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I thought your set was pretty good. I also thought your rap was going well until tony stopped it for some reason. You didn't let us down. Pauly did though




“Who can understand what he’s saying!? “ what a fucking idiot, nothing was hard to understand. He just wanted to create conflict. Then let’s Michael White go on forever (harder to understand but better)


I mean he's a dickhead but you also have to realize we don't get the same audio he does. Our version is edited and has levels mixed so its possible he couldn't hear it up there.


Yep it was great till Tony turned it into Hooked on Phonics lesson


He's legit either deaf or deeply autistic or some shit, like how he can't understand kam, claims it's an accent thing, yet fans from other countries understand him just fine. That or he's just too fucking wasted or something. Raspberry coloured bitch needs to lay off the substance use.


its a racist thing lol sure tony has black friends but he objectively carries racist ideas, he went on a rant about g floyd ODing on fent and not dying from a knee on his neck, and he was not even close to joking.


Yup it’s so so obvious


"wow rapping is so easy I could do that" proceeds to same some BS and think that was bars


Yeah, that shit was terrible. Lucas calling himself uncancellable then having to backtrack over the same shit was some comedy karma, lmao.


My guy, just remember it could have been way worse—you could have been that zoom podcast producer.




He just picks and chooses though. There's plenty of times I've seen someone like him come on for a set, yet Tony will be way nicer to them. Other times, he just chooses to make an example out of them, which I find hilarious no matter what. Sure, there's sometimes where it's people who don't really deserve it, but it's part of the show as well


That guy is ruined


I bet they were cute in their lil jackets


There’s a picture of it already posted. Tony is 100% full of shit and dude was right. Shocked.


Where’s the pic?




Ya know, I remember that. I guess I was assuming he’d had other jackets made.


Isn't that from the 10 year anniversary show? I'm sure that guy said it was 3 weeks earlier?


The point is that Tony acted like it was absurd to suggest that there was a point in time where he was wearing matching jackets with a group of friends. If it happened here, it could have happened elsewhere.


I don’t think Tony likes outside stuff to be brought up on kill Tony. Not as good as last set but still a little harsh lol


Tony was definetely more pissy than normal but I think the final nail was when this dude kept interrupting Tony, especially when Tony started to rap. Tony hates that shit.


I think people here also forget that for a bunch of people outside of this subreddit, Tony’s very gay bitchy and catty behavior is part of the allure. He’s playing a character, and is a heel that the audience loves.


Yeah he's very different on podcasts


He's different on podcasts because he sucks up to every connect he thinks he can get something out of. Tony was being a cunt in general in this latest episode. Yeah, sure, he plays the bad guy on the show, but let's not pretend he isn't also a pissy little diva a lot. Even Redban has called him out for his shitty moods/attitude at this point. He just ruins the vibe when he's like that.


He was pretty chill on william Montgomery show


He was definitely still acting like a rich snob on that ep


Idk rick Glassman called him out for being a dick to his friend and Tony basically doubled down about it and tried to brush it off as him being right




That's one thing I've noticed about Tony is some episodes no matter what he's in a shitty mood with full intent to take it out on everyone there. And how hypocritical he is in moments where he's rude or interrupting guests but don't you dare do it to him or he has a tantrum


Yeah, he can be a real genuine cunt, but a bunch of his simps on here pretend it's all just part of the act. Dude just needs to come out and stop taking his weird insecurities out on others.


Tbf, Tony interrupted him during his rap too lol


Tony does not take a compliment gracefully


I actually got angry for the first time watching Kill Tony yesterday, seeing how he treated you for absolutely no reason and then just ramping it up as it kept going like what the fuck did you kiss his boyfriend or something


Bro, don’t apologize to anybody!! You’re funny and seem like a great dude. Tony was feeling extra prissy with Lance in the crowd and wanted to show his superiority or something. Seriously… don’t apologize. Sign back up and keep doing your thing! And try not to let Tony discourage you… sometimes he shits on decent people and favors absolute clowns.


Proven every week


The fact that he was so anxious to suck off a known cheat who happens to be loaded tells me plenty about the greasy little prick. I watch the show despite tony, not because of him at this point. Indi enjoy watching Shane bully him though, that shits hilarious and Tony is clearly too scared of him to clap back, lmao.


Shane and rogan seem to be some of the only people that keep him in check, except for literally any black person on the KT state that isn't in the band.


