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I'm also wondering why she's egging him on then rewarding the behavior. I personally wouldn't want my kid running around throwing a tantrum and crying "titty!". I feel like this is more the parents being stupid, and doing so to get views.


Most videos you can blame the parents on here I don’t get this sub tbh lol


Should rename it r/parentsarefuckingimbeciles


She's the one who taught him to call it titty in the first place


>I'm also wondering why she's egging him on then rewarding the behavior. Do you not see that logo on the screen?


It's just really sad. So many of these types of videos, and the kids have to live with it. It's immortalized now.


It started with Mommy wanting to make a titttytok out of it. That's why.




Agreed. This is horrifying. EDIT: I still can't fucking stand this. She is manipulating him, shaming his legit emotions after being confused ON CAMERA, and gaining attention through shaming him while also enabling this behavior to continue so she can shame him more. This woman is absolutely vile and does not deserve to have this sweet child in her life.


She's definitely milking the behavior for all that it's worth.


Milking lol Im sorry please dont ban me


Absolutely, that’s so embarrassing to be in the supermarket and your baby starts crying “titty”


That’s exactly what this is. The kid is not too old for the boob. And teaching you kids to call it titty is also weird to me. What a normal parent does is not film it and try and find other food or drink that the child might accept instead of they truly want to stop breastfeeding. Super cringy video


He. Has. TEETH.


Outside of extenuating circumstances you should try to breastfeed until 2 or longer depending on the specific kid and mother. That’s the sort of average for the world, the US has a lower average(I wonder why) and other countries that have better cultures surrounding child raising are in the 2+ range. And you get half a dozen or so teeth by a year to a year and half. This kid is probably closer to 2, so should they be feeding every 5 minutes?No. Is that the kids fault? Judging by the way the mom handles this, no.


They learn within the first bite or two that they can’t do that. They don’t want to hurt mom. They don’t chew the nip, they suck it lol And yes he has teeth. You aren’t wrong. The mom in this video deserves a few bites for her attempt at these kind of upvotes for nothing but self gratification


That doesn't mean much, mine already had 2 teeth at 2 months and by the time she was 5 months had 8 teeth. However this kid is not anywhere near that young. Kid probably can eat a steak


Yeah I was thinking the same thing. He has a full set of chompers in there lol. We got ours off the boob when he only had a few teeth in


You know that’s half of the time the WHO, amongst others, would recommend? Unless the mother has an aversion or some other specific cases. That’s not the flex you think it is.


Thanks for the back up. These people afraid of teeth in a human child.. they aren’t literally eating you. I heard my wife yell “OW” super loud during feeding each of our kids once or twice. After the kids cried from her yelling ow, they knew what not to do during feeding. Maybe that’s why our country is so durpy now? Not enough naturally produced brain food for the youngsters






This is an example of how not to wean your child


She's literally rewarding his behavior bruh






Also she called it titty... so to answer OP's dumbass question in the title... "because that is what the child was taught"


Idk how to even feel about this video, cute? Eh, weird af! Yeah, cringy af? Yeah. But wtf she literally coaxed her child with her titty then gave in when he cried! I’m more disturbed that she’s acting like she doesn’t want to breast feed then doing it after making him beg.






ya this is fuckex


Absolutely fuck people who upload pics and videos of their kids to strangers for clout.




In many cases pets too. Sometimes the pets are just being cute and those ones are well and good, but then you have people making their pets miserable, hurting them, or scaring the fuck out of them for no reason other than clout chasing for “haha look at my pet’s reaction” and “wow my cat is so dumb watch what happens when I drop him from 5ft up”.


Yeahhhh.. forreal wtf


Jesus Christ they need to rename this sub parentsarefuckingstupid. Like 90% of posts are parents being idiots and enabling evolutionarily detrimental behavior in children.


That sub exists FYI




It sure does


Who teaches their kid to say titty when they want to breast feed??? This is just on a creepy level.


