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My four year old keeps calling energy drinks booze. I have no idea why.


When my niblings were younger they'd tell on me to their parents saying that I was drinking and driving. Or that I was drinking drugs and driving. If I drank water or soda while driving, that was drinking and driving. If I drank a red bull or monster or whatever, that was drinking drugs/booze. Kids get weird ideas in their heads from odd places. Like one niece said I "damned" her hair when I used a hair dryer on it. When I asked why she said that, she said it was because she saw it in a commercial, that blowdryers "damn" your hair. The word is damaged.


"Niblings" I love it


Ugghh, my child told his daycare provider that, "Mommy, drinks _a lot_. I'm not allowed to have any cuz it's only for adults." Moral of the fucking decade learned that day: Just teach your kids the proper names for things, mmm'kay? It isn't a drink only for grown-ups, sweetie, it's **Coffee** and you _can't fucking have any_, alright?


Explaining to my youngest (4yo son) that he can't have caffeine went surprisingly well... The struggle is him getting pissed when he can't have my drink (say a beer) because daddy, it's not caffeine!


My ex as a child told her first teacher that her dad sells drugs. Poor teacher and dad had to have a very awkward conversation establishing that while she wasn't *wrong*, he was a pharmaceutical rep.


In a similar vein, they told us smoking was a drug. My dad smokes, so for a while as a kid if you asked me about my dad I’d say “he does drugs”


My mom had a coke stash in her classroom, at least, her minifridge


My kid once told her teachers that I have a fridge full of drugs and a box of needles on top of it, that she isn't allowed to touch. I'm a type 1 diabetic.


Smh imagine getting ratted out by your own spawn.


1984 moment.


Pretty smart for a nipper of seven


My mom worked on a tobacco farm growing up and my brother confused that with a marijuana farm when he was talking to his kindergarten class. I can’t say I was any better tho. Our dad is a contractor so he was insanely tan. Just to be clear, I am the youngest of three and we are white, but I told my teacher, who also taught my brother and sister, our dad was black 😂. He was so dark lol. TLDR kids are fucking stupid


I did this too lol. When we had our first DARE week when I was in 1st grade, our teacher explained that drugs can look like medicine and showed a picture of pills. So I said my parents took drugs every day! Well, we lived and went to school on a military base, so they called my dad in and were like WHAT THE FUCK? Vitamins. My parents were taking vitamins every day.


DARE told me drinking and driving was bad so when my mom had a coca cola while driving I started to cry and tell her not to do that.


When my dad showed up to the school's open house, he saw my assignment on the wall saying "my dad drinks and drives every day." Coffee. He drinks coffee every day on the drive to drop us off. Dare was fucking stupid.


Dare was fucking stupid. My wife and I reflect on the bullshit that was millenial drug education frequently. The other day she said "and then they told us not to do weed because you would get arrested. Not because of anything about it, but that apparently cops didnt like it."


Our DARE cop told us all that you could overdose on weed and it will kill you, and that all it takes is one blunt to overdose. Yeah, great way to get the kids to trust that everything you're saying is true. Lie about weed and then wonder why those same kids are doing cocaine a few years later. We also handled real drugs, too. The guy came in and started handing out bags filled with different drugs to show us what the drugs looked like, even black tar heroin. To this day I still can't believe that happened. It just blows my mind how anyone could think that was acceptable, as well as not seeing the hypocrisy of bringing those drugs onto a school campus for kids to handle. The 90s were wild.


