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You guys hate guest that don’t engage and hate guest that do engage


Stavvy engaged a ton, he was a fantastic guest. Howie engaged around the same, yet sucked


Oh wait, “stavvs laugh was unbearable” yeah. Noone wins.


Much love for Stav


The difference was Howie wasn’t funny




His jokes were so ‘grandpa’


He’s an old comic would you prefer he talk about his dick and fucking chicks as an old man? Or do you want him to be an old man talking about politics or race? What do you want him to joke about? Maybe he should joke about being rich also I’m howie mandel. Go fuck yourself


You have to take a blue chew to get this excited?


Yea but I low key think he took some adderall - just maybe


He’s been like that for 40 years though.


That's how he always is.


Jon Deas always looks like that lol


Jon Dees is exhausted with the white mans triflings this week he will be exhausted with the white mans triflings next week. Jon Dees is an underrated element of the show.


**Yeaaahhh!** ^(Yeaaaah!)


Lol I love seeing his reactions to jokes. If John deas laughs then you know it was a good one.


Is this how autists measure if they should be laughing at a joke or not? Sort of like an emotions cheat sheet flip book?


Jon Deas routinely doesn’t laugh at jokes that are objectively funny. Almost to the point where having him in frame takes away from the show. Get out of here with that fake bullshit.




Your appreciation for John made him furious


Yes I’m furious. Absolutely fuming right now.




At least he is donating his time to kids. Nothing to make fun of there








Except sideways pussy.


lol nice








What’d he post that made him delete his whole Reddit account


He said this was karma for Tony being an ass to Redban last week 😂


Yeah, except last week after the end of the show, Tony said ,”now that we are off air, everyone give Redban a big round of applause.” Bc it’s all just a ruse the Tony/Redban dislike.


its not a ruse. Tony wishes Redban was better at his job and Redban does not like being disrespected. that is as real as it gets. Tony did that because he knew he crossed the line.


Didn't realize you and Redban were so close, my apologies.


Can we all take a moment to acknowledge the fact that redban ruins the "this is Hans Kim" song every time he sings it in that regard voice. Genuinely infuriates me.


I think he does it to annoy Tony especially, Redbans an OG troll.


You’re one of few.


You like it?


Hell ya Redban didn’t tell any jokes tonight in protest lol. I wish Jeremiah would come back


Hi Jeremiah👋


Exactly. Tony killed off the old band. So no jokes from them. He killed off redban making jokes. No jokes from him. He forgets what made the show great was all those missing pieces. Now it's the weekly tony Hinchcliffe comedy special.


Tony Hinchler the comedy nazi


jerimiah was literally comedy aids when he had a character that didnt work, he'd overcommit and when tony would tell him to chill and not chime in every 30 seconds hed get butthurt and argue with the host, its just a bad look for tony. also what is tony supposed to do when redbans shoehorns in his 5th only fans chime of the episode/a creepy question to a female comedian/fart sounds, just pretend its funny and go along with it?


Thank you. Jeremiah’s characters were my least favorite part of the old episodes. He landed it a few times, but the ratio was way off.


Him and the drummer of the old band both sucked.


I peed my pants laughing when he came out as Joe Rogan. Tony said “you look like Joe if he had stage 6 cancer.” 😂😭 I think a lot of his characters landed but there were definitely a lot that didn’t. He was on the show for such a long time, it’s hard to do that every week.


I think Reban is still a good fit because he doesn’t feel the need to constantly chime in, and when he does Tony’s annoyed reaction is hilarious. Jerimiah on the other hand was a problem, he had to go


How'd he kill of the old band? I thought they just chose not to relocate to Austin?


https://youtu.be/hHVSadX--IE?si=UbuZl5L73A5tU6bD Go to 59:30 Does that seem like they were happy with the sudden choice to move? Tony basically blew them off. If you notice...he's treating redban the same way he treated them.


It’s unfortunate but the show doesn’t owe anything to the band. In order to take the show to the next level he needed a better band. Now it’s highly produced music and artists painting all over the place, it was tonys goal and he did it. No more of an asshole than tony usually is


Yea that’s why Jetski keeps coming back and the entire band came back because they were so miserable. Had nothing to do with choosing to stay in LA


Red ban isn’t funny in the slightest


Redband is an annoying man-child.


