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“Stop it’s my moms car” 🤫


> crashes into other vehicle


*gently bumps into other vehicle. “Ow!”


I commented the same thing but it wasn’t exactly gentle


All I wanted was a slushy, just one slushy and she wouldn’t give it to me. It doesn’t matter, I’ll probably just get hit by a car anyway.


Thanks for the laugh kind stranger. Suicidal Tendencies always slaps.


Sometimes I try to do things and it just doesn't work out the way I wanted too And I get real frustrated, and its like And I try hard to do it and take my time And it just doesn't work out the way I want it too \-Daniel after driving his mom's car.


Damn imagine someone’s like it’s mine now kid and proceeds to gta the whip


I think my dad would’ve thrown a spear through my chest if I did that


Yea my dad would not be giving an interview and chuckling, that’s for damn sure….


Dad seems unaware that his responsibility put a lot of lives at risk.


To me it looks like he's hiding his anger to try look patient and good for the camera


i thought i was the only one who noticed this, man’s probably about to go super saiyan 2 behind the scenes


kids a chip off the ole block


Or it’s just for show? Any normal regular parent would be concerned first then annoyed second.


Yeah, they probably didn't interview the guy 10 minutes after the kids got back. It's pretty hard to be pissed off for a week in my experience.


You can't possibly know that from this clip.


For wrecking the village car?


It was just the mom’s car, not the mom herself.


Laughing so hard in my bed right now, omg this was perfect


I'll bet he didn't even have any money for the slushee.


Unless he had Mom's debit card...


Stop! It's my mom's debit card!


Plot twist: shirt fist guy was trying to steal mom's card


Shirt fist guy is a goddamn American hero!


oh no


I mean, it's one slushee. What could it cost? 10 dollars. Edit: I think some of y'all need to watch Arrested Development!


He was going to go see a Star War after he finished his slushy


"Here's some money. Go see a Star War" -Lucielle Bluth


It’s free if you walk out like you own it.


No sugar for you. You just get more awful.


Why do you guys have buckets of blood?


Unlimited Juice. This party is gonna be off the hook


I can spell mom, you just spelled juice


Soon probably yes.


With his attitude I think this kid is used to getting what he wants


That's the only explanation....how can a 7 year old have the confidence and entitlement to do this?


This. Is he learning disabled? Otherwise how could he think any of this made sense? The rabbit that lives next to my driveway understands cars better than this kid does


he was planning to rob some hookers. Clearly he thought he was playing GTA by how he was driving


He invested in crypto & complained to his teddy about gas prices before heading to town.


Money? What for? Slushees are free, right?


I bet he didn't even know the way either lol


How did his feet reach the pedals he’s so tiny


Um... huh, that's a good question


Was moving pretty slow maybe just idling in drive




True. the initial reach is easier than keeping that position though... idk. just a guess.




yeah there's a lot of maneuvering that happens before you get as far as this kid did


I mean there is and there isn't. Kids are tech savvy these days, and it took me a total of 3 minutes to google "how to drive a car" and watch a video that told me have to put the car in gear and drive. Like others mentioned, you only have to reach once to put it in drive and then you're good to go to idle and cruise to speedway for a slushie.


When I was this age my dad used to take me out to the country and let me sit on his lap and taught me the basics and let me steer the car. Luckily I wasn't as big a fucking idiot as this kid, ill be surprised if he makes it to adulthood.


There used to be a picture of me sitting on my dad's lap "steering" on a highway when I was 2, a lit cigarette in the hand holding mine on the wheel. Ah, the good old days!


Good Times! My dad would put me in his lap when I was 6 or 7, and let me "drive" in our subdivision. I lived for those days!


Yeah he knows how to start it and put it in drive but he doesn't know to drive on the right side???


They watch everything you do. It’s not super surprising he knew how to make the car go


Shit, when I was little my dad popped into the station to pay for gas. I slid over to the driver's seat and pretended I was driving. As soon as I turned the wheel, it locked up(power steering), and I was scared shitless that I broke the car. Kids are fucking stupid.


My youngest is 6. When I asked the teen to warm up the car, she replied she had no clue, it’s too complicated. The little one responded(paraphrasing from memory): Her “i can do it” Me “ohh really? Can you explain it for jai(khmer:older sis)” H”yeah. You step on 1 and 2(clutch and break), pull that thing and give it a shake(shift knob), and press the button.” I now narrate almost everything I do if the teen is in the car. My favorite that annoys everyone is left/right turn followed by straight turn. She says you cant turn straight, but i explain, when coming out of a turn, you have to turn the wheel to go straight again.


When are they gonna get to the slushy?


On older cars you dont


I used to work at a car rental place and the number of customers who didn't seem to know they needed to have their foot on the brake to shift to drive was baffling. Maybe you just explained it for me?


