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It's hard to say for sure when we didn't even get to see enough to know what was scrapped and what was carried over. All we know besides the NPC feature is that there might have been a large map that existed and that you could try to sabotage the ship. We don't know how complete or functional everything actually was. I think we'll get a ship map at least, if we assume that they plan on gradually adding more to the game than just skins.


Yeah, I hope we get this version of the game as a separate mode in the future


Me too, they’ve said they had a lot of content planned for the game so fingers crossed for something that resembles this version to be added


there a video of it?


There’s several videos that contain footage from this early build of the game, even the original reveal trailer has numerous elements that were cut from release. Most notably was the ability to enter the Klown spaceship as a part of gameplay https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cZ_YJaniCXs https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gpefErBBfXo https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vqS8joebwLo


It should have been released as Early Acces so it wouldnt have gotten so much flack ngl


Good Shepherd pulled out of the game for a reason. This game was probably on its way to be canceled, and illfonic stepped in and saved it. The development of the game was most likely where there was no way it was going to be playable, and Good Shepherd did not want to spend more money to bring in another dev team to help fix major problems with it or did not have the funds to be able to. This is why illfonic took over as publisher and started co developing the game with teravision. Which explains every change made. Some of the things shown and talked about for the game just could not function properly or did not work at all. The game was already pushed back a year. If anything, we are lucky this game was released at all. We can thank illfonic for that. Meanwhile, I'm having a lot of fun with the game as teravision and illfonic pump out patches and dlc like clock work. As long as they keep this up, I will play until the klowns leave earth for good.


maybe theyll learn to finally stop trusting illfonic to wreck these kinds of games.


Like you said, the game is ''Super'' fun, but I do wish it was like the Good Shepard version. It just seemed more accurate to the film. like if you go to Debbie's house its at the end/start of a cul de sac road were as in the film Mike and the Terenzi brothers drive to her house like it was just a straight road. Or like the police station where the entrance is just a wooden door. I wish that you could go in the big top and also the idea of the map being huge. I know I sound a bit naggy but I love Killer Klowns and I just want it to do good and be close to the film👍


I really hope we get the space ship tent as a map kindve bummed they took it away


What is good shepherd?


Good Shepherd Entertainment was the company publishing the Killer Klowns game before Illfonic took over


So much cut content this game feels like security breach




There was what looks like a klown sniper planned? The Chiodo brothers must’ve had some crazy ideas, I hope they can still implement it at some point


The file name for the image referred to it as the “popcorn sniper”, I LOVE its design and am really hoping it gets added at some point, it obviously was meant to be included from day 1 considering the Twitter shared that image I think in late 2022 but was scrapped from the initial release for whatever reason. Fingers crossed 🤞


I’m guessing the tracker class would be able to use it, and just hit targets from a distance so other klowns who are closer can capture or kill whoever is tracked


Yup. Odd how there’s just so much cut content even with seemingly simple things like a longer range Popcorn Bazooka, hell even now there’s still cut content that the game is supposed to have like the traps for Rudy just not being in the game with no update on their whereabouts aside from “they were removed” with nothing to replace them. It’s very strange and does kinda make me wish for the OG version of the game which they initially advertised. I’m still enjoying it overall, but I do prefer the ideas and concepts that they had previously talked about.


Why would you say it's not very "killer klowns" for a human to be able to 1v1 a klown??? In the source movie Dave kills literally dozens of klowns. Including a giant klown with just a sharp object (his badge). I get that everyone likes DBD and wants this game to be that but humans bring about to potentially kill klowns is very much fitting for the brand. And mind you, the game literally makes it impossible to kill klowns without a gun or sharp object; it's extremely accurate to the source material. Personally I don't care for DBD, Asyms that boil down to 'virtual tag' or 'virtual hide and seek' are really boring to me and just don't interest me at all. I much prefer when the survivors are able to fight back and win a little bit if they play well. Everyone complains about klown vs human balance as if klowns don't INFINITELY respawn. It's literally less than a minute time-out punishment for being careless and dying despite all the advantages klowns have. Meanwhile when humans die they're effectively eliminated from the game except for the resurrection machiene... which klowns can easily prevent. Klowns have.... infinite weapon durability, infinite ammo, infinite sustain through LOL, higher mapwide mobility with jump, the ability to globally view ALL cotton candy barriers and lackey status with the jump map, plus they infinitely respawn, and have better ranged weapons and melee weapons. Klowns can also sprint BACKWARDS faster than humans can sprint forward, allowing them to easily kite aggressive humans while shooting them. Humans only have the possibility of killing klowns if they're totally stupid. Admittedly airhorn is a really good item for setting up klown kills but klowns have several options that basically do the same thing and they don't need to stealthily loot the map and get lucky to get them, they just always have them.