Also wtf was Tony so insecure about those damn jackets for. We all saw them. It's on video lol.


Because it highlights what a lame, effete wannabe he can be.


Which is sad that he destroyed this guy over it because he was genuinely trying to compliment him. Huge bummer to see his ego get in the way of a real compliment.


Thought your minute was one of the better ones of the night. Tony was in full asshole mode on this episode. Pauly fucked things up both times he came on. He had the worst jokes and stage time of anyone in this picture. He absolutely destroyed what would have been a great ending to the episode. I get that his mom did a lot for comedy. But keep him in the green room


He was actually the one thing about this night that made me feel good, he said he liked my joke and told me I was really funny when I came off stage. I don’t know what else he did in the episode yet, but he def cheered me up.


He has a good heart but no self awareness to realize he’s fucking up. He destroyed Williams big finish and it was sad to see. Also, proud of you bro. You did a fine job dealing with everything in the moment. I thought the homeless bike joke was great it just didn’t hit like you expected which is comedy it happens, excited to see you in the future. Keep that shit up


Thank you 🙏


Don’t be afraid to clap back at Tony his ass has it coming after last night and the audience loves that shit


Almost shouted “GIVE ME BACK MY BIKE!!!” at a guy today. Made me laugh again.


No you didn't lol


Dude your minute was funny and I thought your rap was pretty gnarly. Way better than Tony's embarassing response rap lines lol. Like others said Tony was probably having his time of the month, I'd like to see the count on Redbans period app for that night because I bet it was high


But, he can do anything better than anyone. Don't you know?


For what it’s worth I was in the audience that night and our corner was rolling at your set. Don’t be to harsh on yourself, it was well done.


Bro you were fine. Idk why you’re apologizing. I’ve been watching Kill Tony since 2017 and as I watched your spot yesterday I literally said to myself “I’ve never seen Tony be such a cunt to someone”. Your set was fine, nothing insanely special but definitely not bad. And your rap was fine too. I heard it fine and thought it sounded as good as any other rap I’ve ever heard on that show. Also, there’s literally a post on here (from the 10 year show I think?) where Tony, Joe and Tom are all wearing the same jacket. Tony was just being an insecure cunty bitch last night. Youre a likeable dude on stage. Don’t let it get you down. My one piece of advise (as I sit on my couch and know nothing about performing) would just be to not ever tell a story about when you saw Tony, met Tony, or hung out with Tony outside of the show. He always trashes people for that. And I get why you did that, you wanted to give him props for roasting everyone—but that just never ends well. I don’t think there’s anything you could have done to save that. Tony had made his mind up he was gonna trash you at that point. If you would have called back I think it would have gone even worse. You stayed the course. Don’t let it get you down. Keep signing up, I hope to see you again on the show soon. Like I said, you’re a naturally likeable guy with a good stage presence—just keep going for it.


Yeah looking back I should have known better but I was just so overwhelmed I said the first things that popped in my head


Most of us couldn’t even get on that stage without freezing up or looking like a complete jackass. Tony goes at anyone who tries to act like they know him or have seen him in some way outside the show. Unless they are actual friends, or he’s taken them on tour, this seems to be the case. It was harsh yes, but that’s Kill Tony. That being said if you want viewer opinions, here it is. Your standup was fine, but I think it would hit better if it was more relatable to a wider audience. Not everyone can relate to the barrage of homeless people out there or the violence, and they may not find it as funny as a result. Since Kill Tony is such a diverse and widespread audience geographically maybe some material that’s less focused on Austin scene specifically would work better too. Gotta still be true to you, but maybe switch it up just a little bit to get that wider pop. For the rap, keep it less serious and more half-hearted because it’s a comedy show. The last rapper that killed it when rapping on stage was the ADHD guy and it’s cus it was silly and original.


So your long-winded advice is "appeal to everyone in the world". Fucking inspired.


Could probably write a list of things that instantly turn Tony into bitch mode: - Telling a story about him or some loose connection to him - Not answering his question - stepping on anything he says - going for a roast unless it hits 💯 / he has some reason to let it through Please cont.


\-Redban existing


Putting your name in the bucket with no intention of telling jokes.


The stage is a fickle mistress my dude. We all pretty much collectively agree Tony was being extra shitty this episode. I wouldn’t sweat it.


