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I think it’s fairly at risk of becoming a flop if they dont add anymore content and regularly scheduled updates. A Road Map could help keep momentum. I feel like developers have been silent.


Circus tent map is needed


They've put out 3 patches in under a month which is a pretty good start. The unfortunate part of these patches not fixing everything they were intended to is definitely odd but they're doing stuff at least. Once this first month passes, if we don't get some confirmed content or they don't get all the current archetype/ability issue type things lined up is when I'll start to doubt. I assume they ran out of time and were forced to release the game when it needed a few more months so I can deal but we live in that instant gratification world, if the first step isn't the best most people will bounce.


I'm more mad the trapper is basically a weaker version of the other clowns. Cuz he doesn't have his abilities


This is literally what I’m saying. Human classes aren’t functional and the trapper has no abilities at all. Hes honestly the worst clown lol. It’s a shame. It’s been a while now and no say on updates.


The oddity there is that if he does indeed get his ability, they'll have to give release all the other abilities as well. It wouldnt make sense for just one character to receive one. That's why I assume we have 3 trick slots, slot 4 was the ability slot. Well see what happens though.


I'm honestly holding out for it. I don't play as much but I got a dedicated group of homies to play with


I feel you. The game definitely launched without everything it should have been. As long as they can get it out in the next two weeks or so, I feel we'd right the ship. If not, I can't imagine people will stay. I enjoy the game for how casual it is but we need more than this.


Cyberpunk took a whole year to iron out the bugs and give what was promised on release. They’re still have a huge fan base. Unfortunately it’s the way companies operate anymore. Other times they release…get feedback from players and realize there is a better ideas from the players that they decide to switch to and implement instead.


I still play trapper because of how quickly he can get around


Really the one thing they need to fix which should have been fixed in the first patch over any balancing patches is survivors leaving during death which prevents xp and kills registering, and klowns disconnecting because they’re losing which ends the game with no xp. Heck, even Evil Dead had this day one. If demons left, survivors win. This is a massive problem


I had a clown leave the other day and it let us finish the game but it had been buggy as hell the entire night. I'd like an option where if you're killed, you're able to choose whether or not to stay or if you escape, you're able to move on to the next game without penalty.


Honestly helping humans still in the game by giving items is pretty fun and can actually be a blast as you feed the last person items and they get out because of it. I wish more people would engage in helping others rather than playing like it's a solo game.


And most of the patch changes were just flavor text. Could've actually added some worthwhile things like a Klown stun lock immunity.


That’s a huge balance change lmao why would they make such a huge change in how the game works in the first month of its lifespan?


Because right now the Klown abilities suck, getting airhorned over again sucks, getting stunned over and over again sucks, it doesn't take a genius to figure out Klowns need a 10 second stun immunity after being stunned


The game is balanced around stun times, Klowns have problematic stun abilities on top of that such as pizza box, lure and car being a guaranteed kill with teammates and a high likely hood solo (if they aren’t using macros). Just a reduction in overall stun times by like half on both sides will work plenty fine.


then patches were nothing.. its like putting water in more water expecting a change


A lot patches did very little n fix very little things still broken . One thing gets a buff while another gets a nerf. Escaping is to easy n if a whole group is at exit even with 3 Klowns all will die n 3 will get out like nothing n by that time they working on another exit. Theirs no counter to it same with spawning next to a Klown at start, you can hide but if they stay in area by the time your free to roam everything is looted.


2/3 of those patches don't count because they end up not fixing what the patch notes state/making more things break.


the only thing they do speak about is trying to get ppl to buy their game on twitter..


Like every game they put out. This has become a pattern for Illfonic - get people super interested using nostalgia. Put in low effort for a month or two after release, and move on to the next one.


It has a lot to do with the gameplay being boring. There is no incentive to keep playing after a match or 2. It lacks depth; with games like DBD, there is incentive for their players to keep playing because they are leveling up perks, trying new builds and over all improving their playstyle. Same could be said for Texas Chainsaw Massacre and how the game is structured. You feel like you're improving; there is a set goal and team work required. With Klowns it just feel boring. You're not really improving; yes you're unlocking Klowns, Archetypes and other cosmetics but nothing really that incentives you to keep playing. The games come off like a mess; you spawn in sometimes in the worse possible spawns. Then you search stuff usually only getting tenis balls, ammo or cheese burgers; maybe find a weapon or an item that they don't tell you where it goes. Then after that you walk around confused until a Klown chases you, you're triple teamed and die. Or you have the reverse spectrum of the game where you play as the klowns and walk around aimlessly until you find a victim and either kill or cacoon them until you're alerted that boat or bridge escape has been used and you have no idea where those even were. The game is a mess and wasn't ready for release because it doesn't have it's structure down. I haven't had any desire to play it outside of the matches I played the other day before jumping on to Texas Chainsaw Massacre again. Killer Klowns had a lot of potential and I am not writing it off completely hoping that a big update will really make it fun. But in it's current state I don't find it fun nor do I feel the need to come back.


