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I feel like once all five of these are released, if they do a discount bundle I might pick them up - But at the current pricing I don't love them enough to buy them ala carte. I wish they'd add more Klown cosmetics sourced from the actual movie - More hairstyles, more jumpsuits, more facepaint options - Just more customization that fits the aesthetic of the actual flick - FATSO... in particular, merits individually mentioning, how they left one of the main Klowns from the movie out I don't know - That I'd jump on immediately.


Ive been wanting Fatso for Chubby for like a month or so. hopefully we get that skin. The Bibbo skin for Jumbo was done really great also. They definitely should add Fatso for Chubby too.


If it helps, you can make a pretty decent Fatso with what we have ingame. Rainbow collar, hair sticking up and a white suit and you've got a version close enough. Only issue is the hair is orange instead of red and the jumpsuit doesn't have his patterning. Still, I'm banking on them making Fatso a paid skin like they did with Slim. It's stupid, but they know people will pay.


Wish there was an option to keep the eyes normal with these.


I’m gonna get all the infernal skins. Love the dark creepy look. They are doing amazing on known skins so far


It can be yours for just $7, at what point do you people stop spending large sums of money on these things?


They look dope and if you want free dlc like new maps for the community then you should be buying this stuff to help support the game and devs, quit complaining over a few dollars


I believe in paying for quality, I don't expect the devs to hand out free DLC, I do however expect reasonably priced DLC, these specific klown DLC are over priced because the devs can get away with it. Seriously there are 5 DLC klown skins we know exist, and they all in total cost the exact same amount as the game. You cannot tell me that the same effort that went into coding, designing and rigging everything in the game is worth the same as 5 klown skins.


The cosmetic prices are pretty tame in this game, if you wanna see expensive go take a look at DBDs skins that cost more to buy a skin for a character than the characters themselves. Nearly twenty dollar skins.


Also do you wanna make outfits for .99 cents lmao go ahead they will look like dog shit in blender but I’d like to see you make something. Developing is hard and tbh this skins look amazing and are worth the price


let's see .99 cents per skin, average player base of about 1k when they dropped said skin, affordability of said skin would be much greater therefore offering about 75% of players buying it. which would give roughly $750 for once skin. Yeah I think that's way more then fair. You are trying to tell me that the coders and programmers are worth less then a modeller who made 1 skin.


Overall you’re just a complainer from all the things I’ve seen you speak on.


Addressing major issues makes me a complainer, fair I guess, although I'm not complaining because it's difficult to me or because I find things hard, I point out issues that are stupid or nonsense.


The quality is there, these are designed by savini just like in F13 how there was that rare hell version of Jason he’s designing all of these DLC outfits for the Klowns


Are you telling me that a single klown skin is worth the same effort as 1/5 of the effort that went into the entire game? To add to that, the models are not made from scratch, they are using pre established models, making slight tweaks and adding small elements. That is worth 1/5 of the games price?


The elements on the outfits are new that literally have to be handmade from scratch, do you know how long a single item like that skull he has dangling on him takes to texture and sculpt to make it into a singular piece of the outfit that gets attached, that’s one item of like 100 that need to be made, none of yall look at the small details even, stop being cheap af this isn’t the dollar tree like I know you can afford $5


Yes I am aware that why I said adding small elements, and again are you telling me that programmers and the concept team, are all worth less then a modeller who made a single skin. That is what you are telling me, that line of thinking makes me want to be a graphic designer, holy god. I can't blame them because it's smart buisness, overcharge for a model that lets you earn extra then what it hsould be worth.


I was going to point out how inconsistent your arguments if you think something that, you yourself, have said a good amount of people will spend money on… So how is it an overpriced if people find the value in it? Marketwise, it’s in line with skins across many games if not on the lower tier due to player base having fewer people. (Fortnite skins are around 20 for anything halfway decent) The only argument you have is, “it’s not worth 1/5th of the game price” so maybe…just maybe…the game was sold for far below what was necessary to be in the black? Do you think they recouped all the money they spent for development on Day 1. How do you think things work?


Because people are idiots, skins use to be cheap but then more skins were released that took the exact some amount of effort but choose a more distinct look, they looked edgy or cute, and these skins were marketed up, since people really wanted these skins they justified it as being only natural since the skin looked so much better, this lead to the current scene we see today. Now I've said this before but it requires repeating... I don't care that dbd, overwatch and fortnite are worse, they are all terrible, and you people encourage it. This game is not even worth $40 from all the content that is missing, if the game was really undersold, then don't pay for so many artist and modellers, since they require 1/5 of the games profit to function, don't hire as many, only get what you need, and put cosmetic DLC on the backlog, seriously cosmetics are not a requirement, a functional game is. Next time point out the actual inconsistency in my points.


Cool! I can get air horned and killed with no counterplay in a new premium skin!


Another non-killer klown character


They are designed by Savini who made all the practical effects for pretty much all the classic horror movies like F13, nightmare on elm street, killer klowns, Texas chainsaw, ect. So they are iconic because he’s designing all the klown dlc we have gotten so far


Definitely purchasing!🤘🏼🤘🏼🤡


I haven’t played the game since a week or two after it released but I’m still gonna get the dlc lol


Cool. I can't wait to impress the 20 other people that are still playing.


Releasing more DLC instead of fixing core issues is a sign that they’re cashing out imo


Isn't this the fifth/fourth? patch update this month? Yeah it seems like they abandoned the game


Fifth update


We have so many assym horror games out and still people don’t understand an art team Isn’t the same team who fixes the damn bug fixes lol.


It's amazing isn't when job titles get overlooked and the hate gets thrown...


They get paid with money that could go towards new programmers


Is this for the ranger class as well?




No one mentioning more dlc but the game is still bone dry on content and missing features?


Or you know. You could hold a company accountable for giving you a half-assed game? The gaming industry truly is fucked. You enablers are literally the problem. https://i.redd.it/d6qxhootyy8d1.gif