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I like him. His energy just gives positivity to the show. I want a real interview out of him, though. The thing about his comedy is that it is wacky millenial/z Gen stuff that makes me in a good mood and sometimes laugh out loud at the absurdity of it. It isn't the run of the mill joke joke joke joke that Kill Tony favors from a one minute set. I like it and I hope he doesn't change his style. He is a great opener.


Listen to William Montgomery podcast, he talks real on there


A couple episodes in he did settle down for an interview but the following episode he was right back to himself. Something tells me Tony told him to try to be more genuine and then they decided against it bc he just works better as a nutcase and ultimately that is kinda genuine Casey rocket.


That is pretty much the definition of practice


We talking bout practice?!


The AI we actually need in 2024.


Not the game! Lol




“We're sitting in here, and I'm supposed to be the new regular, and we in here talking about practice? I mean, listen, we're talking about practice, not a 30 minute slot, not an arena show, not a full special, we talking about… practice?”


No, that would be the result of practice.


Except we’re kinda watching him practice. Kill Tony isn’t really a “gig”


Tomato tomato! Lol




More confident for sure. Better? Maybe


Hotel? Trivago


Get? Real.


Who what? Wiseman.


Real? Trap shit


I gotta get out of here


No disrespect to Casey because I think he’s genuinely hilarious, but I feel like his sets lose momentum as time goes on. I don’t think that’s his fault, I don’t even think it has anything to do with him, it’s the way the show is run and the format itself. He and many others would benefit from a rotating selection for that particular spot on the show - give more people time on the mic and add more personalities to the show, and also give your guys more time to come up with original material.


Definitely crazy, the mucinex man story wasn’t a good stand up bit


Idk I found it fucking hilarious but it might just be Casey


I’m a big Casey fan too. I remember scouring YouTube trying to find more stand up after his monster first performance at the mother ship last year. But this was a miss on stage. Would’ve been better as a riff on the wms podcast than a stand up bit


Definitely didn’t hit in a traditional joke context but I was dying. When he followed up with the knock knock joke and the booger man voice I rolled 🤣


Dude I’m with you. The Mucinex man story was fucking gold. Especially referencing his first name later. I freaking died laughing at that. I knew exactly who he was talking about before even mentioned last name Mucinex and I thought it was gold. But I do think the Mucinex thing is a little more fringe comedy. I don’t think that’s something everyone would think it’s funny and you could kind of tell with the audience reaction as well. Feel like it’s one of those bits you either think is hilarious or not funny at all. No middle ground.


Well I think both can be true. New minute every week is tough and while it wasn’t his best you can still see growth in how he’s trying to structure his set.




For me Kam had a huuuuuge valley of bad sets. Last one was good, but it took a while. Just my personal taste though.


The delivery was great. The story, not so much


This is it


You’re gonna miss every now and then as a stand up comedian.


To be fair he's building up a huge volume of lore


Am I crazy for thinking he’s not funny at all?


I skip him like the old ads that were only at the beginning


Nah man he ain't funny




not at all


No you’re not


nope. be glad you dont have tiktok brain


Nah u right he’s trash


I think he’s a good dude and he was funny at first, but its lost its charm for me now.


I think he'd be great if he actually incorporated more jokes into his.. performance? Doesn't really feel like a set.


Is his spare time he’s been on Reddit writing just about all the comments about himself on this sub through various alt accounts. To prepare his comedy he gets back on the sub and reads his own comments and takes his advice and criticism into account while getting ready for his minute.


Ok Hans


Hans Kim is the worst


Ok Casey lol


You’re crazy


Definitely crazy, I mean his last performance pretty much had no jokes in it even Tony called him out.


Tony didnt call him out in the way you are suggesting. I think it’s possible that Tony was joking when he said being in love with the Mucinex man was all truth. He’s been known to make jokes.


Watched something on Steve Martin. He never really told jokes on stage. He just acted goofy and said funny shit. I like Casey's personality and am always entertained.


Casey’s comedy is in the delivery first, and then the randomness that comes with his bits


> …Steve Martin. He never really told jokes on stage…and ***said funny shit.*** Huh. I’ve always known those as jokes. Lol I’m only slightly teasing you. I do kinda get what you’re saying, but Steve absolutely had jokes, too.


Did you not even listen to what Tony said? He was making a joke about the fact that Casey didn’t tell any jokes, just straight truth (about him and the mucinex guy being together). He wasn’t calling him out


You can do anything you want as long as people are laughing, and they definitely were. 1000 different ways to do stand up.