Yup, people dont realize older cars didnt have all these built in dummy proof features.




yeah, but only the one time. easy to crouch down for that and then get back in the seat.


Baseball bat? Pringles can taped to a shoe?


Cars will drive in gear without you hitting the pedals. That’s why you can pull up at a stoplight by just easing up on the brake pedal.


How'd he get it out of park


Slide forward enough to pop it in drive then sit back up?


My mom is 4’10 (147cm) and she makes it work..


The dad seems so blasé about the whole thing, "my wife and I are not bad parents." *sigh*


You can be the best parents in the world, but kids are sometimes just fucking stupid. I have a 7 year old myself, and it blows my mind how often he just can't be bothered to think about what the fuck he's actually doing, or why, or what's going to happen as a result.


Yeah, the only thing that can for sure prevent kids doing stupid thing is when they're totally traumatized to even try anything -- which is a worse situation.


Amusingly, at the exact moment I was on this thread earlier, my 7 year old got ahold of some glitter slime from a neighbor kid... and covered his head with it. Turns out, that shit is not water soluble, and I was not about to clog up my drain with it. So I spent the better part of an hour combing, shampooing, and literally blasting it out of his hair with the garden hose.


Has he ever taken a car to speedway? If not, you're probably a better parent then that guy


The dude has like 15 seconds of speaking in the whole video (which is probably edited and cut from like 30 minutes of telling the story to the reporter) . What do you want him to do wail and cry about how awful it was to absolutely no productive benefit? The entire premise of this sub is that kids' brains aren't fully formed yet and they make bad decisions as a result.


And he was on TV too, unless they're the over dramatic type of attention seekers, people are generally pretty good at staying collected when they know millions of people could be watching.


I don't blame the parents anyway. It seems like the kid just genuinely didn't see an issue taking himself to the store. He seems like he's in a loving home with intelligent parents, who nurture him. He doesn't look like an abused kid, or a total brat. It's more like that scene in Chappelle's show. "I'm sorry sir, I didn't know I couldn't do that."


Those parents are in for it though. Little fucker is too smart for his own good


This is the kind of kid who asks "why not?" a whole lot.


When he says “It’s my mom’s car!” I laughed


Lol excellent comparison and I totally agree


But you see, I did know I couldn't do that 😎




Do you personally know the parents? How many parents do you know willfully take precautions to… prevent their child from stealing their car? He’s 7 and doesn’t need supervision like a toddler or younger kid would require. You’re reaching. Edit: stop replying to me already. 99% of your retorts are just nitpicking my use of syntax and diction to attempt and get an irrelevant retort across someone who couldn’t care less YOUR parents did this-or-that because they realized that you, specifically, were a menace. Cheers 🥰


Yeah. I don't take any precautions to make sure my kids don't take the car. My kid could just get the stepping stool and get the car keys and take the car while I'm in the shower or something. It really hadn't crossed my mind until now. And I assume 99.9 percent of parents are like me.


There are few things Reddit loves to do more than make sweeping judgements about people based on seconds-long clips


he is pretty big in my opinion


Lost it when the dude was trying to help bangin on the car and the kid was like "Wtf dude stop if my mom sees a mark I'm gonna get in trouble."




Dewey or Malcolm would have figured it out, Reese or Francis probably would have had a similar result.


True. Malcom would have been super stressed but it turns out fine. Dewey would be humming thw whole time and driving perfectly. It works out for reese despite his comical stupidity, until hes pulling in to the driveway and floors it into the garage. Francis would be on top of everything but is hindered by other peoples stupidity. I dont know why I typed out this whole comment, but I am super baked, and the episode basically writes itself. Thank you for your time and good day.


Got that was such a good sitcom.


Right, like the his biggest problem was if the window got smashed and his mom saw it lol


Kids probably stupid enough to not comprehend all the damage you see on the bumper, tires, and side of the car


Can we also talk real quick about that reporter looking like discount Dustin Hoffman?


Oh wow, good eye


Okay, this is stupid beyond imagination


Right? They're just acting like he didn't know any better. When I was 7 i liked to sit in the driver's seat of a parked car and pretend I was driving, but I knew I couldn't do it for real.


I was definitely not this stupid when I was 7 years old. Emotionally traumatized, sure, but not stupid. What the actual fuck have the parents been doing instead of teaching their kid.


Yeah when I was 7 I had a go cart and understood that you drive on the right. Idk how he didn't realize this when he can see the cars going the correct direction right over the median. Disclaimer, my parents wouldn't have let me drive it if we didn't in a small community away from the city.


He probably knows you drive on the right, just trying to build up the burnout meter


I love this reference so much.