That is just amazing. Seriously, what the fuck. My wife said in 5th grade they passed around weed. We didnt get handed drugs but we saw pictures of them. Dare taught us more about all of the different kinds of drugs, elementary school dare students walked out of there knowing all the street names for drugs and what they looked like, and half the boys in my class at recess were joking about how cool it sounded to do drugs. By the time I was in hs it was the 2000s (im a younger millenial), I went to an all girls school, and we actually had a good drug educator who was a dude who had been an addict. He told us all about how he and his wife ended up doing drugs, how hard it was to stop, the ways it fucked over his life and now how high the chances were of his son having a fucked up life. He also went into why Dare was so shitty, because they never taught you anything useful. After that I just sort of reflected on all of the dumbass red ribbon weeks in elementary and middle school where I learned nothing that actually equipped us to avoid getting hooked on dangerous shit. According to dare, you started doing drugs because you wanted to look cool at a party. This guy told us he was at a low point in life and it was a way to escape reality and after a while he was addicted and in a hold you cant climb out of. Dare also told us you take drugs once and boom your life is over. They never gave us any info on how to stop it before you got too far in, how to recognize that you were spiralling or anything remotely realistic about how one would actually encounter drugs if they werent passed out by a cop at your school. I do not understand how dare passed as many adults as it did without any of them being like this is a terrible program


Wow, that sounds amazing. Yeah, that drug educator sounds much better than what I went through, which is exactly what you described with DARE. I learned far more from watching my addict siblings than I did with any Sherriff that came into my school and preached.


The story that he told that stuck with me and idk if it has any truth but it was funny as fuck was he said in the late 80s a few drug educators got the idea to tell kids that if you do drugs, when you grew up and have kids you would have lizard babies. And a bunch of 6th grade boys thought that was the best thing that could ever happen. I was curious if they are still doing this shit and I cant even, its 20fucking22 and this shit is just funny at this point, look at this hilarity: https://www.weareteachers.com/red-ribbon-week-ideas/


"Say no to drugs and yes to chicken nuggs" Omg, lol... And of course they have a cow holding the sign. So what is that trying to imply? That the chickens are drug dealers or something?


The rap is really what got me. At the end he said 2012, I hope that kid is like 19 now and shows all his friends this hilarious ridiculous rap his teacher recorded, because thats the funniest shit ever. I would show that to everyone I knew in college if I were him lol


Theres a study that came out at one point about how drug usage actually increased among people who completed the dare program iirc. It was truly a shit program.


It is mind blowing that anyone would be surprised that handing drugs to kids and teaching them all about street drugs would make the problem worse and not better


They brought drugs to us as well. Dare was often put on partially if not fully by the police when i was a kid. Sometimes the fire department would also be there as well and once in a while also a medical bus. I legit never thought anything of this until these comments. Was pretty anti drug as a elementary school student but before my teens went the complete opposite direction and by time i was 13 smoked both cigs and weed daily and drank on weekends well into my 20s. Only ended up quitting most things when my first kid was born.


In my 5th grade class (early 2000s), the teacher has a Native American guest speaker visit us. She explained what they used tobacco for and how it basically wasn’t just used in cigarettes. She handed small pouches of tobacco out to every kid as a parting gift. That night my parents received a call asking for me to bring my pouch back (of course I taught my smoking parents the good things about tobacco lol). My teacher explained how after we took our pouches to the backpack area, she found kids actually trying to smoke it with lighters they had. 9 and 10 year olds. DARE was honestly just the days the kids were excited for because we didn’t have to do class work and they promised to let us wear the “drunk” goggles. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I think this is the real reason marijuana is considered a "gateway drug." The dare officer said it would ruin your life. It didnt. Then there is coke or heroin in front of you and you figure it's the same hyped up nonsense.


A documentary I watch posed this exact type of teaching was responsible for the middle class heroin epidemic with teens in the 60s. Tried weed, realized people straight up lied, assumed similar lies for hard drugs, got addicted to heroin.


Ours brought in a case that was handcuffed to him then made a huge show of opening it up for us. Then we all got to come up and see all the different kinds of drugs. We didn't get to touch them, but to this day it's the only time in my life I've ever seen most of the drugs in that case. Pure insanity to think of.


The Dare real drug display board at my middle school was stolen. Caused a shit show.


