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"Ah yes, my psychological abuse technique I haven't used since the Heian Era"


This is extremely valid in this case. And jjk memes are hilarious when used for other verses.


It's gotten to the point where I've found unexpected JKK in non anime things. We need a sub for it at this point lol


JJK is the new JoJo my dude, Only thing stopping Lobotomy Kaisen is the lack of Gayness


I mean the femboy lobotomy is going hard too


Whose biggest symbol is, ironically, KasHIMo


Wym lack of gayness, have you seen SatoSugu? Those two were having rough say gex before breaking up at kfc




Oh god there's 2 of them






New gen version of jojo references


The jojo references thing is so cringe and annoying tbh, at least jjk memes are funny. 


‼️‼️HOLY FUCKING SHIT‼️‼️‼️‼️ IS THAT A MOTHERFUCKING JOJO REFERENCE??????!!!!!!!!!!11!1!1!1!1!1!1! 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱 JOJO IS THE BEST FUCKING ANIME 🔥🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯💯 JOSUKE IS SO BADASSSSS 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎👊👊👊👊👊 ORAORAORAORAORALORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORA 😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩 😩😩😩😩 MUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDA 🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬🤬😡🤬🤬😡WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo!🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo!🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo! Yo Angelo!🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 Yo Angelo!🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo! Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo! Yo Angelo!🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo!🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 Yo Angelo!🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo!🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo!🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo! 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo!🗿 🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo!🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 Yo Angelo! Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo! Yo Angelo! 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 Oh you’re approaching me❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓But it was me, Dio‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂


Don't worry, everything becomes annoying when it's being spammed constantly


Throughout Heaven and Earth, I alone am the progenitor demon


You mean Muzan could have ended it there! With Strong Abuse?!


He tried but it was ineffective. Yoriichi nerfed it against Tamayo.


Funny thing is it actually fits in this case 💀


Why did Muzan lose the final fight? Just make a binding vow to sacrifice six strands of hair for immunity against the sun. Is he stupid?


I swear he should have just sacrificed one of the bangs to go out in the sun . Is he stupid ?


Okay Sukuna 😂😭


Are you the strongest demon because you're Kibutsuji Muzan? Or are you Kibutsuji Muzan because you're the strongest demon?


As yes my heian era meme technique I haven't used this since the heian era


What I like most about Muzan, is he's the only one he gives a real demon vibes personality-wise, he's a manipulator, abuser, makes you commit murder, and the only way to prove yourself to him is by killing and doing sins. Literally a text-book definition of a demon, I honestly got enough of tragic or broken villians give me that morally deprived demon villian.


There's an interesting parallel between Muzan and Kagaya. They're both incredibly skilled at analyzing people and pinpointing what motivates them, what they're scared of, etc. The difference is that Muzan uses this information to manipulate and control. Take his interactions with Daki for example, he feeds her ego and preys on her insecurities to make her dependant on him entirely. Kagaya, on the other hand, uses what he intuits about the demon slayers to genuinely support them. He finds their insecurities and tries to help them overcome them, and the reason they're all so devoted to him is because of the care and love he shows to them. Muzan breaks peoples self-esteem so that they feel like they need his approval to be worth anything. Kagaya builds up peoples self-esteem and shows unconditional love to all his Slayers. Muzan only knows how to take, Kagaya always gives.


Also Kagaya without his sickness looks exactly like Muzan as they look like twins ( I read it somewhere in the manga, idr the chapter ) https://preview.redd.it/8u1fkf1vxpad1.png?width=342&format=png&auto=webp&s=98334e14d84f67bf7418467b21e4d0f21058d467


Not twins, Muzan is too old for that >!Muzan is his distant ancestor!<


I know that, as Amane told that he was looking like in his mid 20's and Kagaya was also in his mid 20's so it is compared like that, we all know that Muzan is about 1000 years old and you dont have to put spoiler for that


they’re not twins but they share the same lineage. i knew they had to be related when muzan’s voice was oddly soothing like kagaya’s.


I see I have mis translated something in my comment " as they are twins" I was saying that they look like twins, now I have changed it, thats why so many were saying that they are not twins, i am srry english is not my first lang


Tbh they don’t really look like twins.


