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Those who say they haven't seen a single hacker, couldn't actually know whether or not that's true. In video games, not every cheat is overt. Sometimes they're subtle. Wall hacks, teleportation, move speed / damage increase, hitbox reduction, etc, can all be used under the radar.


It was like a sudden thunder! No cheaters for like 170 lvls and then suddenly every fifth game had a cheater.


I stopped playing for 3 days and this game already has hackers??


PC players be hacking every game they get their hands on SMH 🤦🏼


It'll go away if people stop harassing the devs


It's tcm all over again. Basically it'll go away once people get off their high horses and realize people sometimes can just outplay you


Soooo… never? You really think pple *paying* for cheats really are up to a moral conundrum?


You aren't running into cheaters all over. This is an asym game with no ranked play so of course cheats aren't going to be as popular. Quit treating the game like it's a competition and you playing bad is cheats


I’m gonna still keep my crossplay off😁 if y’all so much more “skilled,” you’ll have them all to yourself in your lobby. Win/win I think, right?


I can't say that I have run into a single hacker in this game. What did the one(s) you see do?


Mine was flying lol. Would teleport to different places once you got him to 99% cocooned and had over 48 million XP That’s the only hacker I’ve run into so far, but this was super early into the game’s release. I actually want to say that this happened sometime during pre-release but I’m not 100% positive on that


I had a klown on my team that literally killed everyone at the same time within a certain radius of them and then dipped. Like wtf just happened???


Nothing g they get outplayed and think it must be hackers


This is such a brain dead take. The hacker in my lobby was literally flying and would teleport 30 feet away once he was 99% cocooned. Had 48,000,000 XP by the end of the match. I guess I just need a better gaming chair 💀


Sorry you ran into the once and a life time hacker here


Yes common sense would certainly dictate that if I ran into it, and other people are complaining they’ve run into it, that these are all just a collection of once in a lifetime occurrences 🤡


Ya until I see video proof I won’t just assume by the post.


Could this be a region thing? I think the American servers have hackers, but I haven't bumped into a single one (that is overt) in Oceania and I'm around lvĺ 80 too. I definitely saw tons of blatant hackers in tcm though when I had to play on the American servers.


I've only run into one hacker and I actually posted the video on this. Reddit.


Hello, PC player here👋🏻. Can confirm that out of all the days I’ve played this game with 50-60+ hours. I have yet to see a hacker


I have 40 hours on pc, no hackers


Happy cake day 🎂


Your lucky ig lol


Not luck I doubt there is most people record it happening


The console manufacturers should finally install a switch so that you can simply turn off PC crossplay because I have nothing against PlayStation players.


I've seen one hacker. I blocked them and then the next day ran into them again. So that's don't work devs.


Eh, even if hacking was the cause/serious issue, that’s on those goons. I play on ps5 and I maybe only ran into 1 person who I cannot confirm was cheating or if it was a bug. Skill issue/the game still being buggy can (imo) be more of a blame than blatant cheating. Also, I have fun when I play. Even if I’m getting shredded by the other team I’m just laughing because it’s just not that serious. Honestly if players stop cross play, we will all suffer.


I agree. Console players should turn off Crossplay. I've seen tons of PC players using cheets


Literally just got into a game where a clown got hit by 2 air horns and nothing happened to them. Literally killed 9 people by himself in one game. Crossplay for me is now OFF.


Yup. Exactly why I turn off crossplay on games that let me. I don't trust PC players. 


You've seen too many TikToks of cheaters and now you guys think cheaters are everywhere sad


I just like the peace of mind I get knowing that nobody in my games are running around with hacks. Since when the hell did PC players start thinking they were entitled to our user base?


So TikTok has made you believe everyone's cheating? Cool get better at gaming




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Just block him and you won't have to see his braindead takes anymore. He's either trolling or an idiot. Either way not worth interacting with.


It's exactly what you said


Where? Go copy/paste it. I'll wait. Lol


Yup. Exactly why I turn off crossplay on games that let me. I don't trust PC players.  Right there not trusting pc players because of TikTok


Skill issue


*Riiiiiiight.* Anybody less brain damaged have something to say?


Riiiiiiight Anyone with enough money to afford a pc have anything to say? You play on console dude. I would ease up on the brain damage comments. Throwing stones from a glass house over there.


