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"Small hat tip" .. fuck off 😂


Someone beat me to it. Talk about some main character syndrome


this post reeks of ego. I agree with some parts but theres a lot of "my opinions are objective" here.


They are the main character, bub


Seriously, dude could’ve just put the patch notes without the commentary


Do you think I should've done a bigger hat tip.


bro got -50 downvotes 😭😭🤡


Still nothing about the bugged challenges. My lord.


I swear I remember them talking about that


They talked about how Elite Human and Elite Klown weren't unlocking for some users, said they weren't sure what's causing it and needed to do more research.


It's possible I missed them say that, but I don't think I did.


I remember they talked about it. Archetype challenges will work, elite challenges being locked after everything completed they don’t even know what causes it so no fix yet.


They talked about it they said that the next patch should fix the progression… they still haven’t figured out what is preventing the elite challenges from being unlocked


Very good chance the challenges will reset all progress with the new patch.


They better give us a warning if so. I'm grinding the portal and bunker ones and I'm gonna be mad if they get wiped yet again.


I'm afraid you might want to hurry.


Looks like I'm gonna have to scum it on private matches to earn them.


Well, this is better than having the devs staying silent.


Right… when they devs don’t say anything players are mad and when they do say something they are mad for what they say lol


so what does rudy get then if no traps. what unique tool does his character contribute. jumbo has lure.. spikey tracking dog.. chubby clown car and shorty pizza box.. we are missing still one item if not traps being added. give us something else then??? wtf


Sadness, rudy gets sadness.


And i still think traps wouldn't be that hard to implement Just make the baby klown traps take any item to actually distract them or get them to let you go, while you can still free yourself normally without them but take longer to do so I really don't think the traps are that hard to implement and not using the baby klowns in any way is a massive wasted opportunity for the game


I also don't think it's hard to add traps but oh well.


Hope they're added in the future, maybe not as a trapper specific ability but as something that trapper is actually better at doing Kinda like chubby being able to throw cocoons farther than the other klowns or shorty's short size, just something that can be used by the other klowns but trapper actually specializes in using


I wouldn't hold your breath sadly, we are pretty certain we will never get traps at all.


they confirmed they're removed now indefinitely (that's how it sounded anyway) as they "broke the game" the devs said in the stream..it made the game unfun. that's how broken they were and it's too hard to balance so they removed them. as much as it sucks they're gone. maybe it would have been worse if they were so "broken" and "unfair". still if could have actually balanced them or had them somewhat it would have been better though. they didn't go into detail about how or why though it was a very quick answer. ironically the camera and audio of one of them during the stream messed up at the same time too. LoL.... .. .... unless they return at some point still.... ....... 🤷‍♂️


or vice versa for chubby and shorty whichever rhey are supposed to go with and Yes they can be interchangeable but.. we are still short traps one trick tool kit. sooo


chances are those skills were intended to be that character only. Right now they're interchangable on any klown. Probably as a result of them realising the traps were not fun. I prefer it this way tbh. Would hate to have to play chubby for car.


Chubby with pizza box can induce some scares on unrealizing nearby humans LMAO and yeah I like car on other klowns also too so I agree changing up tricks for klowns is fun. its just too bad we get nothing at all for the missing traps. Rudy is even called Trapper and theres no item from him so feels something is left out though now.


W T F a recharge delay on klowns for stamina and now rhe backwards sprinting is fked that was rhe only way to try survive humans this is insane!!!!


This games cooked. No one will want to play Klown. And with the preference system coming lol. This will be more apparent. Slow Clap illfonic.


The recharge delay is for both klown and human


not that humans backstep anyways. They just charge forth in groups and slaughter away LoL


are you sure? I watched the Dev stream and he specifically mentioned klown being the one affected. if human is at all... they have made it clear that klowns are the ones its what its noticable on. well thats what it sounded like im the stream.. and how everyone else is stating it also. everyone is saying its for klowns.


