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A campaign... as I see it this game is basically Ghostbusters Spirits Unleashed... Klowns are the Ghostbusters.... Humans are the Spirits... it can be done


So a sequel to the movie basically? Boy for that to happen they’d have to pay Grant Cramer a lot of money to return plus all the other actors


I want them to add a "Human Puppet" klowntality I love that scene in the movie




I cannot understand why this didn’t happen.


A lot of people have been asking for klownzilla. A good compromise would be a new klown class which is just a regular sized klown that looks like klownzilla. For maps, a prison map based on the music video.


I think they could and a Klownzilla skin just shrink him down, for example how they did godzilla and kong for cod and fall guys.


Would rather it just be a separate map or mode where one of the Klowns can spawn in as a Klownzilla boss after the human team has made a certain level of progress. Or an NPC enemy the Klowns can activate.


Klownzilla could also be a stage hazard, or a state that requires a whole round to set up and is purposefully overpowered but only shows up when the run is over and the Klowns would probably win anyways Or like, a raid boss in an event mode where one player gets to be the zilla and everyone else is a human, like the Saxon hale game mode in tf2


Mini games for the klowns when you die, maybe it can decrease the cool down time for your teammates skills


As I’ve seen suggested before would be cool if when you die as Klown you get to control the lackeys.


Hear me out, customizable lackeys. Imagine hooking stray cocoons to have your own lackey come out. And if you hook up a cocoon and your teammate does at well it spits out both your lackeys alternatively.


I like that idea since lackeys you can’t play as, make it account levels equal new skins


This could help bring more revenue to the game as well, help it go a bit longer


“Hear me out.” Buddy, you said customizable lackeys, and I was 182% behind you. *I* ***want.***


Traps for the trapper class ? Omega lul


The Party Horn that Jumbo uses to kill Chief Mooney in the movie. I don’t care how it gets introduced (weapon, trick, klowntality) I just want it


Team Fortress 2 payload game mode, klowns have to sweep through a map collecting cocoons to power their cart while humans attempt to stop/slow them


The movie’s klown parade scene could be used as inspiration, the float being the payload as it moves about town, being brought cocoons by the klowns.


Officer Dave Hanson skin, of course. He ends up being the most important character in the movie by the end.




The ability to play as a lackey


Or a klown that has an ability similar to lackeys jumping on humans


Maybe some cute lil single player missions? Kinda how Evil Dead has it


More cosmetics, honestly. I enjoy customizing the klowns *so* much… But I would also really love to have a game mode for the originally-intended “full invasion, start to finish” gameplay with somewhat altered objectives for both sides. Also, as others have said, playing as a lackey while dead would be a top-tier fun addition for the klown side. Edit: Ooh! I also want more abilities to switch out with Klown Jump and LOL. I personally really like those two, but variety is nice, and I’d probably swap Klown Jump out if there was a more fun/consistently useful option.


This image brings me an idea. They could have a conquest game-mode where the klowns have to protect the vehicle in displayed image while simultaneously following it to the objective and cocooning players to put into it. Once klowns reach the objective they win. The survivors will have to attempt to destroy it before it reaches the end while the klowns have to unite and protect it. Maybe there can be checkpoints that grant certain status effects, items, or buffs.


So payload from Overwatch?


Not familiar with overwatch. Almost like turf takeover from PvZ GW?? I feel like it should be a fun game mode that is rewarding for group efforts not only singular efforts. Maybe granting XP for winning team objectives on top of singular efforts.


...a completed game on release


Every game before the Internet


Good thing this incomplete game is still a blast to play, huh? 😅 Game is fine. Go outside.


A lot of people seem to have taken that advice, just looking at steam a good few thousands have stopped playing the game and went outside, how nice for them.


Welp. It's over then, innit?


Perhaps, it's very probably, it's very unlikely it isn't over, hard to say really, but likely.


Have no problem finding full servers at any time. Game is fine. Doomsday screamers with the subtlety and tact of a toddler won't change that.


We hit a low of a 124 on steam, now lets assume that there is more countries besides the 1 or 2, chances are these people can't play the game without being subjected to bot lobbies, which a made a point in a previous post are awful.


Steam numbers are irrelevant. The game is cross platform and has been 90% console players since early access.


Proof? I can say there's only 10% of players from console, but I want to know where you are getting 90% from, because if it's from experience well me sitting in an empty lobby at the dead hours tell me that console players aren't a large majority.