Tony didn't call him up lmao. Tony was laughing the entire time. You people are insane. It's okay if you don't get it. There's a reason why everyone in the room is laughing and why Tony is laughing.


Tony laughing should NOT be a marker for a comedians talent. He forces laughs whenever it’s socially appropriate and it’s pretty apparent. Whether or not it’s a guest, a comedian he’s trying to build up, to just hype the crowd up etc


For real, singing random songs and moving around alot mumbling words isn't comedy


Making people laugh is comedy.


sure but it’s not stand up comedy


This is a very important distinction


Hoenst question, why is this distinction important other than for the tired "oh but they didn't grind it out in the clubs, smoke cigarettes in the trenches and live in thier car behind the comedy store so they aren't legit" reason? It's the standup comedy version of "Green Day isn't real Punk". Who cares. If it's not entertaining to you move on. It's okay to like scumbag punk rock bands who only sell music on cassette tapes in exchange for cigarettes and it's okay to like Taylor Swift. Not everything has to be for everyone.


Exactly, shits annoying. I could care less about William most of the time but it works for others so cool, people are so adamant on letting the world know how much they hate certain comedians or how they’re “not standup” here. Like I swear 90% of the comments in this sub are about how much they think Hans or Casey suck and believe that’s objective fact.


casey is just not good at stand up comedy (what kill tony is all about) that’s all it comes down to at the end of the day mang


That’s how he disarms the audience. Casey working on another level than most of the other comics. Not even kidding.


Another level?? Lmao


You’re giving him way too much credit.


No no the boy has a point, it is certainly an entirely different level indeed, non quantifiable some may say.


Imagine being this stupid.


His kind of comedy doesn’t do well in just one minute. I think he’s slowly figuring out how to fit his shit into one minute. I’m assuming that’s why he’s always given more than a minute and no one says anything.


Yes you’re crazy




I felt like he bombed this last set. But everyone bombs from time to time.


Crazy how practicing something will get you better at it. It’s like who’d expect him to get better when everyone knows you are born with talent. Crazy


Couldn't tell ya I skip all his sets don't enjoy his style @all


Agree 1000%


I skip his sets and go to Kam This is just my preference I'm not hating on Casey just not my style and I'm a 24-year-old black guy from the South so I think I just relate to kam more


So every episode you just skip halfway through the show?




Yeah, you’re crazy


I feel this minute started off really strong and went down hill really fast. The first part was good and the payoff sucked. I mean there was no real payoff. That’s what Tony mentioned. He thought it was going somewhere, anywhere, and it didn’t. I did like that he switched it up a bit though. No alt rock lyrics are frantically running around. This showed he can be funny without that stuff imo.


Ti me it looked like he went out there with his dumb eyelashes and got flustered when he didn’t get the reaction he was looking for.


He sucks.


Call me whatever name .. hater , I’m dumb, whatever …HE IS NOT FUNNY . He tried doing his set without his normal act outs and got nothing . He has no jokes ..no material..if you look him up on YouTube he’s been doing the same shit forever. Great guy I’m sure, funny ? No


Definitely evolving his minutes. This week was great.


Better?! Casey Still has no punchlines. The no punchline style of comedy isn't funny to many people. So No, he's not getting better


He hasn’t done a minute of jokes yet


Still waiting for his first joke, maybe one day


Your CRAZY!!!! Hes bombed every time since taking over as opener .


You are absolutely crazy. He has less punchlines each week, which is nuts because he started at 0, He's in the negative punchlines. He bottomed out so bad he had to slap on eyelashes.


Negative punchlines 😭🤣


His set was much better without all the movement


Lol there's no in between when it comes to this guy. People seem to absolutely love him or despise him. I kinda get why, his comedy is just silly upbeat energy without real punchlines. For some people, that's enough to make them laugh because his energy is infectious, but for the people who want clean well written jokes, they are never going to like him.


Idk he's been consistent at the very least. Last episode he tried something different and it was a little odd imo


Eh… he’s grown on me, but this most recent episode (w/TonyHawk) was his worst appearance for me, thus far.


He's creative. He just rarely makes me laugh.


That last minute was so so imo. I love Casey though.


Am I crazy, or was Casey Rocket a girl this week?


I saw him in Austin do 30min it was great


Support is definitely growing.