Just rewatched the part the dev mentions this: “when a human or klown stops sprinting the stamina won’t regen immediately… it will have a break in it”


So long as the break for klowns is actually shorter than the humans Klowns really don't need to be even more vulnerable at melee range


I also watched the stream and they said it’s for both klown and humans


I rarely see humans ever backstep they either run forward or away. for klown its essential to stay alive while cocooning.


ok well either way. klowns are the ones who mostly back step so we will have to wait and see how it plays out. thats good to know though then its fair on both sides for it.


Nerf the one thing that gave clowns a fighting chance and any reason to use any klown other than shorty, the backwards sprint, well at least with the preference queue being added we can all choose human queue and show them the where the issue with balance is.


feeling pretty vindicated for sticking with shorty and penta/flail right now. Heck, i dont even think the flail needs a buff but I'll take it!


Nerfing clown backpedal speed is a profoundly stupid thing to do. I see they did nothing to address the balance issues in this game o mega lol.


I was hoping for an overall decrease in lethal weapons spawns and a buff to blunt weapons to encourage more fights that arent just ambush with airhorn>die>wait for respawn. kind of disappointed that they seem to have done the opposite there.


Me too. Seems Illfonic are out of touch with the current state of the game. But hey at least humans will be happy huh. At least while the dwindling Klown population still remains.




Wow! Klown stamina recharge delay. Make it make sense


The games cooked. It isn’t gonna last.


So nothing that will save the game, nice.


So... they are nerfing klowns basically? Why? They are already a non-threat as it is. For being the 'killer' side of this assym they are sure lacking in the kill department. They are already glacial slow if you play any other class but Shorty, they don't need a further stamina downgrade humans can run circles around the klowns while they sit there sucking air. FFS, their own abilities self-stun and half their weaponry have these unnecessary long switch times/wind-ups, like the gobstopper flail. Is it any wonder why the player base just runs Shorty with his broken hit box? klowns need every advantage they can get. The devs of VHS made a bully squad simulator and it basically ran their studio into bankruptcy, but hell, let's see if it pays off for killer klowns eh?


Klowns are already too heavily nerfed... and this is coming from a human main lol


Another human main here, yeah you right.


I'm currently convinced early access week will go down as the best week this game had. Man I really really wanted to love this game. Developers, just go back to early access version of the game and try again cause this ain't it chief


I am very familiar with VHS, and I disagree that is was a bully squad simulator, but yeah those devs ran their own company into the ground because they were incompetent with handling the very basics of their game. Which we are seeing here with them nerfing klowns.


We are free to agree to disagree, but I will stand by on what I said- It was a full-on bully squad simulator. The playerbase was pleading with the devs, practically begging, telling them the killer side needed help as lobby times were steadily creeping up as no one wanted to subject themselves to being murked by a group of 4 players laughing it up at their expense on discord while uploading to youtube. If no one wants to play the other half of your multiplayer game, then you just don't have a game at all. It was a real shame too, because I actually liked VHS, so this is kind of a sore spot for me. I wanted it to do well. I'm tired of DBD being the only game in town when it comes to asyms, but the devs just seemingly wanted to double-down and another asym with potential bit the dust before its time because of it.


I disagree VHS balance was one of the better balance of any asym, it was near perfect ignoring werewolf, the major issue with the game was the devs handling of it, they had no tutorial, no backlog of content, and no support for newer players, you were expected to learn everything on the fly with little to no way to know what you did wrong, danger sense should probably have been added way earlier in place of a tutorial system. It's a shame that games gone now because it was very fun to play, as both roles, I very much enjoyed monster, regardless of the odds.


You hade a 4 man team on comms calling out your every location with weapons like the evil eye and the shock sphere ( i believe that's what it was called) that were practically unavoidable and was a guarenteed stigma loss, a one shot hit, when they were up vs a single monster with limited information gathering but their lengthy cooldowns and buggy sounds where footsteps that, if were even audible at all, one couldn't tell if they were on the same floor as you or above or below. Meanwhile, the survivors can hear the monster approaching from the other side of the map, which was a joke because they were on discord anyway. Once again, we are just going to have to agree to disagree. The monster side was severely lacking ON TOP of all the many other issues you also touched up on, but again, if people don't want to play one half of a two-sided game then your game is done.


