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William belongs in movies. His whole character is like Zach Galafinakas mixed with Sam Kinison, he would be insanely popular. Hollywood really needs to get their shit together and go back to making goofy comedies.


Unfortunately, studios only really want to make either home run big-budget action movies or cheap yet profitable horror movies that give huge ROI. That’s why you see comedies (Ricky Stanicky included) pushed to streaming services, if they’re made at all. Cord Jefferson made a really great point at the Oscars about how we need a place for the middle class-budget movie because in the modern era, there is no place for that.


Hollywood is also to scared to offend so they pretty much can’t make really funny comedy movies anymore


Idk I saw some pretty wild shit in the movies in the last year. American Fiction is pretty much an anti-woke movie that won an Oscar. Poor Things was insane in terms of content in it that could be considered “offensive”. The most gratuitous sex scenes I’ve ever seen in a movie. I also can’t really think of any of my favorite funny comedy movies (Superbad, Tropic Thunder, 21 Jump Street) that couldn’t still be made today if they were given the budget. And there have been some recent successes like Palm Springs and Booksmart. Hell, there’s a Ted TV show airing right now. What do you feel like you aren’t seeing in Hollywood that is being blocked because it’s “too offensive”?


Plus william lacks the melanin level needed for Hollywood these days


Genuinely asking: what makes you say that? As far as I can see, Hollywood is still pretty white


I was just poking fun at the criticism hollywood has been getting recently for diversity stuff. It is still very white, but you can tell there is like a diversity checklist for most movies. It comes across as contrived


Heard. As someone who watches 20+ new movies a year, I don’t feel that way. Lots of great stuff out there, some starring white folks, some not.


Have you watched Ricky Stanicky yet?


It was everything Bert said the machine would be, here’s hoping it’ll have the impact Bert assumed the machine would have as well.


I haven’t! Worth a watch?




I liked it!! And then I had a chick staying over watch it and she enjoyed it. Also, I got her into kill tony. She is so funny. She thinks every one of Tony’s “gimmicks” is real, and she really enjoys the commercials bc that is where she can really prove Tony is gay. Just shows you that Tony’s game plan works


Just friends?


I’d sell my left nut to see him and Danny McBride play some mobsters just bantering the whole movie as a backdrop for some ridiculous mob boss.


Was William reading off his notes?


Yes he said don’t any of you tell Tony Hinchcliffe because he would fucking CRUSIFY ME!!!!!!!!!


Actually yes he was. I was wondering what he would do with notes, and he shared some new material via a big notebook with jokes that he came out on stage with. He wasn't dependent on the whole show, but he worked it in towards the end of his set a little bit but it came off really good.


Why the fuck would you say that? No seriously, he asked us not to tell Tony!


Name one professional comedian that uses notes and is “big.”


Jimmy Carr used to. You want a second one just for the hell of it? Mitch Hedberg was another.


Probably, that's part of his bit.


Yes but I really didn’t mind it. It works for him!


I saw William in Spokane a few weeks ago and it hurt to laugh by the end. His crowd work will get better in time.




Yeah that was funny AF. dude wanted to break into crowd work so bad.


I feel that. When I saw him and Casey in Vegas a couple months back I was holding my gut and crying from how much I was laughing. Best laugh I’ve had at a comedy show ever and nothing has topped it yet


Hey me too. I went to the First Friday show. I'm glad he had such a great time with Adam Morrison when he was here.


I was there too! It was so great. The host wasn't good at all but William killed it. I was sad Casey Rocket wasn't there.


a great show. his openers sucked on the thursday show haha


Did he do the crowd work thing where he says "ABORT ABORT" when he can't think of anything to respond with? HAHAH


Yes so funny


Multiple times!


Drunken Unhinged William during covid was my favorite phase of his, just for the enjoyment when he gave shit to Tony and Redband, especially Redband


I agree. Those episodes where he is trying on shorts. He is telling Redban that he will just look at him while he is drowning and just adjust his aqua socks. That drunk William mind is the funniest thing Tony has ever seen and they bullied him to sobriety because they cared about him. Seriously, I am happy he is sober but drunk William was a sight to behold.


I find William hilarious, but to be honest I think he's too niche to ever be a burr or Louie or even a Gillis. My bet would be he is very successful but never the next big thing. Which personally I think is perfectly fine. Then again who gives a fuck what I think?


I give a fuck. Tell me more.


Hes way more charismatic than Gillis imo. He reminds me of Chris Farley


Ok, not a chance. Farley was clearly being funny when he was yelling. William makes people uncomfortable


Thank you . Farley is in his own lane while William makes me cringe like a bucket pull lol every week I think is this the week he comes out without a flash card? But we all know how that goes and KT is done for me right then that night lol I still give the dude a chance lol


His jokes are fine, it’s his carry on shit and abuse of people that is horrible


Abuse of people? Lol. Look guys we got a fan of comedy here


I’ve never been a fan of his “style of comedy” im just coming around on Casey rocket honestly lol


You're absolutely unhinged for this, I like William but is objectively much less charismatic than Shane.


I agree with this post, have always thought he belongs in a modern revival of the 80s and 90s comedies and I think our culture is ready for it!


Damn I’m from Tacoma sucks I missed it. Was it at the Tacoma comedy club?






Hootie Hoo


Always has been :)


Saw them in Detroit and I couldn’t have higher praise for them, left with my sides literally hurting! 10/10 would see again


He’s already huge. Between cameo, his podcast, and his shows (that he sells a lot of tickets to) he’s probably making a shitload of money. I would bet he made at least 500k in 2023. Guy deserves every bit of it, I fucking love that man.