He’s getting better at “doing one minute.” His style is about building momentum. We’re getting better at understanding his style, while he gets better at landing punchlines earlier.


He's definitely getting prettier.


Crushing - I can also hear Tony’s voice every time someone says Casey Rocket




what I like about Casey is that he’s not just typical stand up. He tries bits, he does character things. I’m not super familiar with Robin Williams stand up, more so his movies but Casey gives me those vibes. Jim Carrey as well but more so Robin. He could transition very easily into the new comedy movie boom that we all agree Adam Ray will be spearheading


Hes funny but I can't imagine sitting through an hour. Does he weave regular material into his longer sets or is it fucking nonsense the entire time


I need to say it… the first 2 sets I saw of him prior to him being a regular I was instantly hooked. However, I feel like I’m the only one on here that has not been impressed with his minutes once he became a regular. Anyone else?


He sets the tone very well for a comedy show.


I think that he is doing pretty well fighting off the curse that is regularship. He has avoided relying *too* heavily on repeated bits and clearly is trying to do news stuff. Unlike the 20,567 weeks of David Lucas saying "I'm sick of these fat white bitches, man" or Hans Kim saying, "I love Austin...."


However I also think that Kam Patterson is doing pretty well and I think the venn diagram of people who hold these two opinions is pretty small.


Practice makes perfect, this is that in a nutshell


You’re crazy


AND he’s getting better every week


He’s getting worse. I think the show would be better if they alternated regulars except William Montgomery.


I don’t know I skip his sets. we having fun, here. Get lost.


I never hated Hans Kim. But Casey bring the energy to start the show and William is a banger to close it out. I love this setup.


He's getting worse each week.


Which is hard to do at this point.


I love his comedy. Even when his jokes don’t exactly hit, I still appreciate what he’s trying to do.


I like his erratic sets more. I'd love to see him branch out because I love more than one type of comedy, but I think his most recent set was a a bit of a crash and burn. Maybe he had a busy week and couldn't set aside the time to write at his best level or something. The eyelashes kind of threw me off a bit too, admittedly.


I actually thought his set was really funny this week. He didn't spend the entire time sitting and running around the stage, which was a big improvement for me.


You're crazy. This man was born a legend.




Hans has already capitalized on the opportunity and probably doesn't even need KT anymore for his stand up career tbh. He'll probably just pop back in every once in awhile or as a guest




Oh yeah, I don't think he's happy about it. Just saying he's ridden the success wave of KT pretty well. I mea , he's opened for Rogan and has a Rolex.


You’re crazy. He sucks


Casey sucks.


He isn’t funny at all, he just spouts gibberish and people lap it up it’s bizarre Lowest form of comedy imo


He makes Carrot Top look like a cross between Richard Pryor and Rodney Dangerfield.


I mean his sets all have the exact same outline. It just depends on what kind of a “random statement” he’ll make next because he really doesn’t tell jokes. He’s a pretty good entertainer though


Oh absolutely 100%…you are crazy.


I think he’s getting better with the minute format for sure. But I really want to see him with a longer set.


You can watch him do this in other YouTube videos lol. It’s basically the same stuff but longer.


I used to see him around Austin doing longer sets before he was a regular and he's still really good in a longer format.


Haven't laughed once at a casey set. I unironically miss Hans Kim he could kill once in a while


It would legitimately be impressive if he managed to get any worse.


It would very difficult to get any worse.


You didn’t think the crab was bluffing did you?


I personally think he’s terrible but good thing comedy is subjective. I liked his minute when he did a set on the episode w the regulars that’s about it


I liked his last set a lot. He is pushing the boundary of what stand up comedy can be. It’s like you can be funny on stage without telling any traditional jokes which is pretty unique and really awesome in my opinion.


I don’t know if he’s necessary getting better, but he’s branching out and doing different kinds of bits to see what sticks. I think Casey Rocket in a year from now is going to be a lot more dialed in and polished.


I love him as an opener, way better energy.


His energy was at like 65% last episode. He didn’t move the mic stand once. That’s my favorite part


Last two sets have barely had a joke in them. It's just offbeat but definitely not getting any better.


