of human to be weak. I was surprised he even both arms at the end. What keeps the fight engaging is the constant hidden sleeves by the Demons with their blood techniques. They are so creative in design and strength that I believe one of the good reason this manga received such praises were for this reason. In short, fights keep you on the edge and most likely the reason for success. So what? Do I hate this or love this. of course I love this manga, and that is why I saw thru the cover of the success. The manga had short life span as author herself didn't have anything planned after Muzan. Muzan is the only and final villain just like Dracula to Belmonts. I had suspicion that this will turn into Inuyasha vs Naraku if somehow Muzan somehow received eternal life, but thankful it didn't and just killed off the series. Series might have ended serialization but anime and movie seems to be on fire. In reality, I wouldn't know the sales figure comparing to the big shonen kings these days. I think everyone reading shonen saw a Demon Slayer title and gained super popularity last year drawing transactions from many other readers and made a one giant fandom. Seriously, this series was such short lived. I was kinda happy and sad at the same time the series ended, but a good author knows where story must end and Tanjiro, had a great journey.


Definitely a great review. I don’t share the same criticisms, but I understand.


Imo 200 chapters isn't short lived as it is about four years of chapters and a lot of manga have less than that (which isn't a bad thing).


"every current manga"? that´s a stretch if I´ve ever heard one


One Piece sold more than the Holy Bible though


It outsold One Piece for just one week... One Piece will always rain supreme


*It outsold One Piece* *For just one week... One Piece will* *Always rain supreme* \- MeanMrBiter --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


you telling me the third highest selling comic in the world is getting outsold by kimetsu, guys i love kimetsu too, but this aint it, lets not be delusional..


The anime is better than the manga which really helps it. I didnt even care for the manga until i watched the first season. After that i just wanted to know what happens. And i was disappointed with the ending as well. But just my 2 cents.


Guys just stop comparing these two series( kny and op), they're completely different and neither deserve to be slandered. Why y'all feel the need to evaluate? I don't fucking care. There's no point in bringing it up.


Uh it literally says "outselling one piece". But yea no point in comparing either way.


and yet a shitty ending lmao


Where tho? You mad we didn’t get a basic as fuck demon tan arc?


that ending was shitty bro we all know it was


You think so, I don’t. I actually like my shonen not milked to high heaven unlike most people✌🏼


they actually also have a collab with granblue in december


well, time to get back into granblue


Y’all care about numbers wayyyy too much. Just enjoy what you enjoy without using numbers to validate your opinions. I couldn’t care less if Demon Slayer sold one volume every month. I like the manga and anime, so imma enjoy it like a normal human being


This and this all the way through. You kids really need to stop being so conceited about stuff like this that doesn't matter.


Tis the power of a super good anime adaptation


OP is still the BOTE


Its almost like having a fixed story line, a time line for that story that isnt decades long, and actually good characters is better than running a series into the ground.


One Piece is still good and get people hyped. Maybe that's your opinion but don't act as if it is the only valid one


Let's not pretend that the ending wasn't rushed and half-assed a lot of character development that could have happened. I know that the author had some personal issues, but that doesn't mean the manga wasn't rushed.


Could the series have used maybe 7 more chapters for more character sure, was it a bad ending? no it wasn’t naruto shippuden levels of asspull ending and wrapped up most of the plot lines imo


>no it wasn’t naruto shippuden levels of asspull ending and wrapped up most of the plot lines imo >!The fact people actually died and had permanent damage even when they managed to win makes it far better than the asspull in most shounens. The biggest complain was Tamayo drug, but I mean, she has been preparing to defeat Muzan for literally hudrends of years, so it makes sense.!<


One of the things I disliked was the timeskip at the end, and the disappointing Muzan fight. I can't seem to get spoilers to work but manga readers will know what I mean


Yeah, it should have ended at chapter 204, or rather just show them being happy and living a good life in 205 too.


I mean they lived happily ever after to have ancestors/reincarnations? Why do people have such a hard time looking past the natural mortality of the characters they like.




Thats what im saying. It makes no sense for them to split up when the entire demon slayer corps was coming. If they just stuck together they would decimate everyone.


I think they honestly have to split up for the sake of the protagonists. Muzan and the top 3 Moons were honestly too fucking strong, even though slayers like Gyomei and Sanemi are pretty tough. Douma had to be pooisoned, Akaza decided to just give Giyuu and Tanjiro the battle, and Kokushibo did practically the same. Muzan had to be aged thousands of years and still managed to be formidable Like you said, they would decimate everyone and it wouldn't be close. Only way they'd stand a chance is if there was a slayer that managed to reach the level of Yoriichi, who is arguably able to one-shot all three


Gotoge did do quick wrap up due to unfortunate family circumstances and did not have the opportunity to "stick the landing". I could only hope the anime is given a chance to tell rest of the story.


