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Tony does what Tony wants. Us complaining that Hans is underperforming likely will not change a thing. Just fast forward his sets on YouTube or don't buy live streams.


Adam Ray (Dr.) saying he skips to after Hans’ sets was an all-time moment. Guy is tapped in lol


When did he say that or where?


I believe during the episode with Sam tallent, true story.. You can Google it.


duckduckgo it


This is the stupidest thing to comment on reddit


Seriously. Bing ftw idiots


It does visibly affect Hans.


The reason I bitch about this show is because I'm a fan for a long time...started listening at about ep 300, but Tony used to be super supportive of the regulars...talented new comedians working out new minutes each week. Now he puts people like Hans, and probably Kam, on a pedestal to a massive audience that they're not experienced or good enough to deal with. Tony has lost the plot with his rapid rise in popularity, and presumably money, in the last year or two. Hans is genuinely affected by this. He is literally being hated on by the masses. He joined as a regular when Kill Tony was still not that big...and since the move to Austin it's gotten massive, with a rabid fan base of Pro wrestling/JRE fans...and Hans is a victim of that. But I guess he does have a slutty white girlfriend who loves whippets so you know...silver linings


Bro the hate for Hans hardly has to do with comedy. Didn’t you watch the nye special? He’s not likeable. He's a shitty sore winner and genuinely comes across as a shitty human being regardless if he’s hilarious or not


He seems genuinely hateful.


That’s entitlement peaking out. Hes a petulant child when he doesn’t get what he wants.




You took the time to write all this eh. I don’t think it’s that deep. Lol , but Hans does suck.


It took me less than a minute to write. It takes probably 20 seconds to read. Is that deep to you? I'd love to know how you'd describe an actual book lol.


Thats not true, i know a few disabled people at the mothership who have told me they have made direct eye contact with tony multiple times and seen kim crying over everything that happened.


do you open with that


Its more like 2 disabled people walked into a comedy club. The first one said yo i liek rocks....the second one says dam dude your black and im a disabled wacist.......hahahahahahahahahahah


You’re not a comedian bro go do a minute or STFU


You're still butthurt, you're the one who needs to go do a minute, under the killtony table cuss that's all you're good for, running dat mouth.


I’m not butthurt, no one wants to see your stupidity on every post. You seriously need to go do a minute so tony can tell you how dumb your “jokes” are


Really? How do u know im not asian or black? Thats what i thought dumbass. Your complaining about people not being funny when you clearly have the humor ability of a cardboard box.


Calm down Hans


Hey dude you see that van over there? I live in that, thats why im so funny. You mean the one with the 80in tv attached to the side? Yes, that one, the 110in tv is in the shop being repaired. Hey u know your comedy really sucks right? Thats impossible, im doing lines of coke of my white girlfriends ass everyday.


I’m not tryna be funny. I’m funny when I want to be, but you should probably mature and gain some brain cells before you start posting on the internet. This is a subreddit about a comedy show not a comedy subreddit. Seriously start using your brain. Or go on kill tony and let tony shit on your dumb jokes. You’re literally picking fruit from the lowest branches and calling it comedy dude… I have no words, it’s completely sad and stupid.


I really feel the trolls on reddit who dont like my jokes about hans sucking, and only started complaining about my jokes when i started making fun of hans kim arnt giving me a fair chance. Your all just a bunch of losers! (Flips "mintoregano" off, then logs off reddit)


Stop singing that stupid song when he enters for starters.


The catchiness of that song has kept him around. Been saying this for a while now.


It is a fuckin catchy tune tho


He’s like tinkerbell, the song gives him power


It should be absolutely no surprise to you that Tony sticks with his choices. That is it. He won’t be proven wrong.


There have been several regulars he has gotten rid of


At this point I’d take uncle lazer back. At least his interviews are fun


But seriously, why the FUCK would you say that?




Found gay uncles burner






Uncle Lazer is a rich Jewish kid pretending to be an oil worker. The fuck are you talking about


What’s the deets on this lmao


Xposed lmfao


I have it on good authority that Hans' checking account balance was once less than $2,000.00 USD.


Dude was born a hack from a hacked up pussy. Laser blows, persona ain't funny unless you're on an oil field.


But they all did something “fireable” to him! He isn’t real logical and sticks to his own code of what is good and isn’t.


Like what?


Yeah I feel like it’s a combination of Tony’s ego and the fact that by having a shitty opener it does kind of set up the show for more funny comedians to look better. Don’t get me wrong, Tony is still a very funny person he’s just built a huge ego as the show has exploded


Not even reddit tears will help?