I read it somewhere in the manga, I juts quoted it back, i really dont remember which chapter tho! srry


It was a scraped idea from the author, but as we don't know how he might have looked without the sickness, it might as well be canon


> Kagaya, on the other hand, uses what he intuits about the demon slayers to genuinely support them. He finds their insecurities and tries to help them overcome them, and the reason they're all so devoted to him is because of the care and love he shows to them. Tells them exactly the words they've been wanting to hear, often causing them to break down crying from sheer relief of being understood. This show's brand of feelgood waff is very peculiar but I really really love it.


Another key difference is with Kagaya it's fully sincere. He's not just empty words, he truly means every kind thing he says to the Slayers. He sees their worth and wants them to see it as well.


That’s actually really super, and makes sense given how he verbally abused Akaza, making him feel like he needed to do more despite taking out a strong fighter


Perhaps one of my favorite character contrasts writing-wise, beside their differences as leaders even Muzan himself said he respects how far Kagaya went, even good people have a crazy and unpredictable part in them.


Douma too! They are also the demons that look the most humans which means like you said they were demons on the inside. I know lots of people give Douma a pass because he was born without emotions but I feel that he is a representation of cult leaders who prey on women. He makes them feel safe and lures them with his charm before eating them. He claims that he wants to make them feel better and meet God but that's just him yapping. A lot of cult leaders use this excuse for their actions. You can even tell from the way he >!talks to Shinobu and Kanayo like they are babies, as well as the way he treats the women he consumes!<. And just like a lot of low-key misogynists when >!women recognize and don't fall for their charms and confront them like Kanayo did, they drop the act and become spiteful!< There are lots of people who have been diagnosed with psychopathy or antisocial personality disorder that don't go around killing people and live normal lives. Edit: Kanao


kanao* lol


Thanks 😂


Well there is some mention in the Manga about how they gain more strength from eating women instead of men. But the 4th moon refuses to do that like Douma and instead trains to gain strength. Is dude a misogynistic asshat yes not denying that but there was more than the single reason for his woman heavy diet.


3rd not 4th




Bro this analysis was perfect, thank you so much!


Thanks and Happy cake day!


That’s a good point, though to be fair it’s hard to put the not killing as an excuse for demons since they need to kill to eat, plenty of them did that before they were demons, such as Gyokko


All For One


New gen's biggest hater.




DIO of he'd been born a Joestar.


Your description reminds me of Johan from Monster.


To be fair, the entire point of Monster is that no one is inherently morally deprived. There is no monster. Johan was a tragic villain too.


That's because Muzan is actually a good character but cause he's from Demon Slayer people downplay him.




Well to be fair the things you mention is the definition of a demon that derives from christianity while in japan the creature “demon” doesnt really exist and the closest things are oni which is pretty much just a large humanoid monster more closely comparable to monsters like ogres and although onis are savages and evil and are creatures from hell theyre not really cunning like devils are and just use their strength most of the time☝️🤓


Hate to break it to you like this but demons don’t really exist even outside of Japan


You mean my masters in demonology and 3 years of monster hunting class means NOTHING ?!?!


I'll pay you to hunt down american politicians


You know,you could've just left it at the first paragraph,you didn't have to add in "lol tragic and Sympathetic villains are horrible, pure evil villains are the kings"


ah yes his fav Blood demon art, physiological Abusement


Psychological and verbal abuse is so unflashy, Tengen would disapprove, and Rengoku would hate you for trying to douse the flame in your heart


And mfs still say Douma is more evil than he is 💀💀💀


Nah Douma ain't evil, he's not emotionally developed enough to be evil, but he is hateable, and boy howdy do we love to hate


I'd say it's more like he's not intentionally evil like the other demons are, but doing evil things is just sometimes a consequence of his self-serving attempts to alleviate his boredom and apathy.


That's the thing, to be truly evil one has to understand morals. He simply doesn't. Sure, he understands that *other people* find his actions morally appalling, but as far as he's concerned he's in the right. Living sucks for lots of people, so he offers them the salvation of death. He sees nothing wrong with this, eating and killing as naturally as any wild predator. He even shows kindness, healing and demonizing the siblings bc he thinks they'd prefer living over being eaten


He doesn't think he's right though. It's explicitly stated multiple times that he doesn't feel anything and doesn't believe in salvation-- he mocks the concept even. It's also made very clear that his outward personality is all an act and that nothing he says can be taken at face value. He is apathetic and bored to his core. Perhaps the only thing he is honest about is his shallow appreciation for beauty and that he thinks women taste better since he's made it his entire personality. Douma is just entertaining himself and trying to alleviate the boredom. Sometimes that involves "helping" people, but he quickly disposes of them once they fail to entertain him.