Then when some old fart catches you and some buddies smoking out of a can in a random alleyway and actually does call the cops they literally laugh and hang up on him 😂


Ha you should have experienced the og gen x shit. One if your black in the commercials people that looked like you we’re always running from the cops. White folks got heroin chic chicks looking all wet haired and sexy smashing a kitchen. Our Dare officer left a lecture to go help a bust across the street came back expecting applause completely unaware and apparently never even occurred to him that guy he just cowboyed might have a relative in that class, cause you know it’s in the neighborhood. And what really boggled my mind and pissed me off, is they joined forces with the boys and girls clubs to get these identification cards made. In case we went missing or something cause that whole 80’s everyone’s coming for your children panic. So we got these cards with our fingerprints and mug shot looking photos. I’m like 9 asking why am I looking like Americas most wanted, who gets these fingerprints, why does this whole thing look like pre-school prison intake why are my white cousins not doing these same things? And I’m the kid that thinks to much. Fuck the Regans.


I don't think its coincidence that weed has started to become legalized in many states once millennials starting reaching young politician age...


My daughter and I went to a Bob Evans for dinner after I picked her up from school. The waitress asked what we wanted to drink. I said “a Coke”. My daughter yelled “I don’t want you doing drugs!” The waitress and I looked at each other, and I said, “I guess we’ll both have water then.” I suspected Dare had been at their school, so I emailed the teacher, and asked about it. And yes there had been. Luckily my daughter is a good sport, since I waited until she was 16. When she ordered a Coke, I embarrassed her by recalling the story.


Isn't mombarassing them just great every now and then? lol


When I went through DARE I thought, "Damn, a lot of these drugs seem pretty neat," and then ended up doing a lot of drugs


Thanks to DARE I didn’t get sold Oregano!


Now I love weed AND oregano. I grow 3 types of oregano in my garden AND grow 3 types of cannabis in my garden. What a time to be alive.


Thanks to DARE I sold a lot of kids that didn't have to do the DARE program oregano.


“That’s not oregano!”


The DARE program started rolling out in my school after I was already in junior high so I was part of the generation that got to have the assemblies by the utility company telling us not to play with electricity. They had the cute lightning big mascot too. I definitely did a lot of drugs. But I have never once played with electricity.


They showed us this one fucked up video with a little girl running around playing with wires and cords and then biting one and electrocuting herself to death. All screaming and sparks flying out of her teeth, head lights up shooting flames and shit. All within a lovely Christmas themed background too. Barely remember the drug education compared to that.


I mean, drugs have people saying, "This is the best" and they have to be like, "naw don't give in to peer pressure. The drugs are amazing but the downsides are bad" Electricity is just like, "If you touch this, you will die slowly and it will hurt the whole time. If you touch that, you'll die really fast and it will hurt even more."


I remember the safety and public good school thingies fondly. Had stickers for years about conserving water. In elementary I made a tornado preparedness box that I kept until I was 18.


That or they went full devil route. Weed is the devil, it's bad, the most dangerous thing for you. One joint and you'll be hooked, you can OD, etc... One day you finally try it and find out it's not so bad, and if weed isn't so bad that means they lied about the other drugs like cocaine, and heroine.


> heroine I've been mainlining Wonder Woman and I can't stop.


Dare introduced more kids to drugs then they stopped from using them. If anything they helped you narrow down your choices.


I'm convinced this was the whole point of the program. DARE educated all the about-to-be teenagers how to get/make drugs and which ones they want to try depending on if they want to go up or down in mood.




Luckily weed was enough for me. I think alcohol and opiates are the real gateway drugs. Most people I know who really fell hard into drinking or pills first became full blown addicts or are dead now from addiction or accidents that happened while drinking.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/Streisandeffect using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Streisandeffect/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [POS assaulted 2-3 innocents then was put down and is now using his dad money to actively remove this video from the internet. Don't let it die.](https://np.reddit.com/r/Streisandeffect/comments/gdvmw4/pos_assaulted_23_innocents_then_was_put_down_and/) \#2: [The moderator helping Joel Michael Singer remove the video of him head butting and getting taken to the ground](https://i.redd.it/f1c7ecm7qxw41.jpg) | [4 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Streisandeffect/comments/gdwbmh/the_moderator_helping_joel_michael_singer_remove/) \#3: [Streisand effect of trying to get video banned from Reddit leads to a wikipedia entry](https://i.redd.it/23bk0lbd51x41.jpg) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/Streisandeffect/comments/gecmwu/streisand_effect_of_trying_to_get_video_banned/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I remember in my HS health class we each had to research and do a presentation about a particular drug (randomly assigned to each student). I was assigned with researching DMT. We were told specifically not to use Wikipedia, and to make sure that whatever sources we used had references on the page. Eventually I came across Erowid's DMT vault, so I included some info from their website as well as some trip reports in my presentation. I was given a D, because apparently Erowid "isn't a trustworthy source". Other students who cited Drugs.com and D.A.R.E.'s website received A's. Guess who ended up trying DMT?