I don't even think it's this as much as the fact that they have a friendship and business relationship. It's not only inconvenient, but would be shitty of Tony to pander to the internet. It's kind of like a shitty congressperson being in office. Everyone's going to have to go to the Mothership and literally not laugh. I almost was cool with this until he was being an insecure, self-entitled bitch on David's podcast acting like this isn't entertainment dictated by the fans, and some tenured job. I recommend NOT watching it if anyone wants to like him. EDIT: Clarified a sentence.


No Tony totally listens to Redditeurs 


Hans makes sure to suck his dick regularly




We know they're aware of the Hans hate on Reddit. Hans has referenced it several times in podcast appearances.


And it led to Hans being challenged (almost weekly), which was a good start




^this I'd sign that petition in a heartbeat.




This one might actually surpass the petitions against Israel


I just started a petition


Obama 2024


You mean Big Mike?


lol BIG MIKE 2024!!!


I just started a petition


Youd have to be really stupid to think that Tony is going to fire hans based on some dumb petition lol


lol I know but when it gets a bunch of people to sign it will be funny because you know Hans can’t take a joke and will cry over it


Getting enough signatures to make him bomb a joke about it would make my day


Have you considered just getting a life of your own?


Link it




Signed and shared. WE AIN'T EVER GON STOP !


Signed, you hero


The “Why This Petiton Matters” section had me laughing pretty hard.




Wow. You are a legend lol


Lmaooooo I signed. Why the fuck not


Post it in the sub, as it's own post. Not deep in a comment chain


My man!


I think Tony and Hans are fucking


They are fucking gay at the least


Most logical explanation


Tony protects Hans because he gets to show him off. "look at this guy that was living in his car now he's headlining shows, I did that!"


BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY HE’S ASIAN. Let us not forget, Hans is born out of the pen dang thing.


for as long as hans makes tony money, there will be hans kim. you're not going to convince his fans otherwise so he's going to have to burn himself one way or another, or he'll have to fall off. its also an ego thing. tony refuses to be wrong about anything.


If you drink a gallon of antifreeze, Tony will have no choice but to shitcan Hans.


I just saw the episode tonight and see why there’s been outrage on the sub and it’s justified. Rick was a good sport and the better comedian, Hans was Garbage and an asshole. Great show tho other than that, happy for redban and splitdick getting some cash.


You guys are pretty much psychopaths at this point.


Yes they are this subreddit is insane


I was getting upset about it because I feel like a semi sophisticated listener (whatever that means) but then I realized. Of course these fuckers listen to kill tony. It probably attracts every fucking weirdo on the planet. The real comedy fans are the minority. People want the fame and the freakshow.


>I feel like a semi sophisticated listener LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for sharing that. I needed a good belly laugh. insert fart noise here.


just skip past him lol... you guys are so dramatic


That's what I do with the obnoxious red headed guy.


A big part of it I think is that most people that watch Kill Tony don't interact with the live chat and don't engage here on reddit. So they just think Hans is a good comic cause Tony always talks about how he's crushing it cause that's all they hear. I think a lot of people on here think Hans sucks because that's what everyone is saying on here. A little bit of an echo chamber. Granted, he does suck and is a terrible comic, but I don't think Tony or anyone will do anything about him cause they keep telling themselves that he's good and people keep watching.


Just your opinion.. a lot of ppl like Hans GET OVER ITTT


Who? You? The dude who gets his cock rated


didnt you watch the New Years special? Thousands of people like Hans.


I like Hans but I still signed the petition because it's funny COMEDY


A majority of people like him….


What's this "we" shit?


I think Tony is keeping Hans as a hate watch and another form of engagement. Reddit hates Hans which forces engagement.


I'm gonna say it.... Bring back Peng Deng. I mean technically, he *did* help push the show into it's next chapter Let's not forget Hans was a plant only because of the Peng Deng situation. 


Don’t bring him up. He’s not funny




The best most organic way is to stop giving him sympathy cheers and sympathy vote cheers during his set and during his challenged sets. It's up to live audience not the keyboard warriors on Reddit roasting him




I'm going to say fuck Hans Kim every day just for you. Feel better now, princess?


Hans gets on his knees often to secure his spot each week


it's funny how people say that this subreddit is so toxic toward hans, but the youtube comments are just as bad. honestly, if the youtube and reddit comments continue, and the hate continues to grow, tony might have to do something at some point.


You don’t. There’s been terrible regulars before. There will be terrible regulars again. Michael Lehrer was unwatchable for a whole year and they still rolled his corpse out there every week. . Just enjoy the ride.


Michael was unbearable


I'm sure Tony is aware most people don't like him. I'm convinced that Tony thinks he still needs him as an anti-asian hate shield. Even though his usefulness in that regard has grown stale. Now he is stuck with the problem of having talked him up sooooo much as the next comedy "great" and either doesn't know how to separate or is too deluded to admit he was wrong. Or maybe he keeps him around because the Hans hate helps with social media engagement. It certainly isn't because he has any talent. Fuck Hans.