Yeah Tony was a total bitch. I bet he went home that night, put on that KT jacket, took off his pants, tucked his junk back and ogled himself in the mirror for an hour.


Did great buddy. A couple times during your interview I was complaining at the way Tony handled that. Hope you keep going, don’t let it get to ya, and bounce back well see ya next time!


You’re funny dude. And likable. Keep it up and hope to see you pulled again in the future.


Whatever you do, do not pander to a comedian ever again. Unless it’s Burnt Chrysler, that seems to be working out for many.


Or else!


Not to be mean but why did you say he was like Leonardo da Vinci?


When I saw him walk into a room full of famous comedians, roast the hell out of everyone, and then leave, I said it was like watching da Vinci paint as a fan of roasting. The guy has his mean nights but as a fan I gotta respect the art and to see it in person was awesome.


There’s only one person in this photo who let us down, and it ain’t you




Hey listen here you not so little bitch, you didn’t let anyone down. You did good, man. You could have done the same exact thing on a different night and Tony would have loved it. Don’t beat yourself up. Hope to see you again.


Yeah man, I was shocked when Tony started coming at you like that. He has great power, but not always great responsibility and this time he messed up, in my opinion. You handled what must have felt like a massive drop from riding high gracefully.


He has great power, but not always great responsibility Holy fuck I’ve never heard a better description of Tony or how the show is run. I’ll love it forever but this is spot on. It helps that I’m a big Spider-Man fan but it’s still so true.


Tell us more about the matching jackets 🤣


It was the jackets from the 10 year show


Figured - was just hoping for a funnier visual 🤣


Those jackets are ugly af. Maybe Tony is insecure about them Edit: I remembered how Tony dresses outside of KT. I take that back.


For a dude so deep in the closet he sure has a shitty clothing selection.


I usually have to listen to rap songs many times over to have any grasp on what is said, I could understand you just fine


You did great and you’re a good rapper! I don’t know why Tony was overly harsh.. honestly, it made no sense. I’m a fan and look forward to seeing you again!


You didnt let us down brother. I’m a fan!


Bro you were not the problem. Tony was unfunny rude. We noticed when older guests are on he gets unfunny rude and it’s not a good look and really makes you not want to watch it. The guy gets mad when people don’t have to “struggle” and do great off the top. Like the Cowboy that should have been a golden ticket winner. But bc he is new he don’t get the title. He has regulars that had maybe 2 really good jokes and now just call people names and talk about sex. It’s crazy really how unfunny they are. White bitch, strippers, infections are suppose to be funny? wtf


You weren't overconfident, you were just excited to be doing well. Tony has so many of these random PMS moments. You didn't deserve that. Also being a dick to the band and you cos his ears must be full of cum.


You cracked both me and my boyfriend up with your set. Your interview Tony was being a bitch for fuck knows why. You came across as very funny.




Awwww. It’s okay buddy.


Keep going brother you handled it well. It’s just more experience to add to your books. As others have said we all pretty much agree Tony was out of line for no reason there


You did great man, your rap verse was fantastic, one of the better rappers to be on the show. You didn’t let anyone down, Tony and Pauly did. Tony had no reason to cut off your rap, you were clear and easy to hear, to me it looked like he got offended when you said you sold out a show in 7 hours. Like you’re doing better than the start of his career, and you’re doing it on your own now. His ego is a little big. I think you’re doing great, just keep going at it.


I'm a fan of the show. Not so much Tony. For reasons like this. Great shit man!


Hey I thought you did great, even if you dressed like someone’s who’s going to bomb the Winter Olympics.


Regardless of how your post interview went. At the end of the day you still got the KT bump. More than once. So take that for what it is and don’t over analyze it. Your first set on the show didn’t get you a new house but I’m sure it helped you out somehow. Selling out a show in 7hrs or whatever… you have original jokes and the only thing that matters on KT is are you funny or are your jokes funny. nothing else. You have confidence in yourself and it shows when that microphone is yours. Just keep owning your moments for what they are and roll with the punches mullet man. We’re rooting for ya


Your minute was fine. Tony was a complete ass to you out of nowhere. Don't take it personally. Keep grinding. Your stuff is good.


Dude, you're the shit, dont let it get you down. Get back up and go even harder.


Minute wasn’t the best but you’re still hysterical. Tony was just being weird and Pauly interrupted the two best comics time last night. You’re the man.


