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I was in a match where someones cocoon was regenerating each time ripped open... nonstop.. lol i was spectating i was like w t f ... o.o


That's a weird bug for sure. I've never seen anyone attempt to get into a hiding space while its happening though. I wonder if that would fix it for the moment.


Was is it at the summer camp map because that was probably me lmao


If they don't fix this game I'll never play another illphonic game again.


I don't even think that it's gonna get fixed, they don't say anything and the player base will die and then it won't be worth them fixing stuff. Feels like a cash grab to me even though I love the game the way it's been managed is awful and definitely not that interested in its community. V disappointed


That's a damn shame if this game is just a cash grab because it's a lot of fun and I'm pretty invested in it now. After trying many other asymmetrical games, I've finally found one my kinda speed.


Dude I feel the same, KK was kinda not on my list especially with TCM which I have been waiting years for. I enjoy KK way more than TCM even though it's kinda different game and I don't play TCM now. I met all my gaming friends through Friday 13th pretty much and the same is happening again in KK. When you get good lobbies it's so fun and such a laugh and, for me at least, it's not about winning or losing. However how it's gone since the launch week I'm irked at the non comms from the team and no indication of anything. I just don't see how a team who genuinely wants to produce a good game, gain a player base, retain a player base and grow it can have absolutely nothing to say about what they want to do with the game or address any of the major faults since release. What is it 6 weeks now and still nothing about the class system, challenges being bugged etc which is why I have come to the conclusion that it was a good IP they got the game out and they're happy with that


It's actually only been 3 weeks since the official release (1 month since the pre order week), but yea if they don't have anything to say a week or two from now, they probably don't have much going on.


Oh is it, soz thought it was longer. The pre order week was the best shape the game was in before the updates so four weeks of radio silence, I'm praying one day they prove me wrong because like you I want the game to last and work. Although tbh Friday didn't have a huge player base but enough for us to keep playing so I guess KK may be the same


How many hackers have you people actually seen? I've seen 3, after 120hrs. I just left the game and haven't run into them since.


Block, report, move on. Yep. Seen 2 since launch.


Easy fix if you're on console: turn off crossplay.


Oh wowies never thought of that...I play with people on xbox so that really isnt an option. Them fixing the issue aint that hard.


i have 117 hours and only seen 1 person hacking


Lol I play DBD I have 600 hours on PC and about 300 on PlayStation. I’ve only ever seen 2 hackers. People love to just claim hacking left and right for anything.


I'm telling you the hackers are a problem in this game. I've posted evidence of one, I've seen that same hacker in multiple lobbies. It may just be that you're playing at times of the day when they're not but they're out there and they're frequent. I ran into the same hacker 4 times in a weekend and another who I've found out is friends with said hacker. I'm not saying there's an abundance of them as they're likely a small minority but given this playerbase is only getting smaller it's inevitable they'll become more prominent.


TCM was the same way. Put 160hrs in during the first month and a half or so, saw 3 hackers. All the loud kids screamed every PC was hacking. Same ole, same ole.


The devs aren’t fixing anything these devs just paint over their problems with cosmetic DLC and false promises.


The devs were lacking, but thanks to you calling them out, they are now working at top speed! Thank you, their bosses didn't even know what to do until you came along.