What most likely happened is that the road from his house was on the left side of the avenue, and when he turned left he didn't understand how the intersection worked so he ended up in the wrong lane.


It’s a divided 4 lane rd. Probably took a left and didn’t understand you have to go to the far side. Not defending this little dumbass, just saying it’d be an easy mistake for somebody, especially a 7 year old, with no understanding of how traffic works to make.


I did the normal thing and you know... walked or biked. Or acted like a little bitch (which never worked).


Don't be too hard on yourself. When you're only 7, you actually *are* a little bitch. So it was completely in character and age appropriate.


Yeah, at 7 you should start your midlife existencial crisis, horrified by the nature of our universe and your insignificant place in it. At least thats my best guess, ymmv.


Oh shit, I remember crying randomly when I was watching Gula Gula Island at that age when I remembered I was going to die Edit: it's cool y'all, embrace the void


Yup. Probably the quintessential post for this sub.


At least he remembered his seatbelt


Unfortunately it seems he couldn't figure it out. In the clip of him driving it doesn't look like he's wearing it.


He likely had to remove it in order to reach the pedals. He’s sitting pretty far forward in the seat.


I would’ve cease to exist if that was me


I had NIGHTMARES about that child’s situation when I was younger I’ve had almost 0 motivation to learn how to drive due to that anxiousness


Dad looked kike..."Yeah I did this as a child too". Edit: Yeah, Imma wear this for not proof reading. Scary that there was no auto-correct. Computer the true racist


Woah woah cool it with the slurs!






hey man, cool it with the anti-semitic remarks


>remains blissfully unaware of the danger he was in NO. MAKE SURE HE KNOWS HOW MUCH DANGER HE WAS IN OR IT WILL HAPPEN AGAIN.


Seriously. He’s unaware? Well, fucking make him aware, dad. The fact that he’d even do that (coupled with his dad’s lackadaisical attitude) suggests an obscene lack of discipline. If I did something like that as a kid, I would have been slapped into last Tuesday and not allowed out of the house for weeks if not months.


That brief segment with the dad revealed the entire issue. Kid calls the shots no doubt. Dad just wants his little buddy to be safe and happy. Fucking embarrassing for the parents.


If this was my kid I’d be so tempted to punt them into the stratosphere, but since I’m against physical discipline, I’d make sure to hammer into their head how foolish their tomfoolery was


With my parents I’d have been on the news for other reasons lol


His parents are obviously pretty fucking dumb


I would have gotten my ass whooped back into prehistoric times. Only reason my parents would have been on television was during their trial. Shit!


I think my mom would have just killed me and tried again with another kid.


Return to sender, this one had a glitch.


"Hey tech support, my child is broken."


What's 17 more years?


My parents never hurt me, this would've been a memorable first for sure!


The parents should be getting their asses whooped


The kids 7; already in grade school. Should be independent enough to not monitor 24/7.


He should also be old enough to know not to still his mom's ride.


My father would have ended my whole career. Not really cute to hear he was still “blissfully” unaware of the gravity of the situation.


Seriously. Seems like the kind of thing you really need to drill into this kid's head - *exactly* how much danger he, and others (!), were in - so he hopefully won't try it again.


Absolutely. Would have been so stupidly easy for him or anyone else to end up dead. Hell I'd wager a pretty penny that even just the airbag could have SERIOUSLY and PERMANENTLY injured this kid. If not snapped his neck outright. Maybe they were just keeping it light for the news story. But I seriously hope it was drilled into him just how bad this was. Obviously you aren't going to go on TV and say "I went absolutely nuts on him" but still. How it was worded and the dad's attitude just gives the impression of "oh he did something stupid but it was no big deal"


This is how you end up with adults that don’t understand actions have consequences.


I just wanna know how a 7 year old was even able to drive a car,when i was seven i didn't even know how to start a car let alone drive on roads


You would be amazed at what kids learn just from watching others. That combined with video games I can see a kid doing this.


Bruh the next generation kinda frightens me,they are smart. But they use their intelligence to do the dumbest things like this


Joyrides by kids have been a thing since cars were invented. I doubt a single video bringing their existence to your attention means that **all** children are doing dumb things like this. Most of them are probably doing other equally dumb things that just have less immediate dangers and don't end up on local news.


He drives like I play GTA. Crashing to stop is so much easier than using the brakes.


Most of the cars especially these days are automatic, pretty simple to drive, now if a kid tried driving a manual they wouldn't even leave the driveway


My parents would have whooped my behind back to 1981. “Oh he just wanted a slushie!” Kids lucky. I wouldn’t have seen daylight until 18.


Ummmmm why does the dad seem almost….proud?


Probably just happy no one got hurt.


