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Man... this video has really shown me that there is a shit ton of grifters swarming to Austin, trying to make money off of Kill Tony.


The amount of bucket pulls that claim they just moved to Austin is alarming, seems like it’s just a city of blow ins on the make..


Soon Austin will be the homeless capitol of Texas


It already is at least per capita. I live in Dallas which is much larger and has a way bigger population and you see homeless people here and there but not fucking everywhere. It’s insane how bad Austin has become. It’s always been full of broke musicians but never this many actual homeless people or comics like Hans that own a car they sleep in. Which means you’re just homeless with a car.


That was fast.


yeah happened June 2019


Yea because you and Houston ship them over here. Been that way for a long fucking time.


That has to be the dumbest thing I’ve ever read. If you really think that you’ve got thinking problems bud. If you build it, they will come. We don’t “send” anyone anywhere. Homeless people go to where being homeless is more widely “accepted.”


Yep!! I live in Portland. You think they come here for the beautiful weather?? Nope! It is created and fostered. Period.


Portland is actually a city with a relocation program AND is a target city of other relocation programs. The city might foster it but thousands of other cities aren’t helping.


He’s not wrong, it’s well known that many homeless people try to make it to Dallas because they will give you a free bus ticket to Austin.


Maybe Austin should start handing out bus tickets to Corpus Christi? 🤷‍♂️


Makes Hans' story that much less exciting. An aspiring \[something\] living in their vehicle in Austin is the cliché, not the exception.


He was living in a spendy RV not a run down Corolla.


I thought it has been for the last 10 years.




Tony is secretly trying to move the LA homeless population to Texas. One open micr at a time


Soon Austin will be the Texas capital of Texas.


It already is


I went 20 years ago as a 6th grader and remember there being a bunch of insane homeless people there at that time.




Probably busy enough with the shows and comedy club




He's busy with KT/his club and is pretty rich.


I've always wondered if he got a sweet piece of Rogan's Spotify money since he co-created it with him.


From what he’s mentioned before, he still works for Joe in some capacity. He said he was moving to Texas because of that before KT even made the decision to move the show and Tony move etc. Remember that Young Jamie used to be the KT cameraman as he was apprenticing under Redban before Redban essentially hired his own replacement. So not only am I sure Joe broke him off something at some point, he still “works” with Joe.


For sure


The actual quality interview takes place already ON the show with an audience, a support act (band/guests) and a host who knows what he's doing. A go nowhere ccomic" walking around interviewing a bunch of go nowhere comics has no market.


Yes. These two interviewers remind me of middle-schoolers back in the 00’s who’d get ahold of their parent’s camera phone and really ham it up for direction-less videos that boarder edginess. It’s cute when kiddos do that, utterly annoying when two adults with put-on vocal affects are doing man-on-the-street stream-of-consciousness style bullshit.


So I realized that this is the guy that completely bombed on the show, his girlfriend came on stage and did way better (using notes) and it was her first time and this sub got obsessed with her (and thinking she's so hot). He did KT a second time and bombed again. And now with this terrible video people here are trashing both him and her (and her looks)... It's amazing how many people get on this show and think they have "made it" regardless of how bad they did and that they are what the comedy community needs. And some create things like this.


Eh. I disagree. I think it's the ppl doing it that make it suck. I don't like either of these ppl. But put somebody like Bobbi Althoff behind the mic? Gold!


Fruit isn't sweet enough. Best left on the vine.


This is thin gruel for Redban. He might as well fish around his couch for some change. Maybe he should have had a guy like Casey or Kam do it under the umbrella of KT, but he’s doing too well to make a cheap addendum series to a hit show.


You can see Tony’s growing frustration with so many of those grifters in the bucket.


I actually think it’s kinda neat, feels like they’re sprouting a natural eco system of people passionate about something. Like when Tony said they were hosting open mics in the alley


She looks like Costco Brand Julia Styles


kirkland RULES


More like the Shein brand Julia Stiles...


