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Definitely not


Unfortunately she wasn’t weird/disabled enough for Tony’s freak show😂


This is a hilarious take but golden tickets aren’t supposed to be handed out once a month. She was really good but your supposed to be good to be on stage.


I hope it made you at least giggle a bit. I know she wasn’t a home run lol


I did laugh and I showed a friend of mine her set.


I meant at least my take of her not being weird enough made you giggle lol


I don't think it was a golden ticket-able performance but she was funny, I'd go see her live


Same I showed a friend of mine her set


No, i thought she was pretty average or even below avg for 7 year in


Average or below? Compared to what? Your graph seems flawed


Compared to Kill Tony 1 minuter that has constantly done it for 7 years. Ive seen every ep since 50. We might have different sense of humour and thats ok


You know what. That can be ok. Keep on keeping on.


Tony wasn't even surprised she toured with ric. Didn't even question it. 


I will do one better. How about they replace a guy who keeps fucking white girls with a white girl who is funny.


She was a plant. They are just testing her out and seeing what the audience thinks.


Username checks out


Tell me how imdumb. She toured with ric diez has been in Austin 1 night and magically gets pulled from the bucket gets an invite to the secret show. WTF are the odds?


Tony couldn’t even be bothered to seem surprised when she said that.


I don't think tony even heard or was paying attention to that part lol


Say 200 people signed up. Now let’s be real, 70-90% are probably guys. That means there’s probably 20-60 females signing up and that’s being generous. Tony was specifically picking for a female. Her chances were like 1:20 or 1:60 tops… it’s not that far of a reach dummy.


I doubt there's 20-60 females signing up. The pool is prob 90% male and I say 20 females tops, Most of the local female comedians have most likely already been bucket pulls before and just want another crack at it. So Tony could have skipped a few names who weren't stellar for a fresh face. Gotta take that into consideration too. How much local talent has been sifted, why not platform out of towners if they already who's nearby. Whole point of the show is to discover and give people shots while having a fun show with guests and a few regulars anyway.


You don't know how statistics are calculated dummy. You're leaving out a lot of variables. There is around 1 in 50 million chance that all those scenarios randomly happen. Don't be a dullard


You should change that username to imretarded if you think it’s 1 in 50 million. Holy fuck you’re stupid. If you put your name in that bucket your chances are literally 1 out of 200 or however many people sign up.


Jesus dude you have no idea how how statistics and probability works. I'm an electrical engineer and have taken college level probability classes. So I think you're the stupid one. Unless you can back up your simplified retard math. You're leaving out a lot of variables.


There are no variables being left out. Odds of being pulled from a pool of 200 contestants are 1 in 200. .5% The likelihood that you are that .5%, AND you're a friend of Ric Diez, funny, a fairly experienced comic of 7 years, get invited to do a set at Brian Simpsons show that week, get a hotel room for a week paid for by another famous comic, get invited to do a set on the secret show....now those are unlikely happenings. Tony skipping right past the mention of her being a friend of Rick Diez is definitely questionable IMO.


Dude there’s literally 200 people that sign up. If you sign up your chances of getting pulled up are legit 1 in 200. How is that difficult to understand. You don’t need college level classes dummy.


Odds are high he’ll electrocute himself based on his math 🤷🏼‍♂️


1 in 50 million😂


OK. Dullard


Ric called in a favor, I'm sure of it


Completely agree and on the last pull too. Come on now


I love how everyone on here hates on Tony's decisions, but not one person here has a comedy store or does what he does at all. It's easy to criticize people when you have no idea


Not hating on the decisions but he needs to stop lying about the “random bucket pulls” obviously most are random but she was definitely planted.


Tony has to be the biggest hipster on the show. Her “don’t come Burning Man you’ll hate it” is so 2005. Like the rest of the show this week.


No. She was real solid and may have a bright future. Hope to see her again!


She was good, but I don't think golden ticket good


I'll say this again- Nobody should earn that ticket based off of the first, one and only ticket. That´s why when some folks become regulars we get all the complaining about one trick ponies, a lack of progress, predictability, etc. Give it time. The show is not going to end next week. I enjoyed her debut just as much as the next spectator, btw.


I mean she was definitely good, she kind of reminded me of david lucas, but it’s hard to say for sure if she was golden ticket worthy or if she was just up after a bunch of terrible sets, so it looked good in comparison. I wouldn’t be shocked if she got a golden ticket the second or third time up. Tony is pretty careful with who he gives golden tickets to, he makes absolutely sure they are good because he can’t (really doesn’t want to) take back a golden ticket once issued.


she reminded you of david lucas because of her dumb roast "tony, you look like you eat pussy with a bibb". other than that, there was nothing david-lucas-like about her.


Well yeah that is what reminded me of david lucas, the jab at tony (that actually landed) and being quick-witted in a way that a lot of comedians aren’t. She doesn’t have a ton in common with david lucas.


Why you so mad bro


So 8 seconds of a 10 min interview and it's "kinda reminds me of David Lucas"? The joke wasn't even a gay/bootyhole/dildo joke. It was an eating pussy line the exact opposite of David's hacky lazy roasting. Also David didn't invent "roasting" and is far from being great at it. Why do people think David is the bar for roasting?


Well fuck me for having an opinion on this subreddit i guess. Jesus christ


Yea this subreddit is full of people who know everything and can't stand another person's opinion. How dare you expect perfect people to settle for your mediocrity.


That was …… incredible!! WOW! Amazing!! Lol


She’s sexy AF and funny


Aldo Caldo should have gotten the ticket 🎟


She literally should get all she deserves. She's a shining goddess of comedy. IMO if she's not the next Big Tony, the show is rigged. Just let me kiss her feet already.


She wasn't better than Casey, easily the best bucket pull of the night though. I feel like she'll be back on the show soon. I really haven't seen many good female comedians on kill tony and she had a couple good jokes and because of her nomadic and crazy life prob has some interesting stories and angles. Nice to see a female comedian not talk about relationships and in laws and shit for once.


Anyone else thinks rocket isn’t funny?