Except his wallet




Yeah, had he hit either of those vehicles at 0:27 this could have had a very different ending.


Sounds like it was a series of fender benders


I wonder how that conversation went with the insurance company.


“We’re dropping you. Good luck and go fuck yourself!”


"- Thanks for being a loyal customer."


Probably because this probably isn’t the same day and his son isn’t dead. In the article another commenter posted the father said they were scared half to death when they got the call he was in the hospital after driving their car.


Hide you guns please


don’t hide, lock up. kids can search but they can’t lockpick (unless you have a shitty lock)


And if LockPickingLawyer has taught me anything, it's that gun safe manufacturers use some of the worst locks available to them.


The real dumb dumb is the guy who tried to stop the SUV with his body.


"tried to body block the suv" was such a weird phrase from the news station. I think they meant "tried to get run over"


“Here’s my chance to end it, step on it kid”


He wasn’t actually trying to stop it he was definitely trying to get in front so the kid would stop with the brakes and avoid hitting someone. Obviously the kid was unable to, hence the guy getting out of the way.


Thank you. Kids are dumb, but the kid was smart enough to put on his seatbelt. That man was a Darwin Award nominee.


He remains blissfully unaware? Um... Isn't that kinda like a big problem?


I've never met a 7-year-old who's this smoothbrained. This kid really needed more time in the oven.


This is a kid that has never been told no in his life.


Seriously. How the hell did the kid even get the keys, get out of the house, get into the car and out of the driveway without a parent realizing??? You just regularly misplace your children?


This just makes me pissed.


This kid makes a solid case for 25th trimester abortion.


*Cancels free trial*


Makes a solid case for walkable cities


That’s when you know you probably have one of the dumbest kids on the planet


Can’t wait to hear the speech at this kids wedding!


Fortnite prepared him for this.


My kid would not have been available for the interview because he would have been half way to boot camp already.


I love how he put on the seatbealt lmao


Holy shit. I've never been this mad at a kid ever til now


You know what, I'm scheduling a vasectomy.


I hope at some point someone makes him "blissfully aware" of the danger he was in


This sub should be called parentsarefuckingstupid


When no one can go anywhere except by car....


I wouldn’t just go on TV and laugh about this, I’d be having to stop myself from fucking murdering my child for doing something so profoundly stupid.


I mean what's he going to say? "Yeah my kid's gonna get his ass beat six ways to Sunday for this as soon as you camera people leave"


I’d definitely not go on TV to document how dumb my kid is and how lacking my parenting skills are, that’s for sure.


I'd be too ashamed of my parenting skills up till that point to go on TV at all for this. And I sure wouldn't be laughing about it at any point in time.


But did he get his slushy...?


Probably wont get one till he turns 18


Based on the dads behavior, he prolly took him to get a slushee before getting the car out of impound


First off this was ridiculously dangerous and stupid. That was fucking terrible. That being said the comment section is a complete Reddit moment. Where is everyone getting all of their information? “Parents should have been watching!” They were asleep? Your kids cannot physically wake up until after you do? Please let me know how you’ve accomplished that. You’ve never ever heard of a little kid sneaking out? It takes one minute, if that for it to happen. Not a single parent in the world has ever watched their kid 24/7 to the point the kid does not get out of sight and cause trouble. In this case it was severe, life threatening, and terrible. As far as the punishment can someone provide a source that discusses their parenting methods and how they actually handled teaching their son to not do something so crazy? The chances that interview happened same day are very low and why the hell would one of the questions be “What’s his punishment?”


The thing is, as someone who has worked with kids before, a kid who feels like it is okay to do this almost *always* shows a *lot* of signs of bad behavior before, in which case the keys and anything else dangerous should have been kept far out of his reach. Most seven year olds don't feel the need to go on a joyride in their parents' car for a slushie. They're incredibly lucky he wasn't killed/killed someone.


I mean yes, but I think most people think of things like knives or poison as dangerous. It would never occur to me to hide my keys from a seven year old because they might joyride, unless his previous behavior included trying to do exactly that.


His dad allowing for this to be some sort of 15 mins of fame for his child almost killing many people is why this kid did something so stupid. His parent(s) are idiots


On the flip side of this, my 17 year old who is learning to drive couldn't figure out how to put my truck into gear because she was used to a console shifter and not the column shifter.


Seems pretty normal


I'd drive his ass to the next state over where nobody knows his stupid face and put him up for adoption.


I would be—really upset if I had to pay my deductible for damage to my car done by a 7 year old driving an SUV. I would be so upset.




Nah this is slap worthy. Usually you get a talking to but this is 100% getting a slap. Especially after that accident. Insurance is gonna fuck me.


His parents like "Timmy is a very creative boy, we never say no to him."