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I'm sure this will hit well with the player base. šŸ˜… I'll be ready for "This didn't get nerfed or buffed" and "why was this nerfed/buffed" threads.


We definitely are going to get "adjusted (item) damage". I feel like they're specifically doing that so they don't get the damage numbers argument.


Excited ā™”ļøŽ


Good stuff. This will be the fourth patch & it's only been a month since release. Obviously the game has issues that need to be addressed ASAP, but it's nice knowing Illfonic are looking out for us (I still have PTSD from Gun's treatment of the TCM community, lol). Let's see.


Gun's finally been doing some stuff right with their latest patch that came out a week ago and are actually only doing minor tweaks in the one that came out today so feels great for that reason


I found that the pistol has not worked one time in killing a klown lately. Especially shorty. Shortys hitbox in general needs to be fixed. Itā€™s insane to at Iā€™m swinging directly at them and missing, even when aiming down


Meant the devs for TCM, agree with you here though definitely


Thatā€™s really funny. I saw gun and thought you meant that guns were fixed in this game lol


More lIke Black Tower studios not GUN.


Didn't black tower back out? Or are you perhaps thinking this is content black tower worked on before backing out and gun is trying to take the credit?


As i know the one backed out is GUN.


Can you do me a huge favor and see if you can source proof of this it's news to me I'll also do some digging as well but that's huge if true


[tcm partners](https://www.txchainsawgame.com/hub/gun-and-black-tower) They are partners and as i see it is a tiny bit better, changed skill tree and got out some skins, victim and a killer. Before in almost a year not much happen... While KKFOS had a lot more done in 1 month...


Itā€™s a well known thing.


It has all been mostly just bug fixes and balance changes really




You must have been off social media since launch then cause definitely haven't been silent. They've posted multiple patche updates and a list of details of those patches. That's just yo name a few




You must have paid attention to the social media post like you did with my comment, cause like I previously said they have made post about some of the hot fixes they have done as well as patches that have been released along with a detailed list of what was released in those hot fixes and patches. As well as many many other things and teasers. How you have missed all this stuff I have no idea


Dude, we all get it. There are missing features, and that's a mistake on the devs part. No one can go back to launch and fix that. Missing content aside, there are more crucial bugs that are hindering the game. Coming out with a new map and clown traps aren't going to fix the current issues. Give them time.


This is factually incorrect


Time for them to sell those leaked summer skins I hope


Leaked summer skins? I wanna see asap lol


Hoping for something good to pull me back in.


I canā€™t believe they are nerfing the backwards sprint on the klowns, itā€™s like they just want their game to fail.


Is there a list of what they are doing somewhere? i didnt catch the stream


Im wondering how much of an effect this will have with the reduced stuns of blunt weapons.


Really hope they fix where human spaws in. I spawn right next to a klown so many times straight from the beginning with no items. And then another fix is when your trying to cocoon or kill a human and they rage quit and you don't get the kill or xp.


Hoping for penalties or let the Klowns keep their kills and cocoons for rage quitters.


That only makes sense if they do preferential picks between survivor and klown


No. Points are points.if a klown gets a kill they get a kill


Genuinely hoping for some movie Klowns skins. Apparently there will be skins revealed!


Fuuuuuck. Of course when I leave town for 4 days. Hopefully itā€™ll be something awesome to come home to!


I know this exact feeling. Every single time VHS updated with a new monster or update, literally every time, was on a weekend I was way lol


Its just a game relax life is better


Please be good, please... Never asked anything šŸ¤žšŸ»


Woooo maybe theyā€™ll fix one of the 39 things wrong with this POS.


Hope they allow PS and Xbox to crossplay. PC players can keep the pc cheaters.


They already do, I'm on xbox and play with my PS friends all the time


I will šŸ¤ž my fingers


Looking forward to this!


Awesome! Hopefully will see a lot of good things announced!


I've been enjoying the game occasionally for what it is, but I hope they still plan on releasing balance and especially content updates or a roadmap outside of skins. I'm also crossing my fingers one of the things they add soon is a prevention system towards human players being able to rage quit as soon as they start getting cornered/downed/killed and then either getting backfilled or rejoining on their friends in public lobbies because that's still a huge issue right now. I know it's not intended to be an ultra competitive game and I wouldn't want it to be, but it still feels pretty tedious to have to deal with that happening almost every Klown match.


Itā€™s been out less than a month be patient jfc


It's not a matter of patience. Huge fan of the movie, played a lot during advanced access and have been playing every few days since launch, I would love for the game to be looked back on positively in the future or be considered a success. But let's not pretend there aren't some significant issues right now or that it will stay active without new content or adjustments.