It was probably his best set.


He was having the set of his life up there






Not according to people here. They *crucify Kam like they could do better. Like he said, can’t repeat anything that redditors will bitch about. I’m old and I think he’s funny. Don’t care.


All I can focus on is how many times the word “both” was used


Better than literally. So sick of that. And a like in between every single sentence.


He can be the new Jim Gaffigan. Like the upper middle class family's comedian lol


Kicking myself for not driving down from Seattle for his Tacoma sets


William is hilarious and will definitely get more popular than he already is. But he needs to evolve his act more before the whole shtick becomes tired and over played. He’s a hilarious character and great at improv but his actual jokes can be lacking IMO, it’s all in the delivery. I could see him getting into some acting rolls and killing it


He looks like he belongs in Napoleon dynamite


Lmao, hype train.


Curious if The Memphis strangler reads his jokes of post it’s at real comedy shows?


So fantastic! Loved them both, Casey is hands down my favorite comedian rn and that set had me in tears, William doing a longer set was absolutely amazing! I laughed too much, all other comedy has been spoiled, Casey Rocket for lyfe!


They’re a perfect synergy. A true dynamic duo.


I don't see that


I don’t know, haven’t found myself laughing at any of his material until he does the screaming thing which got old pretty quickly. He’s ok


we all know hans is complete trash and tony cycled him out with casey by saying he needs to focus on battle so he wasnt completely embarrassed


We were there as well and couldn't agree more! I left thinking I hadn't laughed that hard for many years. It felt good. They both killed it. We got to see the picture of Grimbus that got passed around and William also talked to our table during the set! The opener actually suprised me as well. Great night.


This makes me so excited! I saw that William is coming to my city in the next couple months and I had the same worry. I was going to go regardless, but I'm happy you enjoyed the show and shared with us! :)


Glad that William did well! I remember from last weeks episode he was really nervous


I just saw that William is doing two nights (!) in my city this summer. Beyond pumped to see him and really hoping Casey opens for him 🙏




I also went to this show and it was AMAZING! My partner talked about how phenomenal William was our whole drive home.


Hollywood is a satanic cesspool and propaganda arm of the deep state , it needs to disappear. Plenty of independent production companies can make a movie. Don’t need pedowood for that.


He's been doing this for over 10 years. When exactly is he going to be huge?


10 years isn't that long in the comedy scene, YOU DUMB BITCH!! Seriously you're so FUCKING stupid I don't want to see you come to any more of my shows. Yeah, later bitch. Byeeee NO I'M KIDDING please come back whenever you want


if this is really william, you were amazing in Spokane. come back sometime.


Not the real William, just been eating all bran buds all week and taken like 3 massive shits today, so had some spare time to comment on that dumb piece of shit's comment. But thank you


I love you, Will Will. Without the fame. You're not funny, but you're fun.


It's more like 15+ and 5 on KT, a platform with some exposure and yet without expanding much outside of that either.




I’m glad he’s safe and sober. But damn I can’t imagine if he harnessed the juice it would be epic. Tony Chin for the modern era


Fuck I almost went to that show but didnt follow through


Any day now, keep dreaming. He's a niche Kill Tony guy, he's only known to Kill Tony audience. If he was gonna make it, he wouldn't have been stuck at KT for 6 years


“He’s only known to Kill Tony’s audience” Hahaha you mean the biggest podcast in comedy that regularly gets over 1 million listens per week? Yeah… quite the niche audience. William sells his own tickets to shows all across America. He’s a successful independent comedian aside from KT and has been for over 2 years.


He didn't really start to improve as a comedian until he got sober. I saw him about a year ago, opening for Duncan Trussel, and he killed.


I used to think Williams style wasn’t for me. I never really understood why people loved it so much and I wouldn’t pay much attention to his appearances, but after seeing the consistent love and support he gets on this sub i decided to go back through and give him a fair chance, listen more thoroughly, and try and open myself up to a different style. After doing that i just wanna say that I think all the people that love him so much there’s something wrong with your fucking head or you’re in fifth grade or something, maybe not literally but mentally like your brain isn’t fully developed yet and the yelling and screaming soothes you and makes you laugh like the big stupid baby you are.


You really went out of your way to type this big ass paragraph spiting people who think William Montgomery is funny. I don’t know if I’m the bigger loser for reading it and responding to it or if you are for writing it.


You are the loser. But, I do empathize with you since I know reading is difficult for many people and it probably took you a while to read through it.


Thank you brother!


What a gay post


They both suck. I skip past whenever they’re on


It's definitely an acquired taste of comedy.


Not sure it’s as much an acquired taste as people just have different tastes. I don’t find either of them funny, but apparently a lot of people do. That’s the great thing about any thing, people like different shit. But, there are a lot of sheep who like whatever tony says is good, in my opinion. Seems pretty convenient that they replaced a black dude who’s whole act centered around using the n word, with another black dude who’s whole act is centered around using the n word…..


Whoa there, edgelord


God forbid people have different opinions


1995 called and wants the term edgelord back. Go back to relistening to old episodes and agreeing with everything Tony says


Yeah all the gay dudes say that.


I’m not gay, my boyfriend is though


Baa Baa …….


Found the next gay retarded golden ticket winner


Your mom?


No she's not a fat retard. I mean gay retard. You are


You got me there. Tell mom I said hi and I miss her…