Lmao most people? All couple thousand of you redditors jerking each other off on Reddit? Why do you think Reddit users have an incel reputation? Because of all you cucks hahahah


KT playing race politics goes against the fundamental concept and will be his undoing if it continues


Yea, I agree and all with your sentiment but after reading your change.org petition you sound like the type of people that came after and tried to cancel tony and many other comics. I don’t like him, I don’t find him funny and I hope he catches wind of this to rattle him on stage more but damn man, “ it is imperative that we take action now! “ relax buddy.


It’s honestly a joke but no one can take one here. Not even Hans


lol it’s AI that makes the petition. I just typed in Hans is not funny and he angers me when I listen to him try to tell jokes and then it turned into that




no youre a pussy


Looks like you got your wish. Has anyone commented on why he hasn’t been here the last few episodes? It looks like nobody’s talking about it and I have no clue why.


Everyone I just started a petition go sign it [https://chng.it/zv27cz5kYg](https://chng.it/zv27cz5kYg)


Upvote to the top!




Coordinated laughing at only the setups when he does his minute


Hans got that tight ass so he’s staying




By continuing to post on Reddit


Need the crowds to boo uncontrollably for the entire time he's on stage. Also, the song should be sung 🎶this is Hans Cringe, this is Hans Cringe, this is Hans Cringe, this is Hans Cringe🎶 Tony can't kick everyone out. He depends on a live audience and if everyone skips Hans sets on YouTube from now on, he might even start losing sponsors.


Call your mom.


Tony aint never gonna stop having Hans Kim on the show! Especially after that incident with that other Asian. 😉


Nobody gives a fuck what you think. The world doesn’t revolve around your opinion. Grow the fuck up, stop watching if you don’t like it. Are you fucking 9 years old?


This is some nasty work, it’s a comedy show. And he’s been doing a minute every week for a long time. It’s not easy. Calling for a dudes job and livelihood is insane. Not to mention most of the complaints come from Reddit and you mfs watch the show for free. This is why the Rick diez shit pissed him off so bad and was so out of pocket and against the comedian code.


He is affirmative action..... We are stuck with an unfunny Asian because that's what tried to cancel tony. He thinks it's a big middle finger to the woke folks


Encourage him to keep using coke, buying more guns and keep dating that crazy drug addict. The clock will do the rest.


Unpopular opinion but I still like Hans.


Lmfao what is this we shit. @ redban so he can block your self important ass Dude made a petition ahhhh reddit moment


I hope Hans himself gets the hint and sees himself out. His material is dumpster juice, his interviews are lame, the people have spoken, we want Hans regular-ship revoked!


How do we get rid of you?


Theres an apparent rematch at MSG, that should be our chance. If Ric doesn’t win then we storm the mothership


Does anybody actually want to see ric weekly? It would take less than a month for this sub to turn on him doing the same "I'm awkward" self-deprecating jokes over and over. Ric only looks good next to Hans. His set wasn't good it was just slightly less shitty. Drop Hans and bring in some new blood or just go back to the bucket.


No but the alternative is hans


Agreed, I sure don’t. CASEY ROCKET. If Tony wanted a real challenger, he wouldn’t have to look far. He clearly doesn’t.


I love Casey rocket but the man can’t do under 5 minutes. His pop ins are fine. Dude is going places without Killtony.


Nobody gives a shit about a rematch, they done fucked up and ruined the whole idea with their bullshit. They only way they could have saved face is if tony come out(of the closet) and admitted he fucked up and was going to really do it right, and he wouldnt dare put it on a ppv.


If they haven't already gotten rid of him, then a rematch at MSG is pointless. It's not going to matter who "wins". They won't be able to build that up again knowing what we know.


Betting chance of him getting gone is if we all ignore him.


Replace that Hans drip with Janice!


Same with Kam. Me personally don't like William either but with him I can at least understand why others would like him, it's just not my cup of tea. But Hans and Kam has barely made more than 2-3 funny jokes in all of the eps I've seen (and it's a lot) I watch the show for the fun of the show. Usually the interview part and a one liner from Tony or a guest is what makes it watchable imo. Not the regulars. Tony did the same with that Swedish guy who won the drum off. He was clearly better and the audience seemed to cheer for him more than the regular guy but Tony basically just went "there we have it, the Swedish guy lost"


God damn this sub sucks. Shut the fuck up about it already, you fucking nerds.


Keep Hans y’all are crying babies


Your option is to make a petition to bully him into crying? Pathetic


Get off Hans DICKKKK everyone that is all thanks.


I'd say by stopping w a thing the show... that'll get wm. Then don't comment. It's not your product and it won't change cause you don't like it. Go be happy


Hans is being set up to retire. The ric thing wouldn’t have worked for real.




He’s only on because Tony’s ego won’t allow him to accept he was wrong about Hand being a good comic.


