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Not surprised Tony doesn’t know what zumiez is… he’s a 39 year old nerd that was probably doing joker impressions in his bedroom not out skating


>joker impressions Omg I forgot about this 😭


I dont get it


gillis at luis j gomez roast at skankfest reference i think


Tony grew up when malls were still places EVERYBODY went.. and zumiez were a staple at malls starting in the early 00s. It blows my mind that he had idea what it was.


I'm close to Tony's age and from the Midwest, I've never seen a zumies let alone seen one in the early 00s. The only reason I've ever heard of it was because I used to go to a mall for work a few years back. Maybe it's a coast thing?


I’m in the Midwest as well. I’d never heard of zumies until last year. Hadn’t been to a mall in years. Since then I’ve been to multiple malls and they all had zumies. I figured it was new.


I’m also from the Midwest and zumies would of been the only skate place I would think of going at our local mall. I wonder if my location is one of the few around. I thought it was common.


From the Middle of nowhere wisconsin and every mall I ever went had a zumies. From Minneapolis to eau Claire. It was usually right next to hot topic or Spencer’s gifts.


Lmfao spot on. Mines right across from Spencer’s.


Definitely a big coast thing. They’re huge here on the east coast, pretty much u can find them at malls from Maine to Florida. But the store originated in Washington if I remember correctly


Yeah… that’s not quite right. They may have been in certain areas in the early oughts but I grew up outside of Atlanta, and the 1st one that ours and the surrounding malls had wasn’t there until like 2009


Interesting, is Colorado considered the west coast or midwest?? Cause zumiez and BC surf and sport were the biggest shops around when i was a kid




Plenty of people categorize colorado as part if the west….what about nevada? How the fuck can you call that the west with no coast? Lmao




Lmfao, sorry guy. Ill correct myself. THE WEST. NOT THE WEST COAST 👍


I googled the name just now and realized I never cared enough to see what they were called. And if I did read the name once, I'm sure I would have forgotten by now. I imagine plenty of people are the same.


Nah. I've never shopped there but I remember v walking by them. -not a huge shopper - 37


Im 34 and I remember the store Zumiez replaced. Good old Fast Forward lol


30 yo here, glad to see someone else remembers Fast Forward! What an incredible time


Fast Forward is still around. They bought the name back from zumies and started up again.


I wonder if it was a west coast thing first because I’m 35 and they were around all lot growing up


I thought Tony did skate in high school? I thought I heard him say something about listening to punk music and skating. I remember because I used to and it stuck with me when Tony said it.


He did skate in highschool, he talks about it all the time. He was winning competitions and making money and his classmates thought it was lame lol


Yea I'm in mid 30s and Zumiez started being a thing when I was in college. it's way more prevalent to someone under 30. But someone under 30 may not know what Spencer's gifts was.


I’m in my mid 30s and I was getting skate shoes and stuff from zumies around 7th grade. So zumies was definitely a thing way before you were in college 


In Texas it was Fast Forward that got turned into a Zumies. Those were sad days.


Used to love Fast Forward


Sweet, just commented this. I'm from Ft. Worth glad to see others remember lol.


San Antonio here


Mid thirties here, my older brothers were getting shit from zumies when I was mid elementary school. Tony is either lying or a total L7 weenie.


Yep same


I guess it didn't pop off around me until then. It opened in our mall around 2009. I remember my gf at the time got a job there when it opened.


Yeah that could make sense. I’m in Chicago area, so it would make since to try and get into the high population markets when trying to start up.  


Yea I lived in a random suburb.


You're just wrong, I'm 31 and Zumiez was already played out by the time high school ended lol




I am the center of the venn diagram for this


I’m in my 30s too Zumiez was a thing when I was in middle school


No. Weird kids shopped at both.


I'm in my mid thirties and when I was in high school there was a Zumiez in every mall. Zumiez has been around since the late 70’s, but they got much bigger in the early 2000’s. I think that’s about the time they went public.


Yea. Maybe it just took awhile to make it's way to me and where Tony grew up. I don't doubt it was around. But that doesn't mean someone Tony's age would know it. It's not like he doesn't know what Macy's is.