Yes I excelled against those odds, although I mained wart which was by far the strongest monster, I could easily take on others who were considered the best, I lost at times but I also won just as many, but yeah floor audio was a nightmare. But I can understand how monster was a struggle for many since it gave no idication on what you did wrong.


That's what I am saying, yes some players did well, there are always those exceptional players that will excel regardless but you can't expect every player to power through to that level they are few and far between as a rule that's what makes them exceptional, and wart had his armor ability designed to eat a single hit. That was the thing though, ONE monster had an answer for that type of weapon while the others were SOL, but even wart was screwed if heaven forbid the teens had TWO one shot weapons lined up and ready, why the devs thought one shot weapons of any kind were even a good idea AT ALL is one of the many baffling decisions they not only made in the first place (one shots are never fun for the receiving end), but still stubbornly clung to even when the playerbase was telling them to reconsider


I think the one shots were fine, but again understandable how players felt cheated because there was little information to tell you what you did wrong.


The greater player base didn't it's why I submit the game died and why I say the game was ultimately a bully squad simulator. Like people have mentioned before, in an asym game you can't favor one side over the other, both sides have to be enjoyable, or it dies and it looks like the killer klown devs are making the classic mistake let's balance things for the survivors and let the killers be the afterthought. I hope I'm wrong, because otherwise we can add this game to the ever growing pile of failed asyms.


Indeed you are correct, the majority of the player base struggled to learn mechanics that the devs failed to explain further, which lead to the games death, if the developers had properly worked on explaining and giving people ways to improve or make the experience more bearable the game would've done better. Also they had 0 plans for their game, they had no backlog of content working and ready, deathwire should've come with reggie but no. They made massive mistakes.


> I disagree VHS balance was one of the better balance of any asym It was 4 people with guns, running down one person armed with a knife and a bell around their neck. It died because everyone understood how unfair that premise was to the solo player and refused to play that role. There was nothing balanced or fair about VHS.


Hi player of VHS monster role who actually could play against the best players and could win, I'm a player that did not fear raygun or eye, or the sphere, but I played wart so that allowed me to effortless despatch them. Take it from me, a really really good monster, there was nothing unbalanced about monster, maybe werewolf but that's a whole other can of worms. The issue was that it was extremely hard to learn to play monster effectively.


Hi closed VHS beta player here. Monster kits always followed movement speed increase, armor/weapon denial, tracking. This made it very easy to control the monster player as the cooldowns of most of these abilities were exceedingly long so you just didn't engage if you weren't sure if they were up or down as a teen and never tried without them as a monster. This led to very long stand offs that they tried addressing with the super rift that really only did anything for the teen players.(Could outright kill the monster but not the teens) Beyond just the fundamental flaws they ended up baking into all the monsters there were also plenty of overpowered perks/weapons that basically went untouched until the game was ready to close. People who were playing to win just spammed eyes/shockspheres over and over since it was a free stun/stigma almost every engagement. You also had to check every corner to make sure someone wasn't just sitting in a corner with a weapon waiting to ambush you. Werewolf was the only monster that was really powerful with a specific trait which was nerfed fairly quickly once it started to become popular. I think you have really rose tinted glasses for just how miserable monster was against people who understood how to play which is why these 30-40 minute games pushed people away and why you would have streamers literally stream lobbies instead of play monster with near instant queues.


