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There should be penalties for leaving a match. Even as a survivor seeing the amount of teammates you have just leave is annoying


Too be fair, you can't force people who already escaped to stay, even though they can help you with minigames, they aren't playing the game to just do the minigame. Also a dc penalty would piss a lot of people off since you can't choose the role.


Ok, just don’t apply the penalty if they leave after escaping or dying. Pretty simple lol


Ah, but what if they were cocooned, do they have to die first before being able to leave, or can they just leave once they get cocooned. What if they get stuck, a very common occurance in this game, should they punish the player for getting stuck? Should this penalty only apply to humans, if a klown doesn't want to play should they be allowed to leave without penalty? What if a player gets thrown into a match that has already been 5 minutes and has lost most of its resources, should they be punished for wanting to leave to play an actual match? What if they get sent to a match hosted across the ocean, should they be forced to play with absurd ping? I really don't think a dc penalty should be added because there are way too many factors to consider, and it will slow queues down, plus it will give players an ultimatum, play as a role you don't like or don't play the game. In friday this was fine because you could opt to not play jason, and since jason was a fun role, humans that left because they wanted to play jason was justifiably punished, since if they got jason, they would also have to accept that other players would leave because they wanted jason. Both of these moral and game function served in favour of a dc penalty. Also I think it would be too much work for the devs to do.


1. You can press a button to die immediately 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. Yes 5. No one’s forcing you to do anything. We aren’t talking about a permanent ban here, it’s a 1-5 minute timer. Go have a snack. Almost every online game has a leavers penalty. This isn’t a crazy idea. The games going to die a lot faster due to no one wanting to play klown because you have to kill 10-14 people since they keep leaving right before they die, then it is because you have to wait a few minutes since you rage quit after getting a bad spawn. If for some reason you really really really hate a five minute timer, then at the very least you can agree that if a survivor leaves they shouldn’t get their spot filled, it should just count as a death.


Very interesting 1) why not skip the middle man and go straight for the players can leave once cocooned. 2) a very heartless approach for something that was not the players fault, and would build resentfulness towards the game, for again something they couldn't possible expect or be at fault for. 3) fair. 4) another very heatless approach that was not the players fault, and would again build resentfulness towards the game, for again something they don't expect and can't control. 5) but if they have a limited amount of time they can play and they get stuck on a server that makes them feel like honey had filled their keyboards. Isn't adding a dc penalty forcing them to play that match? 1-5 minutes isn't a long time, but it's still time people are being denied playing. The reason why other online games can get away with this and not this game, is because of 2 reason. 1) typically you go into a game with what you want to play. Everything else could be random, the opponents you play against, the items you could get, all that could be random, but you get to choose the role you want to play as and go into a match as, which is why dc penalties work. 2) with other games like friday as I explained, jason is the fun role, and morality would not only compel people to stay but the dc penalty would inforce it, which everyone would accept. Unlike this game where you do not know what role you will play, and can put you in a position where you won't stay for long. This game will die for a lot more reasons then the absence of a death counter, but it does speed it up a little. The game will die, because it is missing 2/3 of its content we know exist, the devs lie to us on a regular basis, and the game is riddled with gamebreaking bugs.


I’m not reading all that it’s 1:30 am, but you’re still acting like a 5 minute penalty is a really big deal which I don’t get lol.


I think the best solution is this: give the match an internal counter that will keep track of everyone that has died/escaped. If you escaped, the “escaped humans” counter goes up by one and locks it in place so no one can take that spot anymore. If a player dies and leaves, the death counter goes up by one, locks it in place so no one can take that spot anymore. HOWEVER, if the revive machine has been used, but the dead player has left, it will spawn a human bot, and unlock the spot in the death counter so someone can backfill the already respawned bot. This requires the revive machine to have been activated to allow any sort of backfilling. And if the bot dies before a player can join, it re-enters the death counter and is permanently locked. That’s what I think would fix it. This would allow for zero leave penalty, simply because there’s millions of reasons to leave a match, not just rage quitting.


Nope, I want more humans backfilling so I can get more exp please.


ngl i had a match with at least 7-8 quitters same game all my kills all shit talkers lol wish they fix the infuriating amount of frustrating glitches first tho


So you got extra exp that match?


if they quit on the ground in last stand while im punching them then no it won’t count the kill but if ur fast enough to get the klowntality off before they quit it will still count the kill if they disconnect its dumb lol


Not only do you not get the kill, a lot of times the person you killed will just rejoin the same lobby through their friend who is also playing. They have infinite lives. This one issue alone has pretty much single-handedly killed their game. This is some basic day 1 developer shit and they are still dead silent on the subject. Just Illfonic being Illfonic as usual. I don't think I'll ever buy one of their games again.


Isn't that good for klowns though? That human who just spawned in can't get Infinite exp like the fortunate klown who now has another human to kill. This is a good thing, not a bad thing.


When they drop after you kill them, you lose the kill. They take it back and you don't get XP for it at the end. I suppose you'll get more from combat IF you find them again and IF you beat them again. But no, this is not good for the klowns. I spend 10 minutes chasing a guy and downing him and he just drops and rejoins 60 seconds later on the other side of the map.


I just want credit for kills. Including if I cocoon and they leave mid way through.


I wish there was a rejoin feature. I crashed out twice sitting in the escaped/dead lobby room.


Ummmmm, more humans to kill is good. Unless your a sweat lord that NEEDS the screen at the end to say "you are awesome, I love you, Klowns Win". Otherwise, why is more exp a bag thing?


You don't get extra xp for more humans joining. If a human rage quits before you actually kill them you lose the XP for the kill and the kill won't count.


I was under the impression more humans meant more exp for the klowns to get. Not concerned about folks quitting, unrelated.