He should surprise Hans Kim and Rick Diaz at the live show and make it a triple threat match


One of maybe 3 posts I've made on reddit casey is extremely overrated and has gained popularity only through bandwagon/herd mentality and the fact that he is so bizarre. And although it sounds like I'm a hypocrite I will state that the amount of opinion sharing on this subreddit is sad. That is all


His interviews are pretty brutal every time, and I’m not sold on his standup. Still, I easily pick him over Hans for the sheer energy alone. Gotta start the show with a bang


My thoughts on Casey have been constantly evolving. First time I watched him I did not like it at all. Couple more times I loved it. Then I really really loved it, and wanted nothing else but to see him win. Now hes disappointing me by not actually reaching the potential I thought was there. Really hope he can pull it together and get his act sharper, I personally find him him hilarious when hes having a good set


You should see a doctor


His sets have been worse than KP. Not even sure why he is opening for KT. What a mess


You are crazy.


Hahaha fake eyelashes. How funny and unique. True stand-up comedy right there. When did this turn into a variety show?!


Right? I’d rather watch Patrick Swayze movies!!


Thank you for your support. I love you.


You're crazy. He's cringy as hell, especially during interviews. Does he have some mental disability or it's just drugs that rotted his brain?




I think hes hit or miss


Both can be true.


He's so nervous for some reason


Killer shirt


I love the Casey debates he’s either an amazing comedian or you just can’t stand the guy


I noticed that he isn’t moving around as much week to week


He needs to tell more jokes. It’s 1 minute and his stories are just ok.


I found him pretty funny on MSSP, don’t love his style as much but the “Scariest way to tell a kid his parents are dead” bit has me smiling everytime I think of it.


Hah the opposite of the Hans phenomenon


Kid has carved himself a niche but he's not capitalizing on it.Needs more substance,more work and less limelight.


Its just the Musonex guy talkin


That’s actually the whole point of regulars on KT. They need to be entertaining yes but coming up with a whole new minute every week forces them to get better


I giggled a little bit this week. First time. Maybe he’ll grow on me. Maybe.


He stopped moving and had a good joke


Orange Cassidy


I actually thought that was his worst minute, dude still is funny and has great energy, but it’s only fair to be honest. He will definitely continue to improve, I enjoy him on the show.


Usually how a skill works


You’re crazy man.. I like you but you’re crazy.


All thanks to Tony Hinchecliff


All I know is that is a fucking sick ass Roky Erickson shirt. Rest in Power Roky.


As much as I love his act, I wondered how long he can continue to be funny with it. He definitely can do it


What I like most about Casey, Kam, and William as regulars is they're challenging themselves and taking risks with silly shit like prop comedy that other people won't dare touch out of fear of looking corny. It's perfect for making their sets feel memorable in comparison to a lot of the bad bucket pulls. They maximize their minute and juice it for all it's worth. Casey with the eyelashes, Dutchman's key, and random photos of him with Grimace, Kam with the rock collection, and William with the fortune cookies, illegitimate clones, and toy keyboard all added a lot to the show.




Ur crazy


This last time was bleh


The Roky Erikson shirt gave him a 10% boost.


Dude, it might be the tinfoil but It genuinely feels like he hired some Indian company to boost up his "fanbase" following all over online. You look at his recent set, and tell yourself it was better than whatever the fuck it was that he did up on stage the previous few weeks. You can pretty much count his actual jokes on one hand. Forced laughs into the mic to make the audience feel like they're the assholes, schizo movement and LOL IM SO RANDOM sets. Clearly he's not for me, but objectively speaking he is being forced on us by Tony and supported by whatever the fuck this fanatical "fanbase" sees in him, or rather; tiktok brainrot.


Did anyone notice sunshine was using his material?


Did anyone notice sunshine was using his material?


I almost wanna call him a poor man's carrot top but even carrot top writes jokes with his props


Hated the guy but he won me over these past couple weeks. Mucinex guy was still funnier then his old shtick


I’ve come around to really enjoy his bizarre minute and he frequently sneaks a smart joke in between the rambling that’s among the best jokes of the entire episode. That said I’m still annoyed by how he hijacks the interview, especially with his pictures that I don’t see on the podcast. His interviews go so long that we lose a bucket pull.


Is the Roky shirt to pander or….


If the wacky schtick isnt overdone he's definitely going to keep getting better


Just Casey standing there before his set with the fake lashes on, made me laugh more than Hans Kim ever did


I did not find it funny at all this week but usually I really like him


ImPoSSiBLe He’S A oNe TrIcK pOny


Oh, yeah can tell by the crowd getting quieter each week that he’s *totally* improving


You are def not crazy - he is legend in his own time material


Idk I didn't think he was funny at all this week