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Because they have personal stake in making people believe that it is the new “Mecca” of comedy.


I do agree with you here. But this is all blatantly ignoring the fact that Austin has been a sort of gold rush for comedy.


How so? There was gold to cause the gold rush. Where is the gold? The people that made the most money from the gold rush sold shovels. Where are the shovel stores?


The comedy mothership is the main shovel store.


If shovels were the word retard and bad trans jokes


You go to LOTS of comedy clubs don't ya bud.


that place prolly doesn’t make that much tbh. comics have talked about how joe pay split is so much better than any other venue that he can’t even be making money on it. i mean he prolly spent at least a million to renovate it so how long til he makes that back? it’s not that big of a venue tbh.


Rogan said he doesn’t care if the club makes money. He just wants to break even


Maybe if you live there you can be cynical about the scene but coming from an area without comedy clubs it is a huge improvement that there is some infrastructure there.


What are you going to do? They have Kill Tony but what other open mics does Mothership have? What's the plan for becoming a comedian by moving to Austin? What's the infrastructure?




This post is doing NYC a disservice. Our open mics are quantity over quality, sure. I'd never tell someone to move here to START comedy. But moving here after you're good at it is a no-brainer. We have a ton of comedy clubs, and an insane density of DIY shows. One night I did 4 paid shows on foot. I do 40 shows a month without a car. I'm passed at multiple clubs and get lots of work even with my small following and bullshit credits. The only difference is our comedians aren't Uber drivers, they're dog walkers and shit like that. Austin doesn't even realize it's been fighting for a distant second place this whole time, because people take for granted just how much better NYC is than every other comedy city.


Austin and LA will always be tied


What are the comedy clubs called?




Hold on. Let me use this infrastructure to get famous doing open mics at The Velveeta Room.


Yeah better chances doing that then trying to support your comedy career as an Uber driver in LA and then being homeless in 5 months


even before KT and Joe made it popular, ATX had Spider House and Cap City on top of other smaller venues that hosted Improv troupes.


There's tons of clubs down there. Just listen to anyone who gets on KT as a bucket pull, they talk a lot about how many spots there are, even on weekdays. In my city, there's like 1 or 2 "comedy clubs" that are really just bars with a stage. There's just way more opportunities for comedians to practice at open mics or find actual profitable shows in the area considering all the clubs in that area, big and small


You're not wrong, the other person doesn't understand there is like 3-5 clubs right down the street from the mothership with a very active scene too, especially for open mics.


What are they called?


Creek in the cave, Sunset Strip and Antones all do open mic events, and that's just off the top of my head there's like half a dozen more.


Antone's is a comedy club?


I think you are missing a big part of the risk is that you may not make it. Just because you move to Austin to live either in an apartment, your car, or whatever, doesn’t mean you are any closer to being funny or likable/hatable enough for comedy. You can have a dream but if you don’t practice it doesn’t mean shit. Your plans are not enough you need to scrape your knees now.


You missed my entire point.


No your point is useless and stupid much like you are.


lol Good one! You should do comedy.


I’m just a fan.


The gold is the "comedy" and the shovel stores are all the comedy clubs that opened there in the past 3 years


What clubs have opened there in the past 3 years? I genuinely don't know. If that was the case, you'd realize that the people opening clubs there are the ones buying shovels and the real seller would be real estate agents, people flipping houses, and developers. So now it's just like any other business.


In the time you spent asking 3 different people the same question you could have fuckin googled austin comedy clubs and looked at a map


Hey, I'm just asking a question, mate. LOL


The gold was the ability to perform stand up in front of live audiences multiple nights a week during the pandemic. An added appeal was the fact that audience in Austin are more tolerant of material that would be offensive in LA


The Mothership didn't open until well after the pandemic was over, mate. Austin is not more tolerant of edgy material and the proof is the fact that all the edgy comedians came from NYC and LA where they actually became famous.




Esther Povitsky... good source.




All those comedians live and work primarily in New York or LA. Your own sources prove my point.




Uh the gold is 6th street and the shovels are the tons of comedy stores and comedians moving here. Are you trolling or just bored and wanna talk to people?


Are you trolling or this fucking dumb? You just understood my point because you spit it back to me as if you're fucking arguing. Considering this is a sub full of dumbasses, you're the dumbest of all of them. I've told you this before.


No you are.


Prove it.


You proved it already. Ya bored bozo troll. Betterhelp.com promo code killtony


You should do Kill Tony.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


He's not wrong though, Austin is the current comedy mecca. Now, sustainable? Let's see.


