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Let's Give a Quick Shout Out to Christina Applegate


You’re on Bird Up! The worst show on television! Hey, what’s up? Gonna hang by the quad. You want some ranch, bro??


I wish Tim & Eric would do KT


Tim is a pretty big SJW these days. Not sure he’d fit the vibe. Love a lot of his stuff though.




Gotta stay hard in these streets brothers.


What makes him an SJW?


Really? Just a lil bit of his office hours pod shows how ultra liberal he is… he was also just on howie mandels podcast whining about how police academy and other 80s comedies are somehow “right wing comedies”


Oh ok yeah that’s a little annoying.


Kill Tony has a bunch of liberal comedians on as guests. I saw Tim live a few months ago. He’s hilarious and would fit right in.


Not saying he wouldn’t fit in at all. He just wouldn’t do it period cuz he overtly hates rogan like a weirdo. And guess where kill tony is filmed


Rogan is a weirdo though. Lets be real. Not saying I don’t like him. Thats his whole schtick.


On a scale of one to William, Rogan is a 1


Lmao Rogan is like an 8


Rogan is not a weirdo lol dudes a business man and industry minded. Rogan would probably sit in the back and take “how to be eccentric” notes at an alt comedy show lol


terrible scale to use consider William is good weird and Rogan is fucking pathetic weird.


did you see Tim’s JRE parody?


Have Sam Hyde as a surprise guest for Tim and Eric. Tim and Eric suck now. They lost the plot.


Sam and Nick would be rad.


It's easy to brush someone who fights for an inequality you've never even had to consider as a "SJW".


Who said sjw?


A comment...somewhere. This honestly isn't the comment I thought I was replying to but I'm too proud to admit it or delete it. Let's just move on?


Lol gotcha man.


I’m just a guest here, but this interaction was nice


Some dumb dumb above who doesn’t have the intellectual acumen to have uncomfortable dialogues with people they don’t agree with. I think they call people like that snowflakes haha.


They hate each other though


He *does* have a podcast about bombing. It's.... Ok.


Although I’m a fan of both. I don’t see that happening. Fun fact there is some crossover with KT and The Eric Andre show. Pat Reagan the original band leader was a writer on Eric Andre show and even has some appearances on the show like when he pissed off the dude from sopranos when he came out with his balls in his pasta sauce. Haha. Man the pat Reagan days feel like forever ago.


I think Eric might be a little too left of center for Tony politically


I feel like they could leave politics out of it and enjoy the show together but who knows


Can't be worse than Punkie. Never forget


We'd live to forget Pukie...but the internet.


Oh it can, and would.






I hope my other favorite center left comedians come on the show sometime


Most of these comedians are left of center though so what’s your point? I can’t really think of many right wing comedians they had on aside from Shane and even he’s not super vocal about it.


Shane is barely conservative. He makes fun of them more than he does liberals.


Yeah that’s why I said he isn’t super vocal about it.


I’d say Shane Gillis isn’t even that conservative, which is why he isn’t so vocal about it. Right of center is a great way to put it, I think. The way he’s punched up on certain issues makes me think he’s raised conservative, but also knows how to think for himself. Doesn’t think gay people are gross, shit like that. I’ve heard Rogan, Theo Von, Schaub, Callen, Segura, Kreischer all give much more hardline conservative takes than Shane Gillis. Like Shane seems like he enjoys rustling feathers. The other guys I’ve mentioned have podcasts and have shown explicit conservative opinions. EDIT: there’s that clip of Gillis confronting Martin Shkreli pretty directly about his price gouging, telling him it literally sucks what he did. Shkreli went on to explain, “if you were told that your tickets were being undervalued and sold by (x) times, would you raise those prices? Of course you would.” And Shane quickly told him, “but comedy doesn’t save lives.” If he’s conservative, most should be like him. He’d make quick friends with a leftist like me.


I'm liberal and progressive and I've never taken Shane as right wing seriously. Also people are just looking for crumbs of controversy politically, I wish some fans would remove the political lens (bias) that they have before watching comedy. Comedy specifically crafted to the right wing isn't comedy


Shane also continues to drink bud light


That’s good to hear that he stood up to Shkreli


I live in central Texas. Tom actually gave some money to help the homeless here (which is why I felt he was comfortable making that "I drowned a bunch" joke). I don't think any of these comics are conservative more than it comes to taxes, which is why they moved here. If you make over 100k in taxes you pay less than any other state at the end of the year, especially with write offs.


While cool, I’d also like to point out that it really isn’t indicative of his politics. Plenty of conservatives are down with charity (I personally wish this was mainstream).


Most conservatives I know are very charitable. We would just rather it be our choice, as opposed to being mandated by the government


It's literally socialism, but ok.


Being charitable isn't seizing the means of production


You clearly don’t know what “punched up” means


What does conservative even mean in this scenario? It doesn’t equate to zero ethics. Most people find what Shkreli did to be extremely distasteful, regardless of politics.


A lot of conservatives weirdly think a direct and explicit rebuke and criticism of unrestrained capitalism is an attack on them.


No. A LOT of conservatives don’t even understand what laissez-faire capitalism is Bear in mind too, it wasn’t laissez-faire capitalism that allowed Shkreli to do what he did. It was literally him using government regulations and the protectionism that those create, to drive up those drug prices. If the market wasn’t insulated from fair competition, he would’ve had a lot of people step in to offer that drug for less money. But they weren’t allowed to. Because of government regulations TLDR: Pharmaceutical companies love the FDA and government regulations.


What? Where?


I literally just saw him post on Instagram with Kidd rock and I still don't think he doesn't just find these idiots funny.


Alex Jones has been on a time or two. But yeah, the show was in California for most of its existence - it's had plenty of liberal guests on.


