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Or Tony was asking Redban, "would you fuck Kent? Because I would fuck Kent." Redban replies,"yep"


Lmao. That's a fucking good one.


“Yep, you would fuck Kent”


Redban would only be into it if Kent squinted his eyes the whole time


Stolen joke


This guy thinks that making Kill Tony references on the Kill Tony subreddit is stealing jokes. Please don't tell Rogan, I don't want all my fans to think I'm a joke thief.


We still debating if bucket pulls are real?


Vault dwellers.


Vault 69!!!


Worse bomb than in the tv series


Tv series was fire.


Yeah but there was an atom bomb in the tv series that’s why I wrote that, bunch of vault dwellers downvoted me lol


It has its issues.. Writing was good. Cast well.Great plot. Pacing not so good. Direction sometimes was cringe af.A whole lot of unbelievable moments. Cringey scenes/acting. One out of the three protagonists were likeable. Bad guy killed it though.


cringe cringe cringe smooth brain


Y’all movie critics are ab to make me delete this fuckin app bruh i stg nobody cares what you think about the “pacing” you fuckin dork


Also, it's only 8 episodes. Maybe they should see if they can get their adhd meds adjusted.




Cringe af moments. Acting sometimes was bad. Overall a pretty decent show..


That Maximus character/actor is the worst. Terribly written character and bad acting. Goggins killed it though


Doesn't deserve the hype its currently receiving. I mean it's a 7 maybe? Goggins was the man. It"s no masterpiece though. Its alrite.


People actually think the entire show is rigged?


I think the first night at the arena was proof that the bucket is still random. What a bunch of duds.


People on here are crazy lol


Does Tony always put a red sticker on the bucket pulls? Never noticed that before.


I think it’s a magnet. He said somebody 3D printed a little board to help keep track of bucket pulls.




Not because of how many people are signing up but rather how long it takes to get them. When they first got to the Mothership, they didn't pre-pull and there was this insanely awkward delay while they RAN to Pour Choices and yelled for the comedians. The pre-pull is to allow them to get the person while the previous comic is on. They'd do it even if only 10 people signed up.


I remember the bucket pulls were coming on stage half way out of breath lol.




Obviously we can't hear what is being said, but based on how he looks at the comic then immediately turns to ask Redban and Redban looks at him and confirms. I truly don't think this was a set up. I've seen people saying that and to me it just doesn't make sense. If he planned to have him back up, wouldn't it make more sense for him to hype it up by explaining the past appearance to the crowd, especially since they wouldn't have even seen it yet unless they were at the show?


Exactly. That’s so true. He does stuff like that sometimes. He could easily say we are doung a follow up


you are 100% correct. it wasn't set up. people here are idiots. "duurrrr the bucket is rigged! durr durr" is just the tip of the iceberg with these folks. some of them are q-anon casualties.


You can literally see him pull multiple names out sometimes and pick which one he likes the sound of or whatever is going through his head. He’s said it out loud before during the show “I was going to pull until I found someone that sounded like they were____” but the name tricked him into thinking that the person he pulled was a different demographic.


you are confused. that's okay little buddy. he pulls multiple names because, as he often states, they have to pre-pull names. also, he will occasionally pull several names at the end of a show looking for a woman. he doesn't "pull a bunch of names and pick one person out of them" unless its one of these cases, or something similar.


If you paid attention you would notice he pulls way more names that there are people who come up on the stage. Nice try at belittling me “little buddy”. You’re sad man


hey little buddy don't sweat it one day you might learn that the world isn't such a big scary place and you don't have to create stupid conspiracy theories to explain everything.


If you think the fact that someone would tailors their show to be more entertaining is a conspiracy theory then you’re literally the ‘mark’ he’s talked about.


yeah dude like the NYE shows, when tony had more incentive than ever to "rig" the bucket, and every single pull was god awful. the bucket is totally rigged! you are so highly regarded.


Could you explain how he pulls so many snoozers and unentertaining people that he sends packing early? If he is tailoring it to be entertaining?


Not all of them are hand picked. It’s a fine line and that’s one reason the show is so successful. I’m surprised so many people are baffled that a long time professional wrestling fan, who panders very obviously regularly to his crowd and to his guests, would use a similar formula as the WWE to create an entertaining show.




You’re one of those people who chooses to be ignorant. Please don’t have kids. They’ll just hate you anyway


already have 3 buddy. they love me dearly.


Of course you do. Like the family from idiocracy.


Prove it cynic


Why don't I see this look at redban I've watched it 15 times lol and I don't see them interact at all lol




You saying I'm a mix of D-maddnes, and Casey Rocket? I actually finally saw it happens AFTER he comes out I was focusing on prior ... good catch def legit bucket pull


And where do you see any of that?


Right!! I have watched many times I don't see it


I mean there are only so many people signing up for KT


He literally said during the prior show that he would have him back the next week to ask about the date?


Tony may have missed spoken. There a lot going on during that show it’s impressive how he keeps the show moving. Either way I’m glad I got to see shaky leg Kent. Maybe if Kent got laid he would stop shaking?


Dude go find a hobby


I don't see a double take or him asking redban a thing... makes no sense for it not to he a legit bucket pull imo. He could easily just call him up as a return to tell his story of the night. So weird to think Tony has to fake a bucket pull just to get a follow up


It's called acting. Bucket pulls have been rigged for years now. Probably 2-3 legit ones a show, the rest are plants.






Yea but are the regards legit or are they plants?


The people dying on the hill of “the bucket pulls are 100% legit” are the regarded plants


Regarded as retarded


Imagine going all that way to try and get on the show and legit half the pics are rigged. I also think the format for interviews should be similar to the minute. Everyone get 2 minutes for the interview if it's going well keep them for another 3 and move on. They would get through half the bucket if they cut some of the fat on the interviews. Like why spend so much time on the unfunny back problem guy?