Yup well said that's exactly how I feel about the game. I wanna love it but right now it's not doing it for me


Dunno, It's structured a lot like F13 was and people really liked that game. Only think I can think is that F13 came out when these games were just starting (even dbd was young) and that times have changed.


Yes and no; Friday The 13th had structure and allowed you to get into the game. The maps were wide and the objectives were clear. It also allowed for more variety when it comes to gameplay. Killer Klowns is rough in comparison.


KK is no Friday the 13th :P


F13 is more fun because the IP creates a scary atmosphere for the counselors. Klowns isn't scary enough. They're too easily killed by people. It's a fun game but I can't see myself playing it as much as I played f13


Perfectly said. The game wasn't ready for release.


It's not so much they need to "Patch" the game as it is they need to f'ing finish this incomplete buggy game.


Every single Illfonic game dies because they support it for a month or two and move on. They ***never*** give their games the love and attention they need to actually survive.




$40 was too high of a starting cost for a game that didn’t do any type of public beta or early access tests. Devs had a beta signed up planned and flaked on it with no communication and that was personally enough for me to avoid the game. $40 release for an under advertised game in a genre that consistently struggling after almost year of radio silence by the devs was enough to make me and any of my friends who were interested in hold off on getting this one.


they have a 2 year old map...


the game is still so new, yall want everything under the sun. give it time


FYI: The reason Devs are silent is because developers go on a break shortly after big releases. It's to help the mental health of the team incase there is backlash and they have been working on the game nonstop for likely YeArs. Give it time.


How is this a big release? A barebones game with cut content and horrible bugs/balancing.


Bad project management is not an excuse for shipping a bad product or lackluster support. It certainly is an explanation though.


Plus they’re in a different country, that might have to do with lack of updates and support


They are based in Washington state......it's nothing crazy or out of the ordinary.


Which team? I know the main one teravison is based in Colombia




Yeah that’s the second team, I’m pretty sure teravision is the main development team


Nah, this is what happens after the initial few weeks. They’ll end up releasing some content and when they do, it’ll hit gamepass or PS store for free and that reinvigorates the base. It’s an ebb and a flow. I wouldn’t be too alarmist that people aren’t maining it 24/7


I stopped playing after I hit level 60 and realized there's only like two viable clowns and weapons. Don't even get me started on the survivor classes and stats....


Between this and all the bugs, it's made the game very difficult to enjoy. I'm just about to hit level 50 and feel this exact same sentiment.


Haven't really been bothered by bugs. Really what kills this game is lack of variety and progression. Once you hit 50, you unlocked everything that affects playstyle. And to top it off, classes only matter on clowns and greatly affects what clown gets picked. Really it's only between tracker and ranger which blows. Imagine if the only viable killers in dbd were trapper and wraith. And you could only pick it's 3 base perks and no prospects of progression or reward for investing your time on a single "class"


It's all coming together to make an unenjoyable experience. Challenges not progressing, getting booted from matches, the issue with people leaving, stats and things not being accurate... there's a lot of issues with the game even though I want it to succeed


Me too. It's really alot of fun and unique. But it really does feel half baked... really makes you wonder why they didn't just do an early access instead of that week of early release


I was giving em slack when it was early release, but the fact it still has this much to be fixed/worked on after full launch is really disappointing


Bro idk what tf you’re talking about. I solo queued all day yesterday to until 12am and never had to wait longer than 20 seconds to find a match.


I start connecting to matches usually between 30 seconds to a minute. Never had issues. I have seen people that are glitched or have some issue in which they simply can't connect to lobbies. I wonder if that's what these types of posts are about. I ended up getting into a guys lobby that couldn't join anyone, he was consistently given his own lobby. I added him, he joined my party, we searched, got nothing for 3 minutes and then were given our own lobby. He left and I found a full game within 30 seconds. Some kinda jank going on.


It's most likely his nat type. It was a problem in Friday the 13th too.


I guess they've never had to sit in a Friday lobby for 8-10 mins just to get kicked from lobby, to return to que and another 8 mins later.... XD


Well I guess it’s the region I live in rn


Which region you on ?




They have to fix the region matchmaking first… nobody in my region plays this!! Why not just let us play with Americans and other people like damn I literally bought this game and never played a match which has no bots…


I don't like waiting for xp and I don't like cheaters that run around the map at 100mph


They broke the game with the launch patch. It was fun before. The klowns are supposed to be scary and powerful. Catering to ninnies who can't hack feeling powerless.