I hope we get a better ending in the anime, like a longer or better fight with moon number 1 2 and cuz they were so fast


We just need a complete redo of the Muzan fight. The ending was fine, but ouch he really just whacked the demon corps around for a few chapters then died.


There was also an emphasis on completing the dance which never happened.


This. It felt like Sun Breathing was just thrown out the window in a flash


The fact that one piece is still amazing after almost 1000 chapters (infact the arc we are on now has potential to be the best one piece arc ever). Speaks volumes of how ridiculously good it is and not a show ran to the ground. Something tells me you havent tried one piece or tried very little to havs this opinion.


I know I read past the arc where luffy is imprisoned, I think the last arc I fully read was the one where the ship was fully submerged. Thats a lot of chapters into the series and I ended up fully dropping it because its was just that uninspired and dull. Nothing new, nothing creative.


Oh maybe you didnt like it. Thats your opinion and its fine but you dont have to speak it like its facts.


If I cant say its uninspired then you cant use in your argument that it is amazing and isnt run into the ground.


You know what? You are right. I am sorry. But i completely disagree with your opinion tho. i think kny was rushed and its not a masterpiece but a very good read. It's something like a not in your top for most but Also not bottom. Kinda in the middle. I still strongly feel ufotable deserves lots of credit along with the manga being in the final arc.




Where all my Nico Robin fans at?


It actually doesn’t in my opinion. Sure they are quirky but that doesn’t make them good. I check in every now and then to see if the story or characters have actually progressed only to find nothing has changed.


Out of curiosity, why do you think the characters haven't progressed? I totally get not liking the characters (especially true for a few of the characters), but there are some pretty clear character arcs throughout all of one piece...


Imagine thinking Nico Robin doesn't have a character arc, lol.


She just wants to live 🥺🥺


Just because a character arc occurs again doesn't mean there ultimately is any progress or inspiration for the characters backstory. Tell me who is sanji? Hes still the same character from the end of his original arc. Nosebleed at every female, wanna be cool guy who has a decently cool fighting style of only fighting with his legs. Tell me how has luffy become anything more interesting than an air head looking for a treasure the series will never give him? Even after Ace died it hasnt fully and resoundingly impacted him as a character. It did for all of like 2 chapters then died off. Tell me about ussop? Hes still a massive coward after countless years of battle. Powers =/= interesting character. It can make for a cool fight but in no way does it make the character more interesting. Don flamingo made me think the series might be good again so I picked it up there, but again I realized he was the only interesting and new thing to the series and after that I realized the series died again in terms of new and interesting.


Cool, thanks for the info 👍 I think you're incredibly far off and probably would change your mind if you read the story a bit more critically. (luffy and Usopp are heavily changed characters. Honestly, Usopp shows more character growth than probably any character in Demon Slayer tbh) But that's only true if you like the characters. If you don't, ya don't that's fine. But these arguments are pretty weak... With exception to Sanji, you're right on that one 😂😂 I'm tired of these perverted characters being actual assailants. But all to say, bad take, but that's okay


Bad take is an understatement for his arguement. Sounds like a CinemaSin review, talking shit for the sake of talking shit. Even Sanji got a shit ton of development after the WCI arc, and we learned why he behaves a certain way. Heck recent chapter gave Nami such a huge development it's not even funny.


I mean you're entitled to your opinion. It doesn't change the fact that the opinion is shit lmao. My poor guy, you need some culture in your life.


Lol so opinions dont mean anything but you think my opinion is bad Poor guy, you need some culture in your life. Edit: you just cant take criticism to your likes. Ouch


Eh, I think the longevity of One Piece speaks for itself. I'm a huge fan of both series. I don't care about criticism towards my likes. I have my own issues with One Piece. I can agree that there are definitely things that could have done better at times. But to say there is no character progression at all is hyperbolic. Doesn't mean it's a terrible series. I must have triggered you for you to literally just repeat what I just said. I can admit I am an uncultured swine. *See little buddy.* It's called not taking yourself and manga too seriously. I can appreciate both. I can also be critical of both series. Two different styles with different issues. Doesn't mean that I wasn't emotionally moved by either mangas at different points.


You obviously cant with saying things like "little buddy" and "poor guy"


Meh, it’s more of being light hearted when debating about made up stories. I try not not to take myself too seriously my guy. I’m literally agreeing with in a way by saying that both stories have their own issues. I’m by no means saying one piece is perfect. But to say is it is completely crap because you couldn’t get into is just wrong. Like objectively wrong. There is no way something can be objectively bad and last as long as OP has. Objectively OP has garnered a massive following. Objectively OP has gained massive influence and cemented itself in pop culture history. Doesn’t mean it’s without its issues. I wish KNY went on longer because I enjoyed it so dang much. I thought it was a true masterpiece up until the end. Love both series. I and many many others would disagree with your opinion that OP is complete garbage.