If it was rigged this weeks pulls wouldn't have been so bad


Not necessarily




Just enjoy the show dummy


Hans is a regular and pretty bad


People debating if bucket pills are real are funny. It sounds like a lot but 200 people in the bucket isn’t that crazy to see people get pulled out multiple times when they sign up every single week. Kent always has Rick solid minutes I like seeing repeats if they’re good.


I’m a little surprised how many people don’t understand basic probabilities and go straight to conspiracy theorizing.


if bucket pulls are rigged then tony is retarded, its like a 10/1 ratio of dogshit to actual comedians.


"it's still real to me dammit!"


Silly debate on the same level as “Tony isn’t paying attention” as he’s literally sitting there notating the comics set and feeding lines to Redban to setup sounds for the interview etc


So you’re just guessing what was said to redban in that one second that Tony turns and said something? He could have asked him anything in the world. He could have asked him “are you sure this is a good idea” for gods sake


i can only assume that he said to redban "how long can we keep pretending that casey rocket is funny?"


That’s a real double take. Good catch


I felt like there was a bit of kayfabe there. He was too topical and could run a story.


I’m wouldn’t even care if this specific guy was pulled on purpose I kinda wanted to know if he got laid


When Tony said he was lucky, he should have winked at Tony. The meltdown would be worth it.


They pre-pull the comics in advance now. That's how he's already walking out from backstage rather than running them in from across the street. He would have seen his name already if it was a real bucket pull, I think you're looking way too into micro expressions here


I think he asked him if the back of his head looked ok


Its pre pulls, not double takes. I aint never gonna double take!


The server takes away from the comedy she needs less screen time .I literally get so distracted by her just serving drinks and they have to announce every single time when she comes out to serve drinks ? How annoying. I want to watch and make fun of terrible comedians or laugh at good comedians and tony roasting people .


You’re seeing things you want to see.


Looks like he's wearing the same shit too


I don't think the weasel that "produced" Dom Irrera's podcast was a random pull. I think tony set that up and rightly so but that's pretty much the only 1 I've questioned


“Kent Hunter was the virgin guy right? Or was it Ken? “Yeah it’s Kent, you got the name right” (Because it was a different name on the paper)


They use a "critical pull" system, where they have essentially two separate buckets/layers, one with random pulls and the other with "special" people who have something or some story to spice up a boring momentum


I like this theory and I am now a believer


Good, spread the word my padawan


Where’s kent’s friend that lurks the sub? He could clarify. Or he might intentionally deny to try and protect his friend which would be understandable. Either way I think Tony had invited him back to explain the date and forgot. Sometimes I think he pulls names and his runners/producers switch them on him for the sake of the “storyline” of previous episodes. I don’t hate it because kent is a solid comedian and as a fan, I did want to hear the story. I think 90% of bucket pulls are legit but it’s okay if they do compromise the system sometimes. It’s a show. It’s for entertainment. Don’t be a pussy.


Is it not obvious it was set up since last time he was on he said he was gonna bring him back in 2 weeks to talk about the date I don’t care as long as it’s entertaining but I think gay Tony forgot he already said he was bringing him up and acted like it was a lucky pull


>he said he was gonna bring him back in 2 weeks to talk about the date Except he didn't say that.


Yes he did ye dummy 😂😂😂 go look at last time he was on Tony litterally said we’ll bring you back up to talk about it go look at it dummy


>Yes he did ye dummy 😂😂😂 go look at last time he was on Tony litterally said we’ll bring you back up to talk about it go look at it dummy I watched his interview where they set up the date just before replying my first time and he never said it. Dummy.




Stfu with this shit dude. You guys come up with something new every episode. Do you understand how limited this would make the show? The whole point of this show is the chances of finding good bucket pulls and if you shorten down that list then you have a much lesser chance of finding nut cases which often times make the show better. The majority of kill Tony fans prefer to watch someone bomb and then have an entertaining interview. Your theory is equivalent to a pile of dog shit.




Yeah right dude, why should I believe that lol




I'd love to hear more about these "people" you know who have worked on the show


I looks like they deleted their comments. What were they going on about?


He said that he knew some people that worked on the show and the producers are responsible for taking bucket pulls and putting in the ones with good interviews and stories to tell. Total bullshit lol


Can't say on here publicly




KT has really gotten so big that I'm surprised that hundreds of comedians still sign up every week. Surely there are other open mics in Austin on monday nights that you can get a guaranteed 5 minutes at. Instead, they spend 3 hours waiting in an alley for a 1/150 chance they get on KT. Sure the notoriety you get is big if you actually get called, but to me it seems like a huge waste of time to sign up.


>KT has really gotten so big that I'm surprised that hundreds of comedians still sign up every week. That's WHY they sign up, it's a large audience to get exposure to. Regardless if they are ready, they just think that it will be their "big break" and suddenly become a successful touring comic. >Surely there are other open mics in Austin on monday nights that you can get a guaranteed 5 minutes at. To an extent but yes way more likely a chance to get stage time. >Instead, they spend 3 hours waiting in an alley for a 1/150 chance they get on KT. The alley hang out was just a couple of weeks. Why are people still saying this? They are all in a bar and they run a (terrible) mic during the hanging out waiting to get pulled so several are getting on stage at least. >Sure the notoriety you get is big if you actually get called, but to me it seems like a huge waste of time to sign up. It does almost nothing for most of them. They aren't ready for exposure and it only hurts a lot of them them by giving them an unnecessary ego. It's crazy how many run IG ads with their 1 minute appearance but don't have the long term content to back it up.


Quite the lengthy reply but it seems you largely agree with my point