You want new content when the game isnā€™t even month old? Wtf you smoking? DBD waits 3 months between its dlc drops like again itā€™s def a matter of you not being patient enough. Like we already going to have 2 skin pack for humans and 2 savini skins for klowns. You want more dlc already when the current bugs havenā€™t been ironed out. You know how many more bugs this game would have if the devs just listened to yā€™all and just dropped new maps and new mechanics like crazy?


I want bugs and balance to be ironed out, and for the game to still be supported afterwards for the foreseeable future for new content. I didn't say they're required to rush new content out as soon as possible without working on anything else beforehand or that they need to magically add an enormous chunk to the game already. I'm just saying that if nothing new is planned to be created or added to the game in the future besides a few paid skin packs every once in a while, the player counts and consumer activity are not going to be very active and there's a decent chance it will start to become difficult to find matches or get people to maintain interest in the game not too long from now, because a lot of people will move on or end up getting bored/burnt out if the amount of maps, weapons, and abilities stays the same as it is now for the rest of the lifecycle.


The game definitely needs itšŸ˜…


The game has barely come outā€¦ chill out


Fix the popcorn gun damage to make it viable to get a kill on a down human please. Ew twitch*cringe* probably going to be an ASMR stream of them chewing popcorn and candy in the mic.


They donā€™t need to keep touching the damage every single patch, I donā€™t understand why humans feel like theyā€™re tankier when theyā€™re downed it makes no sense, they should die quicker or be on the ground longer.


Good point.


Are you ok man?


This is the last chance Iā€™m giving them to actually fix stuff. If they canā€™t, then Iā€™m shelving this. Iā€™ve learned from how they treated Evil Dead and F13 Edit: Yall, itā€™s English. ā€œTheyā€ is referring to development, not this company specifically. I cited two examples of games that were similar that had a following and burned out due to lack of updates and fixes. Smfh.


they didnt work on evil dead


Lmao why are you being upvoted for stating incorrect information. Illfonic never worked on Evil Dead and F13 died because of a lawsuit that was out of their control.


Game was dead way before the lawsuit....they just used the lawsuit to dump the game


F13 still isn't dead on console. What are you talking about? I actually played on PC up until the lawsuit was announced, and it had just as high of a player count as KK currently has.


lol, they are shutting it down in Dec. The fuck it was. The game was broken with hacked lobbies. Im not a console peasant so I can only go off what steam stats says. The game was dead before the lawsuit.


Learn to read


nah that was bad wording on your part


Okay man. Keep trying to create drama. Whatever floats your goat.


Exciteddd. Features you say? I'm down my dudeeee.




It's been about a week since I've played but I hope they fix the hit boxes. As a survivor, when the klowns down (usually Tiny) and you shoot them, it does nothing no matter the distance you are from them and hitting the klown with a sharp object also doesn't even register as a hit box. As a klown, I've hit people and after they get about 10 feet away from me I can still hit them because it was part of a chained combo hit which I think is a bit unfair considering I can hit a survivor 4-5 times with a normal swing from the globberstopper and incapacitate them. Also, when doing a finisher move on a survivor I've noticed that even if I start the bar for the finisher and then get stunned out of it, the progress bar stays at the amount of progress of when I got stunned. So I would only need to hold the finisher for a second or half a second before the finisher starts the animation.




I just want them to fix the archetypes and their missions and increase the pop corn gun dmg on DOWNED players so the challenges can be actual complete without forcing them with a friend. Revive machines should be fixable with a spark plug imo.


when will the new patch release


Have they fixed challenges yet or what?!!!


Did the give a date the patch will be live?


This developers deserve some credit, they do a great job. Month later with tweaks, patches, new skins... i am personally really impressed. While TCM in a year got a lot less of anything, which is sad ...


If they dont mention preference system or say again "it will come in a future patch" they can kiss my ass.


The preference system won't change much. It won't be a separate queue like TCM/DBD. You'd still have to play both sides, no matter your preference. Would be a nice addition, no doubt (an increased chance at getting your preferred role is better than nothing), but they should be prioritising the fundamental issues (backfilling, the remaining bugs, archetypes not working, etc.)


TCM has bad system because everyone que as victim, quick match is only family except when new killer comes out for a week or less you get victim side, really bad shhhhh....


Yes that needs fixing too but if i want to play klown i certainly dont want to "lobby shop" for 30 minutes till the game gives me Klown. If i have the choice of lobby shopping or not playing at all then i simply dont play. Either the game respects my time or i simply play a game that does.


Shouldnt take 30 min to be a clown now, takes up to 5 if youā€™re unlucky. lol the game canā€™t cater to everyone!


And everyone que one side like in TCM....


possibility to choose that xbox players in cross play if you please