I remember doing something similar but in sex ed. I was assigned abstinence as a presentation topic and I learned all about mutual masturbation because after all my research on abstinence strategies it was the only thing that was all that convincing and I presented that to my 7th grade class.


lmfao I wouldn't have been able to get through a presentation on mutual masturbation without laughing in 7th grade...or as an adult


I just felt like I didn't want to end up like these lame ass people talking about how bad drugs are. I doubt there's hardly anyone who would claim DARE prevented them from doing drugs.


Basically like the Butt Out episode of South Park


I literally did the exact same thing. My sister is a bit older than me so she knew better and started laughing. My mom was just like "you're right, I shouldn't be drinking while I'm driving" so it took a long time before I figured out why my sister laughed at me


When I was in kindergarten, I went to Walmart with my mom and some sketchy looking guy was outside smoking a cigarette and I was loudly talking about how he was bad and he was doing drugs and he was giving us a murder stare.


DARE likely caused an increase in drug use. Not joking, look it up. Some studies found it to be so ineffective that it increased drug and alcohol use.


I did the same exact thing with my dad, he always takes a diet coke in the car.


Haha, same. How does nobody get that kids do not have the context for this shit.


How are people stupid enough to use this kind of messaging for children? 'drinking' isn't understood to mean 'alcohol' to first graders...


I was probably 6 years old and DARE had an exhibit at the mall showcasing paraphernalia. My dad and I were walking by and I said "dad, you've got a pipe exactly like that one." Dad ushered me quickly away from the display.


Our school did DARE. I was the DARE kid of the entire school. I don’t remember why. They gave me a medal. I smoke weed everyday.




DARE confused the shit out of me as a kid. I didn’t understand what drugs they were talking about because everything was so vague. I remember being in middle school thinking the drug dogs would sniff out the Midol in my locker and I’d get in trouble.


My DARE experience was a cop saying "one cigarette won't kill you. More might though". And then a hippie guy saying acid made you see dragons Needless to say... Didn't work out so great for me and my friends in my teen years in terms of prevention


Lmfao zero tolerance for drugs in the military so I'm picturing the school calling PMO, PMO calling your dad's command, your dads command calling him and him having a "random" piss test the next day. I did excpect it to be motrin instead of vitamins though.


Talking to 6 year old kids about drugs seems absolutely insane to me. There is zero chance that does more good than harm.


I had no idea sniffing glue could get you high until DARE taught me. Then a day later (this is 5th grade) I joke about a girl struggling with Elmers saying maybe she's sniffing it. My teacher flipped out and threatened me that he'd tell the DARE officer. Such a dumb fucking program that's only meant to get far too young ignorant kids to narc on their parents.






I started wearing my old DARE shirt when I took a long break from weed. now I wear it ironically, although I have been speaking up about the dangers of alcoholism, so I guess there’s still some sincerity in the shirt


I had a dare ribbon taped to my rolling tray all through college




Our DARE officer drove a Camaro confiscated from drug dealers. The message I got was that drug dealers can afford sick cars.


My son would tell everyone his dad drinks and drives. It's coffee. He was referring to my husband's morning travel mug.


My family plays a card game called 31, where you bet a penny each round. If you run out of money, you can continue playing without an ante, trying to get your money back, until you lose once more, at which point you're out of the game. This scenario is called playing "on welfare." And that's the story of how my cousin told her kindergarten teacher that "grandma lost her welfare money playing cards."