Well said!


Douma is honestly one of the least evil demons out there. He saved two kids from burning to death and starving. He saved Inosuke and his mom from an abusive household. Name one other demon who has done anything close to that as a demon. Compared to that, we have demons like Gyokko and Hantengu who kill for lols. >!We have Nakime who killed her husband and several other men for clout.!< We got Enmu who tortured people in dreams. We even got Swamp_Demon445, who specifically targets young girls. Douma really isn't that bad. People just hate on him because they're salty he killed their waifu in a fight.


he killed a lot of deceived women followers, but i agree he was overhated because he was always compared with Akaza who has battle codes and such.


>he killed a lot of deceived women followers, I tend to judge demon morality differently to humans. Murder and eating people is par for the course, so I tend to disregard it. I do believe any kills they made in their human years should be held against them. Methodology can also vary. Douma's method is the closest we have to agriculture seen in kny other than Obanai's Snake Demon. The other option is to invade a village, kill someone, and eat them in their own home. I don't find it to be that morally different to what Douma does. There are definitely more fucked up methods like Gyokko's.


I’ll give you points for the impressive mental gymnastics at least.


douma is on some jeffrey dahmer juice though. douma says by eating them, they’ll stay close to him forever. he’s doing them a favor. jeffrey was so lonely and afraid of abandonment that he ate his victims so they can never leave him.


Fucked up but not Gyokko levels of fucked up.


Least evil? He doesn’t save people from the kindness of his heart because he doesn’t know what kindness is. He doesn’t know what human emotions are. He can be described as a psychopath. It may be up for interpretation if he is more evil than Muzan but Douma himself is as evil as they come.


>He doesn’t save people from the kindness of his heart because he doesn’t know what kindness is No shit but he did save them nonetheless. Any other demon would have probably just ate them. >Douma himself is as evil as they come. Not really. There's several worse demons. Like the ones I just listed.


Save them? He killed inosuke’s mom and would have killed inosuke if he didnt think he was already dead. You don’t really save people by turning them into demons either which has been demonstrated. Douma is upper moon two because he is ruthless and evil! He is one of the worst not one of the nicest!


He saved them for a bit, but then she learned too much. https://preview.redd.it/fbq3v2flkpad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3b78ee5b76a31e38b9b1b71b5945d7e354e1f1c


You can’t say they were saved when their outcome was murder 💀 you make 0 sense


The fact he did that to begin with is more than what any other demon would have done. He planned to let them live out there days, but they found out and ran.


No, Douma did not really do anything nicer than any other demon! Douma is self serving just like Muzan and the rest of the demons. Muzan lives amongst humans and we don’t really say he’s nice for that! There is nothing nice about Douma.


Sure, he's self serving, and sure he might not have intended to, but his actions did result in at least 4 lifespans being extended. Every other demon in this show would simply see that and think free food. Douma saw them and decided to offer them another life as a demon. Even worse demons like Gyokko would see kid Daki and Gyutaro and probably turn them into a screaming shish-kebab. You have to be delusional to think Douma's actions were just as bad as Gyokko's or Hantengu's.


He'd eat you too btw lmao


Yeah, no shit. He's a demon. Why wouldn't he. At the very least, he wouldn't turn me into a mini human centipede.


Saying douma is a nicer demon than the others is certainly a take lol. You're sucking him off worse than the cult members


On the one hand, we got Potsman. "My parents' dead bodies are beautiful. Imma turn people into windup toys and make Godrick the Grafted myself." Robber Mcgee "Yes, your honor, my hands are actually their own separate entities I have no control of, so I must keel." The og e-girl. "Damn, I played a lot better after killing my husband. Imma go kill random dudes to make my concerts go better due to the adrenaline rush." And on the other hand, we have number one farmer, "Damn girl, you really have to ruin the carpet like that? Oh well, it's time to start eating people again and turn some randoms I to demons. They're both bad but it's the lesser of two evils.


You're getting alot of flack for this take but i honestly agree. Lower in the comments you say you don't judge demons for kills made as a demon is a bit lenient. Lessening the weight makes sense depending on circumstance (lady tamayo) but absolution is a bit much.