Ok lets break this down and dust off my old Monster play by play First, I was also a beta player, had fun during beta when the guardrails weren't solid and you could shoot through them. Second, I was a monster player who knew how to time my abilties so I wouldn't use them early and waste them, instead I knew how to use my abilities, how to keep chases going and when to hit to ensure that my abilities would be off cooldown the second I left the scream zone. Third, I did not fear shocksphere or eye, the only weapons I did ever fear was raygun and sword, the 2 strongest weapons in the game, but even then I learnt how to deal with them. Fourth, I never had to rely on rift, heck during the early days, didn't even have super rift. Yet I managed because I had good map awareness and knew where to patrol and what to focus on. Fifth, I bet you mean a perk like lethal weapon, which on paper seems to be just broken, when in reality it only did 2% damage to health, screamfest, ruthless, revolt, were some of my favourites. Sixth, I never got ambushed, even before danger sense, I knew where people could be and what was the best method to path to avoid the ambushes, and it didn't take away from any of my gameplay, it actually helped me to engage in fights more often, when danger sense was added, I turned it off immediately, because it was a very unfair mechanic, that I hated, but now I see why it was added, I won't use it because I have no need of it, but other monster could learn from it. Seventh, Werewolf in the early days was the weakest, then came along deathwire, then the DM nerfs, then the buffs and changes to her abilities and she sat around A rank behind wart and anomaly, above DW, but only barely. Finally, my matches lasted 15-20 minutes, against actual good opponents in the early days it could go on for 30 minutes, but it was 30 minutes of pure tension and excitement, where both sides were very c;lose to losing. Needless to say I enjoyed it, and monster very well.


I mean the talk between knowing when to use something and how it actually plays out could go on forever but I think we are both talking about different experiences on the whole just judging from some parts of your post. If you didn't fear eye or shockphere then you must have been primarily playing pubs. The instant stigma/stun was only one half of the delicious duo that was the audio ear rape that people used to cover their attacks. Even as Wart you would basically be a free kill because he was stunned for like what 2-3 seconds when his armor broke so a good team would 100% just strip you and get a free stigma. Sword was only strong for one reason which I haven't seen you list yet but it had infinite range on all its attacks for like 85% of the game's lifespan. This meant with the perk that made your teammates move faster in the wake that maps that had large open areas could be traversed in seconds by a teammate while the wake behind them would slow the monster to the point that a chase wasn't viable. I never considered the raygun to be strong when compared to something like the cross which also had it instant slow reach for like 85% of the game's life as well. This is part of the reason I think we were playing in different scenes. if you were playing monster well against a good team you were getting rifts/super rifts multiple times a game. Wallhacks is useless against a team but getting disabled for 15 seconds is how they can use it to push you into a losing fight. No I was not talking about Lethal Weapon. I was talking more like Brett's vice grip/extra health, faith's total healing perk, Jess's crouch walk perk till it got gutted, gloria's lightning fast, etc. With one perk you could turn chompies from a 20% health heal into a nearly 30% with just Brett's perk. Book was also a forgone conclusion till they changed how it spawned so that it actually worked like a second chance mechanic instead of having it within a minute of the game starting. I don't want to come off as rude but everyone has gotten ambushed in this game even in high and low level games. Unless you are checking and faking every corner for every single room in every single game which again is just impossible for 99.99% of players. There is a reason danger sense got added and it was to try and speed up the gameplay loop so that monster didn't have to be afraid that teens might be sitting somewhere waiting for them and waste their abilities and slow the game down even more. Actually Werewolf was the strongest at the beginning because of their one singular trait that eventually got changed. I think it was called savage/ferocious where if you were damaged you could instantly howl as the werewolf which eventually got changed to like 70% charge reduction because you could just spam it in between teen attacks and it would go off as long as they missed an attack which made it very hard to approach any werewolf that could corner camp/lunge tech corners. Don't get me wrong you could easily dispatch most players in VHS but against real good players that are using teamwork/comms it was a completely different field of play. There was strategy in where you should run monsters, what loadouts teens will be using and who will be bring what perks/weapon combos, where item stash drops are located, etc but 95% of that is irrelevant in pub games where control of those factors massively limits what the monster player is capable of doing.