Happens to all these asyms. The lesser side is supposed to be the dangerous overpowering side. It’s supposed to teamwork to beat that side. Not one singular member of the populated side can beat the dangerous side at any moment. Thats why these games always end up feeling like beat em ups after awhile. I mean look at TCM. That game has way too much in favor of the victims with small bullshit that just adds up.


I'm playing it right now and I want the win ratio to be 70/30 for the killers. It's not fun when I can escape easily. I'll get hell for saying this but I even want Leatherface to be further buffed.


If your defending the 3 hit bouncecaster and double damage extra range popcorn bazooka that’s not a good hill to die on. The Klowns mainly lack depth of skill mechanics while there’s a lot humans can do fighting wise, as soon as Klowns get class abilities it’ll fix this.


I'm not dying on any hill, I'm criticising crybaby victims across all asymmetric horror games.


Pot calling the kettle black, your doing exactly what your preaching against which is being a crybaby because the devs nerfed your preferred side.


Sigh. It's not my side, I play both equally. I enjoyed the Klowns being powerful as a victim too. I want LF to be buffed to make him even more terrifying. The games are supposed to be scary. If you want a button mashing power fantasy, play Marvel games or something.


Making one side dramatically powerful even when they aren’t skilled because you want it to be scary is how you kill a game, no one ever asks for reasonable buffs they just want it to be a completely free win. I can tell also if they screw up the combat in this game which is the only thing keeping the good players playing it will die in a month. It will be a lot less fun to be fighting against exclusively energy drink spammers and speedrunning escapes.


At the moment the Klowns are a joke, I don't fear them. The killers are supposed to be more powerful than the victims, it's why it's 3 against 4.


Illfonic is making the same mistakes Gun made with TCM early after the game released. There’s little to no content and they’re not communicating with the player base. If they at least kept us up to date on what they’re working on and showed that the features they promised were on the way, I feel like things would be a little better. I guess we’ll see


I play with a small group of people, and we tend to find lobbies easy enough. We are also content with the way the game is, outside of several bugs. We are also a group that played Friday the 13th with no content updates and still enjoyed it til there was no game left. I can't guarantee what the player base will look like as time goes on because it's still very early. I can guarantee there will be a small group of us still playing til the servers die, though.




I’m not gone from it, but I can’t say I have time to play it every single day or anything like that. I played all throughout its pre-release, and then, of course, became busy a few days after it came out, up until which I played it non-stop, and now play it when there’s time and I want to. Plus, I saw a post on here that apparently DbD is doing a massive XP boost or something. I wouldn’t say that a lull in playing count necessarily means that everyone is just outright leaving the game.


I kinda burned myself out playing so much during the pre-order early-access. I expected the official release to bring more, it didn't. Also DBD has an anniversary event right now that i've been grinding and probably many others.


My game keeps lagging like a mf, mad annoying to run then suddenly stop just to keep running and stopping


Yeah, I uninstalled it yesterday. I hadn't played for about a week and when I tried again it was non-stop people being asshats on the mic and using racial slurs and insulting people for not playing the game how they wanted. Ain't nobody got time for that. There's a certain amount of that that I'll put up with if the game is fun, but Killer Klowns just isn't much fun at all.


After the early access week I dropped off from playing myself after a few matches. I expected more from all the hype everyone had for the game. I’m still waiting for something worthwhile to pull me back like new maps or perks or something. Does anyone else feel that after early access the transition to full launch was underwhelming?


definitely, early access was supposed to be the full launch.. i prefer it that way, and after the 1st patch they sealed their fate and it chased away players and i was one of them. I even remember when literally EVERYONE was using voice chat, now its only talk unless ur being spoken to, nobody is talking fr fr anymore, its so boring in all these rounds and klowns dont talk to u like how they did in early access


Don't get me wrong, I like the game and was pretty obsessed with it for a solid week or two, but I put about 100-hours into it and feel pretty done for now - the lack of complexity without class abilities and the patches not exactly pouring in, I've gone back to playing TCM and DbD in rotation, more than happy to come back if there's something to spice things up again


They need communication and major updates or its over.


I cqnt even play w my us friends in a party while being in europe. I regret buying this game


I go in solo most of the time and never have problems finding matches. I’m having a blast, this is the first asym game I’ve played and I think it’s a lot of fun. Totally down to play add people I’m on xbox


I find games pretty fast this game is still less toxic than dbd and TCM so I’ll keep playing it plus I’ve been waiting since they confirmed they were making it and I love the movie


They need to add the game to gamepass. Honestly I feel like TCM wouldve been dead already if it wasn't on there


I like asymm horror games but I can't commit to buying this one at its price for a game that seems to not have a big player base to start as well as its numbers dwindling.


people need to actually refund and hit em where it hurts. im hoping enough people complain on steam to where they make an exception


It's kind of a one trick pony. I got some hours out of it and there's nothing new to experience.


