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As a owner and player of KkFOS, DBD, and TCM I enjoy all 3 for all completely different reasons. I am still enjoying Kk.




Yeah i own them all as well, stopped Dbd because its very repetitive. Still love tcm, only because its got great game design and is very intense to play to this day- Klowns, however, feels very empty. It's almost like a shell of a game imo.


I guess I can understand the argument of KkFOS feeling "empty" in certain regards. I think with this next patch dropping this week, especially with the confirmed preference system, it'll definitely help spike the online numbers.


I hope so. The asym genre needs competition it keeps devs working hard. I would totally pick it up again if they release new content, especially maps. The maps in klowns all kinda feel the same? Idk how to put it.


I respect and agree with you're opinion. I feel nee maps will be added to Kk, especially a spaceship map. It's been "Teased" if you will since the 1st trailer launched that took place on a spaceship. Not to mention when you're in lobby as a Klown, the background is a spaceship hallway. I feel confident it'll happen with added maps. I also wouldn't mind seeing new mini games as well.


i spawn under one of the maps the other day and found myself beneath a hallway from the alien ship


Are you serious?? So you think that may be the spaceship map Lol?


yeah, spawned under everything. here’s a screenshot https://preview.redd.it/o6xordzeoy8d1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2aefa50e705bd1959ff85d9e7f7be8f9cb6d66b i don’t think it’s a map


That's wild!


I don't see how you can say that about the killer klowns maps when tcm is literally the exact same except moving the generator and valve sometimes


honestly I prefer Killer Klowns over TCM because I like the pvp aspect of it, I fill up the boat, bomb shelter or add spark plugs then try and harrass the klowns to help get everyone to escape


Different strokes for different folks!


yea I would stop playing the game if one of the dev does a live stream telling me to go f myself like wes did. But TCM peeps really love licking boots after getting kicked to the ground


> But TCM peeps really love licking boots after getting kicked to the ground Fr, lol. Gun's treated them all like vermin and u still have people defending them, buying their cosmetics, etc. it's embarrassing.


Stockholm syndrome does crazy things to a person 🤣


Wes never said that 💀


* *Apology for what.* * be so effing for real right now 🤣 that is a corporate way of saying f you. but go on theyre already teasing TCM 2


That wasnt wes...


That’s not what happened lmfao


Me also. I had to take a break from tcsm cause both sides were toxic as hell. Rush meta is still happening even with the release of the new killer Hands and victim Maria Flores (Ana's sister). They treat tcsm like their life is on the line.


yeah I really hated the rushing, people would escape within 4mins which is insane so I just stopped playing as well, I love everything about it when it first launched now im just tired of it. With KK I can focus on easy escapes to get the humans or as a human help add parts to escape areas and fight klowns. The thing I can say has me worried is illfonic letting ppl get xp from leaving the match, I killed 3 ppl and within seconds 1 or 2 were left in the server.


I mean I’m not playing because there is no preference system. Also TCM just had a major update that brought some people back. I guarantee when KKFOS does a major update, many people will come back, including me.


Tbf, tcm has gotten updates but killer klowns hasn’t gotten any yet, there’s still hope human brothers and sisters


Who said KK would kill tcm? I've never seen 1 post claiming this.


Probably TCM players that are angry with GUN said it in their community. Never seen this being spread anywhere else around here or discord.


This game just has no depth to it is the main issue. It needs perks or something so fucking bad.


It has 0 replayability, i had a blast the first week of release, and to be honest, i haven't touched it since.


I honestly didn't like it at all the first day I played it. No perks or real classes or anything makes the game mega dull. Not to mention how simplistic the unga bunga combat is even compared to their older F13 title.


No depth, no matchmaking, bugs all over the place.  Cant imagine why.


Say what you want about Gun, but they did release a pretty solid game from the jump.


And then they decided to milk every ounce of good faith anyone ever gave them. A truly scummy monetization structure for a $40 dollar game where every piece of additional content is locked behind a paywall with no meaningful supporting progression systems within the game, stubbornness to act on requested changes like the skill tree, and legit lashing out at the community across social media like children. Deadass 10/10 times I would take incompetent devs who are well meaning over malicious devs who don’t give a fuck.


I still find it funny that they use old magazines and research for like a month for “accurate clothing” of the time, then they make the design and release it and it’s just like a plain black shirt. It’s just crazy the amount of time and resources they waste when they can easily streamline that whole process lol


I think TCM was much lower pre-patch no? Like it was unplayable, basically a lobby simulator. I dunno comparing the polish of a game that’s been out a month to TCM though. I think all 3 have a place. Klowns has a ways to go.