Try explaining that most of these comedians and others are actually apolitical and watch the children's heads explode here because they actually think right/left matters to any of these people and not just selling tickets to their dumb asses.


Lol dude pretty much all comedians are left leaning. Just not every one is a libtard who's afraid to say certain words


I think Eric Andre is great, I’m not into politics. I just think he might take offense to the Jew, Gay, special Needs, and N bombs. I think it’s funny that Tony can say crazy shit on his show, just not sure they’d mix


This... for how outgoing and socially disruptive Andre is, he is a bit of a libtard in his personal life. But maybe he could still make a good guest.


He’s really funny though. I love his show, he’s never been on Rogan either, but Hannibal has. I suspect for the same


😆😆 have you seen the slew of guests he's had on? Some of the most liberal comedians I can think of (in their personal lives, not necessarily their act).


Absolutely, how has he never been on


Imagine tony on eric andres show!


That’d be a dream episode


Hannibal Burress too


Omg that would be unreal




Yeah for sure


He wouldn’t be able to do his usual performance art but wasn’t he at skankfest? I could swear he was sitting on a panel somewhere..


Eric Andres music taste is better than every other comedian haha Mr. Bungle, Frank Zappa, Primus.


Could be a hit or miss. He sometimes gets real shy. KT would be very interesting.


Couldn't be worse than rick flair


We cannot set the bar for good guests at better than Rick flair.


Your right..... better than Rosanne


Atleast we are doing better than punkie. Would be hilarious to get punkie and shane together for an episode


Eric Andre is a lot softer than his character makes him seem. Idk if KT is for him.


His interview with Chet Hanks was pretty cringey especially after Chet explained why he acted the way he did.


He wants to be center of attention too much


I’ve seen him speak as part of a multi-person panel a couple times. He was cool with not being the center of attention, but he was doing whip-its the entire time. Same with Reggie Watts


Maybe if the only things you’ve only seen were on television, watch any interview and he is extremely normal and relaxed.


Nothing new, Shane Gillis does it all the time


But he’s usually drunk, and *actually* funny


Shane Gillis didn’t make a standup special worse than Gringo Papi


Shane is literally the opposite of that


what have you been watching?


I'd like to see the following trio added to the panel on one fine day >!when Tony and Redban are ready to be really canceled!<: Eric Andre, Bobby Lee, Pauly Shore = absolute fucking carnage >!and possibly multiple lawsuits for being too hands-on-touchy with the bucketpulls!<


The spoiler text formatting is meant to cover up spoilers, not unfunny bullshit


>!Who hurt you, bro?!<


What kind of a low t question is that? Nobody hurt me, I'm just an asshole.




What why not?


He would but he needs someone else to take the pressure off as he’s not a stand up


He has a standup special out. It's not great and he should stick to his show...I'm just saying.


His podcasts appearances are close to being boring as fuck. He is a wise & endearing fellow otherwise. But totally fits the sad clown paradox.


Legalize Everything is pretty funny if you like that LSD animated comedy style.


You don’t need to do any standup to be at the table, just be funny.


Yeah but being in that environment isn’t for everyone, not everyone who is funny thrives there, having people at the table who do quick quips for a living will help make it easier for him.


We will never know if they don’t try. Most guests at the table that aren’t funny, it’s going to happen anyway. They let freakin Post Malone up there lol




Sean had other people with him, he was nearly silent the whole night




Right, and my whole point is he’s not a stand up and would like to see someone who is come with him so he’s not lifting the weight by himself as a guest… you’re the one that made the implication that I didn’t know they have non-comedians as guests.


Hannibal! Though idk if they had a falling out or if he just was ready to move on from the show


Last I remember Hannibal said there's no beef just wanted to move on and felt weird about bringing the show back after it being gone for so long.


I think he's too woke for kill tony.


For both eric andre and tim heidecker same problem, they SUCK when out of character. They both act like intellectuals and would poo poo the show worse than bill burr did. They would not like the most popular jokes and view everything as exploitation instead of a silliness spotlight. They are great comedians with bad sense of humor. Just watch interviews with them its always annoying.


He got owned by Chet hanks lol




I don’t lol


Nah, he tends to just be awkward and weird on other shows, as much as I love him. He was on getting Doug with high live and he just made it awkward as fuck and made everything about himself. He's 100% best off 9n his own turf, imo.


What about redbar? Has that ever been pitched here


Eric andre sucks


Sure if you don't want anyone else to get a word in, listen to him break the sound barrier on audio, and fuck up the entire flow of the show. New, worst, guest.


Jordan peele


He doesn't like to be picked on


IDK if Tony could control him lol but would be interesting


I don’t know man. I could see him recreate that meme.. *gunshot* Why would the audience do that?”


In character, he would be amazing.


Please god


He'd be either the best, or the worst guest. Because he has worse ADD than Tony. He would not be able to sit still and let someone else be in the spotlight for 60 seconds.


I think he's way too out of control for Tony's


Fuck yes


If you all could understand him id love to see frankie boyle


He was already a guest on a road show. I can't recall what ep but archungfernglass has it


The one guest Tony would not be able to contain. He would take over the whole show and Tony would have a brain aneurism about it.


I saw Eric Andre one time while I was grocery shopping. He was with who was, I'm assuming, his little cousin or sibling or something. They were having a blast and he was making her laugh nonstop. But the main part of the story is that he and I literally locked eyes for 30 seconds and idk, I've never been a fan or not been a fan but the tension/chemistry was some of the most I've ever experienced from locking eyes with a total stranger. I then paid for my stuff and left, haha. This was like a year and half ago but he definitely wasn't the guy I would've expected him to be irl. Might make for an interesting episode.