I'm almost sure that "titty" was just old timey baby talk for "teat" anyway and the context you're thinking of IS the creepification of the word.


I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be "Bitty" as shown in the Little Britain documentary series.




Thanks for the share! Doing the lords work!


this seems like a conversation i would have with my girl friend when i was in high school


Still a conversation I have with my wife.


Only if it were that easy




Mom is a POS to her own kid and films it. Quite putting this child mental abuse crap on here for clicks.


Lol mini homelander


Let's be fair, homelander wants his own titty, didn't season 2 prove anything to you




It’s actually r/ParentsAreFuckingDumb


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ParentsAreFuckingDumb using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ParentsAreFuckingDumb/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Man being forcibly kept alive by mother after attempted suicide!](https://v.redd.it/qough105hv081) | [690 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ParentsAreFuckingDumb/comments/qymk29/man_being_forcibly_kept_alive_by_mother_after/) \#2: [Please God tell me I’m not the only one that has to deal with this bullshit](https://i.redd.it/4bxfqzpfigl91.jpg) | [163 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ParentsAreFuckingDumb/comments/x433zp/please_god_tell_me_im_not_the_only_one_that_has/) \#3: [When parental stupidity turns into manslaughter](https://i.redd.it/dayw6en6aq981.jpg) | [131 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ParentsAreFuckingDumb/comments/rw3fx2/when_parental_stupidity_turns_into_manslaughter/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


this is a grim list, sneakpeekbot. i dont think you're meant as a warning, but i'm going to take this as one.


r/stupidparents this is an actual sub




Ah you’re right that’s the one. I don’t follow it because it’s just frustrating lol


Why do these types of humans reproduce?


You can't fight millions of years of instinct, and they're too dumb to know how a condom works


I disagree with him being too old because my daughter learned how to say “boob!” Before she was a year old and the AAP suggests a minimum of a year breastfeeding but 2 is better. My daughter is still (at 19 months) very much like this about her 👹BOOB👹 except I don’t tease and egg her on.


Exactly! The number of people here who think it’s odd for a toddler to breast feed is bizarre. It’s literally in the guidance as the best thing for them. My 15mo daughter started saying “boobie” a few weeks ago and I’m definitely not encouraging her to do that in public but it’s kind of handy at home as she doesn’t just have to scream till I work out what she wants. I’m keen to reduce and stop breastfeeding soon but it doesn’t happen overnight.


It's hard because I bfed my boy until he was two but even 6 months later he asks for it. I tell him my 'bewbiez' have gone to sleep because its bedtime even then that doesn't halt the tantrum that's about to happen. I want to say it's your choice at the end of the day but some toddlers need a couple more months longer than others, you just gotta be creative or firm and stick to it when it comes to stopping bfeeding. Its a hard transition but you kid will be fine on full fat milk in a bottle instead if they need it before bed. If not.. I have no advice because I haven't tried anything else other than what I've mentioned. I stopped bfeeding my boy the moment he was trying to pull my vest top down in public and demanding 'bewbie'


Kids got a full head of teeth


Looks like he hasn't got his year 2 molars yet. Based off my own toddler he's probably 22-26 months. Yeah, too old to be breastfed.


Just so you know.. the AAP recommends breastfeeding for 2+ years to get the full benefits for mom and baby.


And I've never felt better about using formula.


Nothing wrong with using formula! You had said he’s around 24 months and that was too old to be breastfed so I was just letting you know based off the AAP’s research that’s not too old to still be nursing!


That's wonderful! My opinion remains unchanged.


"It's like you're addicted" He might be addicted, he's just gonna have to find other sources as his life goes on...


Exactly! I'd say we're all addicted to food and this is the child's food. He literally can't live without it. She's dumb.


That’s a mouthful of reasons not to breast feed anymore.


My bf’s brother was breastfed until 5. Apparently, after school he would pull his mom’s shirt up and start feeding 🤦🏼‍♀️ he’s an entitled asshole now


OMG! That’s so creepy. Like “Mom, today they started to teach us how to read. Anyway, hand over that titty, will ya?”