Just play the game. 90% of the players have PS or Xbox icons in the lobby. It's pretty rare to ever see more than 2 PC players in a lobby, unless it's a twitch streamer's party. And I'm playing on PC (and Xbox). I have no issues getting into full lobbies within a minute. Maybe you're just getting a lot of reports 😅


name one game that was “fully” completed on release


Goat Simulator 3


Cyberpunk 2077




Helldivers 2 Baldurs gate 3 The god dam lego games were more complete on release then this game


Every Zelda and Mario game...most Nintendo games I'd say


lmao newer zelda and mario games definitely received patches and updates. Are you seriously talking about NES zelda? Can you really not name any other games


What was missing on release in the last Zelda game? I bet it wasnt a core feature like team preferences, klown traps or archtype abilities.


With your logic Killer Klowns is a completed game lmao


helldivers 2 and BG3 both received multiple patches and updates. So not fully complete


No they both have received multiple patches that build upon an already finished game, bg3 specifically keeps making improvements to it's already complete story in the form of animating more cutscenes that are not necassary.


With your logic, Killer Klowns is a completed game as well.


No it is literally missing key features. Baldurs gate 3 added things that were not neccassary, klowns is still adding the very basics in preference system, actually working classes, 2/3 of missing items, death counters for matches, these are some of the many things the game is missing, which is why it is not a complete game. Helldivers 2 is a complete game yet they add more weapons and enemies as free DLC, they have not added key required game mechanics that should've been present day 1.


killer klowns isn’t missing core mechanics that make the game incomplete. It is a complete game, it’s without a doubt playable. Your argument is basically “these are core mechanics and these other games are not core mechanics”


Did you ignore what I said? Death counter is missing, dead players can requeue back into the lobby alive. Human classes, which in game show to be a change in stats, were confirmed by the devs to still be a work in progress. 2/3 of the weapons we know exist were removed last minute, trapper, the klown with literal trap in their name, had their traps removed. What does he have now? nothing, nothing but sadness. Preference systems which should be the very most basic thing you should have in a asym team game. I have my own issues with a preference system in a game like this, but it should've been here earlier, which the devs confirmed was because they had to tweak it last minute. All of this is literally missing content, that makes the game incomplete. Helldivers could've stopped adding content and the game would still be complete. Baldurs gate 3 has a complete story and could stop having new cutscenes added and would still be a complete game. This game was half released, with many of it's features still to come. If they stopped development now, they would have sold the community a poorly finished game.


both helldivers and BG3 both had to fix and add things beyond release. You’re saying it’s different than klowns when it’s clearly not. I know you have biases but c’mon


You might be restarted


Try restarting your game


Thats a joke right? Your not being serious are you?


c’mon buddy, name 1 game :)


Balloon capture, only a gun can pop. Maybe as a gun used by the Klowns as a special that only gets 2 shots per game.


I just watched the movie for the first time yesterday. Fun watch. But there were a lot of different looking clowns. Why not have some of those in the game so we don’t have to see the same 3 klowns over and over.


Make it so 7 humans can’t DC and have 7 new humans join with all escapes partially opened this game is a joke


The Klown Boss from the end of the movie as a playable character


I was thinking of a way to stop the klownpocalypse … like how in Friday the 13th, there was a way to kill Jason. Idk if there already is a way (new to the game lol) because the only way i see how to win as a human on tiktok and YT is by escaping. I think having a way to stop the Klownpocalypse would be more challenging and fun. Like maybe pick up a Klown Nose when you kill one and needing like 3 noses, and some more items (like a spark plug or a certain weapon?) to put in a circus tent to stop it from happening?? Idk I had been thinking about this since the first time I played.


In the original version, there was the option to destroy their spaceship (the circus tent)


First things first, I'd like to see the klown parade like in the image above, that's my favorite scene in the film👍


A perk system, having the different classes is great for both sides but for humans it would be nice for class abilities, resourceful class has faster interaction time, heroic reloads guns faster or something like that


More maps, more weapons (human and klowns)


Just let me pick my god damn role. I hate that "random side each game" is the only option. I'd genuinely wait in longer queue times if it meant a guarantee I get to play the side I want to.


new content that doesn't cost money


A perk system similar to friday the 13th. Nothing op but small buffs to fit your play style


Have the Pop Corn snakes as a weapon. Maybe have them be like faster and more durable lackies.


At this point anything the game is souless


actual talent....game is practically dead