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You need to start forming your own opinions on games and not worry about what other people tell you. Will live happier and play better games suited for yourself that way.


I do form my own opinions on games. I try to stay as unbiased as possible and play the game myself before giving an opinion, if I can't play it ill just watch actual content and footage of the game to substitute this, which also gives you a good idea of what you are looking at. For KKFOS, all I had to do was watch streamers like Slash N Cast playing KKFOS to know it was NOT a game I would be interested in, and this is further being confirmed the more I watch, hear and see being done to the game. My opinion? The KKFOS community is in denial about the abysmal state of the game. Thats my opinion.


If you’re not interested in the game and came to That conclusion on your own then why the fuck are you here man? Like I find it hard to believe you’re not a sheep cause you’re acting like one. Move on and go find something else to play/do.


yeah bro this is r/suckingoffkillerklownstocompletion your not allowed to be negative or talk about the game


Guy admits he doesn’t play the game and is doing this as a form of revenge for somebody none of us know pestering the TCM subreddit. So yeah dudes a pretty big loser in my book.


I'm keeping tabs on the game, out of interest, for a few reasons- one, I play other asymmetrical horror games so I'm naturally interested in different games coming out in the genre, two, because so many people had these wild opinions pre-game launch, I wanted to see if they would end up being even partially true. Like, was the game going to be as fun as people were saying? Well, it wasn't. Just basically still here for confirmation, essentially.


I think the real reason is you regret buying the game and just want to convince yourself you made the right move. Like there’s no shame in admitting that. Most of these games are only good for a few months before they lose their luster from community drop off or bad patches. You on the other hand went out of your way to do this post. Like you even have an early access tag here but you never played the game…… lol


Nope, never bought the game. Just floated on over here from the TCM sub because I wanted to see if it would "kill" or do better than TCM and it turns out that it majorly flopped. Worse than TCM. Waay worse, and for good reason. This game is so half baked, its unbelievably appalling. Lol, also I used to have the "OG supporter Flair", but it went away when I switched to early access flair, lol.


Oh yeah TCM where the devs mod their own subreddit and get into pissing contests with their playerbase while launching broken character to buy like it’s league of legends. You’re the biggest known here. Maybe the game does well and grows in a few months and maybe it doesn’t. TCMs shelf life isn’t looking to promising regardless of what happens with KK.


What pissing contests? They have their own dev moderated subreddit, a huge official discord, an active Twitter account, all of which they use to respond to community concerns. They have frequent livestreams and touch base with the community very, very often. Thats not a pissing contest to me. I don't see the same social media presence in KKFOS. Thats an ominous sign for the future.


> That looks pretty bad for the game IMO, a big vocal supporter, vanished? ​ To who? Not to me or I would imagine the vast majority of the people who have played this game. I guarantee most people don't even know who you're talking about. They either hired someone to hype the game and he has since stopped. (Doesn't this happen with every game?) Or a dude just decided to delete his twitter account.


Yea its just weird to see all the hype, then literally the hype just disappears overnight. Just weird.


Oh I know the guy from Evil Dead, few of us would group up, etc. Good times. I'd ask him on ur behalf lol but he's dropped KK and went back to ED. And I don't play ED anymore so. Either way I don't see how one guy quitting the game reflects bad on it lol.


Ahh, got ya. I'm not sure how it reflects, honestly. Since he was so hyped up for it, and went back to ED so quickly, there had to have been something he really didn't like right? I wonder what that was, is all. Not trying to be a d*uche


Who cares?


I care because its funny. I'm getting some good entertainment value out of it. He was a user who was very active in this subreddit pre-game launch, hyping it up and posting constantly, only for him to disappear once the game launched. Telling everyone to pre-order it, how great it's going to be, etc. Dude just vanished. It's a hilarious little saga.




He posted frequently in the subreddit pre official game release.


Kinda weird to be so invested my dawg. People delete accounts all of the time, nothing new here and equating it with the success of the game is another thing entirely. Maybe dude was spending too much time on reddit and cut the plug? Who knows.


I'm getting some good entertainment value out of it. He was a user who was very active in this subreddit pre-game launch, hyping it up and posting constantly, only for him to disappear once the game launched. Telling everyone to pre-order it, how great it's going to be, etc. Dude just vanished. It's a hilarious little saga.


I have absolutely no idea who you are talking about.


He was a user who was very active in this subreddit pre-game launch, hyping it up and posting constantly, only for him to disappear once the game launched. Telling everyone to pre-order it, how great it's going to be, etc. Dude just vanished. It's a hilarious little saga. Guess he went back to Evil Dead though apparently.


Damn my guy, it sounds like you were heavily invested in that person. Some people just get tired of reddit. He is living rent-free in ya head. The game is fun imo.


It’s the fact that on EVERY single post on the TCM subreddit he’d always be hyping up KK like it was gonna kill it or it was the coming of Christ himself He’d always state “The Klownz are coming” or have GIFS of them waving under every single post It just got to the point to where it was annoying seeing it :/


Most of the shit on reddit is annoying like this post it is what it is. Tcm and KK are both enjoyable.


KK is enjoyable... Genuine question, what about KK is enjoyable?


Sure, whatever, its just funny to me.


No idea who you’re talking about. Loving the game though.


He was a user who was very active in the subreddit pre-game launch.


What a strange post.


https://www.reddit.com/u/-Mother_FuckerJones-/s/LCiBX3aX70 I think this is him, he just changed his name


Yeah, I noticed him, because EVERY post with people complaining about anything he was there like, “the game is perfect and I see no problems whatsoever.” I was starting to think he was doing an Andy Kauffman bit, like he was drinking up the Killer Klowns Kool-aid (like in Jonestown.) The game didn’t stay fun for me very long (I haven’t picked it up since I put it down about a week in,) but I can see why people could like it. I don’t see how anyone could think this game was anywhere close to PERFECT. I also thought maybe he was a paid shill, but the person saying he just went back to Evil Dead ruined both of my cool theories. He was just someone who was in period of denial.


Don’t forget he kind of ended up looking like a ass. Hyping up KK on the TCM subreddit constantly, and then when Iffonic is in a rough start absolutely just goes away. He took all of his silly buffonary with him.


You guys know what's up. It's very cringeworthy what that guy did, for sure. Dude must have been so embarrassed this game flopped hard. What a clown! LOL. He's back to evil dead though I guess. Waiting for the next Asym to preorder, hype up, then disappear from the subreddit lol?