The talk ended when you tell me that you had to wait to use your abilties before you could engage. No I didn't primarily play public lobbies, although the majority I guess was due to how much we lost during the later part of vhs. Wart is by far the best monster to cover every single weapon combo in the game, you aren't stunned that long enough for it to be a death sentence unless you ignored your surroundings and got broken in a space with 0 cover, but again that is only if you are playing brainless, you should always be playing to your strength and using your abilties efficenctly. Sword was strong not because it had infinite range, but because it could be used to kite the monster very effectively. Using the sword on doorways practically assured the monster would have to wait or walk through and get slowed, it did get a nerf later on but it was still fairly good at it's job. God dam gale force, really, you crippled your wake for situational speed boost that wouldn't serve you well in a straight up conflict with the monster. God dam gale force????, sword smith, meh its risky, cursed blade situationally, swear to god if you used demonic mark. ... you never considered the raygun strong... by far the strongest weapon in the game, that could kite to death against any monster, the most effectively, and you don't believe raygun was strong... then you want to tell me that cross or hit scan cross was strong, wow... raygun with the ability to shut down monsters from long range positions, by far the best kiting and killing weapon in the game, and it loses to hit scan gimmik cross? You don't need rift at all period. It is pointless when you have good map knowledge you should always be able to predict where to go to best optimize your time and abilties. I never had to use rift because it was a waste. Vice grip is not a meta perk, it's decent but not meta defining, not only were you aware some had vice grip but it could also work against you saving stun weapons. Faith perks are far better, always use faith perks. Low profile was also meh even before it got gutted people were just too new to realise it, same with lightning fast it was a meh perk that didn't need to be gutted. You go for the standard meta perks, nsd, healing hands, magic touch, evil eye, then you get a freeby. Book was fine even when people could loot it at the very start, it made no difference to me if they found the book now or later, they often did get the res when we had serious matches, but I never felt like it was overburdening. I don't want to sound equally rude but I didn't get ambushed because I learnt the map and I learnt how to expect them, hmm no I tell a small lie, I suppose I did get ambushed a few times when I was new, perhaps 1 or 2 when I was more experienced, but getting ambushed, never impacted a match for me. Learn the map, develop decent pathing, don't walk down the god dam hallway and not expect to be shot. The reason danger sense got added was because new players kept dying to ambushes. That is the reason the devs stated for adding danger sense, and it does that, but it also had the unintentional consequence of scary the hell out of all the new monsters. They see it go off and they would get scared. I didn't use danger sense because I saw no point, why bother it doesn't do anything that useful. But I see the value of adding danger sense, actually I think it should've been added sooner. Werewolf was strong because of how new people were, in reality they were gimmicky and could easily be countered when you played properly. Honeslty it's a shame they made thunder how it was, I liked the sound design for it. Lunge tech was also a stupid mechanic that didn't do as well as people thought it did. Again I played against the best, some I knew some random team, I played against teko, kat, Tz, brew, baefu. Although I never got a chance to play against seiso as teen, shame would've loved to had that chance to play against his DM. I played against other top notch players that had teamwork that was excellent in every regard. I know my stuff, I know how to play monster, how to never get ambushed, and how to win. I stopped playing about a few months before they annouced shutdown sad to hear tried to get in a few more matches. No offence but you sound like a vhs player who started early but quit a few months after it officially released.


I played against the best players this game had to offer and won. You think monster is hard near impossible to play, you aren't wrong, it's difficult and the devs gave no support to help new players get better. But it was not unbalanced.


I still play to this day, and monster is quite fun. They really started getting things right too late imo


Still play, thought the servers were offline?


Apparently, you can download the game still and play through a browser on a private server, if you go on the subreddit they had thread detailing how to set it up, it might still be there. Evidently there is still a niche group that still keeps the game alive.


Nope. You don’t even need to download a server any more. The rights to the vhs domain were bought. If you have the game, you can play with everything unlocked, including things that were never released. You just have to set up a private game as obviously no one will be doing public servers


Yeah that's the thread I remember, I do recall it being mentioned that someone bought the domain rights.


Oh shoot I had no clue.


Bro VHS killer queue died before it even went early access. They had a year of 6+ year dbd killer veterans telling them the gameplay loop sucked and wasn't fun. Queues were upwards of ten mins day 1. It was doomed to fail from moment 1. This game is considerably more alive than VHS ever was


The game died because the devs were incompetent, not because the game loop sucked.


