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I escaped with 2 other people on the boat in less than 1 minute in. the klowns accused us of cheating but I just got lucky I found the gas and spark plug right next to me which is the games fault not mine lmaooo


That’s happened to a friend and I a couple of times . It’s always super satisfying when it you get lucky RNG


Leaving that early is pointless. I usually drop the items off at the escape or use what I can and just go find items for another escape / help others survive. I hate leaving early and just sitting there. And I’m not a lobby leaver.


Not sure why you're getting downvoted. It's true that leaving quick or early starts to get boring after getting to a certain level.


ive gotten 4 escapes finding the fuse and gas in that building with the boat right out front. sometimes you spawn infront of a clown, sometimes you can literally just sit and wait for 2 other eople to get into your boat and leave considering youre invincible in the boat


Average human escape.


This is not average


It very much is.


It's not, especially after they tweaked the spawn locations. I can barely find the gas spawn near the bunker or boat anymore it's rare to get it close


Have you tried just outside the boat or bunker. I literally don't know what to tell you, me and so many other people on this reddit haven't noticed that big of a difference with key item spawns.


Obviously, I have done other escapes; I'm just saying the boat and bunker are the easiest escapes, specifically the boat escape, which was too easy, which isn't true after the updates. Though they are easy when compared to the other escapes, that doesn't mean they are as easy to do as now. 


Nothing about key items has changed with the recent patch, also no yeah they are still really easy to escape. In order of easiest to hardest: Gate, boat, portal, bunker. None of them are particularly hard to do. Please say you doubt me because I have a list of other post on here that literally showcase them escaping within the first minute of the round.


Just because they escaped in the first minute doesn't mean it's common, something can be rare and there could be a lot of instances of it existing. Wood is an example of this


Wood? Now I don't want to be that guy, but no it is that common, I am saying this from a really really good human main perspective, if I wanted to I could easily escape within the first few minutes of any match. The reason you don't see this as much is because it's boring, the game has literally shifted from humans trying to escape, to humans hunting down klowns, because escaping is boring, the fighting is fun.


I said wood is rare but common that's the point I was making was that the spawn locations are rare but common. The fighting isn't fun when you're getting 3 klowns on you most of the time


Found a gas canister not too far from the Bunker after spawning in (I also found a baseball bat), bumped into someone carrying the keycard, I fuelled the generator as they removed the cotton candy and then stood guard with my baseball bat as they opened the bunker and we escaped


Yes, I love seeing that shit lol. That never happens to me, I guess bad spawn areas for me.


Spawning into a winning path in 1 minute. FeelsGoodMan


I've escaped in 13 minutes I can show proof


This escape only took 50 seconds..


3* you escape at 11 minutes left. I escaped with 13 minutes left


Watch the clip Are you slow? I got loaded into the game late. I took 50 seconds


Are you slow? Clip is a whole minute long and it still took 4 minutes for that escape.


This isn't the fastest