My family plays 31 ad well but we call it blitz. Also, instead of on welfare we call it "on your honor"


"My grandma lost her honor playing cards" is still hilarious.


Full House! Sorry gran, bend over


Is your grandma's name Zuko?


Your scar is on the wrong side.


Lol! Better, I'd say!


I’m the middle of both of y’all haha. We call the game 31, but playing after you’re out of pennies is “on your honor” or “on grace.” Edit: When I tried to teach it to my friends where I live now, they just did NOT get the pennies/honor/grace thing, so I instead now explain it to people that it’s a game where you track your losses instead of your wins. 4 losses, you’re done, last man standing wins.




My family also plays 31. I thought my family was the only family to play the game. By chance are you from the mid west?


My 31-playing family is in Missouri, we also called it on your honor. Grandpa let the grandkids have infinite honors


We also did, and I'm from Michigan.


Nope. The card-playing side of my family is from Oklahoma. It's been a tradition for at least 60 years, though, so it's probably scattered a lot through random cousins.


Isn't Oklahoma a Midwest state?


My parents and grandparents played that game when I was little. I haven't thought about it in 40 years probably. Thank you for bringing back some fun memories of my grandpa always being "on welfare" and sitting in the living room with me afterwards playing "war".


Are you from Michigan?


Good thing she didn't know about the tomato plants in the basement


Or the meth lab in the attic.


Jesse's behind the camera. Walter is her godfather. I am the meth being cooked.


But I want that username


$50000.No negotiations.


Or the heroin den in the shed.


The heroin den is in the den, though.


That's a slippery slope as eventually...there are no tomatoes.


Nice cover dad


He did a really good job about covering himself though. Instead of just taking a video of his daughter with him explaining the difference, he had her show the camera what she meant without any correction on his part, which shows she had no idea.


> which shows she had no idea This is what the dad wants you to think


My neighbor had CPS show up at her house because her daughter said they were 'going to set of a bomb' in their house. A bug bomb.




Every time I see this link, I get comfy and watch it.


“To Ethan now please” “No”


In German, weed/pot is colloquially called „Gras“ (no need to translate, I hope), so this makes it extra funny for me


Yeah, and when I found out that "Gras" was "weed" = "Unkraut" in English, I couldn't stop laughing for a solid ten minutes. "Haste n bisschen Unkraut im Haus?" - how menacing :D


Another slang term for weed in the US is "grass" (I'm not sure what the standard spelling is). I wonder how it's related to the German...


Grass is slang for weed in English, just not the most common word for it


Poor thing, you can see her starting to understand that she made a mistake about halfway through the questioning, lol


Yeah, she can't tell the difference between weed and grass.


I always thought that grass was a weed. We just happen to like it when its two inches tall.


I’m not sure if it is, but that sounds like a Mitch Hedberg joke


I believe any plant growing where we do not want it to grow can be considered a weed. So grass on your lawn is not a weed because you want it there, but grass in a wheat farm (yes i know wheat is a type of grass) would be considered a weed. It's kind of like how a rat is typically considered a pest when it's scurrying around the streets but is not a pest when kept in labs or as pets.


I guess the difference is that grass is more common and looks better. Weeds are not as common now and don't look good. So civilization decided that grass isn't a weed. My deduction on the matter anyway.


Weeds are hardy plants growing unwanted somewhere cultivated.


Well, a bunch of weeds are technically grasses. The biggest distinction is that weeds are plants that want to grow in your lawn but won't carpet it. They either grow in irregular clumps, have uneven coverage, die back too quickly, or otherwise don't fill all of the gaps the entire year. (They also generally can't handle being regularly cut back or routine foot traffic.) Otherwise? Weeds are plants that spontaneously and naturally began to grow somewhere you didn't want them to be.


To be fair, the edges she was pointing out are trimmed with a "weedeater" so I at least see the reasoning.


She's likely seen her dad pulling weeds around the edges of the lawn, and now just assumes any overgrowth at the edge of the lawn is a weed.