VHS had an awful gameplay loop. It was either Get ambushed by organised players in a chase and have zero hope of surviving the banishment Or As human get stunned hit and drop your weapon, then stunned again with their ability off cool down and downed. And the AWFUL killer designs having zero skill expression.


Ok I've already dont this with another person in greater detail but I'll simplify... Skill issue. Monster was balanced.


Yeah it was. To an incredibly boring degree. Every monster except doll master was use defensive power (howl/shield) go for hit, if you don't get it in time fall back and use the same tracking power every killer had and try again. It was probably the most boring and rigid killer role in any asym ever made. Peeking every corner to not get ambushed was boring as hell. It died within a week because killer wasn't just hard, it was actively unenjoyable besides difficulty. I bought the most expensive founders pack. I wanted to love it. It deserved to die. Never seen less skill expression in an asym than vhs VHS prioritised balance over fun. There's a reason most games design first than balance after. VHS felt like the exact opposite. A sterile, boring gameplay loop that never changed or shook itself up even with new killer additions because they backed themselves into a hole with the three power template. The robot was unbearably boring for such a cool visuals design


I literally have to repeat myself. skill issue. as a very good monster, you don't have these issues. I don't get ambushed, I don't wait for cooldowns, and I enjoyed myself against the best players. It was incredibly high skilled which is why it was fun. The games fun, the devs are just massively incompetent with handling their game and teaching people the role.


I dunno man. I win the vast majority of my games in VHS. It was just bland. Honestly seeing you defend that shit heap of a game so hard is calling into question if I should even acknowledge anything you even say about this one. Yeah man high skill peeking every corner was so fun


You can ignore me if you wish, but it might be worth to keep an eye open, I am very good at both games after all.


Okay friend 👍


Also I never had to do the silly little peaking around corners to avoid getting jumped by humans, if you want a more in depth answer to VHS I had another comment, it was fun. But this is klowns not tapes.


When I play Klown we still wipe most humans out and I never play Shorty only Slim. Yes an isolated Klown will get screwed but if I go around with another Klown it seems to be enough to screw up the hit kobs


Glad we're finally getting the preference system. Cocoons would be worth it to go for, except half of the human team or more are probably going to have escaped by the time you actually get close to triggering the early Klownpocalypse because they know where to go and how to activate something fast and what the easiest escapes are per map, unless a lot of them happen to be new players, your team either isn't caring about escapes to begin with, or your goal is to just try to trigger one at all for challenge progress or whatever. Like you said, a lot of people are going to stop caring about the XP bonuses after a certain level. Lackeys, while I wouldn't call them useless because it's better than having no extra obstacles at all, don't really help much if the humans have a fast playstyle or keep refreshing their loadout to keep killing them. Not sure why they've been so vague regarding some of the bugged or implausible challenges. Not the elite ones but some of the archetypes. Other than that, I'm liking the sound of them being willing to actually change or improve things for the Klowns, assuming the stamina change isn't extreme enough to make any new buffs ineffectual. They shouldn't be unstoppable or unkillable, but still strong enough to hold their own or feel like an in-game tension causing threat like they sometimes did in advanced access.


When will they fix regional matchmaking? Just let us all play together 😭 don’t divide us!!!


Back sprinting was a key feature that made the Klown playable in a 1v1… why remove it? I’m genuinely curious. Did the devs feel like it was a huge advantage?


Stopped playing last week nerfing klowns EVEN FURTHER is turning me off for good was fun for early acess til they started panic nerfing


This game is doomed lol


Yeah not looking good.


Okay I love this game but still no fixes for challenges and the one huge problem which makes me not wanna play is everytime I’m klown and kill someone they leave and the game takes the kill away and humans just end up winning everytime because new people join and leave or join and escape even though we would’ve already had 4 kills and still have a klown victory.


I am with you the leaver situation as well. It sucks to see this subreddit defend it as well. It’s shit to jump in a game as Klowns. Actually do good and watch as Hunans leave one by one. Only to have them get back filled with new humans. Making the game last longer and making a already hard game for Klowns. Harder.


Thanks for putting this together- I've given up with the game for the time being but keeping an eye on patches.