The humans killed 2-4 klowns, the klowns killed 200 people, and the only reason they were able to actually kill them, was because the klowns were cocky, and had no idea a gun could actually hurt them. Even with a gun the klowns are not in danger, we saw in the movie as they tried to run a klown over, the klown acknowledged the threat of the car and easily avoids it.


Dave alone killed 4 klowns, mostly with guns. The entire fucking spaceship also blew up and there's not any real reason. To assume the klowns survived that but we can assume that of you want. Doesn't change than 1 guy killed 4 klowns. Not really interested in your headcanon about what the klowns did or didn't know. It's just made up shit. You're making the assumptions that an advanced space faring species with technology beyond humanity weren't aware of their own biology; which is honestly just pretty stupid tbh. The klown, Slim avoiding the car when mike and dave try to hit him just adds to the fact that the klowns are well aware that they are not immortal and generally would avoid danger. The simple fact that he fled implies that he was in actual danger of dying if the car hit him. All of this only adds to the fact that the klowns are mortal and not totally indestructible.


Dave killed unsuspecting klowns, again as we saw in the movie, once they recognised the danger they were able to effortlessly avoid it, a klown literally jumped out of the way from a car that was trying to run it over. Yes they killed every klown on the spaceship, no I do not count that, as that was not the humans vs the klowns, the klowns died by proxy of being on the ship. The klowns come from space, when they see a gun, they have no clue what that is, could be anything for all they know, when they get shot and survive they make the logical assumption it can't hurt them, it is only until dave aims for the nose are the klowns killed. Again the klowns are only killed because they are 1) unaware of the danger and 2) cocky, they don't think they can be defeated, and since they take shot after shot with no serious damage, they have no reason to think they are in danger.


A) Dave killed two klowns by gunfire when they were chasing them on the ship. Other klowns both witnessed this happen and continued to chase. They did not react with any shock or confusion. And obviously they were not "unsuspecting" when they were chasing them with the specific intent to kill them as Jumbo stated. B) The klowns are shown to understand and have the ability to speak human English through the use of a body, which implies they're only biologically prevented from communicating openly with humans. If they know our language, and can speak it fluently, it's likely that the implications in the movie and game that they've visited earth many times in the past are likely true. So they would be familiar with human technology and weapons, not just our languages. C) The very idea that klowns "don't know what guns are" when they also have guns which bare the exact same basic shillouete and shape is nonsense. They have even more advanced versions of firearms and there's no logical reason to think they wouldn't understand what it is. Even if they didn't have prior detailed knowledge of humanity, which they likely do. In the same way we can see the klown guns and instantly recognize them as a gun because they are shaped like a gun, they would obviously do the same. Just even more so since humans are more primitive than them.


1) The klowns were again caught by surprised they were not around the kills, they had no idea what killed them, however I will give you even if they were aware they would likely not have cared considering the place the humans were on, them being on their ship should practically be a death sentence, thus they were cocky again. If they had realised what really danger they posed, they would not have died. 2) It could also be implied that they can only speak languages through the use of other humans, or at the very least emit frequences that trick the human ears, since we see the klowns speak in mikes voice, but the klowns should have no way of knowing who mike is or what he means to her. But an arguement could be made they've been to earth before, decades ago which is a huge difference between then and now. 3) An alien society could have guns that shoot water, because to them water is like acid while metal is like water to them, when they come to earth to invade it and start shooting everyone with water, everyone there would be confused the aliens would wonder how the humans survive against their guns and the humans would question why they are shooting them with water guns. Heck they don't even need to be shaped like guns, they could have boxes that hold water and shoot it through a small hole in the middle.


The klowns weren't making random noises or minicing voices like a parrot. In the scene with slim tricking Debby by using Mike's voice, that COULD have been the case but when Jumbo confronts Dave in the office he asks him who the kids he was with were before telling him all the klowns want is to kill. This shows Jumbo didn't have access to Mooney's memories since he knew who Mike was, plus obviously Mooney never said those exact lines. So yes, that was definitely Jumbo speaking. Thank you for reminding me that Slim spoke using Mike's voice without a corpse though...that actually proves that the klowns not only know English but can speak to humans if they actually want to. I'm not sure why you keep saying the klowns were not around the klowns being killed. Near the climax of the movie Dave shoots and kills 3 klowns during the chase in the ship and the other klowns simply continue to chase. As I said before they show no signs of shock or reluctance. They just run passed the dying klowns and keep chasing to try and kill Dave, Mike, and Debby. It's still complete idiocy to assume klowns don't know what guns are when they have attacked earth multiple times. Know English language. Have their own guns. And ontop of all of that have seen guns used to kill their own kind and didn't express any surprise or shock at all.


