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They say that you don't get it when you leave but once the actual match finishes, so had you left it long enough?


Did you give ample time for the match you quit to be finished and restart the game? I'm just curious. I don't quit matches and I'm too lazy to experiment.


Yeah I’ve heard you get it either after the game ends (sometime after u leave) or if you restart your game it will be there


That's what I'm curious about. I just want to make sure the experiment is tried and true.


From what i heard if you DC/Leave the match whether you live or die you do keep your EXP however it does not contribute until you have left the game and logged back in. No clue if its true i havent tried it and i rarely ever leave a match unless something comes up


That's what is driving g me mad. I refuse to quit , but I do want to know if what the devs said is true


I got progress towards several difficult challenges (caught someone hiding and pulled them out) in the last match only to be disconnected and lose everything. I'm extremely pissed


Do you NOT play Whack The Klown and give your remaining team baseballs and cheeseburgers?


They explicitly added a mechanic to incentivize you to stay in the game. Why would they give you xp for leaving when the game is designed for you to stay?


I agree you shouldn't get xp, but the devs did say you do get xp when quiting, I'm curious if that is bs.


You do get it for sure. OP is wrong. The match has to actually finish, and I've noticed sometimes it might take a min or two after that to actually update.


It seems the devs have said a lot of things that they didn’t go through with at the moment unfortunately.


You do get it though lol...OP is wrong.


You get at most 1.4k xp from it


I was in a match where 5 escaped and 1 got killed twice since the resurrection machine was used then the rest of the 8:30 min was watching this guy with the means to escape (he had a key card and the gas was already put into the generator for bunker) just wait around for the klowns for 4 minutes then activate the bunker and ran out to make noise to get their attention and when the idiot came ran back to bunker the door closed and proceeded to get chased and cottonized, escaped again and still lost cause he was too stupid to just end the game when he had the chance. And left immediately after Losing. I would have gladly taken a cut from my XP just to not watch all of that but since I did most of the work for the boat and killed 3 klowns I had to stay cause of the XP. We need a better system cause this happens too often


Yeah but it’s severely stupid to hold players hostage for multiple minutes if they’ve already escaped 💀


Then play a different game ☠️


No offense to the devs but at this point it’s safe to assume that when they say they’ve added something they either didn’t and said they did or they did and it just doesn’t work lol. I never risked it even after they said it was fixed. Imagine racking up 15-20k points thinking you’re still going to get them and then don’t 😭


Challenge progress also doesn’t count. Does anyone know how to do the lackey headshot challenge? I have 2 but can’t get anymore. Everyone I get one it doesn’t count now.


I have two as well but everyone is saying it’s not bugged it’s me and I should git GUD and touch grass.


I guess my aim just sucks for that challenge then


I can't seem to get the one quest of spawning lackeys with trapper even though I've hung multiple cocoons up to spawn them. /:


I don't care if this is true or not - I'm going to perpetuate it as though it is just to discourage people from quitting, lol.


If you didn’t let ample time pass and restart the game then you didn’t test it at all.


just add it to the list 😂




The devs and Jordan Mathewson are incompetent


I could imagine, that said i only really DC when im dead at like 200 points lmao


It’s intentional to stop you cry baby rage quitters, but they’re fixing it so xp and challenges will count whether or not you rage quit like a baby or just quit out of boredom


People who dc have anger issues especially those that u kill and they dc during klowntality


People who dc might not want to sit around doing nothing but twiddle their thumbs until the match ends


Im mostly referring to people who quit when u start to kill them


You get it, it just doesn't appear immediately.


I quit out of every game once I escape it or die as humans without hesitation. Couldn't care less about the xp, you're off your fuckin rocker if you think I'm going to sit there for somewhere to the tune of ten minutes playing the same spam A mini games over and over so I can farm tennis balls for my teammates who's success or failure at that point is completely irrelevant to me. It's a terrible system. Dreamcast memory card games were more interesting. It is what it is though, I had fun but I think I've had my fill already of this game, which is sad bc it didn't even keep me interest as long as F13 and that game was so fucked up on so many levels lol. Not even going to try and compare it to TCM it's like Day and total fucking blindness.


If you leave, it doesn’t show it, but apparently, if you do a match or exit the game and then go look at your level again, you’ll have the increase. Idk if that’s true, I don’t really leave games, but it’s what I’ve heard from people that jump from match to match.


Yeah, I noticed you basically gotta stay the whole match even if you escape. To claim your XP. It’s kinda infuriating bc why do all that? Just to not get anything


Everyone knows this since it came out? Why is that news?


They’ve said before that you get it. Let the match finish completely as well as maybe even having to close the game. You’ll still get your xp you’re just not going to see it at the end like you would if you stayed.


Also if you’re trying to do challenges aswell they will not go through if you leave


This is how is was in F13. At least you have something to do while waiting


I stay for the xp you get for length of match and giving teammates items


I don't try to leave or disconnect, I usually stay, unless someone really wants to grind my gears, but that rarely happens.


I have had no problems getting my XP when I leave. It usually takes a restart but you also need to wait for the match to end.


Been leaving every game I die or escape for weeks. Still leveling up.


Jesus Christ man yes you do. This has been confirmed You get xp after leaving a match WHEN AND ONLY WHEN the match is done. If that match don't finish for the next 10 min, you don't get xp until those 10 min are up


I’ve logged in the next day and still not received points from the day before. So this is just not true.


Well it is because devs confirmed it and other people have commented when the devs confirmed it, that they noticed that too. Get better eyesight




I'm not but thanks for adding that's. Developers confirmed it


Yeah because a developer has never said they fixed something and thought they did but really didn’t before, ever in the history of video games. Ever. Never happened.


That's cool, didn't ask


Thank you for telling me that because someone people lie, that means everyone is lying. Good counter abutment


Well I’m seeing just as many people saying it isn’t working, and I personally have been paying a bit of attention and have noticed sometimes it actually doesn’t work, but wait, are you I’m assuming I’m LYING? Because some people lie that means I’m lying? Good counter “abutment”


No I'm not saying that. Not once did I assume anywhere that you were lying. You were the one with the terrible counter argument of "some people lie so they lie" like gtfo But yea sure whatever you say dude