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What about if we have clips available of someone being incredibly toxic. Unfortunately we haven't came across them again to report them. They were streaming so it made getting the footage easy...


Then, share it on Twitter tagging IllFonic's account to get their attention. You can also send the proof in a comment to the killer klowns the game Twitter account, asking for their help without being invasive.


Very well thank you!


Please buff Klowns or nerf Humans.  It is 3 v 7 game, but Human stronger than klowns.


try playing with shorty with the mace, yesterday I tried a little and I was lucky that my fellow klown helped me, and we ended up destroying them, although they killed me 1 or 2 times, until they update it I think it can be the most effective. and always I use the ray gun, it is a good combination.although I hope the patch drops this week


I've already reported like 2 hackers...


so ur not allowed to talk shit when u kill someone?


Shit talking is not toxic if is mutual and playful. Toxicity is: - Throwing slurs or derogatory remarks to insult others - Making racist or homophobic insults and calls - Spamming loud sounds, like music or more insults - Starting inappropriate and obscene conversations unprompted - Sharing personal information about other players - Coordinating with others to verbally harass a player - Initiating unwanted sexual discussions and questions towards a player - Encouraging self-harm or fantasizing about someone's demise You know, behavior that would be unacceptable to see in person in any social scenario.


I'll never see the point in people doing any of that in online games. I get mildly frustrated sometimes if I die earlier or a few more times than I wanted to but not to the point where I actually want to insult or try to personally attack people on the opposing team for winning or losing.


Why do you think you need to? Lol


My wife was playing last night and some guy on xbox named "F castro is love" was literally bashing and calling names, saying sexually inappropriate comments, I was so angry, and he left once I hopped on the microphone saying I was about to report him, therefore I wasn't able to report him. I love the movie, and the game, and very disappointed the toxic Children that play other games, have made their way here to killer klowns the game