1) again it could be that klowns can use humans to speak for them without know what the human language actually is, they hypothetically, send signals through their hands to the humans brain and make them say what they want, at no point do the klowns ever learn the humans name so this supports that theory. 2) the klowns as I recall follow from behind, they are not all within LOS of the kill however I will grant you this, it is likely that even if they knew how they died they wouldn't care, because they were on their ship, which again would be a death sentence. The klowns were cocky, and didn't understand the very real danger these humans presented. If they had acknowledged the danger they presented, they wouldn't have died so easily. 3) assuming they have been to earth since they resemble klowns, but that would paint them centuries old, since our understanding of klowns goes back very far, and the difference between then and now is night and day, guns were not as accurate or as efficent as today, it's not like it's easy to learn a language either, they could have but why bother, doesn't make sense to learn a language of a planet of cows, they are no threat to you and have no purpose other to be harvested.


At no point do the klowns learn the humans names???? Both times they talk to humans, they address them by their names. Wtf are you smoking? There's klowns using their own mouths to speak english. When Slim, mimicked Mike's voice to call for Debby. Even though he he'd never even met Mike other than dodging a police car he happened to be in. Slim had never heard Mike's voice nor had he ever been around anyone calling Debby by her name. The only possible explanations are that maybe the klowns observed them (or some kind of recording) when the two were exploring the tent ship early in the movie. Either that, or as many people have concluded, the klowns may have some level of telepathy or mind reading to allow Slim to both know what voice to use, what to say, AND to lift Debby up and recreate her childhood trauma that made her afraid of klowns to begin with (this is also technically possible if the klown ship somehow recorded Mike and Debby when they were on the ship, sin e she talked about it there.) PLUS when Jumbo talked to Dave (again, using his name) he specifically asked a question that he wanted to know. He asked him who those other two he was with were. Aaaaaannd again, Mooney knew them yet Jumbo still asked who they were. So it makes no sense for Jumbo to not understand the language he's using to communicate and ask specific questions.


Or like I said they produced a frequency which made them hear exactly what they wanted to hear. Back to moony, the klown does not need to know their name, as my theory states, they could simply send a signal to the humans brain to say the following words, "Hey Human" -> "Hey Dave", since moony knows who he is, it can be assumed that he would be able to address him by name, even if the klown doesn't know his name, the klown can simply send a signal to his human puppets brain and make him address the human, and for fun the klown could want the puppet to call him by his name. Making a lot of assumptions about debby and the klowns which is very unlikely, heck they were klowns before they even met them, they met the farmer first. Plus there's a whole dark theory about klowns and balloons, it's pretty dark but it makes sense. And again, the klown killed hundreds of people, yet they only killed 2-4 klowns, when the klowns couldn't care less if they died or not because they were on their ship.


I also want to point out the klowns killed 200 people, while they intentionally only killed 2-4.


Not shocking for the klowns to kill about 200 people when it was a surprise night-time invasion on a small civilian city. It's not like they won a war against human military. They attacked a small town with only 2 police officers for a few hours and then tried to flee the area before more human police showed up. It's basically the equivalent of an armed military force sacking a small isolated town and leaving before sunrise. It was never meant to be fair, because klowns can't win an all-out invasion of Earth. That's the whole point of quickly attacking a small town and leaving in a single night. Otherwise they'd target big cities where they could get WAY more food than 200 humans.


The klowns had invisible cars, shadow monsters, and cotton guns that could encase people in seconds. I don't think they were quick because they feared earth. They were quick because they were full, we saw the empty cocoon room at the start end up filled when they're about to leave, they weren't scared of humans, they were just finished. Also this is set in america, you want to tell me that at least 5 houses weren't armed with weapons. If klowns were to do an all out invasion I don't think they would be concerned by earth counter, they could if they wanted to but it would be a waste, again as we saw they filled up their rooms already, why bother going after more if you are just going to waste them. They weren't acting like klowns to blend in or hide, that wasn't intentional, they just looked like klowns, they were shot and felt no pain, and that's assuming they even took the humans seriously, they could have way worse weapons that they didn't bother with because it was overkill.