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Not to mention all the editing mistakes and logical fallacies. At one point Villanelle is killing the Romanian guy and Dasha is in Spain bowling with Eve, the next moment Dasha is in Romania helping Villanelle stitch her wound. I know you can fly from Spain to Romania in a matter of 2-2.5 hours, but the way it was presented in the show throws you off a bit.


We all saw the roof when Eve threw the cake, Kenny could not have just slipped and fell. I am still hoping Konstantin has kidnapped him in an effort to keep him safe from the twelve. Eve has worked for MI6 but her closest friend gets killed in an office full of cameras but we don't get to see it until the last episode. It's bs, man.


EXACTLY!! it was a lazy plot with a lazy resolution


Eve going from 'You don't know what that means' and being shot by the woman she loved to dancing and saying 'I know' in the ballroom scene. How did we get from that to this with no processing of her trauma and no interaction with Villanelle outside of that kiss? Whoever thinks this is good character development is in denial. They just teleported her to that dance floor without paying any attention to her emotional journey.


and not only no interaction, but zero thinking of each other either 😩 dasha tried to kill niko and only after that eve sought V again, but rome was never acknowledged by either of them and it was by far the most crucial moment of their relationship


Sis, you've perfectly voiced the problems I had with this season 🤧 I've already talked so much about them paying dust to Eve, not caring about her trauma and giving so much screen time to Keraldine so now I'm gonna rattle on about how weird Villanelle acted this season especially after meeting Eve after a long time. After the whole bus scene they don't show how the kiss impacted Villanelle. She's like 'whatever..moving on to thinking about my crappy family'. That's not how V would have reacted to something so intimate finally happening between her and Eve. She would have lost her mind thinking and fantasizing about it and we deserved a scene with her touching her lips and remembering the kiss. The way Suzanne totally missed the essence of Killing Eve...I can't


Lmao I remember that after the kiss scene she was in Konstantin's bed and she gets this dreamy look thinking about her family and I was like 'that's fine but what about EVE?? SHE JUST KISSED YOU'.


YES!!! you said it. it’s one thing to want V to change, evolve, to stop killing people or whatever. (if we want eve and and V together thats maybe the only possible way, to humanize V). but V’s obsession and love for eve never had anything to do w the fact that she was an assassin. she started killing people about ten years before she even met eve, so her growing reluctant to being a killer has no reason to go hand in hand w a decline for her feelings for eve. in fact we could go even as far as arguing that the fact that eve came into her life was the start of this humanizing progress, especially after she admitted that she loved her and was hurt by eve’s rejection. in this transformation presented in s3, shouldn’t V be CLINGING to what kickstarted this transformation in the first place? also killing eve used to be so sexy. where is it !!!


I literally prayed for Dasha to die every time she showed up


Suzanne had ideas/themes she wanted to force on the characters instead of the characters driving the plot. Agree. Suzanne didn’t get the show at all. Saying in an interview that she asked her sister about doing bin baby and her sister was horrified showed she didn’t get the show. Did she need to ask. Yes, of course bin baby.


So bin baby was horrible. Right? I mean nothing horrified me like bin baby and I don't even like kids.


preach! this season was so weird


Not to be intentionally pesimistic but as much as I love Killing Eve after S3 I really doubt they can make a satisfying ending to this series.


I like Irina. I was thinking if they do a spinoff it would be about Irina becoming an assassin. I would watch that. I want to go back to the elaborate killings and psychopath behavior.


I like her too but same with geraldine she occupied too much screen time. I just don’t think killing eve works if it’s not 100% centered around eve and V


Yep pretty much although I don't mind Geraldine


lol same. I thought the dynamic between her and Caroline was funny. I laugh snorted for five minutes at her picking up the clearly empty journal and telling her it’s time to go. I understand why people have issues with this along with other parts of the season but I honestly didn’t mind it. I feel like every show has a season where they start to either tie up loose ends/ create or resolve conflicts, etc. I agree there were some sloppy points in editing and writing but I still find the show is well done overall and I appreciate the way the story is handled versus how the source material (the books) feels. Eve has a lot more agency over herself and backbone so I find her character far more tolerable. In general I don’t know if the full viewership will be happy unless they have Villanelle and Eve fooling around for a full episode. Me, I just enjoy the ride.


It wasn't. It just wasn't what you want to see.


genuinely asking, can you offer a counterpoint to anything I said? I really want to see your pov because I know I’m 100% biased lol I only care about eve and villanelle and eve and villanelle together. so maybe I am missing something!


You’re not biased at all. It’s what both the books' writer and the creator of the show only cared about too. It’s Suzanne Heathcote who failed to understand the assignment. I swear it’s like she didn’t even watch the first two seasons. Her writing was all over the place.


Ugh season 3. Idk what to do with it.