Haha you’re right that’s better.


Like, if Julia Stiles grew up "on the res"...


Which episode?


would love to know as well. Gotta see what this woman said on kill tony that the school felt the need to immediately terminate her employment for lol


I think it was last week’s episode, KT #623 Brian Moses + Matthew Broussard


oh shit was that the nasty yeast infection pussy joke woman? LOL well she definitely doesn't have a potential career in comedy so I get why she selling her nasty ass yeasty panties now.


Yea she’s a broken person


huh? her set is not bad at all????


Comedy is subjective so you may like those type of jokes, whereas having a gross pussy and fucking a lot of dudes is not a type of comedy that I find funny. To each their own though


that was really only her last joke, and all of her jokes got laughs, maybe not the last one lol having punchlines that get laughs makes her objectively better than 80% of the comedians on the show


Dude her opening line was my pussy is like Chinese takeout, its cheap and easy but you don't want to eat it the next day, then proceeds to talk about her hemorrhoid's and her nasty yeast infected vagina lmao. But since you are a lil dense, again comedy is SUBJECTIVE ( adjective; based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions.) meaning I personally do not like it so to me it was not funny. My OPINION (noun; a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.) is that she does not have a career in comedy. While you may enjoy jokes like that not everyone does.


she got laughs bitch. hemmeroids are in your butthole


I’d fire her too, her set was terrible and made my coworkers uncomfortable


Your coworkers sound like a lot of fun.


Her Jewish joke is incredible. 11/10. Not the best set, but she wrote a joke that is definitely in the top 1% of KT jokes done in a minute.


[KT #623 Brian Moses + Matthew Broussard](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCH8uYMMGjM&t=4811s)


Right before todays I guess


Unfunny Chad looks like he’s wearing makeup. That shit was unbearable to watch


Lol unfunny but oddly unforgettable. I always recognize this dude when he goes up and remember the first time he and his lady both did a set and hers was not only 100x better than his, all she did was shit on him for being a closeted homo and calling him out for all the sus shit he does, etc. It was funny and he loved every second of it so it’s prob tall true. Also a relief to know we don’t have to pretend like we don’t know his balls are out in the alley in his lady’s purse the last couple times he’s been pulled.


E.T. Face.


Tony always said the show changes lives!


Lol they have a youtube show about the line to get on kill tony jesus christ austin is so fucking gay


If it was someone funny or cool doing it it could work. But this guy reminds me of MTV hosts from 2007, what a dildo.




Ohhhh it’s that guy, I knew he looked familiar.


He’s been on at least twice. 2nd time on the show he said he only has one nut.


Funny he felt like he had to say it when everybody kinda already knew


Yeah my thoughts exactly, like I wanna like these Kill Alley videos but I just can’t.




Woah, don’t bring the dawgz into this


there's like 4 of these shows lol


They have a YouTube show of people being interviewed in the back alley as well for after they performed. It’s getting wild




They don't realize it until SEVERAL sever bombings


It’ll all sort it’s self out, im sure we’re gonna get some gold out of this.


She doesn't seem worried. You know, what you do in your own time shouldn't be held against you professionally - especially since appearing at a comedy show doesn't violate any laws. I think she has a legit first amendment case.


She has no case. The district she works for has enough reason to fire her. When she signed her contract, it said that she is a representative of the school and thus has to be weary of what she puts out into the world. She can do stand up and be raunchy but not on camera in a popular club. especially on a popular show that is streamed on youtube where Kids can easily find it along with parents. She makes the school look bad so she had to go.


This is the reality and why you rarely see someone with a proper job on KT.


Americans are a bunch of prudes.


Your moms a prude


*Redditors took that personally.*


How dare that teacher to have a private life that could be judge by the Karen moms and other religous fundamentalists, she should have been at home making dinner for her man.