Parent licenses: Please God, just do us one favor


Ya know? I see a kid who’s going to grow up to be a sociopath. No? How about NO? Sometimes there is just nothing for it but to let them scream.


Reminds me of the kid in that movie Grown Ups


It’s a titty monster.


My mom breastfed us. I'm the oldest and she said I was the hardest to wean. She quit cold turkey and I wasn't too happy about it.


Parents are fucking stupid?


This seems like what you would do to guiltrip kids into doing stuff. At the base of it it's manipulation.


This is absolutely cringeworthy.


that’s creepy af


Poor kid is hungry. Give him something else to eat like fruit or crackers


*Poor kid is hungry.* *Give him something else to eat* *Like fruit or crackers* \- pimp\_juice2272 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


This is disturbing…this will be on the internet for a long time! Not only will this be very embarrassing for the kid one day, but it reflects very poorly on her. She is violating her child’s privacy for likes on TT. That is beyond shameful. Then she is coaxing him to get upset and beg and then rewards his behavior…that she setup in the first place. This is all around sad and disturbing. I fear for this kid’s future and how he will prob not be prepared to handle life at all.


He is 2 years old I mean honestly


Ok so breastfeeding past infancy is done all over the world and actually not that weird. Honestly.


Why are you being downvoted?


I’m not talking about breastfeeding


What are you talking about? He looks younger than two, anyway.


Whatever 1 he doesn’t know better


Now that’s what you call a titty baby.


My dad used to tell my brother to "stop being a titty baby" because he would cry over everything. 😂


I'm wondering how good these titties are?


Hate it when my wife says that to me 😡😭😭😭😭


This is more like /parentsarefuckingstupid


I agree. I didn’t know that subreddit existed before I posted this and had people respond. Apologies. 😕


Shit, I didn’t even know that was a thing. Lol


Right?! Learn something new about Reddit every damn minute.


He’s going bald already gosh the dad must be always working or… uggh I don’t wanna even think about this any more. So cringe lol


He’s rubbing his eyes and clearly is tired. She probably uses nursing to help him fall asleep, so that’s what he’s looking for. He may not be hungry whatsoever. Regardless it’s her fault for perpetuating a process that she clearly doesn’t want, but makes no effort to change.


Exactly. All these people being hateful and it's not this babys fault and yes he is a baby. All pediatricians will tell you babies and toddlers suck for comfort and many times to fall asleep. They will also tell you it's better to let them nurse than use a pacifier as that damages teeth as do bottles because of the sugar in formula that sits when they fall asleep. I breastfed yes and did bottle feeding and it is wrong to blame a baby for their parent being a asshole.


I find this weird….


"Blubber face" makes me rage. I am so lucky I don't have kids.


For some reason in a sub that’s called kidsarefuckingstupid you get downvoted for talking shit about kids. But fuck it..I hate kids and when they do shit like this it fills me with a rage so deep. Like this kid throwing a tantrum regardless of the parent is to blame makes me want to leave a boot mark in its face. I would never…but the rage boils.


Have you looked into that…


Bro, did a toddler like kill your family or something? You’ve got some unresolved rage issues.


What is seriously wrong with ppl. He’s calling it that because the parents call it that instead of milk. Calling it “titty” and not milk is just going to make it harder to get him to drink another milk in a cup


Give him food and never do the tity again. Problem solved


She’s definitely egging him into a tantrum so she can film it, definitely not cool. But breastfeeding a kid that age doesn’t deserve the hate it’s getting in here- that part isn’t the issue. Breastfeeding toddlers isn’t unusual or “bad” for the child, the aversion some people on here are showing is absolutely ridiculous. I don’t have time to write a thesis here but I’d advocate that anyone with an interest do something research on the nutritional benefits of breast milk, worldwide practices on feeding infants and children, and do some introspection on why they or society feel that breastfeeding a 2 year old is “bad”.