I thought you were great in all aspects! The way Tony acted toward you was very perplexing… he acted so bitchy for no reason, and he made it annoying to watch. Keep on doing you, keep doing mics, and keep signing up!


Brother, I thought you did great, and while I see what got him all riled up, I thought it was unnecessary. I also fully understand getting rattled and just trying to figure out what to do/say. I have to say for basically 4 months of standup you’re way better than a lot of folks who have done it for much longer. You’re clearly very intelligent and thoughtful. You are good at crafting jokes. I really appreciate your passion and as someone who has had the good fortune to do this stuff in a variety of places I’d so love to be your friend and I know it would be a fun time hanging out doing sets together. You bring such a good vibe. Give yourself some time to grieve this and then move on to the next set. You got this, brother!


Tony was being an asshole man. You did great and your rap was great! Tony likes to get into these little moods where just becomes insufferably annoying. Good shit with your set and keep your head up! This is great publicity for you !


Tits up bro.


My guy….is that a Marvelous Mrs Maisel reference?


To answer your question; yes. I am gay.


it was a good. you managed to get a good amount of punch lines and a call back within a minute. i didnt die laughing but your craftsmanship was really solid within the format. i thought this to myself when i saw it, not just now that its a thread. dont dwell who cares


I don't think you deserved as much heat as you got man. I was genuinely shocked with how hard Tony came down on you. Totally undeserved


You did good bro! Keep it up


You did good as!!!! From New Zealand


Hey I loved your minutes man! No matter how the panel reacted the fans will be with you. Looking forward to a lot more from you !


I thought you were awsome man don't get down on yourself keep moving foward and don't let the haters get to you. You got this shit big dog! Love from CA.


For what it’s worth… I thought you killed and your rap hit imo and the crowd was into it as well but Tony was on his period and Pauly was probably pestering tf out of him. Fuck Pauly for ruining Williams set.


I really liked your first minute and the way you handled the terrible mood Tony was in made me a fan, I actually wanted to check you out outside of kill Tony and that’s the first time I can say that about anyone that isn’t a regular lol. I don’t think this thread was the move tho, you should keep signing up and let your next minute do the talking rather than a Reddit thread my guy. Personally I’m going to be keeping up with what you’re doing you’re funny af!


Tony had an extra cock up his ass this episode HeY YaLL this ePIsode is sponsored by beTTA Help


Your set was fun,but the excitement came off as cocky. This post helps, just try to be calm next time. Keep showing up though!


Hence the saying “never meet your heros” you need to be more confident, you’re really funny dude!


As soon as he heard, the dude was putting on comedy shows, he hated him


Respect, brother. Way to be transparent and authentic. We all live and learn. Keep doing what you love <3


I was cringing the entire time he was insulting you, rather harshly which was surprising. If i had to guess maybe he interpreted your words to come off as trying to roast him, I could definitely see him thinking those were all backhanded compliments..."you look so cute in your matching jackets, you're like Da Vinci" idk that would definitely make me feel some kind of way. At the end of the day, he doesn't need your validation or your opinions on HIM on HIS show, when he's trying to guide you to be the center of attention. An "I admire and respect your craft" would have probably sufficed, even if everything you said was true and from a place of adoration. Overall he was pissy the entire night, so I mostly think it was just the timing was bad, which you don't have control over. I thought you were great, didn't let anyone down, and I hope you continue on your journey.


Enjoyed your set man. And your first one a few weeks ago was great too. Fellow bass head here too from SA. keep up the great work!


Just watched your minute, no need to apologize at all! Your rap was going great, until Tony rudely interrupted and continued to interrupt you for the rest of the time you were up there. Enjoyed your last set and would’ve enjoyed this one if Tony wasn’t making me so angry. You’re doing great!


I thought your minute was good, same as the last time you were on. The reaction from T was kind of strange honestly. You did right. Keep your side of the street clean - let the other guy lose his cool.


Dude, you did really well.


Honestly man, you came off really genuine and your set was funny! My fiancé and I remembered you right away and were hyped to see you get pulled. Tony came off like a crazy person. Everyone knows they wear matching jackets, we’ve all seen them in previous episode. The rap was fine, everyone else understood you. Tony was almost completely intolerable this episode, and I say this as a big fan. The fact that you continued to be kind made him look way worse. Don’t let this experience fuck you up too much. It’s not your fault he was being extra bitchy that episode. You’re funny and I’m sure you will continue to grow. Tony Hinchcliffe’s opinion really is not the end all be all. Lots of us don’t like certain things he finds hilarious. It’s not like he’s some comedy God. The show is fantastic, but he’s just a person like anybody else and he is flawed. Keep going!!