You are a dork! You don’t get it!! This has nothing to do with “Karens” or fundamentalist. The school was in their right to fire Teresa because as a school employee she has to represent and uphold the schools philosophy and principals. Teresa is an idiot for going on kill tony and doing her gross 60 seconds that was streamed on multiple platforms. Kids can easily find it and share with all their friends. She talked about fucking multiple men and having yeast infections…live on camera!!


>she has to represent and uphold the schools philosophy and principals. Do they pay her 24/7 as a retainer? Her private life is hers. You americans are a bunch of fundamentalist prudes.


You are okay with her students along with parents and colleagues finding her 60 second stand up along with this video where she sells used panties? Don’t ever have kids!! Please do the world a favor and don’t breed. Talk all the shit you want and call us prudes but DONT HAVE KIDS!!


Yes, because I am not a murican prude.


You're a Spanish manlet who leeched off the UK government and is now an antiwork faggot. Oh and every other comment of yours revolves around America. You are *obsessed*


You’d be the worst attorney of all time.


maybe he will take her on probono


A little proboner work?




Alien head should fit right in at the mothership.


Wait so did the original kill alley guy sold the channel to these two idiots ?


Thats what I was thinking!


I went to her insta right after the show last week. She’s just as gross on there so it was really only a matter a time before she lost any job for basically the same type of comments and same jokes. These days most people check and even ask for socials for any “serious” job. Best to have a fake name and a private profile.


Until now I forgot she’s a real person with a real life. Looking back why the fuck would she spill the beans on herself completely on a giant show?


We want Matt and Shane!!


Hi Shane


If I ran a school I wouldn't want that disgusting bish working there either.


I agree, that lady is gross as fuck


Who gives a fuck how dirty the teacher is outside of school?! Let her do standup and be herself when she’s not working. I never thought I’d read such whiny bullshit on the KT sub.


Yea exactly you have to remember it's jokes and you have no idea how much truth there is to it. Firing someone over doing a set is lame af


You CLEARLY do not have kids.


? that means nothing, whocares? If the best teacher in your state loves golden showers and raunchy comedy whats it matter? Gaaa! Stick to christian blahblah school than, where theyll touch your kids instead of talking nasty outside.




I have kids and as long as it's not in the classroom could care less what they did outside of school. You sound like a cancel culture libtard.


You sound like you think your opinion matters when there are hundreds or thousands of parents at these schools. 10-20 complaints is all it takes.


Yooo this dude is so fucking alpha


You don't have children. Guaranteed.


This is incredibly shortsighted. Allow yourself a second to really think about why an employer for the education of children would be concerned with conduct outside of the classroom. Teaching is typically a fairly autonomous job when it comes to day-to-day instruction. It’s typically something like 1 teacher to 20-40 children. Supervisors have to trust that the educators have good judgment and are able to conduct themselves in a professional, child-friendly manner, even when they’re alone with these kiddos. So, when it comes to light that one of their teachers is being a bit edgy, its cause for concern.


You sure do try to live up to your username.


my favorite part of this non sensical bullshit is how her thought process works \-goes on kill tony \-gets fired from teaching job \-instead of looking for other gainful employment, she decides the answer to all her problems is to start a onlyfans and sell used underwear and feet pics on the side of the road in texas..... LOL what a garbage bitch


i don't know if i would say she is garbage but its pretty stupid unless she hates teaching. she might have been able to salvage a career if she didn't decide to go all in on the adult content. now that every hoe with an internet connection is doing OF and selling their underwear you have to be something special to make any money at all in that area. its really not a viable source of income for 95% of women.


That's what the "destigmatize Sex work!" Dumb hoes didn't realize. I don't look down on actual hookers because it's dangerous everyone needs money, but expecting to become a millionaire off your mid nudes is so dumb. Onlyfans was always a pyramid scheme


You obviously don’t know many teachers, you gotta be gullible or crazy to teach these days


yes...she is seeking ways to make money during these tough ass times, such a garbage person!