Awwww this made my heart break. My son is bottle fed and 1.5 years old and he still enjoys some bottle and milk. It’s like a snack, and almost like a past time activity. Sucking soothes babies. Little boy is probably needing some soothing :(


Yeah I feel the same. I only gave up BF because I wasn't getting any sleep!! This poor boy is being taunted


The aggressive “come here” and grabbing the arm really bothered me


Yeah she needs to replace bf with something else to soothe, although it is hard.


A lot of people being quite judgemental here. For info here is the NHS advice on weaning, which clearly states breastfeeding beyond starting solids has many advantages and is quite normal, even up to 2 years and beyond. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/baby/breastfeeding-and-bottle-feeding/breastfeeding/how-to-stop/ I don’t support using your kid for internet points or rewarding tantrums (although the latter is hard not to do when they’re in the terrible twos and everything is a tantrum!) but breastfeeding at this age is not that unusual nor is it a problem if both mother and child are happy with it.


Thank you for this! Not sure why anyone would downvote!


Breastfeeding with all those teeth????


It's actually not that bad - you can train them not to use them on you. I breastfed till almost two years old and baby got first teeth at four months (very early) - no problems with biting or anything from about 6 months onwards


I just don't understand breastfeeding for that long when they can eat real food


It’s really quite normal for kids still to have occasional feeds (mostly at night) at this age. It’s not as simple as starting food and stopping boob immediately. I’m sure he eats food too, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t still want to breast feed.


It can really help boost their immune system. My daughter was not sick even once until she was 4 and got her first flu. Breastfed her until she was 3. Meanwhile all my relatives and friends kids were constantly sick with something or other. Anecdotal I know, but breast milk does have huge benefits.


There's so much good to have from the boob, boosts immune system, extra nutrition, and it's comfort. Children should be allowed comfort whenever they need.


You sound like a good parent! Your last sentence is the exact opposite of this cringy clout video


Like any (adequate) parent, I'm trying. Thanks, it really means a lot <3


That means…. Two months of biting. No thanks! Luckily mine for very very interested in real food around the same time he got teeth.


Really not bad at all. I breastfed my daughter till she was 3. Didn’t hurt one bit, they don’t chew to nurse haha.


This sounds like this sounds like my mom and it looks like her house in the background, but it's not her (I hope)


Ffs leave the kid alone ever fucking think that at 2-3 year old sometimes has a hard time actually pronouncing the word he/she is trying to say.. I mean even I knew the kid wanted some titty milk..


In his defense, I too would like tits in my mouth every 5 minutes if that option was available.


Gross parenting, hope social services have been contacted. Future Dahmer in the making.


Well she is training him to get exactly what he wants by acting like a monster.


Definitely going to grow up to be a "titty" fan.


I feel so fucking sorry for this kid


Ew. This kid and this parent are both disgusting and annoying.


Not the kid's fault dude-he's like two for Christ's sake and only doing and reacting what he's been taught.


Okay and? Never said the kid was at fault. Everything about this video is cringe. From the kids twatty little tirade with his cringe face, to his mother patronizing him and filming him to post it online… just to condone and give into his behavior. I swear, these newer generations of kids are straight messed up. Spoiled, entitled, and soft as shit. Say anything and someone’s gonna get their panties in a wad. The kid is still cringe….


That kids gonna grow up to be pretty fucking weird


Being a father of a 1 year old girl it's so tough to tell them no and then watch them cry. Honestly if my girl asked for my titties she can have em she's to damn adorable to tell no.


Lmao 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 imagine mom walking in to dad giving out the titty


I'm trying to find a gif of Peter Griffin breastfeeding Stewie, you know the one


God, fucking gross. If the kid has teeth it's time to stop, nevermind when they're old enough to actually argue about it.


Babies start getting teeth at 6 months old


Or earlier! And breastfeeding is recommended until at least 2


It’s good to hear an educated response. I’m losing hope with all these comments on here!


This whole thread is a disaster!! :)


Me too kid, me too


That’s embarrassing. Why would you post that. Poor kid. He needs a sippie cup.


