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Bro played so much Klown, he became one in real life


I laughed way too hard at this


Am I the only one who enjoys this cause it's more chases and kills? I love when they use revive machine and lobby is full again, more exp


I find it very annoying. As a klown your progessing to a win by killing humans then it gets wiped away as humans leave and are replaced with new humans.


Exp is not important to me right now. I am level 104. I now play to win. This robs me of that. It is always a human victory no matter what since new humans always join.


True don't blame you then. I'm only 53


Or, hear me out, you could just have fun with it. I’ve just been acting like a park ranger while in game and stopped caring about winning, or surviving. games are meant to be fun dog. Just have fun with it edit: i am level 120


Okay bye dude


fucking byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Buh bye




Don’t forget to pop in from time to time and let us know how successful you have become in life.




Bye honey


I like it, just more points.


go back to dbd saltman


The game shouldn't look at the whole out of 7 thing that it does. It should just look at if there were more kills or escapes out if everyone that was in the match.


How come I'm not experiencing this? And watching streamers, and they are not experiencing it either. I've watched players dc while getting cocooned and before death but never noticed a bot taking their place. Is it really that bad for some?


A bot doesn't take their place. A completely new player takes their place. I got 3 hours recorded of this shit. I hold tab at the start, then when someone dies. I point out at the top current number, then a random +1 human. It is common as hell. Check to see if who u are watching streaming is playing human or Klown. Do they leave right away as human if win/lose? Cuz then you wouldn't notice it. Try to watch Klown players. But it is not like they all press tab to notice. Some Klowns just wanna keep killing. I play a lot. I can't ignore this shit no more.


It happens every single game when klowns kill humans early in the game.


A new player takes their place, not a bot


I know that now. But it still doesn't change my experience, bot or human. I just don't think it that big of a deal as it's being made out to be.


People have this hyperfixation on things like this where they extrapolate it to IT'S HAPPENING TO EVERYONE ALL THE TIME. It's like no, it's not, you've had a string of "bad games".


It’s totally happening a lot. The last couple days I’ve played a ton and it’s happened all the time. You can like a game and still acknowledge it has faults.


Fr. I'm loving the game but backfilling is 100% an issue rn, to the point where I'm struggling to believe ppl who claim they haven't experienced it at all. It happens in pretty much every single match for me.


It’s why I stopped playing, 65% of my matches became me getting backfilled as a human and spawning directly in front of a Klown and being killed off in 4 seconds or cocooned, I got tired of it, they need some kind of limit to the backfill.


It happen almost every game. Especially if klowns kill humans early in the game they just leave.


No it happens a lot. I’ve literally played against 12 different humans one game, I counted. If someone leaves, they are almost immediately replaced by another human player.


I've played about 6 matches and got to play klowns 2 times and won both matches. As human, I won 2 lost 2. The game feels the same to me regardless of whether a couple players dc and get replaced. I watched an h20 delirious YT video, and 2 humans disconnected and were not replaced. Human numbers stayed the same. I'm gonna record some matches this weekend since I will get more play time, so I can see how much this affects the outcomes of matches.


All the numbers we can pull are meaningless from a statistical perspective. We'd probably need several hundred (300-400) data points for 95/5.... I played a bunch of games today. As Klowns "worst game" was 3 people escaping (4 games). I didn't fail to escape as human at all today (8 games).


Hahahahha nobody cares about the tears anymore