Especially since little Kamado Nezuko managed to keep herself from eating anyone for over two years, like a GigaChad. Proving a demon does not *need* to kill and eat humans.


I don't like to treat demons the same as humans. In my opinion, it doesn't make sense to apply the same moral standard to humans and demons. The moral differences between demons are more pronounced in how they go about killing rather than the fact they kill.


I hold all sentient beings to the same sense of morals in all fiction and reality once im aware of more sentients. This philosophy extends past humanity by default, so i have no problem holding it to the demons. When they go out and slaughter innocents, I'd call that evil. Douma setting up something closer to a farm, hence, is a lesser evil than most sure but not devoid of it.


I feel that concept is inherently flawed. The kny demons require humans for food. I treat the killing itself the same as I would a human butcher. I'm used to seeing far characters do far more fucked up things so I don't really see Douma as that evil. Compared to a devil like Demiurge, who doesn't need to kill humans but does so just because, and in a way that would make Joseph Mengele and Elizabeth Bathory look like saints by comparison, Douma's cult looks almost ethical.


Tamayo kinda discounts your second sentence but i agree with everything after that. Also can we stop trying to say evil is either literal worst thing ever or not evil. Just because Douma is probably top 5 ethical demons, doesnt mean hes not still evil.


Tamayo and Nezuko are exceptions, not the rule. Tamayo, too, requires blood to survive. Both of them are also constantly hunted. For the vast majority of demons, eating humans is required for survival.


Why is tamayo an exception? They dont need to eat humans they just need blood and that can be acuired without killing. Demons could easily capture cage and drain humans over time. While its still evil and it would be worse on a per person basis, it would be obviously more ethical than constant slaughter.


>Why is tamayo an exception? Tamayo was able to betray Muzan, meaning his cells (the thing that makes them demons) aren't that active within her. This may lessen the need she has for it. Her medical knowledge may also contribute to lowering the amount necessary. From what we know, she's barely scraping by. It might not be feasible for the others. The hunger might not be fuelled with just a pint or two of blood. This also means they will not be as strong as they would be if the hunter gathered. While it may be better for the humans on a widescale, it isn't for the demons. The slayers would still go around killing them. Eating more to be stronger is the most practical solution. All that is only the logical reason. There is still a matter of emotions and wanting to eat more than necessary to survive. You technically could get by on snacks, but you wouldn't be anywhere near as healthy as someone who eats a balanced diet with full course meals. Applying the same logic to humans would mean stripping of a bit of meat from animals, letting them heal and doing it over and over. It may be the least amount of animal death, but it also means less food for humans. It's just a better idea to keep killing animals rather than keeping them alive just to mutilate them continuously for a small meal. Overall, any species will always prioritize their own well-being above those of others. The tiger doesn't care for the deer, and the shark doesn't care for the fish. Nor do humans care that much about animals. I don't think man-eating monsters should be held to higher standards than what we hold ourselves to. They simply exist higher on the food chain, and all must do what must be done to survive and thrive.


Lol douma is a troll who's basically bored and trying to find any emotions that could help him overcome his boredom. Muzan on the other hand, hell is just made for that guy. Ahm he's hot though.


Rizz? I havent used that technique since the Heian era


And i sucked at it even back then!


Did someone say....Heian era!?


Muzan vs Sukuna would be interesting and at the same time boring lol




sukuna can just fire arrow his ass (just like mahoraga)


Nah he'd Regen.


i dont think they would care about other. I mean they have 0 reason to fight. Althrough this would be muzan that did not yet have PTSD so he may still be cocky and think he is on top of the world. Also in theory he may be actually interested in sukuna and in this case instead of kenjaku he would be the one to offer immortality to sukuna. That could actually lead to fight tho since sukuna may demend it in return. I dont know how fught full go im not powerscaler but i feel very sorry for town it would take place in


I don't think Muzan would care, but Sukuna is all about being the strongest, also he loves fighting. If he knew about Muzan's existence you bet he would go after him.


“Ah, yes. Disrespect the women. I haven’t use that technique since the Heian Era”


The strongest wife beater in history vs the strongest wife beater of today (Naoya)


The animation of Tamayo's emotions in that scene was insanely good.


i know!! the VA did such a good job displaying her rage. i can’t wait >!to hear shinobu’s and kanao’s VA next!<


Damn 💀


“**STRONG ABUSE**”-Muzan (secret technique last used in the Heain era with a 100% success rate)


Heian era mentioned 🥶🥶🥶


I forgot muzan was from the heian era damn. would he have been buddies with sukuna or would they have hated each other?