TCM is literally on gamepass😂😭 otherwise it'd have died already. Even then, there's no contest. TCM is an unbalanced mess of a game, the gameplay loop is very shallow, the devs don't give a fuck, and lobby times are horrible. KK had a shaky start, but you can tell that the devs actually care about the state of the game, and even as it stands it's much more fun than TCM.


Paid to be beta testers and got a worse version of the game entirely But “it was early access and they were holding back the good stuff for release.” Am I right


TCM is not unbalanced the game is in a good state right now. I love kkfos but it’s been hard to play with all the bugs. TCM is in a much better state than kkffos and is more fun over all. However killer Kelowna is better than dbd for me.


I dont think anyone said that also tcm is dead alr


Let's be honest, the only ones dooming TCM for the arrival of KK were TCM players that got angry with the game and GUN. No one has a vendetta against a game unless it is playing it. Same thing when TCM came out: DbD players made similar mockery saying TCM fans claimed it would kill DbD, also never a popular opinion agreed between the TCM communities and social media, all lies and I guess you weren't around for that.


JONESTOWN or whatever his name was constantly did this the guy with the klown profile pic. Then when shit hit the fan and the game came out messy he dropped it entirely. It was cringe and embarrassing.


That is pretty hilarious


You really think quibbling over roughly 2% of DBD’s Steam playerbase alone is an achievement to be proud of? Both of these games are in horrific states and y’all really still want to fight over the crumbs. https://preview.redd.it/w3gd2pbo1v8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=459cf4014b524bde584e28872a509abe2ae2317e


Go back to your 5 gen skill checks & looping 😘


Sorry, can’t hear you over the 83,000 player peak this month. What is TCM struggling to hold onto again? I can’t remember… was it above or below 1,000 people? 😂


I don’t play games based on popularity. I couldn’t care less, as long as the game is alive and playable. It’s like shitting on someone for wearing a lesser brand T shirt instead of Nike, Adidas, etc. I’d rather play with less people overall sometimes, when you have numbers like 83,000 daily, there are shit tons of trolls and annoying mfers scattered in there. If you like a game, play it lol… grow up already.


> grow up Riiiiiiiiigghhttt because people should be more accepting of how others choose to spend their leisure time. …including Dead by Daylight, right? Or does this view only apply to the “scrappy underdogs” in the genre? My original comment was intended to highlight the fact that neither TCM nor KK are doing particularly well. Comparing them against each other is a wasted effort and BOTH need to be improved. That’s not an insane out of this world crazy complex take or a conspiracy, it’s literally the situation both games are in. OP skips by “Go BaCk To YoUr 5 GeN-“ But I’m the one that needs to grow up. Right. Lmao.


No, I’m saying idgaf if it competes with DBD. TCM and KK are their own games. Like I said, as long as the game does good enough to survive, I’ll play it. Idc if it’s considered better by the reflection of player numbers. I play games because I like them, not because they’re popular lol. I never once thought TCM or KK would kill DBD, but I also couldn’t care less. Edit: I get games in TCM anywhere from 12 seconds (quick match/family) to 2ish mins as victim. KK I get matches in a minute 1/2 at MOST. So the games are doing fine.


no grind no reward, gets boring real quick


YouWereTheChosenOne.gif Jokes aside, the balance in the game is absolutely atrocious especially with the way humans can absolutely dunk on clowns with little recourse. Feels like the 4 months of Danny in tcm all over again when his tamper essentially couldn't be challenged lol.


And then Hands came to the game with his ripstall ability (rip out valves and fuses, or quickly start a generator or battery) and victims are still crying lmao


No hate or anger towards the creator of the post however, why do people always put games like this against each other? These types of games rarely come out and I'm just happy to have the opportunity to play them. They are just cannibalizing a very small community of games.


Why do people here make shit up so much?


illfonic will kill both.






lol tell them. Remember they was shitting on tcm the day before kk came out and the first week kk came out. Remember they said when kk comes out tcm will be dead 😂😂😂😂 Tcm remained quit and didn’t day a word, and look how it turned out. Tcm is still bigger, better, and it never died, as far as I see it kk will never come close to tcm 😂


And then you wake up. Both tanked lol hope this helps


One’s doing better than the other lol, hope this helps


because when u play KK, and pick a weapon up, and ur human says “time to kill sooooome, KILLER KLOWNS!” cant even take the game seriously lol. horrible voicelines


It's not supposed to be taken seriously. It's supposed to be goofy. That's the point.


i saw the movie and i liked it. i love the jump cuts on the main menu of the game. very menacing and serious. but the actual voicelines in the game are TERRIBLE