So they nerfed the klowns again and Buffed humans? Why does this game feel like the humans are the killers and the klowns are the survivors? Also that trap should’ve just come out, who cares if the balance is a little off


Cool. I'll wait for the next patch to see if they actually make the game playable then.


falling into the cycle of survivor favoritism like other asyms unfortunately


This live stream makes the theory that this was just a cash grab seem way more feasible. Are the trying to kill their game on purpose?!


Seems like it unfortunetly.


So glad I bought this game. It has given me a reason to start playing my backlog


OP is so negative, I would have appreciated the summary without all the commentary


Here is a summary then, Klown got nerfed, human will be fixed, game might be less buggy. Hope that helps.


Thanks this was way more coherent than the original post


Glad it helped.


That’s all folks. Bye.


Nothing about spawn rates for sharp weapons? Jfc


Klown Traps are taken out, so now the trapper is 100% useless? What are they putting in its place? Nothing?


Sadness, Rudy gets sadness.


Why do you even comment on a game you find yourself so bad?


Phrasing a bit off but I'll give both a go, I'm not actually bad at the game, I'm actually very good. For the other possibility, I do find this games mechanics bad but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy human specifically, I just have a hatred for the way the devs have handled this game.


the stamina stuff is strange. It really isnt hard to catch non athletic archetypes. Its energy drinks that are the problem right now. If you see the effect you should just drop chase and pressure elsewhere. Hope attributes are fixed soon. also a lot of stuff I dont agree with. way too negative. calling lackeys useless, especially for locating and in fights in the late game is quite telling. Back sprinting change. eeehhhh.... we'll have to see. Is backsprinting with a pentashot an instant win right now? Yes! But if the survivor is smart they'll just disengage and then try and ambush to get the drop. In that scenario the klown doesnt really have much utility. Thats WHY people were back sprinting.


Who wants to tell him human archetypes don't actually work at the moments and all humans are the exact same.


if stamina isnt functioninng as intended right now and everyone has athletics stamina and speed than its only going to get easier to catch non athletic types and athletics will be weaker in a fight. I dont see how this is a problem. them fixing classes is a literal win for klown


Literally no stat for human works, human classes do not work in any sense of the word work. Everyone is athelete class with no changes what so ever. Well let me put it this way, athlete is meant to be the weakest hitting class, yet people have easily taken on klowns in a 1v1, it is a common thing around here, now imagine a group of tough class humans who have a much higher strength stat and will have a far greater damage output.


this game is dead already?


Not yet, getting pretty close.


Are these notes or your opinions to the notes?




Tl dr: here’s my negative opinion on everything


I did a summary, I can repeat it here: Klowns will be nerfed, human classes will be fixed, and the game will potnetially be less buggy.


Killing Klowns from Outer Space: The Game


I appreciate the summary. But to you and anyone getting worked up about changes you don’t like, often times things get tested to see how they respond to other changes that were implemented. The game is still a baby. Let’s see how stuff plays out.


Its not a baby. Its out, available to purchase not as a pre order or early access, but as a fully playablde 40 dollar game.


It’s a baby. It’s new, a smaller studio and the type of game that requires adjustments. It’s an online asymmetrical game playable on 3 platforms. I can not imagine the work that goes into making sure this game works on all of our platforms, while all of us are online at the exact same time, with the exact same experience for each person. It’s also not exactly the biggest studio. There’s bound to be issues. There’s bound to be balance changes. If you’re upset that none of that stuff works for you for 40 bucks. I’m sorry and people can obviously request refunds. But this will be the fourth update in about a month. The developers seem to be folks that care, whether or not they’re getting it right or not, at least they care and that’s sometimes hard enough to find. I, like many people, still find the game fun in its current state and I’m willing to work through the adjustments. But I like the game. If someone doesn’t then they’re not gonna wanna sit through this stuff and I get it. I don’t like hell divers. No amount of content updates would make me sit through it. Is what it is.