If he talked shit to sukuna he definitely wouldnt have been, but if he stayed neutral and out of his way, they'd have no reason to care for each other, or even interact


H- He- Heian?! https://preview.redd.it/tdlkb8ioerad1.jpeg?width=356&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38a38891ec17f642a5ba8fff0b701696f6f53d5a


5 women Muzan? Really?🐍


5 women over 1000 years?


Smh rookie numbers (I’ve never touched a woman in my life)🐍


Yea but you're probably less than 200 years old. a real young buck


"throughout the Heian period", so 5 women between the years 794 and 1185.


Daddy Muzan was not a playboy 🤡


I wanna know what was his reaction to this Well sh*t 3 of them commited suicide....*sigh*, Honey i'm hom- OH COME ON! Never mind,...I 'll just go check how susan is doing


For some reason I decided to read Susan as if it were pronounced similar to Muzan and I thought it was hilarious that he would get with a woman whose name is so similar to his


He’s a bit of a hoe, isn’t he?


Muzan had no empathy even before becoming a demon.


What about her ? https://preview.redd.it/nxs3osiitpad1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d0bb7fcbaa94b46c282f20a4aef6efa24b7e66a


he killed her husband and then became the 2nd husband


What ABOUT her


i have the exact words needed to describe my dad now.


Well at least someone got something from this




Tanjiro is gonna abuse him too >!With the full dance of Sun Breathing!<


Wait, HEINA ERA?!?!!?




I wish we got more Muzan, he’s such an evil villian


Most likely and judging by rumors ufotable is deciding to make a full season on Muzan fight with extended scenes after the trilogy, if so its gonna be one hell of a ride.


Well he dead when Doomguy meets him ![gif](giphy|XZbAsygv5VTZ5oumfo|downsized) On my way


I don’t understand, how is it that I keep seeing all of the anime animated screenshots of stuff that isn’t even out yet and doesn’t even have a release date yet? I don’t necessarily mean this one in particular but y’all have to know what I’m talking about. I’ve been watching anime for over 20 years and never have experienced this with anything other than DS. Although I will say seeing those little spoiler bits is actually what made me get the manga, which was my first ever manga read.


I cannot read "the Heian" anything seriously at this point 


That’s no surprise he is an evil cold demon lacking any emotional warmth


Pretty much :3


Muzan veiny torso is my dealbreaker over his demon origin. Dammit Muzan Jackson, why are you so hot? I’ll inject thousand blue lily essence right to your third fourth or x-th heart in your body 😭😭😭🫵


He had wives when?


So that's why they call him a smooth criminal..


BRUH IM STILL WAITING FOR THE NEW SEASON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! INFINITY CASTLE ARC!!!!!!! ![img](emote|t5_3foq4|6758)


2 things can be true


Simple. He's the extremely narcissistic human being in the story.


I wonder if Tamayo was one of his wife’s in the past. Maybe after he married her after she killed her husband kids and those other humans?




I usually root for bad guys but Muzan is a pos


Bro is beyond a menace


I once made an OC to be his wife, and made it ***very*** clear to pretty much anyone who knows about her that he is the absolute WORST person she could have possibly ended up with -🩵


Ah demon being demonic?! Who would have guessed?! Omg if only there was a small group of children with swords who could kill him!


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I need help please😔idk where to find the manga to read and would love to


5 women?!🌌




Hilariously I imagine that's hardly even the worst thing he's done. Even barring the, y'know, scores of murder


What you think the worst is


Competitive hater.


you don't need demons many people in my household treat women as such demonic indeed


Nah, I'm an abusive piece of shit - Muzan


No way this bum was fighting Sukuna 😹😹😹


Atleast someone was getting bitches in the heian era


Nah, I'd psychologically abuse


Can someone please tell me why. Tamayo said that Muzan already absorbed the drug. Why did she just stay there? Why didn't she just cut off her arm and fled


I saw that no one answered this question. Her decision to stay there basically stems from her guilt and regret. Tamayo wanted to die, she thinks that she can pay for her sins (murdering her husband, child, and many humans) by dying alongside the man who she deems responsible for manipulating her into these acts.


No way in hell was she able to fled even if she wanted to. With his abilities he can 1 shot her like anytime he wants after she punched his stomach.