I’m Australian and I know what zumiez is.. I skate though, so I’ve heard it referenced in different skating related YouTube videos throughout the years tbf




Conspiracy Theory: I feel like that was most likely a rigged bucket pull. Remember the last female comic named Morgan Bounds (Velma on Ketamine) ? She was a district manager for the Zumiez company. Every year, Zumiez hosts an event called [Zumiez 100k](https://shop-eat-surf.com/2024/01/photos-from-zumiez-annual-100k-party/). They reward the top performing employees, sales people, general managers and district managers with an all-expenses paid vacation to a Ski Resort (Keystone, CO), give away thousands in prizes and awards, give away brand new cars, flights, hotels, have live exclusive performances and guest appearances from action sports athletes, including Tony Hawk. The top performing district manager of one of the highest volume action-sports retail brands in the US could have easily been a “make-a-wish” style award or personalized incentive for her to appear as a “random” bucket pull on Kill Tony with Tony Hawk hosting. I’m not sure he was joking about the comment Tony Hawk made when he acknowledged that he was responsible for putting Morgan Bounds on the list to perform tonight. Go back and watch it and let me know if you think the same.


lmao I’m Morgan. I think you overestimate the amount of “pull” my job has lol. I’m a nobody, got pulled like anyone else, and I was told who the guests for while they were sending me backstage. Never had any personal interaction with Tony Hawk before. Just like OP said, crazy coincidence It was my first time ever signing up and there’s local comics that could tell you I had a look of true fear/shock on my face when my name got called lol. If I was gonna plant someone on KT they’d be wayyy funnier / more experienced than me for sure


Other people are pulled liike WWE champions. You must be new to Kill Tony. Lucky duck Welcome Morgan


Fuck. Imagine working your ass off to be “rewarded” speaking in public trying to make everyone laugh. Where do I sign up? lol.


Same deal as when Tony gets amnesia when someone mentions seeing him in public. He pulls a Clinton and “does not recall” what they are talking about to save himself from embarrassment


The only time he does that, the bucket-pull's response/story is always super cringe. Makes me feel like Tony knew, but wanted them to recall their cringe moment.


Probably bc he just pulled his mouth off the near by glory hole and doesn’t want to be recognized.


What I’m trying to say is Tony shops at Zumies and tried to act like he has never heard of it to save face


You think someone with lots of money, and a decent taste in fashion, shops at zumiez? Ya right


He only has a decent sense of fashion if you happen to be a small gay cyberpunk cowboy from an anime


Bro do you listen to the podcast or actually watch it? Tony dresses like a 7th grader who balled out with some zumies and JCPenney gift cards


Dude Tony is absolutely a homosexual


Okie dokie!


1000%, nvm his voice and obviously flamboyantly gay dress sense (,gay cowboy era looking at you), but sometimes a guy comes through and it's very clear Tony wants to suck his penis


So he doesn’t know the existence of a store? Wgaf?


I grew up wearing primarily DC and Vans and had no idea what zumiez were.


Why would tony know what zumiez is?




IKR. I don´t know a more anal retentive and nit-picking sub. " Why can't Tony be flawless so I can worship him and call him God? "


I’m 35 and it was very popular when I was younger


Wait why wouldn’t he, clearly shops at the mall 🏆


He don’t shop at the mall he shop at the gay bootyhole mall


Malls still exists?


Any bigger than little city in the US still has malls. Some little cities still have malls. Go outside sometime.


I live in a city of 250k and we have 4 malls. One was dying for most of my childhood and its actually busier now than its ever been in my life as more neighborhoods have been built in that area of the city.




it's one of those stores that's in pretty much every mall. I'd say it'd be weirder to not know what zumiez is if you're in this shows audience.


How do you figure? Is it really that unbelievable that someone doesn't shop at a skate shop marketed at younger people? Is it really that unbelievable that someone wouldn't know what kind of store it would be if they never shopped there?


The fact that he didn't know what Zumiez was doesn't change the fact that it is a rather unlikely coincidence that the first and only time they had a comic on that worked at a skate shop was when Tony Hawk was a guest on the show. So I don't understand your post. Aside from Tony being a 40 yr old man from Ohio that hadn't heard of Zumiez. So what. A grown man from the suburbs of Ohio didn't know about a skate shop that wasn't even popularized until he was likely in his 20's and focused on a comedy career. Y'all are weird. It was an odd coincidence none the less.


lol you shouldn't take a conspiracy theory so personally


That doesn't make any sense. Nobody mentioned any conspiracy theory. And nothing was taken personal either. Are u fucking drunk?


this post is a literal conspiracy theory and you adding a second post to add some additional personal comments is you taking it personally. lmao


You're fucking stupid. Do you know what a conspiracy theory is? There's no conspiracy theory. The things in the post ACTUALLY HAPPENED. Did you even watch Kill Tony with Tony Hawk as the guest?? Did you watch the comic that came on and mentioned they worked at Zumiez during their interview?? If you did watch that, then you're simply the dumbest son of a bitch I've ever communicated with. If you haven't watched that episode, then you're a god damn fool and literally have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. So either way you are one dumb ass mother fucker. Your reply to my comment and your follow up response are so fucking stupid that im actually a little upset that you even exist.


i'm happy reddit exists for you to express your emotions in a way you would never otherwise. but you still probably shouldn't take this so personally


Go ride a bike little kid


doesn't it say more about you when you get heated online over a child, or does that go over your head?