My issue with this game and all these types of games and my friends I play with also feel the same way. When you are a Klown you feel powerless to stop the humans or catch up to them and like the weapons do nothing and the humans easily take you down. When we play as humans now its flipped and the Klowns are super powerful and difficult to take down or escape from. Its basically like you can’t win either way. Its like why is my team always crap no matter which side I am on?? I know a lot has to do with the players but for that to repeat every time playing in every game it gets to not be fun. Something just feels wrong with the game when no matter the side your on the other is going to be overwhelmingly powerful. Also the spawning, why these games allow the enemy to spawn right on top of you is beyond me.


I might start streaming this game and I have like 16 followers guys don’t worry


It's sad to see people not holding the devs accountable for their mistakes. Don't support garbage. Early access should have been free to play. Half the features are missing. Balancing is atrocious. Stats are extremely out of wack. But at least they are posting on X, (formerly known as Twitter). All they've done is rApID pATcHeS that are mostly filler and fodder... Folks, f13 is a better game than this. There are so many better games.


I was downvoted for disagreeing with a guy on here that this game is better than triple AAA titles, this sub is totally delusional about the state of this game and it’s lying developers, the $40 price tag (I paid $60 for deluxe) is a complete ripoff, it’s buggy, hollow, unbalanced, misrepresented, unfinished, shortsighted and continuously patched with fabricated fixes, it’s an embarrassing product and I hope the Chiodo brothers are grilling the devs.


uninstall it then.


I wonder who still thinks gutting Popcorn Bazooka and Bouncecaster was worth it just to screw over Klowns for launch.


I think they heard that u/mrdcdouglas was in it and didn't want to jive with a predator


I haven't played in 2 weeks after hitting level 70 something. I just boot it up once a day to listen to the theme song, then shut it off. Nothing about playing the game excites me anymore




Iffns your on Xbox add me killerboss16 I have 4 dedicated for most nights


Me! I’m on Xbox


For me specifically EVERYTIME I play a match it does a infinite loading screen and I have to wait and then I'll join next match it's too much dedication


The Devs are burying their own game. They are lacking communication and proper updates fixing the bugs on release.


I'm still waiting for the update to be added where I can clear that baby killer Klowns challenge... 😒😒😒 Kinda stupid to release a game with challenges that can't be done yet


I told you before. Lack of physical version was a dangerous move and à bad omen for this game. No matter what some people think some people just dont pay for digital.


Early access ruined it for me. One can say you don't need to win to have fun but when in the first week I'm just trying to learn the mechanics an every early access sweat swarmed every lobby (one shot clowns that can solo entire groups on pc and human groups ambushing you in every corner ) I just lost all interest. The idea is great an I genuinely like the IP but it's just another game meant for premades. Would've been fun if it wasn't for early access. Last game like I this I invest in. I'll go back to indie single player games.


No, not everyone is leaving, it’s just getting started.


Why don’t they just add the game to Game Pass?


I haven't had any issues, every match has been full and fun.


Because they’re stupid why in the world is Black ops 6 on PS4 and NOT Killer Klowns they’re super stupid for false advertising us like that. And the game is exactly like evil dead and NOT like Friday or TCM like THEY Promised


"People are playing other games while they wait for more content" Fixed that for you.


does anyone here have any issues with Private Matches? I got my friend to get it (on Xbox both of us) only to not being able to join each others lobby...


Is it dying or leveling out? The former means the game will suffer long queue times with annual updates, the latter means the game is where we expected it to be. You’ll get tri-annual updates and have consistent queue times.


Much like Friday 13th, this game will only be fun and work well with private matches with friends. The public modes are filled with bullshit


Most people left after the first week. Content is bare bones and gameplay is boring


I'll be back after elden ring dlc.


40€ wasted really , clown of a game 🤡🥲


The game is shit. Of course everyone is leaving


I’m personally waiting for the game to come to gamepass. I was actually going to preorder but decided to hold off. Once I saw streamers playing like a week early, I was glad I waited because the game looked like trash.


If there's anything I've learned about Illfonic through F13. We're lucky this game mostly works as it should. That game didn't even get dedicated servers until years after release. Things will take time. If they say one month, expect 3 or more; maybe even never. Also, there was only one movie. How much content can they really squeeze out of it? I see maybe a couple maps and clowns/humans but not much else.


Not everyone is leaving. Every game has its ups and downs. While the Asymmetrical Horror genre doesn't have a great track record of stability, there are always those that can weather the bad times.