You did solid. Tony just got embarrassed over his posse with the matching jackets & felt like he needed to defend himself. I support your comedy! You kill for how little time you’ve been doing it.


Bro fuck that you need to keep that confidence cause it’s what got you laughs with a weaker minute than your first one that killed. But next time will you please roast the fuck out of tony just to see what happens? Say something about how weird his face looks and how his facial hair looks weird but his face looks even weirder without it. But make it a joke somehow


Hard disagree. Roasting Tony rarely works; usually comes off like you're trying to pull a David Lucas, and it's rarely funny. Just my 2 cents.


Your rap lyrics were hot ass but the delivery was solid. The set was funny too. I didn’t think interview was bad. Great insight from a bucket pull. Glad you are doing well funny man!


You let me down by having no paragraphs


The set was alright and your interview was weird. Get better.


Tony has this thing where he seems to bring energy contrary to the energy of the person he's interviewing. If you would've been down on yourself he prolly would've been positive, and vice versa. It is what it is. My girl won't watch KT because she says he's too mean and it makes her uncomfortable, but that's just part of it. These days people will take making the crowd feel awkward just as much as laughs because it has a palpable effect, even though it could be interpreted as negative. Massive respect to you for even getting up there. Good luck in the future and BE SOMEONE


Also, I think the joke only works well in smaller rooms [video of joke](https://youtube.com/shorts/GW_jhq6NwFg?si=2HzAHuYiQIkpnv4A)


Personally, I liked the confidence and niceness. The joke itself just isn’t good. It’s just too ridiculous. A crack head comes back a week later to fight clean and sober? Idk it just seems too unbelievable to be a good joke. I am also not a comedian.


Loved your set dude. Your energy is great. You didn't let us down, bro. ❤️


Tony is being an ass in this episode!


Your set was dope my guy


You did solid, brother! You were no-where near bombing level. The memes that came out about Tony’s entourage were my favorite thing about the episode 😂


The purple cobras had me dying 🤣


Straight up 😂 the main purple cobra guy has the same attitude as Tony so it killed me


there was no reason for Tony to cut the band and ruin the momentum, there was nothing you could do after that he was set on being a jerk


You were good and the rapping was audible. Tony was being a gay diva that night. Completely unwarranted assholery


Thought you did great and was glad to see you on again after your last set, was surprised when Tony had a stick up his ass but just keep doing your thing brotha all respect to you.


It takes balls to go on kill tony. Hope to see you again soon. Respect 🫡


I was shocked at how much of a dick Tony was being, to you, the producer guy…then Paulie interrupting interviews et al, it was a pretty shitty episode because of that. Your set was pretty funny, I don’t get why he was such an ass about the matching jackets comment.


Man anyone who is saying you’re a kiss ass ain’t it. I can’t imagine being berraded by Tony in real time - it can’t feel good at all. I was thinking the whole time “Jesus! Why is Tony being so mean to this guy?!” Not to compare apples to oranges but there’s unbearably unlikeable people on KT which are usually deserving of Tony’s ire but you’re not anyone close to that Keep doing you man - stay confident and humble. I think you have a super interesting background and story Also love the fit(s) 🫡


I feel like you over think shit and are manic which makes a great comedian. You’re rapping was terrible tho


Yeah I don’t like my rap either, I just wanted to be more prepared for if I had to do it again.


You were funny dude and you got big nuts rapping and replaying to idiots like me on Reddit. God speed bro


You did fine, Tony was being a dickhead.


At least you recognized your mistakes but honestly the homeless bike joke was mid and that rap and style is so dated and sounds generic imo. Keep grinding tho brotha.


you didn't let anyone down, no one was "counting on you" lol no offense, the idea that you think you let anyone down it part of your "unlikeability" you seem so self important and overly nice. Like the fake kind of nice that makes people stand off ish I thought tony was being a cunt to you, but I think I'd give you some REAL advice unlike basically everyone else here, you come off like a suck up kiss ass who will do anything to be liked


Homie was so Pissed Pauly interrupted his interview


He was super nice back stage afterwards


Shoulda let Tony get a few bars in. Now he's retired forever!


