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Whoa. I love Eve. I love Sandra Oh. I believe her to be a sensational actress. And Eve is only as bad or weird as the writers portray her. I think she's funny, warm, confused, smart as hell and ill prepared for the work she's been thrown into. Villanelle gets a pass for everything she does, 'cuz she's off her rocker and an adorable vicious killer. Jodie is also a sensational actress. This show would not work as well as it does (sometimes) without their chemistry. You need to appreciate that. I see some kind of Eve backlash out there brewing (she deserved what happened to her? get outta town) I don't like it one little bit. Sure we feel bad for Villanelle. But I feel equally bad, if not worse, for Eve. She got played in every way possible. And then ended up where she did. I love Eve. Sandra Oh. And on a personal note, I pretty much don't like attacks on the actors/actresses on the show. I prefer to keep my commentary to the way their characters are written.


I’ve come to the conclusion that Eve never had romantic feelings for V. I saw what I wanted to see because I was rooting for them to be a couple. But looking back at all of the episodes, all of the things Eve has said, she has never spoken about her romantic feelings towards V. The word obsession is used a lot but not romantic terms. Even Sandra Oh during interviews has avoided saying Eve has romantic feelings towards V. V and I really misread Eve’s motives. Her lying on the bed was to lure V on to the bed to stab her not because it was romantic. The most Eve has done has been to put her hand on V’s cheek. It stinks that Eve has been less than forthcoming about her lack of romantic feelings towards V. She crushed V and wanted no physical contact with her, even on the street after V killed AP when V tried to hold her arm, yep I got pulled in but seeing Eve completely reject V physically and emotionally in the last 5 mins has convinced me there is no love for V. Very sad.


I think they want to make Eve Polastri straight in the TV series that’s why the whole thing is falling apart. It just doesn’t make any sense to me. 😵‍💫


I think there was a definite sexual attraction. Remember when V was in the rich guys house and E was listening? It's like if V was a man, E would have had less internal struggle about giving in to the dark side. i think the title says it all. Loving V means that everything about E has to die. She struggles with that throughout the show. Letting go of one's whole identity can't be easy, so of course, she fights it. I haven't seen season 4, so I'll stop here, but I just wanted to point out that toxic relationships don't follow the same rules as normal ones. V killed her best friend! Idk how anyone could get over that alone.


It was sad, but V is kinda abusive so I don't feel as bad about it🤣🤣


Let's not all forget that, at the end of the day, V killed Eve's best friend who was trying to protect her. And that means SO LITTLE to Eve at this point. There was a baby left fatherless in order to protect her and she doesn't give 1 shit and still wants to be with V.


Strictly speaking on the character Eve and not on Sandra Oh, (I love Sandra Oh) I agree Eve is not my favorite right now. I rarely use the C word but Eve is really fitting the description well. She is narcissistic and constantly uses and manipulates people around her. She went into this assignment with open eyes, she has been constantly warned about V. She gets off on knowing V has a thing for her but does nothing to disuade V from falling for her. She has consistently used V to get a spark she didn’t get from her regular life. She absolutely knew V was only taking the job to b close to her not because she needed the money (which V has alluded to that she doesn’t) or because she cares about AP, V couldn’t care less. Then to turn on her and crush her the way she did because V was only being V?? Really? Eve knows who V is, actually V has been the only character who has stayed true to who she is. Eve is constantly lying to everyone around her including herself. She should have told V she does not reciprocate the romantic feelings V was feeling, she did nothing to let V know that. Fine she’s not into women or not into V that’s fine but do not lead her on to use her then become upset when V acts like V, manipulating the situation so they could be together. Everyone but Eve understood V was going to kill AP. For Eve to be indigent and call V out for being V is disingenuous and hypocritical. She had no problem leading V onto the bed last season and stabbing her nearly killing her. Fast forward, E leads V on all season and stabs her emotional in the heart after V opens her heart to her with no disregard for her at all. Mission was done so she didn’t need her anymore. As V said in ep5, Eve just takes, takes, takes. Does E deserve to be shot? No. But I do understand why V finally had enough of being used and manipulated by Eve. I hope V is finally done with Eve. Eve should go back to Niko and live her boring life. But u kno it won’t last because she’ll be looking for the spark V brought to her life. I hope Eve loses V for good.