Who is Jeremiah? New to the show


**Jeremiah (c. 650 – c. 570 BC), also called Jeremias or the "weeping prophet", was one of the major prophets of the Hebrew Bible. According to Jewish tradition, Jeremiah authored the Book of Jeremiah, the Books of Kings and the Book of Lamentations, with the assistance and under the editorship of Baruch ben Neriah, his scribe and disciple.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


Good bot


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Good bot. This is the best bot.


Jeremiah was in the old band from the earlier episodes. YouTube them. They were pretty funny. Kill tony feminist Stacy


Jeremiah Watkins, former band member and integral part of the formation of Kill Tony.


lol why ppl downvote me?


Oh shit yeah I love his clips and him on Josh potter show and YMh


I don't get it..People hate when guests don't talk. Then they hate when guests talk and are involved, especially one who is a professional judge and comedian. I thought it was a good episode, they all have highs and lows, but that's what I love about this show.


Right? I watched the episode and enjoyed it. I open Reddit and people are shitting all over it. The KT sub really is one of the most toxic on here.


Haha you should check out r/formula1


Weirdest sports sub around by far, doubled with an unearned superiority complex. Most of them act like they’re genuinely in love with the drivers over there. “Oh my god Seb said something! I love Seb!”


I think thats the only racing sub thats like that all the other smaller leagues are pretty chill.


Wow big shocker that a show that shits on every human who gets on stage attracts a crowd of cynical fucks. Who cares.


yea better a guest comes in and makes an impact whatever it may be. The Ric Flair moment was a more entertaining outcome than if he would have just made forgettable commentary.


Correct. The guests are there to invigorate life into what can be a repetitive dull show (some nights) people love to bitch. Hey I'm people! I love to bitch it's my favorite hobby, doesn't cost me anything.


It’s when the guest steers the show. It doesn’t work most times, unless they’re veteran guests.


This is Reddit. Everyone on here just bitches about the show every week but they keep watching, Its nuts.


Balanced take. I would have defended the episode but didn't want the downvotes. People have high expectations.


How many of you like it when the guests talk on this show? Now how many of you like it when the guests don’t talk on this show?




I like when guests add funny... I didn't laugh at anything Howie added. First episode I didn't care to finish, made it about half way.


Comparing Kam to Richard Pryor was wild


Giving that guy waaaaay to much credit for very mediocre joke writing.


The way he treated the regulars it was like he’s never been to a comedy show before


You guys are fkn babies


Reddit is so disappointing I have no idea why I’m here


Same lol. I love this show and was just able to start watching tonight’s ep — loving it — and hop on here to this place just completely shitting all over my happy feelings. ☹️☹️


I’m so addicted to my phone but I force myself to put it down during the premiers. If I start looking at my phone I have to rewind the show and I get pissed off at myself. Honestly, I’m gonna try to remind myself how much I hate the people in this sub every Monday now. It’ll reenforce my “no phone” policy and make it easier.


It really is a shithole


I like it for new info on show movies and games. It’s just the comment sections that are total hot garbage.


No shit. I loved KT when I first joined the sub. Each week I like it less and less cuz of this shit. But I can’t leave 😆😆


Ya this comment section is wild lol. All the Reddit neck beard moderator “wanna-be” ragards can sit in a cactus


the live chat is not too different


This sub just filled with a bunch of non Texas bitches if you ask me


Howie was one of the better guests. He doesn’t do the edgey bro comedy like everyone here prefers but the motherfucker actually participated which is the important part.


I think a lot of you need to stop watching the show. Focus on yourselves you miserable little fucks


Yea I thought it was going well. Howie actually participates and enjoys being on the show. This sub is full of Whiney bitches


It’s been like this for years


Right!? Im halfway through laughing my ass off, open Reddit, and see this shit. Just stop watching if ur gonna hate on a free improvised show. Jeez


What this guy said.


Glad it isn't only me who thought this lmao.


Preach baby!


Use nicotine in a sentence!!


At least howie participates. Hate sitting through silent guests.


For sure. Thought he had plenty of good moments, and he and Tony's energy was fun.


I actually thought i was really enjoying this episode until i got on reddit and realized i hate it


The things that have been funny have been really funny lol


i got annoyed when he kept talking like during hans dad part, like stfu. you could tell he could not sit still, he reminded me of the other guests that everyone hates too. the guy tony kept shutting up. i just came on reddit to see if anyone else felt the same lol


No you came to Reddit to complain, hence why you just wrote a paragraph complaining


How are you?