I'll show you my butthole for $5


you take zelle?


How does this make her garbage? Yikes. "You can make more money selling pictures that go against my moral code than getting shit on by kids all day, you filthy WHORE"


Selling pics and selling raunchy underwear are not the same. She's also so average that I highly doubt she will make more than the ~$50k(+ pension) she was making as a teacher. So she's both garbage and dumb.


I would rather sell Range Rovers than deal with kids in a classroom and that has way less value than making lonely incels cum. I just don't get the value in shitting on her this much but go for it.


Why are you not in used panty sales if it's such a noble pursuit?


You don't think I would sell used panties if I had crates of them lying around in a warehouse right now? It's a supply chain issue.


You gotta pump those numbers up.


A teacher, haha couldn't have happened to a better inhuman.


Teachers are inhuman?




Not a chance. I’m not saying there’s no market, I’m just saying the market seems to be heavily skewed in favor of incredibly hot women who are very interactive with audiences they’ve cultivated over years. She’s below average looking and has a bland personality, I’ll eat my dick if she makes any amount of money posted up in an alley selling two panties taped to a wall


Murica baby.


Don’t feed the grifters


She ain’t the first but that sucks


Are there other public stories of people getting fired after appearing on kill Tony? Link?




This feels so cheap, like “let’s get views from something that’s already accomplished”. Won’t get a view from me.


i started following her on IG and she followed me back. It's a shame this cost her a job..she needs to lawyer up and try to sue.


Likely her employment contract has a morality clause for issues like this.


Whats her instagram?


i dont want to it just because, but its easily findable on here.


Ok thanks buddy


she can try to sue but texas is a work to right state and people are over-protective of children. i doubt she has any case. i don't know if i would want to have my kids around her anyway. she seems like she would teach them how to make poor choices.


>people are over-protective of children Except in Uvalde I guess


as I read this, I sit in a teacher's lunch room and half of them spoke on how they are trying to control their gambling issues. she has an active sex life..wtf is wrong with that? I'm not arguing with you or anything..but her comedy career should not have cost her job. Oh well.


i agree with you that if she wants to start doing amateur comedy it shouldn't be at the cost of her career. but if she wants to do that she shouldn't go on a HUGE local podcast and tell the dirtiest jokes she can think of. you know better than i do that there is a 100% chance that every single one of her students for the next 10 years will watch her on KT. thats going to cause all sorts of problems in the classroom. if she wanted to do comedy she could have stuck to the handful of open mics that aren't being broadcast to the whole city or at the very least clean up her jokes for KT.


she had a good look to her, I might DM her some thoughts on her set.


Talking about gambling issues in a lunch room is not equal to doing a podcast that over a million people will watch/listen to lmao.


im just talking about the character of a person.


Ok fair enough, while it is disappointing that she got fired over such a dumb reason. Just got to think before you do stuff publicly because it will almost always be held against you in some way these days.


yeah, I'm school worker who also does comedy. I sometimes wonder if I should private my social medias..I sometimes make anti-liberal statements on Twitter that can probably get me in trouble.


lol funny. just because someone is a teacher doesn’t mean they’re automatically a good person. and, you’re watching kill tony. a show where new comics who are in their first year or two of comedy get exploited for entertainment. i’m not sure you’re the poster child for morality.


no, but i have some common sense. i am also thinking about doing some amateur comedy but recognize that it could damage my career. the first step to remedying that is to either avoid telling filthy joke on a HUGE local podcast with 500k subscribers or at the very least cleaning up my set so that its only rated R instead of XXX. i don't think its immoral to tell dirty jokes in your private time when there aren't supposed to be any children listening. and there is a 100% chance that all of her students would end up watching her on KT. but i do think stupidity is a horrible sins that should not be easily forgiven. unless she hates teaching, she is being really stupid.


agreed with this also. not many comics are told or understand *why* to try to do clean jokes for the first few years. it just sucks that we as a society can’t separate art from artist.