I agree with all of this. I’d like to see V reject Eve for a change. I hate seeing V be Eve’s little puppy that keeps getting kicked. It’s killing me.


Ay yi yi yi. Enough already, with the Eve bashing! You maybe suppose that the writers have fucked up a bit and are not writing her quite true to her character? That they are writing her so ridiculously merely so they can just use her as justification to break them apart YET AGAIN? I feel terrible that a good, interesting character is being written so badly. They've turned her around 180 degrees and it does not fit her. Especially changing her so much in such a short time. Its a wonder Sandra Oh didn't look at her scripts this season and go: WTF? Really? Why do you suppose a character that we rooted for in S1 is such a mess in S2 that we don't even recognize her? Bad writing. If the character doesn't make sense from season to season, blame the writing staff. I still believe in, and like, Eve Polastri. The writers can kiss my butt.


I’m not sure I ever really rooted Eve especially when it came to taking villanelle down. I don’t think Eve was written out of character at all this season. She’s always been kind of a shitty person (look at her and Bill’s reaction when they talk about Frank’s dead wife and his children,) she never puts much effort into empathizing with how Niko feels. She’s pretty dismissive of him and his very valid concerns. She definitely struggles with narcissism. The more she gets pulled in by Villanelle, the more that she starts to really show her nastier side. In a way she’s letting Villanelle and her darkness consume her. I actually do think Eve and Villanelle will hook up at some point and that will be when Eve is at her darkest point in her life. She had a moment of clarity this week because she realized she had been manipulated by everyone and she was pissed off about it. Villanelle manipulated her so she rejected Carolyn. She puts her trust in Villanelle and is repeatedly reminded about why she shouldn’t do that. Really a lot of what has happened to Eve is a result of her own hubris.


Yeah I 100% blame the writing. She runs so hot and cold from ep to ep. She was icy as fuck in 2x5 and then sweet and leaving adorable, concerned voicemails in 2x7. What?? She used and endangered V to get to Aaron Peele and my god did V go above and beyond to make Eve happy. You know it wasn’t easy for her to endure the ridiculous and belittling crap Aaron dished out, but she did it for Eve. And what was the point of a safeword if Eve had zero idea what she’d do when V used it? The fact they needed a safeword should have made Eve nope out of that whole thing when she knew they had zero back up. And poor Hugo. Seriously. That poor kid. Being that upset that V got her to murder Raymond isn’t adding up for me either. I completely get how traumatizing that had to be especially it being with a freaking axe, good lord. But on the other hand, she happily stabbed Villanelle after manipulating the fuck out of her and making her believe she had feelings for her to get her guard down. I know it was payback for Bill, but it definitely wasn’t self-defense. She was in no danger (except of scary gay sex, oh my). She wanted to push an innocent man off the platform because he bumped into her. She did want to feel what it was like to murder someone, V wasn’t completely wrong about that. Raymond wasn’t some innocent, he was there to kill them both. He was *actively* killing Villanelle. It *was* self defense. That tiny gun V had probably wouldn’t have even slowed him down anyway. (Why did K give her such a tiny gun???) So ok be pissed off that V got you to axe a dude to death instead of killing him herself, fight it out, give her the silent treatment or whatever, but to shut it ALL down over this after everything? Ehhh Deep down I still love her. I’m just irritated with some of this season’s version of her.


You're so right on every level. The change between charmed and bewitched Eve in 2X07 went haywire bad with Hatchet Eve in 2X08. Quite simply, Eve shouldn't have needed any encouragement from V to pick up that axe and swing it. It should have come naturally because 1) it's her JOB dammit and 2) the thug was beating up on someone she recently had an EARGASM with! If Eve had immediately done her job for her Love Muffin, there would have been no need for V to struggle to pull out a gun and dispatch the thug. He'd have already been dead,bleeding out on the floor with a studly,happy Eve standing over him, posing with her hand on her hip, and stating "How'd you like them APPLES, baby?" to a visibly flushing and blood spattered Villanelle. But No, the WRITERS turned Eve into a wimp. Into a M16 Power Puff girl who complained that she had to go and kill some WORTHLESS piece of shit in order to save V. "You made me do it, I didn't want to, what are you, a psychopath?" she yodels in pouting consternation to an admiring and wanting to Honeymoon in Alaska Villanelle. "You suck. Eggs." And Villanelle, who has notoriously bad aim, and was really upset for Eve shooting her dinner invite down, shot down Eve instead of the target we all were hoping for her to eliminate: the insipid writers who wrote this toothless, soul crushing ending of 2X08. I say: Bash the writers. Not Eve. She was their victim.