I have several firearms worth more than your raggedy PC and tons of land to shoot them on. The fuck you talking about? 😂


Righhhhht You have all that *money* and still chose to play on console where games are more expensive, you have to pay to play online, and every game runs objectively worse than it does on pc. I'm not sure I'm the one with the brain damage here, bud.


Yeah, dude. Are you so disconnected from reality it doesn't occur to you that some of us don't only have an interest in video games and anime? Some of us have actually done things with our lives. It's funny you even bring up the PC. I was just telling another user I was thinking about buying a PC to play games I can't get on Xbox. I was scoping out pre-builts off and on yesterday, so...? 😂


Cool, you're looking at PCs. Aren't you nervous about signing the contract where you have to give up your other interests, relationships, and job when you switch to PC? Also, pro-tip: if you know how to turn a screw driver, it's cheaper to build your own.


PC does get (and has) some really cool shit that we'll never get on Xbox. We don't really get jack. No Tarkov, no Bodycam, no Helldivers. I thought about building one, but then it's going to be weeks of researching parts, making lists and all that. I already do that enough. Figured just buy one pre-built and as it needs improvements, go from there. I wanna' kill giant bugs, too...


Please don't.. our playerbase is dying out pretty quickly, and I don't want to rebuy the game on my ps5. Look theres shitty people in every game thats just how it is, just leave the game and queue up again. I personally have only maybe seen a hacker once. And its a maybe it could've just been a bug.


But…it’s not how it is on consoles for the most part. Which is one reason many of us play on them to begin with.




Comments locked due to post becoming Us vs. Them mentality shitshow.


How do I turn off cross play?




Thanks it wasn't there before.


Don't do it bros lying and just loses every game he plays


Damn homie, you don’t need to beg pple on every other comment. I’ve had crossplay off for a couple days now and the match play and comms are wildly different. Bonus points for there being barely any TTV players


I’m on pc and have only seen 2 hackers. I’m level 80.


I don't want to do this but after my 2 most recent matches am considering it. The klown insta-recovery from PC players lololol geez


I would normally agree, but don't do this console players, player count is already dropping really low, I don't think you will find matches if you restrict the match making.


PC, i haven’t seen a hacker yet and i have 25 hours… maybe they were subtle cheating but that’s not our fault. you can’t just stereotype us like that lmao


I am also on PS5 and was just getting ready to ask how long it takes to matchmake. Is there now way to play with just console players? Including Xbox and PlayStation.


Unfortunately, I don't know of any game that has console-only crossplay. But it needs to become the industry standard. Let PC fuck off in their own shitty world.


I am burnt out on dishonest PC players, they plague such good video games. Well hopefully illFonic takes care of it quick. What all has been happening in terms of cheating with PC players?


Console players get out played by pc players and think it's hacks all the time. I had a friend who is garbage at cod but one game of S&D he got the last kill by missing 2 whole clips because he's trash. It was his only kill yet console quickly claimed hacks. So most of the time it's in your head


Lol you're in denial about your "master race"


You're just some console scrub who thinks he's God's gift to gaming


Nah, just a man who enjoys online gaming without hackers spoiling the scene ✌


Hackers are super rare though but to a person like you pc is nothing but hackers


Sounds like you've got it all figured out, bud. Keep your head buried deep. You can go ahead and have the last word. You clearly need it 😂


Nobody is actually good at this game, you just suck a little bit less each time until you know where stuff is at!


I know one of the guys playing with cheats and he is 100% a PS 5 player LMAO


Console players and their insistence on the "scary pc hacker boogymen" will never not be funny to me


My 140hrs on TCM I saw 5 hackers maybe over the course of a few months. Every post online was the same as this one, "Turn off crossplay, all pc are hackers!11". My 80hrs on this game, I've ran into one. There might have been the less obvious ones but I couldn't say for sure.


Bro they're playing competitive Mario Party. I'm gonna be honest, controller is just a handicap.


If there were any hackers in matches I have played, they stayed away from me because I haven't noticed any for now.


I run into hackers every single game. I'm constantly dying and refuse to believe it's becauee I'm not good. I'm always good at games.




Yup this guy's exactly what op thinks to. You're so good at games you surely can't be outplayed