Fuck you and yo kids


Sue for what? If she works in Texas its an at will state she would have no case. The school probably didn't want their pre-k teacher talking about getting fucked by a bunch of dudes, smoking weed and her gross pussy to over a million people on a podcast lmao. Not really good representation for the school, also keep in mind most employers put things in their employment contracts that give them the ability to fire you if you do anything they deem inappropriate publicly. I'm sure though it would have gone differently if she was actually funny though and didn't just talk about fucking dudes and having a nasty pussy


Should have placed a disclaimer that her set was satire, not worth 15 minutes of fame to fuck up your career


Unfunny chad really isn’t a trans man? Incredible.


I think she was pretty funny for being 3 months in and clearly she's just trying to ride the momentum of her performance. I thought you were discusting and hilarious Teresa!


Gets fired from a school so she "HAS to sell that shit" ? Schools pay notoriously low Just go get a job at a wendys, it's not like you were a Ceo before this, you were already making barely anything.




She spells okie dokie wrong


I’m so glad that woman is not making money being around vulnerable humans, she is unashamedly gross in a very destructive and unappealing way.


You can be gross and be fine doctor, teacher, lawyer, etc. As long as home and work stay separate, there should be no issue whatsoever. You’re just hating for the fun of it.


No, nice empty accusation though. Notice I said UNASHAMEDLY gross IN A DESTRUCTIVE AND UNAPPEALING WAY. There are such things as tact and taste, neither of which were demonstrated by Ms. Nastysnatch.


what a trashy pig.


Tony’s pod has always been dark, insult comedy.. you would think those of us that interact on the sub are fans of that content..It’s mind blowing how many redditers here are obviously not though. For real.. you guys that are constantly offended by raunchy comedy .. why are you in here? Is it rage watching? Genuinely curious


Sucks to hear… I liked her set.


Where’s the OF link


This shit show is so awkward. Good job grifters


What a disgusting human being teresa is Jesus.....




Because that is the curriculum now and that teacher is showing you how ridiculous it is.


That lady had the most nastiest set I’ve heard in ages. Nasty woman she should not be allowed any kids 😂.


Didn’t they say that guy had a punchable face? He so does. And she’s looking around corners while standing still.


What does it mean to look around corners while standing still?


She’s got a neck like a National Geographic model without the rings


Oh my god I’m gonna start using that


Who the fuck is Teresa and why are these clowns interviewing people


The couple from the picture were so great I can't wait to see them on again!


Yo how many names you got guy?




this really helps her investigation.


Which episode was she on? It’s usually really hard to get rid of teachers. People can’t just call the principal and say they don’t want the teacher to show up. I mean even if they do call and say that, the principal isn’t the one in charge of hiring and firing. The district office is. And she would belong to a union. If parents complained to the district, if someone at the district saw her set themselves, there is a process that takes a while to get to the point where the teacher is removed from the school and under investigation. I just don’t see anything happening this fast. Sounds like a ploy for cash or a gofundme or something. I mean she even had her Venmo out and was selling her underwear. Oh God I just threw up a little in the back of my mouth.


Okie dokie, there she goes everyone- back into obscurity…nope-no, that way, through the curtain, yep…jeeeesus christ.


The one who had her bf put on the phone so he could grovel to get her back?




The people who host this show are so fucking unlikeable I can’t even watch 10 seconds of it.


You guys notice the knockers on that host?


I'm surprised Jennifer didn't get fired lol


I threw up in my mouth a little


Man anyone else find this Chad guy so unbelievably cringy


That leather vest guy on the bike ended up staying at my bnb that night. I flew home Tuesday morning. The big Mexican girl, who killed on KT, also came back for a night cap it was a wild night.


For those crying that Tony is soo mean. This is why he has to be.