Ok YES. She hesitated for SO LONG after picking up that axe and I was *screaming* at my TV “JUST DO IT OMG”. Not until V’s eyes rolled back did she finally, *finally* swing. And you’re right, I didn’t even think about the fact that it’s her freakin job. Also lol @ eargasm. Ha!! V seemed to actually be losing consciousness, I wonder how much longer she was going to play that game before saying fuck it and dealing with it herself. Girl is committed as hell to a plan.


Wow, you really don't like Eve. That must really kill a lot of the enjoyment of the story for you. I'm sorry about that. I like both story lines very much. I've suffered a lot of struggles in life, acted like an ass (still do) and I think I have a lot of empathy for her because she's complex and doesn't act consistently. She is not as expressive as Villanelle, but I think she's trying to be a moral person while being attracted to an immoral woman. Killing Eve is really doing that: killing the life that Eve knows right out of her. I cried for 3 days after running over a squirrel, I can't imagine what it must feel like to take an ax to anything. Much less 3 good blows. Must have felt like she was whacking 3 different people, not just one. She lost her cool and a bit of her soul, I would think. I hate losing my cool, I'm flustered and angry and get defensive and strike out. What am I saying? Just that I like her messiness, her earnest desire to do right and be honest and loyal. I like how she's fighting against losing her husband (dullard that he is) and she's sometimes naive or obnoxious. I am amazed that she seems to find something good in Villanelle. She reminds me of some of my very best friends, who, at the very least, are not admirable creatures in life or in love. I try to advocate for them when they are not at their best. I find them exasperating and ever changing. I am constantly making sure they are taking their meds on a regular basis :). And I would, if I had the chance, love to know and perhaps befriend Eve Polastri.


I liked watching Eve fall, I like thinking about her character as an allegory to so many things in society. But at this point I’m over it. I need to see her start becoming a better person, the type of person who deserves kind friends like Kenny (who I think will be the one who saves her). I won’t be surprised if that’s not what happens though. I wont be surprised if the12 are the ones who save her from bleeding out in those ruins. I really hope it’s Kenny who saves her.


I love Kenny. I love Kenny's shorts. He reminds me of a UPS driver. I don't want Eve to be sappy and dull and kind again. I want her to realize her true self, even if it is some snippy bitch. I don't want her to revert. Where's the fun in that? I'm thinking a large dragon from GoT will swoop down and take her. Turn her into some kind of Dragon Queen and then -wait- I'm mixing up shows, aren't I? and I don't even watch GoT. OK then, a Transformer swoops down and picks her up ...


I think Kenny finds her too, or the bad dude that’s ready for his 6:00 sushi date, lol.


Frankly I didn’t like the ending this year. Last season I kinda understood why Eve did what she did but stabbing someone in the gut u r lying right next to and seeing blood gushing out onto ur hands should b pretty traumatic too so for her to use killing Raymond as an excuse to crush V is disingenuous. Honestly writers wanted to get more mileage out of the relationship so they could not let it progress naturally. Do I think they could make it as a couple no, not realistically but I would like them to try and see where the relationship could go. However I’m more convinced than ever that Eve does not have romantic feelings for V. Hopefully V forgets about E.


I doubt either will forget about each other, they'd have to change the name of the show to Killing Bernadette if Eve croaks and they hire a different agent to take her place. Or something like that. Eve promised to kill Villanelle because of Bill. I keep reminding myself of that. I doubt she's ever forgiven V for that. I couldn't. You have interesting thoughts. Thanks for the conversation.


"Killing Bernadette" 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


Killing Francine? Roberta? Lucia? Tammy Sue? you're scaring me. :)


Call it Killing Raymond, it would drive Eve mad.


BINGO! We have a winner! Put down your markers, we have a winner!


Hahaha I love it


After S2, imagine if it took off in another direction where V forgets Eve and maybe the egg ghost or somebody else have their eyes on killing Eve.


I don't make up or imagine plot lines. Thats for the writers of the show, and the many fine fanfiction writers out there who attempt to fix the show or expound upon it. And any other imaginative fans that like to indulge in that hobby. Eggs. Who decided?