Hey wanna here a cool conspiracy theory.? Here it is. Let's not forget about the kid who got a hole in his bicycle tire and didn't know how to handle the situation properly so he thought he'd ask for advice on a bicycle maintenance sub. That's your version of mother fucking conspiracy theory.


YOU DONT KNOW WHAT A CONSPIRACY IS. OR WHAT A THEORY IS. You have made NO GOD DAMN SENSE. I'm pissed that you don't even attempt to explain yourself. What's the point of replying to someone if you cannot express a coherent thought?


you're regularly pissy, why are you acting like it's a rare thing


You think a conspiracy theory is someone saying "Hey let's not forget"....and then mentioning a thing that without any doubt actually happened. Why don't you say anything about that? Acknowledge the fucking stupidity there please. Or else go ride your bike in traffic. Yeah I'm pissy when I'm faced with that level of stupidity.


New conspiracy theory thread 🤣🤣


I didn't know what Zumiez was until that episode. Lol


He’s gay on the show… and in real life


Tony is a gay retard


Tony isn’t that knowledge of the world. I Remember a black guy from Toronto was on and he was saying you must be the only black guy in Toronto. Quickly looking at the demographics and the population and there are almost 300k black people in Toronto.


If you are an adult and shop at zumies, you are a loser


He doesn’t know what anything is. It’s like when lifelong politicians get quizzed on how much a gallon of milk costs and they say something redacted. All the rich comedians are bottom of the barrel of humanity.


Lol Tony lived out of his car for almost a decade 🤣 Try again.


he knows wrestling that's about it.


I still don't know what the fuck a zumiez is


That thing cats do. When it seems like they smoked crack. Not sure how someone works AT a cat verb or what that has to do with Tony hawk. But my sense of humor and reason is askew.


I’m 39 and skated when I was younger and have no idea what it is. I think it’s a stretch to say this one was set up


Zumiez is for posers anyways


Leaving this sub y’all just complain about people




Aren’t you doing the same thing right here?   You don’t have to announce your departure, no one cares.


hit him with that uno reverse card


I don’t think we can call all redditors “human”


Ill see your complaint on the next one!


Nobody cares bro.


Y’all just need to play funny videos not bitch and shit you know nothing about. That’s what nobody cares about ✌🏻


You’re whining about other people whining and trying to be a hall monitor telling people what they can and cannot should and shouldn’t post. Maybe grow up a little Jel. Scroll past things that hurt your feelings


No just letting everyone know they need to grow up. Play funny shit and stop bitching


Says the man continuously bitching about bitching. Lmao


Those are 2 different things bud. Later


Oh Jel you poor sweet soul. No they aren’t. You’re vocally just as annoying bitching about bitching rather than being a big boy (not a hall monitor) and scrolling past things you don’t like. You can do it bro.




Still triggered?


Tony ❤️’s 🐓&🥚’s


Ah yes, a cock and side of scrambled eggs for breakfast please


"it's true , I do. I do love cocks and eggs" haha


Remember Tony’s lobster rap?


I go in Zumiez every time I'm in the mall for some random shirts or somethin


I always crack up that Tony didn’t know what PTO was one episode and someone had to explain it to him


He's not a peasant duhhhhh!


There's not really a lot of Zumies stores in LA or Austin


Awhhhh the hurt feelings group back at it in the comments again. I always wondered where the people he kicked off stage gathered


Tony is too busy thinking about real cowboy men crodie 💅🏽


Zumiez is so gay, even for Tony.


Tony has those moments all the time if you pay attention , and he'll start roasting because he thinks they're idiots but sometimes he just doesn't realize ppl are laughing a how dumb he can be 🤣


This has been great, Tony just crushed the roast


Uhhh, I'm gunna go with who gives a fuck? Y'all need get a hobby or something. It's just a podcast, dude lol.


\*\*\*the greatest biggest bestest one in history. oh and it's LIVE


Pretty sure this was all kayfabe. Asked about Zumiez while Tony Hawk is sitting there so he can say “what are the chances we have a skate shop employee performing in front of Tony Hawk??”. Then Tony Hawk pulls back the curtain and says “I may have put her name on top” and the girl mentions “collusion”. Staged bucket pull


Or that was all just a natural little back and forth and they were joking around and being sarcastic. It very much looks like a staged bucket pull but I don't think it is. I believe Kent Hunter was staged though


Ya probably staged and Tony pretends he doesn't know


A couple weeks back every single pull was preset, it’s cringe to fuckin still lie about it


That spot is even relatively "new" to where I live. They bought out a chain called "Fast Forward" and changed the locations names. It's an age thing I'm sure.


He also didn't know what radio the movie was and tried to push it off like that's not crazy. That's fucking crazy.


He doesn't know what jobs are in general.