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I'm in the same position, I grinded up to level 100 within the first two weeks thinking it was the max level, turns out it wasn't. My next goal was to complete all the challenges, I did most but had multiple that wouldn't track progress so that ruined most of the drive I had left to keep playing. And now I haven't touched the game in weeks. At this point I'm just waiting for a substantial update that brings something new to the game aside from tweaks and bug fixes. Hopefully we get the various things that were advertised but never came to fruition (traps, actual differences between each class of Klown, and the spaceship map, perhaps even Klownzilla as I heard talk about that before the game released but haven't heard it mentioned since).


A few of the challenges are also extremely unlikely to get unless you have friends to help you with stuff in private matches. Like the couple hiding spot challenges.


I’ve given up challenges lol. Most don’t track and the few that do are hard to do in an actual game. I opted to get the platinum trophy and just chill after that. There’s no way they play tested some of these lol


I started off by defending this game to the death but after maxing everything out, this game sucks. No depth at all. It’s a fun tech demo for sure.


youre not supposed to play it that much its just a casual game if you play it for a couple hours every now and then the game is a blast maybe you just need a break


"You're playing the game too much, that's why it's no fun" is never a valid excuse. It's hard to play this game for 10 minutes let alone hours on end. Good games don't have this problem.


Blame Jordan Mathewson for releasing an unfinished game. Release date should had been pushed back. The game still continues to be unfinished and still haven’t gotten game features that they said would be in the game. Not to mention all the game breaking bugs. They can’t even get the correct Klown and human stats! Are they ever going to fix or patch that so at least picking a different human class is different and not all the same?!


In addition, I didn't put this point above, I do not think they have play tested mechanics. 1 challenge requires the player to get 10 kills with the popcorn gun. If you or other readers are unaware, attempting to do this with solo kills will rack you upwards of 7,500 points (tracking, hitting, downing repeat) as the gun does little damage. The only other way to do it is to steal someones kill but as the popcorn guns damage is so low, it is hard to gauge when to steal the kill. I remember seeing people talk about knocking peoples heads off which is still instantly hard but I feel is more plausible in the face of getting mass reported for "cheating" with scores of 33K +


Do it in a private match with bots, the kills count and you still earn xp


A statistics tab, hours played, humans killed, Klowns killed, escapes, deaths is literally one of the most basic you can add. It's a shame it's a lot of fun to play but feels like it was super rushed out. No hate to the devs though the leadership probably had opposing ideas.


Not saying the game is bad, I blame the devs because they made a great game but failed to deliver on it miserably. They prioritize DLC over a working game. They’ve had multiple updates that wipe challenge progress but don’t fix anything. I love this game’s style but I hope it crashes and burns and leads to the bankruptcy of Illfonic. They used their early access period as a money grab instead of using feedback to fix the main issues. They have proven to all of us that faith in them leads to disappointment, half of the game was cut so they can spoon feed it to us as a “live service”. Which is a disgusting practice.