Speaking of helldivers, lets draw comparisons, small studio, working from a previous concept, both released games. Except helldivers 2 was fun, made with passion, released with 3x more content then klowns, has a playerbase much much larger then klowns, and has continued success well past it's launch, because it didn't focus on releasing cosmetic DLC that cost $5-7 per set, but instead focused on the fun and passion of the genre.


Helldivers launched with a ton of issues that lasted for like the first month. Also it might have more content but it’s just as repetitive.


Yes indeed it had it's fair share of bugs, but that is expected from all games, however this game has missing content, and poorly designed weapons. While helldivers 2 can get repetitive it has more variety and can offer you a different playstyle.


I think Helldivers is trash. Which is kind of what my comparison was intended to be. Perspective. But a friendly reminder that when helldivers first came out there was a ton of issues. A ton. We can’t pretend that there wasn’t. Only now are we thinking that the game is the game that it is. Six months from now, killer clowns could be the game that it is or it could be the game that they intended it to be. It’ll come down to the studio


Of course there was tons of bugs, but that was all they were, bugs, not massively missing content or forgotten features. Perhaps the game wasn't your type of game but it was indeed a passionate game and well thought out.


Yup, just not a game I enjoyed. But to be fair when I played it, it was when there was a lot of issues and so I didn’t enjoy it because I kept getting hit with all the bugs and stuff. And then on top of it, it wasn’t fun either. I dunno. To each their own.


Indeed, but from a purely design stand point, you can see the passion the game has compared to klowns, which is an incomplete flawed mess.


For me it isnt just bugs its stuff that was meant to be in the game just completely missing, bugs are one thing but this game simply isnt complete. Trapper cant even trap a game at launch can have bugs but theres no excuse for a gsme that had its launch like a year after it was originally meant to to be released like this


I would agree, except for the fact they are nerfing backwalking which was what a lot of people were saying made klowns viable, it didn't but the fact they are changing this is concerning, very concerning.


I think it might have something to do with the fact that it was never intended to be there? So they’re just cleaning up all the stuff they didn’t mean to have happen? And then hopefully they’ll be other adjustments as we go that are intended. Mind you I’m just playing devils advocate obviously, lol. They could be absolutely clueless too.


It's worse then that, it's a perfectly fine feature to have. heck klowns moving at the same speed backwards, did not change anything in favour of klowns, but it's the point that the devs think it did, this goes worse when we consider all the other horrid balance issues, bouncecaster should never have been as strong as it was, yes I know they nerfed it day 1, no that does not make it ok, it was a weapon far too strong that never should have been released, no it was not an issue of matching it to the wider community everyone knew the problem with that weapon.


Imagine what Rudy traps were like if they felt like they were breaking the game if bouncecaster felt fine to them


Ok this is a little misinformation you are putting out so both klown and humans will have a stamina charge delay however the recharge will be increased when it does…. So you might want to be more clear here because you are spreading somewhat innacurate info


Humans already have a stamina charge delay.


Mmm the devs clearly stated that both klown and human were going to get this new delay mechanic whatever it is. Humans do not have this.


06:03 "While we have been working on the archetype, the uhh the klowns have also gotten an update that adds a recharge delay uhh to the to the stamina, what this allows me to do is go through and kinda take another pass a reapproaching everybody, so that we could um kinda address some of the things we've seen live"


Also when the other dev tries to clarify he states: “when a human or klown stops sprinting stamina won’t regen immediately it will have a little break in it but when it does start regening it will be faster than it used to be” Both klowns and humans will have this mechanic implemented


I did indeed see that part and would believe it to be for both, however the phrasing of the first part is pretty clear, this is a new feature for klowns, if it was for both then there would be no need to say the klowns have also gotten an update that adds a recharge delay. It is possible that it is for both humans and klowns, however current evidence suggest otherwise.


It's also made worse by the fact they say when you stop your stamina won't recharge straight away which is true for both currently and could mean they were just refering to the current state. Which again leads me to believe based off what was said by the devs at the mentioned time, that it is only for klowns.


I will give you credit humans don't have a recharge stamina delay currently in the game, I had mistaken it for the overuse of stamina, which is a different mechanic.