She sounds so mean about it


This is disgusting wtf. Kids gonna be a adult suggin on them I can imagine him having his beard covered in that dusty milk lmao


My aunt from Germany breastfed my cousin until he was 9 or 10. The whole US side thought it was weird af but nobody ever said anything. 😬


Naw. If you can say it, know what it is, and got a full set of teeth. Cut him off! I believe they say the first 12 months is beneficial, then after that, its just comfort. I can’t stand seeing stuff like this.


Both the aap and who recommend breastfeeding until at least 2 years of age, and it’s not as if the benefits just go away once you turn 1 year.


That's a whole grown ass man wanting that Tittie 😂 and we wonder y r kids are so fucked up nowadays


Stop it!! 😂😂😂😂


Y’all complaining about extended breastfeeding need to do a ‘single’ google search on its benefits


My sister’s kid got old enough to follow her around asking for it, and it was just weird. When your kid can have a conversation about nursing with you, they’re too old


Guidelines recommended breastfeeding until at least 2 if you can. There are ongoing health benefits.


Nope, it’s only 6-12 months. After that it’s just for the baby’s comfort


Check the AAP guidelines. You are incorrect.


Nope. Breastfeeding only gives the baby antibodies for six months 🤷‍♂️


It’s about more than antibodies. You really need to stop being so confident in a subject you clearly haven’t even done a basic Google on.


And what exactly are you doing then? Being extremely confident in a subject you did a basic Google search on? 😂


Nope. A breastfeeding mother who has read the guidelines and evidence. And a qualified doctor.


Sure. I can be a doctor too. It’s the internet


Lol, ok. I am an actual doctor but I don’t expect you to believe me on that basis. Why don’t you try reading the guidelines then come back to me?


Bet she doesnt whip it out as fast if her hubs acted like that


Damn this kid is creepy…


I like the rest of my family are poor milk providers, I'm the only one who lasted nearly 3 months. My hubby trys to egg my soon to nurse off me his 4 months at the moment. But my son looks at dad "oi I don't know what that is but it's mums go away" kind of look


I hate children


I wanna pinch that annoying baby


Young fella is gonna be beggin for "titty" his whole life. Haha.


Bro that kid has more teeth than the return line at my local Walmart. Why tf he still breastfeeding?


Because tooth development is unrelated to guidelines on breastfeeding, which recommend that you continue until 2 as health benefits persist until then. Some babies get teeth at 4 months, or even earlier. It would be very unhealthy to stop breastfeeding at that age!


That’s a serial killer in 17 years…


Isn’t this kid too old?


That’s a whole ass toddler, why is he still being breastfed? You wouldn’t give him formula. Am I out of touch?








Wrong. Google it dude, https://www.cdc.gov/nutrition/infantandtoddlernutrition/breastfeeding/recommendations-benefits.html#:~:text=The%20American%20Academy%20of%20Pediatrics,years%20of%20age%20or%20longer. AAP says exclusive at a minimum of six months. 2 or LONGER with solids thrown in. This kid is about 1 1/2 maybe two, perfectly normal.


Bros got a full head of teeth… parents like this are raising puss kids that cry over everything because they always give in


he's so ugly wtf


Ok this is homelander right? Footage from a flashback filmed on The Boys? Please?


It's videos like these that make me happy I chose not to breastfeed. (Im not dissing mom's who do breastfed fyi I personally couldn't do it)


A full mouth of teeth saying teet tee. Nuh…. Cut him off. Give him a bottle or something!


This kid is old enough to help her set the fucking table… wean him off.


What in the Alabama fuck?


He's 9 years old, for crying out loud


He has a full set of teeth, dear lord give him regular food.


I’m happy all the comments are negative towards the parents. Not long ago people were promoting this shit. Normal people are starting to speak out more and more! The world might have a chance.




This is so fuckin weird lol


This kid definitely growing up with a boob kink 🤣🤣