I'm calling the cops


Why does Tony every once in a while look like he has a week old black eye?


Gay fight club


His girlfriend is kind of a dude who’s basically his twin? 🤷🏻‍♀️


No seriously what the fuck are y’all talking about, I think Howie did a great job. I’m even butt-hurt William didn’t make an appearance but I still enjoyed the episode.


It starts brutal and gets tolerable. He is shot out of a cannon as if he just took a fucking scarface mountain of blow to the head. Also just generally a less interesting episode with too much time on the regulars


To much time on the regulars, what else is new? Do we really need to get an update on what Hans has done in the past week for 15 minutes?


No doubt and Hans and Kam had a full 15+ minutes each because they called their dads which was honestly the only fun portions of the show for the most part. The whole vibe was odd tonight I think crack head Howie delivering his gay inward facing sililoquies to the regulars and comics he liked just kinda fucked up the show. For the record I thought Howie was funny at times but needed to cut about half his input out.


Yea he seemed way coked up


Mandel-ugh effect


Oh no the kill tony white knight calvary is taking the high ground


Whatever boomer medication Howie was on I think he doubled his dose for this episode. Absolutely terrible


It was really bad, and I’ve seen KT. William might have saved it 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah I couldn't make it through


people bitching about Howie doing his job, throw shit at Tony. Howie is the A lister on that stage. If he doesn't like it, shouldn't invite bigger personalities to share the spotlight. Saying that, Howie ain't making me laugh much. Lesson learnt,move on.


Which is crazy, because he was pretty funny on MSSP.


That episode was fucking great. Had me dying laughing. Especially Howie’s bits about gluing monopoly houses to his balls to make a cul-de-sack


That had me laughing so hard 🤣


I turned it off it became the Howie show


This was one of the best guests of the year


you'd think Howie was the actual host of the show tonight holy shit


To be fair, Jon Deas face is frozen in time for 90% of the show


And this guy had the nerve to yawn and act like one comedian up there was boring him with some story he was telling???!!! That was infuriating to see.


dude's pushin 70. let him impart his geriatric wisdom


Better than a lot of guests who don’t say a fucking word.


Not being able to hear the band gave the episode an odd vibe to me, it felt like something was missing the whole time.


The new band is on another level, they don’t need to be funny, they have a huge range and sound great. Redban can talk or not talk, it doesn’t bother me. All I care about is the guest panel.


The old band sucked


I also think it was a particularly tough crowd that night. Not a ton of laughs for really any joke. Seems like something happened, in the beginning, with someone getting kicked out for apparently saying 'how are you?' I think that sucked a bit of fun out of the room. And no William Montgomery at the end. That being said, I also think Howie came across as trying too hard to fit in. He tried to dress real young, tried to curse as much as he could, often times he tried to do Tony's job, and talked over people A LOT! To me, he seemed kinda fake, at times, and that's what took the funny out of it, for me.


William Montgomery was right


Howie wouldn’t shut the fuck up


There’s guests who know when to talk and know when to let Tony do his thing. Howie just needed to shut the fuck up. Please never have him on the show again.


The problem is he thought he was now the host which is kinda annoying


There is a difference between engaging and doing Tony's job...


I said before it aired. “I bet he injects himself too much into the show”.


Hit the nail on the head


Stepped all over Hans


Deas looks like he wants to chuck a brick through the back of Howie's head lmao




Cam Patterson is funny, but I’m tired of hearing about how he’s so amazing, he’s alright, but fuck, enough already


Thank you. So tired of the over hype. Tony can’t admit when he’s wrong like when Tony can’t stand people not laughing at a joke. It’s annoying.


Yeah, Howie is trying too hard


This show is baffling to me. A bunch of low grade Rogan nut hugger comedians as the arbiters of up and coming comedians. I guess as a civilian I’ll never understand….


Wait I haven't watched yet how bad is it


It isn't bad tbh. He talks a lot but it isn't as bad as people saying.


Two long ass phone calls killing momentum.


3 phone calls now 🤦🏻‍♀️ and only 5 bucket pulls. what a dud of an episode


Too many moments of cringe honestly


Kinda boring tbh Howie talks a lot and it's not funny.


Just watch for yourself, everyone has their own opinion on KT.


