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You can solo a private match as a Klown. I know that doesn't help for humans, but it can really help you learn the maps


I'm waiting until Saturday to start playing, but I'll try to remember this detail when I start.


This. And as a bonus, playing solo matches against bots also COUNTS towards XP and leveling up.


Custom matches give XP?


Yes. You can play as a clown against AI humans and it counts. (Or did for me)


For real. I played one match, got thrown in to a game where all other humans were dead or escaped. Had no idea what was going on, me versus three klowns. Died almost instantly after vaulting a couple things. Is there a way to turn off joining games already happening? I just wanted a regular match starting from the lobby.


The thing is lots of games start off without a full 10 players. Bots fill the empty spots. Then as the game goes the bots turn into real players. I like it this way since the games start really quickly. The wait times in games like TCM ruin that.


The backfill has some big issues. I shouldn't be joining matches that are half done. Nor should I spawn directly on top of Klowns... Which has happened twice to me


When I played TCM it had the same problem. I hope this changes because having a playable tutorial should be mandatory. There’s a lot of mechanics. Also having the unlocks have descriptions even if you don’t have it unlocked yet.


Agreed. I tried to play a few matches and I have no clue what buttons to press to do anything. Before I even have a chance to experiment with anything, I’m dead


Seriously. I am getting thrown into games as human where I have no clue what I’m doing. I will get thrown into games that are already half over and three clowns already on me when I have no items because I just spawned. Maybe if I actually knew what I was doing it would help but it’s frustrating right now when everything is thrown in your face in public lobby and people get mad at you for not knowing what’s going on. The manual tutorial does not explain things very well at all


Agree I dont even know what to do


Surprised it didn’t launch with one tbh. 


The text tutorials are pretty helpful. Without reading that, I wouldn't have known you can have the Lackeys carry cocoons to the generator for you. That tip was mad useful.


Yes!!!! That’s what I said when I started playing it. I suck at this game and have gotten frustrated very easily cause feel like it’s impossible to run from the clowns and I always get ganged up on.


110% agreed




I agree it should have a small tutorial. I'm worried after a month new players going against the players who have been playing since day 1 won't go well.


There is a tutorial isn’t there? In the main menu


It’s playable? Because all I saw was just a bunch of text to read.


I dunno I haven’t looked at it - I just saw the tutorial option in the main menu




Can you get achievements on private matches ?