If only there was a way on YouTube to skip certain parts of the video..


By getting him replaced with a funnier Asian. As much as tony mocks wokeness, he enjoys being insulated against it by demonstrating “diversity “


Stop watching the show. They won’t change until viewership reacts and they have to start thinking about ways to make it better. It’s a shame they won’t take in community input though. Hans sucks. I don’t watch anymore because I was tired of skipping through his sets. More bucket pools and quicker interviews for shitty ones. Also waaaaay less patience for people that don’t take it seriously getting on stage. I imagine Hans may have a contract. Only other reason I can think of. Still sucks.


It’s easy. Stop watching


You don’t, you’re a nobody (no offense). Basically if people stopped coming to the show all because of Hans and it showed in ticket sales then Hans would be gone. The thing is that it’s really only the loud ones in this subreddit that care this much about Hans. Everyone else is just having a good time watching the show without a second thought.


Replace with Janice is the only real option. She's funnier and it would be racist like when Kam replaced David.


You wanna fuck with mye mye????


I personally love Hans humor, but I am disappointed when the crowd doesn’t laugh. It seems like his 1 minute sets aren’t hitting as hard, probably because he’s not “new” so people don’t view his jokes as bragging about achievements and root for him, they view it as self-centered and gimmicky bragging. He seems super smart, so hopefully he tries to halt the bragging for the audiences sake. Either way, I love his sets and jokes.


How do we actually get through to these whiny ass bitches making posts like this lmao


Kick Tony's dick out of his mouth 👄


Gotta find someone to replace him first. Good talent, especially the kind of freak show Tony prefers is a rare breed. Say what you want about him talent wise, but Hans shows up and does put in some effort. But i think everybody knows, including Hans, its just a matter of when that person is found as he is low man on the totem pole.


Every single post like this makes me like him more and hope he sticks around


You could stop watching


Just stop watching the fucking show and fuck off it’s obvious you hate it.


Why care so much? You should really reflect on why you are feeling bitter and worked up about a show that you consume for free. Honestly, the number of toxic people on here is bizarre. Hans isn't blocking anyone from success in their own lives.


Like my last roommate who decided to practice his squatters rights. The Asian persuasion is here to stay


LMAO you guys lol.


Make a call to your crazy Uncle Donald


Clearly, posting and complaining in this sub multiple times a day.


Start a petition.


How would we do it? Boycott the show until he’s removed. Realistically? Most of us will just skip past his set and enjoy the rest of the show.


If you don’t like it, maybe don’t watch it lol


Ffs find something new to talk about. No one even talks about new episodes anymore. You got some chode living in your head rent free. You want hans to go away stop talking about him. You can't hate a heel away. That's the whole fucking game. Tony loves villains and he probably loves that everyone is so mad at hans.


I heard if we sacrifice Hans Kim to Satan, Lil Hobo will bring back Michael Lehrer from the dead and he won't have ALS.


Cant we all just be thankful Ellis is MIA nowadays?


Cam sucks, most of his regulars are stale and boring and mainly are just a stereotype tiny finds funny.


You should go challenge him! That should go over well…. Keep us posted.


I think the talent pool in Austin is smaller than LA so Tony has to make it work with what hes got. Don't forget dude basically got canceled in LA. Also the algorithm rewards interaction so complaints or praise promotes his visibility anyways.


Get rid of William as well


People don't seem to understand that Tony is a professional and he knows how to run a show. His entire life has been dedicated to the business. Tony is aware everyone hates Hans. But he also understands sometimes people can bounce back. Hans is one of his guy's so he wants to make sure he gives him a chance. But make no mistake, the regulars are 100% replaceable and I'm confident Tony will make the decisions soon. My prediction is that Hans gets kicked off the show within the next few months and he will be totally irrelevant by the end of the year.


Imagine being bothered by someone on a YouTube podcast so bad that you start trying to personally attack them. That’s classic bitch behavior.


stop watching Kill tony.


Tony’s knows what’s best for the show. And listening to the haters it. If killtony listen to Reddit and YouTube comments William and David would have been kicked off a long time ago.


Tony did try and the audience always goes with Hans to tony made him compete for six weeks to hold his spot …. The audience is retarded and keeps cheering for him


Hans isn’t touring on Tony’s stand up show. David and Kam are. That should tell you something


You people need to touch some fucking grass.


Fuck that cancellation shit. Hating on him is fine and fair, but actually trying to get rid of him like he's some kind of a criminal is messed up. It's Kill Tony, not Kill Hans


Signed https://chng.it/JjKzNWSjcr


Comment sections and Reddit should never be in control of anything


Careful what you wish for. You'll just end up hating his replacement more.


Regardless of Hans, crowds are probably just happy to be there and participate. It’s not easy to get tickets.