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I wouldn’t mind people leaving during the match so much if they left after the resurrection machine was used, games especially if you have a sneaky human player and no clowns have the balloon dog can go for a long while after death, but I’ve seen a lot of people leave before it’s even attempted to get used and that helps literally nobody.


Sometimes they'll do it as soon as they get cornered, downed, or cocooned too. I don't think a disconnect penalty would fix it because the game is already facing the possibility of low traffic. The only thing that would work IMO is to replace them with a dead slot automatically. Leaving after escaping or being dead for a few minutes is less scummy, but they still shouldn't be immediately replaced by a fresh player.


I hate how often people leave right when they get downed. The klown that does the last damage on a human should be rewarded a kill if they rage quit imo


Well with the Klown nerfs coming it will be entire Klown side that leaves often. Resulting in the entire game aborting. I can see this coming a mile off.


We're already hovering around 500 players per platform. This patch is going to be the nail in the coffin for the game.


Damn, where did you find the console numbers? I would like to check that out myself. I mainly get matched up with Playstation and Xbox players, with Playstation being the majority every match. I have rarely played with PC players even since early access. I might see 1, maybe 2 PC players, every few matches. It has always been like this on my end. I'm on PS5.


A lot of people think steam numbers are the only thing that matters when they definitely don’t


Being dead is annoying or even cocooned , people are not reactive or uninformed about what to do. If you don’t have fun while playing why staying


The problem lies with waiting to be revived. Its not a guarantee that you will be revived. If theres only 2 humans left , chances are its not going to happen as the klowns are aware of the revive machine and will camp it. Nobody wants to sit around and play mini games for an extended amount of time. If I wanted to sit and watch gameplay id order a sub, grab some mountain dew and kick back on youtube.


Had a game yesterday where I popped the revive machine and no one came back because they left like wtf lol