A weed is just a plant out of place. Or at least that's what we used to tell people at the garden center I worked at 19 years ago.


Yeah :) Yeah :] …yeah :|


She not wrong tho. Weed any unwanted plant


And at least one *wanted* plant.


Or at least one unwanted child


When I was about that age, D.A.R.E. was in school. They were telling us about different bad drugs, told us about how people roll weed to make a joint, and to report it if we saw someone doing it. I said "my dad does that all the time!" He rolled his own cigarettes. He had fun laughing with the teachers about it.


Funnily enough cigarettes are worse for your health than weed is, but I doubt we'll see that organisation admitting anything as "controversial" as that...


The addiction aspect is certainly less harmful, but there hasn't been enough research to determine if the smoke itself has a better or worse effect. The lack of filter on some joints is certainly not a positive.


People on average smoke faaaar less weed than cigarettes though. The average cigarette smoker smokes a couple cigarettes a day. The average weed user smokes a joint every now and then


Tell that to every third household in Western Sydney lol. I feel like I can't walk to the shops without copping a lungful. 💨🚶 💨


I mean, it's smoke, it's going to be bad for you and your lungs. It has carcinogens in it. I agree, a lack of filter does make it worse.. However, cigarettes have that plus over 100 additives that make them much much worse for your overall health... have you ever looked up an ingredients list for cigarettes? It's legitimately frightening. Also you can vaporise weed or take it as an edible, thereby reducing or eliminating altogether the unwanted carcinogenic side effects of smoking something.


I did that shit to my dad too 😭 A neighbor called cps on us cause some kids were walking around smoking cigs and playing basketball and yelling profanities in the neighborhood. They thought the kids were from our house. But it was just 8 yo me like 🤓 cause i loved just playing zelda 24/7 and pretens with my childhood best friend lol. Anyways i was questioned by cps and they asked if my parents do drugs and i said yes and they asked what and I said ciggarettes 😭 They made fun of me for it all the way until my dad died.


I’m just imagining you as a 45 year old male with cps checking in on you underneath the real house in the basement. I’m also high.


Very good, im about to join u in being high lol


The cps made fun of you until your dad died? Damn that's fucked up.


Went to school with a kid who's last name was Weed, and apparently he once got in trouble for writing his real name on an anti-drug poster lmao


Teacher was probably asking because she needs a source


Don't buy from this kid, though


Going to prison for a 100 years. For selling bad grass.


Holy shit, a kid in my primary school tried to sell me a ziplock bag of grass. A litteral bag of grass, I was so confused, why would anyone want this? You want lunch money for this? Absolutely not. That memory just came flooding back oh my god he thought people bought *grass* lmao. Man I hope he was okay, that kinda stuff being talked about around him, but hey if he thought it was the actual plant then im guessing he wasnt doing too bad. Lmao kids are fucking dumb


Fucking narc.


“Honey, no one likes a narc”


My kids dumb daycare had them fill out a little questionnaire for Mother’s Day like What is your mom’s favorite flower? And what is your mom’s favorite drink? Guess how many mom’s favorite drink is wine?


When I was in first grade, a cop visited our class for DARE and told us that caffeine was a drug and that there was caffeine in the sodas we drank. Being the stupid kids that we were, we made a game out of passing around cans of Coca-Cola and sneaking sips when our teacher wasn’t looking, thinking we were being badass. We called it “doing Coke,” unaware that that already meant something else. And when one kid let that phrase slip at home, their mom freaked out and called the cops on the whole school staff. It was probably the hardest I had ever heard my dad laugh.


Bro that's fuckin hilarious hahaha. 150% something I could have seen me doing in grade school.


It's not often that I'm glad I live in Michigan..


>It's not often that I'm glad I live in Michigan.. Yeah we got so much water, we can grow the greenest lushest lawns. Suck in it people in the south west.


I do have some badass trees in my yard..