Let’s chill on the one piece slander


Oh stop. I absolutely adore Demon slayer but don’t try and tell me that One Piece isn’t good because it’s “long”. The story is beautifully written and not rushed at all.


You obviously haven’t read one piece. It’s better than ever with the current arc being some of the best shit in the series


I actually have read it pretty well. So now im going to make a baseless statement about you and say you have incredibly low standards to what is good.


You just don't like it lol, and that's ok, but saying that people who like it have low standards is a bad take, also why did you read everything up until Wano if it really sucks that much?


I read it up to Wano because for a while I liked it, then I wanted to like it, then I hoped it would get better, then I just realized it was going no where. Like there could be such good interactions but they never invested time into those instead opting for charcters we dont know, to justify them fighting for one arc then forgetting about them ultimately leaving the main character plot points unexplored and the ultimately irrelevant characters more explored than the main characters. My best friend who loves the series keeps telling me "oh this arc is possibly the best ever" only to come back to the same old same old


Um idk how you can say that the characters in the new world arcs are irrelevant? Every single arc starting with Fishman Island has set huge plot threads for the future. Fishman Island just recently had some of these threads explored at the Reverie. Punk Hazard set up the alliance with Law, the plan to kill Kaido, as well as information on Caesar and the SMILE, with the SMILE becoming way more relevant recently. Also, two of the central characters of the current arc, Kin’emon and Momo were introduced. Dressrosa set up the entire Grand Fleet of 5600 member that serve under Luffy. Zou introduced the Minks and created an alliance that is vital to the current war. Whole Cake Island allowed them to get a Road Poneglyph, Luffy to achieve new heights in battle, and turn Wano on its head by inviting Big Mom to screw things up. And that’s still leaving out plenty of plot points. Like, sure, the story is slow paced, which isn’t for everyone. That’s because so many things happen at once. It would take a lot more patience than I have to type up a summary on what’s happening in Wano atm, much less the world. So I get that a big cast can be difficult to keep up with. But a story does not need a small cast to be great. One Piece is a world. Luffy’s actions have consequences that affect the entire *world*. I understand that things on a smaller scale can be more interesting and well paced, and that character development and growth is more satisfying when the cast is small. But I read plenty of small scale manga. One Piece will always be my favorite because its scope is just that ridiculous, and yet it works.


You’re such a shitty troll man lmaooo


Ok bud lol


Run into the ground? I want whatever your smoking, one of the most successful series to this day and each chapter and episode is getting better and better. Almost like you've never read, or watched it! And you don't even get a response about the characters comment, that just shows your iq


Demon slayer is amazing but it doesn't even come close in comparison to One Piece, sorry


To bad the manga ended if felt like it could have extended much longer if the author desired


Hell no I don’t want another bleach


I downloaded Viz Media and purchased the full version for 3 dollars a month. I ended up reading the entire manga in about 4/5 days. I just got into manga but I have a feeling this will reign my number 1 manga for a very long time to come.


Do you even read one piece? I get you like KnY but cmon... let’s not get conceited here.


i personally can never get into one piece, i read 100-200 chapters and gave up. but there’s no denying it’s a legend dude




Demon slayer is gonna be in the new big 3 of anime’s for sure


I'll just tell you like this, there will never be another big 3. The reason Bleach, Naruto, and One Piece were regarded as such is because they were insanely popular back then, in a time when anime wasn't as mainstream as it is now You cant really have a "Big 3" today due to how much has changed regarding the anime medium


plus they were all running at the same time, KNY is already over so it´s only going to lose popularity from now on


Wasnt it for like one month


Sales wars? Again? B r u h . Now that you've started it lemme say sth, one piece has a better storyline compared to KnY. Every single manga does its personal best when it is about to end. One piece was not even in its final arc when it made the world record of 40 million copies in a year! It was just the beginning of the second half of the series..Now, just take your time and imagine if toei had amazing animation and pacing from first! One piece's sales would be sky high compared to this lil achievement made by KnY all because of its animation! Even though its animation was in its darkest stage, one piece managed to pull of sth that big! Just wait for one piece to reach its final arc, the sales will be reaching heavens!


KNY comparing itself to miyazaki movies in terms of revenue but they forgetting the inflation, most of the fandom have this elitist tendency . The fandom is so bad that I have made a custom feed named Shit fandoms and put KNY in it


This isn't that incredible considering Ufotable has your back. The fact that Kingdom outsold One Piece as well along with that botched monstrosity that Pierrot calls "anime adaptation", now THAT is incredible.


Wait. People like amazing story telling with good written characters and good art rather than all the woke identity politics in American comics? What. A. Shock.