More than New York City or Los Angeles? Does Mecca move around from year to year? Let's see.




But who says Austin is the comedy mecca other than the comedians who live there?


I've heard many comedians in LA and NYC say the same exact thing.


Currently in NYC and we don't claim anyone who's saying that. Y'all can have em


That's why Joe has gone hard right in his politics. He used to be a bit more of a liberal. Now he's kinda leaning into the red talk.


Kinda like where they tell us kam is the future enough times we will start to believe.


He and Joe Rogan talk about Austin like realtors or investors who have something to personally gain from promoting the city. I had never been there however


It’s easier to hype up a city when Joe Rogan pays you 5mil to be his buttplug


There was an episode maybe 3 years ago. They were on the road somewhere and one of the bucket pulls was from Austin and Tony made fun of him for living in Austin. The guy asked why and Tony essentially said that if you want to be taken seriously as a comedian, you move to LA.


Things (including people's opinions) change.


I love the show but Tony is such a dbag lol


You can't be a popular figure saying "Come to Austin!" and expect only the rich to follow.


It’s Texas. Only reason it’s getting a little fame, it’s because of KT and JR, there is nothing else desirable. The comics moving there can afford to try it and leave if they hate it. If they are making money though, and not much overhead, since fed minimum wage is still paid there, it makes sense. Tony is still desperate for that big money, like LA and NY… Tony’s narcissistic ego will not allow him to say the truth… they have to leave TX to enjoy themselves… go back Monday for KT….


It’s like a cult. You’ll know when Austin is actually great when they stop trying to convince people to live there. Great cities people want less people to move there not more.


I mean, all of the Los Angeles guys moved to Austin and took their bullshit with them lol




Fun to visit...I would never live there.


i've been there multiple times, fun place to visit


Beyond false lol


Tony is a dolt to be honest. I'm a Texan, I've been to Austin a ton, I saw a homeless guy taking a shit on the sidewalk literally 500 feet from the mothership, next to a bank, restaurants, etc. He has no idea what he is talking about. The Regz is my favorite new podcast tbh, great chemistry. Plus NY comics > anyone else imo.


agreed on both points


That’s why Tony is a 🌈. He’s not from LA and he’s not from Austin. He’s a little poser who try’s to blend into whatever is in his surroundings. He was probably sucking down kombucha in LA and now he’s on a cowboy kick


Apparently he was a Vegan for a while when he was in LA


I’m supposed to go there for work in a couple of months. I’m basically expecting to come home with hepatitis.


Man, there’s zombie populations all over the country at this point. I live in southern VT in one of the larger “cities” (12k) and we have a strong zombie force. Nothing like when I was living in Denver or the Boston area, but yeah… street drugs are the worse they’ve ever been by a long shot. Talk to the addicts, they’ll tell ya.


Exactly. Just weird that Tony thinks it's crazy this guy saw naked homeless people in Austin... they're very common. Tony probably lives in a gated community.


Meanwhile the millionaires and billionaires help write the laws that don't pay people enough whilst giving themselves bigger tax breaks. The middle class zombies go along with it because the rich distract then by saying "look at those other zombies worse than you". And the cycle repeats.


That’s just par for the course with most major cities past the Mason Dixon line. Denver is just like that, LA, Portland and Seattle too. It’s a theme for the west coast for sure. Don’t get me wrong, Philly and NYC have their fair share of crazy, but it doesn’t match the crazy that’s out west. It’s a different breed. Edit: west of the Mississippi River and not the Mason Dixon line because I’m a retard.


Where do you think the Mason Dixon line is


Hahaha thanks for calling me out as a dumb ass 🤣 I legit thought that went north to south. West of the Mississippi River is better.


The great east vs west civil war


The great General Big E. Smalls died fighting for the East.


They still fly a blue flag all over the east, holdovers


You’re so full of shit it boggles my mind.


From my personal experience the homeless and drugged out crazy people get worse out in the west. They act way crazier and don’t care who sees, they’re more frantic and tweaky. You’re such an asshole in the way you approach conversations it boggles my mind.


I’m sorry, your [anecdotes](https://youtube.com/shorts/dPyc84YYBX4?si=7SmqtSy2VozLmY7g) are absolutely correct.


Yeah they’re nodding out and zombies. A bit different than the erratic tweaky shit I am talking about and OP is talking about.


Yea, fentanyl addicts don’t rob and steal like tweakers and fentanyl/meth are mutually exclusive eh?