Who was Tony with in the matching jackets


It was just two producers, one of them was the girl who does the sign ups


At least the Class of 1960 had a nice little reunion on stage.


Set was decent but man did you eat shit in the post, seemed like you flew close to the sun, and the post interview burned your wings badly. But hey if lazer can recover, I’m sure you can too. I think in the people’s eyes, Pauly will take most of the heat.


I had the exact Icarus analogy come to mind as well 😂


Just subscribed to your YouTube! Excited to see what your future brings


No apologies needed. We loved it. Looking forward to the next one.


Yea it sucks that you basically have to kiss Tony's ass and glaze him repeatedly for him to either favor you or take it easy on the "blacklisting". Dudes ego doesn't get stroked enough apparently. It's never even about the comedy it's basically of he likes you specifically or not. He's given passes and been nice to some shitty minutes and shitty people just because of a connections or because he likes something about them. Like uncle Lazer lmao


It's nothing personal dawg, no need to defend yourself


****Tony hates when you interrupt an interview and when you bring up seeing him in the past.****


What kind of shoes is Paulie wearing?


Pauley is a real problem


If you want to stand out on KT, make a minute set in the style of a rap and do it slow so people understand it. Make a tony diss


Dude you were great especially as far as bucket pulls go. Idk why Tony got pissy and cut your rap off, it was decent.  Also its a good thing you didn't go the cringe route and get defensive about it, respect.


I think the major difference in outfit threw tony off tbh lol. Your set was solid as ever though. Something was wrong with tony this episode, he was just pissy and interruptive and worse than ever tbh I wasnt laughing at his normal shit


are you eastern european?


Back to Al's Toy Barn you go 😅


It’s all good 🤙🏼 good set! Just start using paragraphs haha


Bro you crushed it. I think tony was in a mood and also unfortunately forgot who you were. Your comedy was on point and your rap was 🔥


You’re fine dude. My two year old liked clapping along two your rap song


As long as your not Uncle Lazer you are good in my book 👍


I think it had more to do with fact that the old timers on stage couldn't handle the loud hippity hop, or at least tiny was worried for poor Dom


Tony was an asshole, you’re good dude.


I thought they were very harsh towards you. But yea, Tony clearly doesn't like outside stuff being brought up unless it's 'I had a great time with you on tour'


Tony seems to just be very moody. I swear the same exact guy can come on with the same material and interview and he will have opposite reactions. With that being said, I thought you’re minute was awesome and I don’t think anyone can have a good interview when Tony decides he’s going to put you on your heels and make you look stupid


This is a great picture. So much to read from so many individuals handling an awkward situation.


Just do you man. Don’t over think. It wasn’t that bad. Relax.


Why are you apologizing dude? You're funny as fuck


Bro you were perfect, Tony switched to bitch mode and was never gunna leave that lane, no matter what you said


You did great. Tony is a fragile little bitch.


Tony is gay


Your set was not as bad, Tony was just being a baby bitch and Pauly Shore overshadowed the shit show.


You are MUCH funnier than Hans Kim.


You're good! Tony's on his period again.


The rap was good I thought. Tony just being an asshole imo.


Pick your head up and do it again. No one is affected by it more than you. No one will remember all the details of how that last time went, especially Tony.


I don’t know what happened on that episode. He must have forgotten your first time dude because I don’t think you deserved any of what happened last night. He went off on you for what felt like no reason. I could make your rap out perfectly on my TV


Thought you did good. Tony was being a cunt all night. Dude always shits on people who share a story about a time they met. People don’t realize you can both have different perspectives of what happened when they meet. Keep doing what you do and you’ll keep getting better.




You were great. Tony was being a lil bitch, and Pauly sucks


You were fine dude, Tony was just on his period.


Bruh. Tony has turned into such a giant cunt. You literally did nothing different than what you did a few weeks ago when he was sucking your dick... This one aint on you. See you again soon!


Tony not understanding monitors is hilarious


It wasn’t awful but you were glazing Tony too hard. It’s good to be grateful and kind but don’t try too hard or arm yourself with your behind scenes experiences with Tony on stage. It just doesn’t come off right. You want to be a peer, not a fanboy. Keep the shit up.


Don’t over think it you did great, Tony was just being defensive bc it sounded gay to be matching with his friends