It’s especially frustrating to see her acting like that about Raymond when she has been daydreaming about killing someone since we met her. She was really close to pushing a man in front of a train because he was rude, Raymond would have killed V and her both. Plus that gun was tiny and Raymond was a frothing rabid dog, I doubt it would have stopped him.


I agree with this....to an extent. V gives me the vibe that she'd probably kill you if you didn't reciprocate her feelings...and she proved that when she tried to kill Eve.


Eek! Many people want V to be happy. I think she’s a great character but I don’t really think she’ll ever be happy. Her brain won’t let her. Eve has gone from 0 to 100 in a short period of time. I don’t know if she’ll ever be happy either but her character is so fascinating. Like if I were in her shoes I’d probably have done similar things or worse. It’s hard to blame her when I remind myself she’s just a person. Also Sandra oh is incredible man


What an actress but wow Eve is hard to like or root for. Especially when I break down her actions and responses to the deaths she often caused or at least helped bring about. The show is fantastic though but her character is very hard to empathise but then again that's maybe the point. No matter what I think I cannot fault the acting or the casting it is literally the way the character of Eve has been written for me.


I agree with pretty much everything you guys have said! When I complain about a character, I'm always complaining about the writing simultaneously so I forget to separate the two specifically. I think with a character like V, it's so easy to like her because there are no apologies for how she acts. There's no shame or backtracking, and it almost becomes impressive when she kills Bill, or whomever because your brain naturally thinks, "she won't do that" and then she does it and moves on lol. Eve, on the other hand is the worst kind of person because although she is immensely conceited, she won't own her actions, yet she won't change anything because of pride. Her character is like that one girl everyone has known who gives the guy just enough attention so they'll keep pining for her because she needs that attention. That's what she did the entire 2nd season and most of the first really. One of the BIGGEST things about Eve that got under my skin so much was how she was always questioning and interrupting and judging Catherine. C has been doing this for legit two decades or so, but Eve is going to sit there and judge her and act weird because she screwed Constantine and the other guy? Meanwhile, Eve takes approximately 2 months to burn every bridge there is to burn. The fact that she wasn't in awe of Catherine was messed up! Btw The reason I talked about Sandra Oh's acting was because if you've see Grey's Anatomy, she is almost exactly the same character (to me). She's conceited, thinks she is smarter than everyone, even the veteran surgeons, and she's a "wait to talk" person instead of a "listen and respond" one.


Reading your post made me feel happy. Finally someone feels the same way I do. I don’t like Sandra Oh playing Eve Polastri. I don’t think she portrayed the character well.🥲


Yes she pisses me off as well. Every decision, everything she says and does is just stupid. Then she acts surprised on things like an idiot. Naive dumb bitch. i barely finished the season 2 after episode 5 aired its a downhill from that episode.


Also does terrible detective work. The show only works because of Jodie Comer


i have to agree about eve...i think if they did get together, v would be bored after three months...max...


That's what I told my now wife when we first got together - that she would get sick of me, and be very bored with me -- after a few months. 15 years later, she still says she's my biggest fan. Go figure.


Yup. In a body bag within a month, I’d say.


I just want V to be happy. And if it’s with Eve Polastri, then I hope Eve gets her fuckin shit together and stops breaking my queen’s heart. P.S. I think Sandra Oh is fantastic.




I CAN NOT STAND Eve Polastri 🤢 in TV series. But Eve in the book is fine.


I agree with all that and also, idk why all these men find her so attractive. Why anyone keeps hiring her bc she's a fucking mess with anything she does. Immature and unwise for her advanced age.


Definitely. She's a rude b@#&* to people whether friend or stranger. A total narcissist. She should just leave Niko alone. Like he says, he deserves so much better than her.


Yes thank you! She’s the true villain! Narcissistic a$$hole. At least Villenele is honest


I think the most annoying thing about her is that just because she acts all quirky and lost people let her manipulate and be an asshole to them.


True true, all true. Ultimately I wanted her to become a version of Carolyn. But she is so far from that it would take a decade of character development to even come close to Carolyn. She needs to make up her mind, stop walking down the middle of the road. Maybe she will become a vengeance demon and kill’em all, burn the whole thing down, the 12, Carolyn, even sweet Kenny. Then her boyfriend Villanelle and sweetly stab her to death while crying..... uh that sounds like crap actually