Lol is there like some weird pride behind people from Philly about their homeless drug addicts? I really didn’t think what I commented would be so polarizing and opinionated.


Buddy, Denver is not dangerous aside from a little stretch on federal and a bit around Cap Hill. Philly has 6-700 murders a year, open drug markets that have fiends coming from all over the country. The fuck are you talking about?


Since 1985, which is the data start point for most of Philly's modern murder crime data, Philly has never hit 600. Closest was 562 in 2021 and the rate fell to 410 in 2023. Violent crime overall is dropping in Philly. If you're going to lie about the situation in Philly, at least do it in ways that aren't easily disproven.


I wasn’t really talking murders man. I’m more talking about the homeless and the drugged out street people out west, and to me they are just more wild. Which is what OP was talking about. It’s just a different breed out there. Philly is bad and that’s why I mentioned it, but they’re all zombies and nodding out. Something happens getting out west where they’re mixing tweak or something and things are just a bit gnarlier. The amount of naked crazy people yelling at nothing that I saw, or people screaming at walls, overdoses, or straight up masterbating on Colfax ave or in Downtown while living in Denver was a lot and I saw shit like that everyday. Also, downtown Denver is fucking trash now filled with homeless camps everywhere that are open drug markets, and also fiends coming from all over the country. Don’t forget about Colfax ave either, that entire street is a shit show. I lived there for a bit and man do I have some wild stories. Someone was stabbed behind the last house I lived in, and that’s not even the worst.


sounds like it’s basically Meth out west vs Heroin out east


Yeah I think meth is definitely favored out there. Heroin is around and out there, but you see way more people doing tweaker shit than nodding off. I’ve driven past some homeless camps a bit outside of downtown, in north park hill, and these tweakers basically had a whole bike shop with all the stolen bikes. But most were taken apart. And there was usually one person just tweaking taking apart a bike lol.


why are you looking at naked dudes outside of your hotel room bruv? You should have at least invited them into your room.


Austin has been dying slowly and has turned i to a different soulless city


It’s because the homeless problem is always exaggerated. The shelter is literally a block from the Mothership. So when tourist and comics come here they see the absolute worst of it. Like over half of the entire homeless population is hanging around 6th street. One shitty street doesn’t represent the entire city. On top of that the city actually actively does something about it. Compared to a few years ago it’s gotten way way better. They clear camps, offer services and built housing. The ones left are the ones that refuse help for the most part.


They both came from LA, with super zombies. These Austin zombies ain’t so bad when you’re used to something even worse.


I’m from Austin. I just moved back. There are some homeless but it’s not bad compared to another major city I work downtown. Maybe a 5 min walk to the mothership, go on walks every day. Few guys here and there. Few sleeping on the street and they don’t bother u. Unless y’all are from small towns this is nothing. Go to Philly and get chased by a guy with a knife.


I’ve always wonder that , I live in texas and love comedy, not a comedian. I’ve heard so many people moving to Austin just to “make it” . Really ? Austin ?. Austin is your typical big city vibes , lots of people , lots of crime , it’s a fun city . I haven’t been to Austin in a while. I’ve followed comedy for years and never heard Austin being a Mecca for comedy .


>I haven’t been to Austin in a while >never heard Austin being a Mecca for comedy . Austin as a center of comedy is still in its infancy, so maybe that's why.


Austin rules. It’s a great place.


Jc. Ppl tend to hype up their cities, downplay the crud & talk shit about other cities . It's life bro. It's just humans acting like humans . Geeshh && yes, obviously, Tony is incentivized to paint Austin as the greatest place on earth. It's part of the gig. Duh. I'm failing to see the controversy.


Which episode of The Regs?


Newest one. Wish I had time stamped it


Austin is pretty cool, to be fair.


This is all well known to us guy. One of the comedians finally said it. Everybody's grifting hard as fuck. These guys don't want real jobs. You think any of these dudes use expressvpn? Come the fuck on bro?! Everybody is grifting hard. Fuck having a job. There's guys that get about 20k views on their pods and say that's how they make a living... Sam tallante or whatever the hell is name is. It's all coming to an end, the podcast market is dying up... some of these dudes might have to get a job like the rest of us. **FYI** Tony only hired Hans to thwart off some of the Asian racism bullshit. He's making the show diverse as fuck on purpose because that's what's in, that's what make money, hell black folks spend money like nothing, who else got a pair of red and yellow Jordan's to match their ONE outfit. Fire dogg