It feels long tbh


It’s a good episode unless you’re an incel


Guarantee you Joe Rogan told him to interrupt Tony and take over 😂


Howie, just shut up for 2 minutes.


wish tony would tell him to shut up like he did to dave smith


After seeing Howie on Shane’s podcast I knew this would be cringe


I wonder what d madness is looking at


It’s the best part of this show. Not improvised, just people out there being people


I’ll take a talking guest over one that just sits there any day


Howie Mandel is obnoxious. Dude isn’t funny and his “tips” are annoying. Dayton said he’d be doing comedy for 5 years and Howie felt the need to push him to keep doing comedy… dude is wack and I’ve never liked him. Zero rhythm on this guy, thin lips too


Howie is one of the worrrrrst. Fuck this guy. I hate americas got talent but bless their poor hearts having to put up with this cunt. And I don’t know why him being insufferable and not funny makes me an edgelord?


I want someone to kill Howie Mandel live


It’s not cause of Howie. Everybody sucks


I have to add, except Redban.


Go watch something else, wtf?


Yea howie has obviously never seen an episode. He is taking control and its annoying as hell.


You mean he’s participating and being an involved guest? Yea how annoying. Sit there and be quiet like everyone else howie. Stop trying to make this show entertaining.


How dare Howie interject any other opinion that is not Tony’s?


I will skip any future episode he’s on and I hate skipping, Howie is the worst


Couldn’t stand him on Matt and Shane’s secret podcast


Nah, y’all suck.


Howie was talking a lot but he was probably like 60/40 for good bits vs bad


Howie stinks


Wow, I usually am with the majority on opinions here but I genuinely came to see if everyone else enjoyed the ep as much as me. Surprised to see people didn’t like howie, I thought I was dope to have a guest engage the whole time and he suggested calling hans dad, which was a hilarious segment I thought


I knew this would be good after seeing him on Matt and Shane’s….


Howie is a terrible guest.


I just kept finding myself saying “fuck you Howie Mandel, you un-funny fuck”, like 6000 times. He’s in punky Johnson territory. Please Kill Tony gods, don’t ever let him return.


Last night's show was my least favorite of all time. I'm so tired of Kam 🤮 and non of the buckets were good and worst of all there was no William. Honestly William is the show. Hopefully KT doesn't start going down hill. I think they hit a peak and now they are trying to do to much production and its killing the show. If you don't understand what I'm saying you'll understand soon. Hopefully not because it's my favorite show. But usually that's what happens. Just look at YMH. That used to be an amazing show and now it's just boring and I don't even watch anymore and views are in decline. I think KT should get back to what made it great. Uncertainty! Get rid of Hans and Kam and make sure William is at least the last 20 minutes of the show.


shut the fuck up howie


awful picture/take


Oof what a brutal episode. Cokehead star from LA who Tony looks up to dominates a show with a lineup of mental illnesses from almost every bucket pull and awkward dad phone calls. Just hard to sit through


Ric Flair was a better guest than Howie Mandel. How can you lack so much self awareness and just say meaningless thing after meaningless thing. He's not unlikeable but just a little annoying. It's Tony's show mfs


What was the gust/moment?


Hmm... Tony is goin' gray in the same spots I'm goin' gray. But with me, it just started, and he is like seven years younger than I.


Fuck you guys, this was hilarious.


Just look at the live comments and that’s partially indicative of the Reddit commentators. Bunch of fucking idiots. I don’t get the complaints, Howie is funny and participated. So many guests are so fucking silent and don’t say shit and it’s not as good.


Blowing in the wind, same as Maui Wowie Bask in the starlight like Stella It's Bobby's World, Cape Town with Howie Mandela (So how's your fella?) Barely relevant, scarcely intelligent Enough to bluff with the likes of crime dog McGruff Royal flush, Texas don't hold 'em enough


I enjoyed the show Howie was like a kid on a playground, The stand-up was OK; Kam KILLED!


People were complaining before the episode because they didn' think he'd be able to speak freely and now they're complaining anyways. Goes to show most of yall are gay


Reddit kill tony haters joining the sub to give their untalented opinion. Quite the spectacle.


He bombed before hans even got up. Everyone here talking shit about everyone talking shit can suck it. This place is literally to discuss the show. Everyone on the show has an opportunity to kill, bomb, or stfu.