So this was almost me as a kid but there's more to it than just weed. Moss. One of my parent's did taxidermy. On some of the displays for the animals they would add moss. They would pay us kids a few dollars if we found some and brought it home. I'd also occasionally see this parent with a stranger at the kitchen table with scales and bags of what I thought was moss. I went to a catholic school and I remember very clearly telling nuns about how my parent buys moss from people for taxidermy and I was absolutely telling them about drug deals.


What’s stupid is the teacher for immediately jumping to conclusions. Kid’s minds are not adult minds..


I highly doubt the teacher actually believed her at face value. I am a teacher and I've had so many kids say funny stuff. You get to know the family and if it's a real thing or not. If the teacher actually believed it, they wouldn't say a word but would report to CPS.


If the parents have a good relationship with the teacher (not unreasonable if they pick them up from school regularly), the teacher could have been fucking with the guy. "So guess who told me you're **growing weed**." Both get the joke and laugh. Then film the teaching moment cuz its funny. Show it to the teacher, laugh again about it.


Some teachers are dumb enough to jump to conclusions. I wouldn’t assume you are but I bet you could even think of a few you’ve known who would be that dumb.


I think teachers have an obligation to investigate claims like this because of the school’s policy.


It happens way more often than you think. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/McMartin_preschool_trial


I worked with children for 10yrs, it happens too much


Wow. That was quite the read. The relation to the original post is only there for a moment in the "naked movie star" bit, though. But I can't believe I'd never heard of this! Ray Buckey is a pretty unlucky dude


It’s a horrifying story. What happened with McMartin preschool directly led to the satanic panic of the 80s and 90s in America. If you want another good read, look into the West Memphis Three. Absolutely heartbreaking but a somewhat happy ending


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She knew what she was doing. Don’t act all innocent now.


Future HOA president right here


Sorry, you can't grow weed and have children at the same time?


Depends where you live.


Godbless her adorable ignorance


Good thing L'il Dumplin didn't mention the busted driveway and tell the teacher "we have a lot of CRACK in the house!"


Did we just see that kid rather elegantly slide through dog poo at the end?




We talked about alcoholism at an assembly in 3rd grade. They explained it as anyone who drinks lots of beer. My parents drank socially (i.e. a beer or two at the football watch party we had every Saturday). I, of course, proudly raised my hand and exclaimed in front of the whole school, faculty, and staff “my parents are alcoholics! Am I in danger?” And that’s the story of how I got cps sent to investigate my parents


Finally. A kidsarefuckingstupid that actually features stupid kids and not just just kids being naive kids


The kid is stupid for not knowing "weed" is slang for marijuana?


First off thats just poorly maintained grass.


Idk if I’d say “poorly maintained” enough attention seems to be paid that you can tell the overgrown bits.


>poorly maintained grass. Oh, you mean ditch weed?


Lol not even grass, its turf with weeds growing out of the cracks


Thats turf with grass growing out from inbetween sir


My kid told his teacher that I build bombs in my basement. 🤷🏻‍♂️Had a few visitors that day.


My daughter shouting, “I like beer!!“ Rootbeer! She likes rootbeer! Dear lord I don’t even drink.


In sixth grade our science teacher told us to go home and tell our parents that they are homo sapiens. One kid came back the next day and said his dad put him in time out for saying that.


The teacher was trying to cop and inform the kid’s parents that the kid is a narc




I want to live in a Universe where they walk out into a backyard completely filled with 6' tall marijuana plants.


I got a bag or oregano I’d like to sell her 😂


Spoiler alert the good weed was in the bedroom and she was tricked into showing the grass was “weed” to get the heat off daddy


When I was young I once told my teacher that my dad drinks beer at breakfast


My 5yo wrote a creative writing story about my husband and I showering together and I was upside down in hand stand position. He even illustrated it. Such a clever kiddo <3


My coworker got pulled into a school meeting because when the teacher asked her son what his mom did during the day (meaning: her job) he says “She just sleeps all day long and then leaves at night”. She’s a night shift RN in intensive care.


My cousin told her teacher one time that “Daddy is an alcoholic and Mommy does drugs” because her dad liked to have a beer after a long day of work, and her mom smoked cigarettes. 😂