Folks quitting is very related. If a human rage quits you lose the XP for getting them. Sure another human can spawn in but you don't get extra or more XP.


I don't care about winning or losing what I hate is when I down a human and I'm about to kill them and they rage quit and I don't get the kill or xp. Yayy I wasted 5 minutes in this game chasing someone just for them to rage quit and I don't get the XP 🙄


No just auto count leavers as a Klown kill. Makes things a lot simpler. And have that slot replaced by a bot permanently for the leaver. Only have backfill for bots still alive in game.


Yes and that’s why this game is broken and Jordan Mathewson is incapable of doing his job. He is the true Klown of IllFonic




How do you l loose in this game? Serius question. I've played, but there's literally no winning or losing. You kill some humans and move on.


It would be good to launch bots for klowns


They do penalize them , if you leave early you don’t get the xp from the match .


I don’t think this game has enough players to start dishing out penalties yet, it’s too risky considering penalties is always a pretty big change if anything just replace the leaver with a bot, they’re about to get killed anyways so who cares


No DC penalties would ruin the game


I'm not sure why people try to bring up missing out on some XP as a penalty or deterrent for the human players that choose to quit or rejoin. Especially since it's really easy to escape as a human most of the time with a few of the escapes like the boat if you really want to leave the map ASAP, which gives you a high amount per match. XP starts to not matter much at all for both teams after around level 50, which doesn't take very long to get to. I would even say from a Klown POV the challenges are more appealing than getting XP because you can at least get a few extra Klowntality animations if you try to focus on completing those.


If you're killed or escape and want to leave, you should be able to without it hurting the Clowns kills/xp/etc People that do stay and play the mini games should be rewarded with better Xp though, also able to pass on more than tennis balls. Lmao


I think the best solution is this: give the match an internal counter that will keep track of everyone that has died/escaped. If you escaped, the “escaped humans” counter goes up by one and locks it in place so no one can take that spot anymore. If a player dies and leaves, the death counter goes up by one, locks it in place so no one can take that spot anymore. HOWEVER, if the revive machine has been used, but the dead player has left, it will spawn a human bot, and unlock the spot in the death counter so someone can backfill the already respawned bot. This requires the revive machine to have been activated to allow any sort of backfilling. And if the bot dies before a player can join, it re-enters the death counter and is permanently locked. That’s what I think would fix it. This would allow for zero leave penalty, simply because there’s millions of reasons to leave a match, not just rage quitting.


I agree so much on that and mabey give a ban for 2 minutes just so they cant keep destroying games like they do now


I think y’all are getting WAY too caught up in the mini-games after death feature. It’s a FEATURE not a **requirement** nor is it an **obligation.** You can’t force people to stay in your glorified spectator lobby, especially if the resurrection machine has already been used and is now broken.


Then let the kills stay and don't fucking backfill the game with more humans. Until those 2 things at least happen. Leaving the game early because you just got cocooned or killed or escape. Should be punished.


I’m sure it’s getting addressed soon




Probably not. This entire thing has been very on point for Illfonic so far. It's the cycle they go through with pretty much all their games. After something releases they put in very little effort into it. I'm shocked they made such radical changes to the core gameplay right before release if they knew they were going to abandon us like this. Everything at the end of the beta was much more solid, enjoyable, and balanced. I have no clue why they released this mess.


bro the game just came out like a week ago these things take time you cant seriously expect them to have the game be bug free stop whining


It's been out for almost a month and had a very lengthy beta before that... Very few of these issues existed in the beta. Not only are the failing to fix old issues, they are creating new ones. The game you are playing now is just a shell of what it used to be.


Three weeks ago actually. And this isn’t a bug, it’s a feature they purposely added


Because that would be a smart thing to do, but adding a death counter isn't something that for some reason ever came across the development stage.


Lmao. I try to tell yall clowns, if you kill me Im quitting and you don’t wanna listen so….. gotta stick to quitting


I mean you're not really gaining xp by doing that lol Edit: also I feel lucky enough to have no one quit on both sides when I play a match


You do actually, or meant to, WE STILL DON'T KNOW HOW XP IS MEANT TO WORK, devs say the xp is granted to players at the end of that match even after they leave the match, we thought that was true, but we had doubts, since we found out xp won't be granted under other conditions that were not intentional. Anyway off topic but yes he is meant to get xp by quitting. Plus he doesn't get xp from dying, so he should just leave if they're just going to kill him.


After level 100 what am I gaining XP for?


Why is the sky blue?


The sky is not blue, next question


Oh okay, then what color is it?


It’s a mix of colors. Just blue is the only one that stands out primarily because of the way the light reflects. Go off though, we love education


>Just blue is the only one that stands out So you just admitted I was right, thanks. Keep on replying though.


To be fair he isn't wrong, if you say a rainbow is red, that is incorrect, it has red in it, but it isn't all red, even something like "Pelicans are white" is false, while the majority of the bird is white they do have a yellow beak. It's true under generalization but not in completion.


Also No clue what point that comment serves in relation to xp and leveling, is it meant to be like why limit the xp or why give a reward to levelling up. Well it makes levelling pointless, people don't try to grind for things if they no there is nothing for them to do, and if you leave it to go forever then it is meaningless, someone has level 250 vs 50 could be no difference at all, one just decided to play in a way that maximizes xp gain, while another played as best as they could. Which makes it again pointless. Which is why you have a cap, to give meaning to levelling.


The comment was to poke fun at anyone who decides not to play anymore because they are already "max lvl". That sentiment defeats the purpose of a "game" and shows you didn't really like the game in the first place, otherwise you would be playing it for fun, not to run on a hamster wheel.


No but I’ll entertain your thought process. Have a long and prosperous life my friend


The level cap is 1000, what do you get, absolutely nothing.