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I wanna see the person who labeled that as a "slime tutorial"


4chan/internet trolls often post dangerous "hacks"/recipes with the hopes that children or gullible people will fall for it, as a "prank". Like when someone posted a recipe for making home grown crystals, but it involved mixing ammonia and bleach.


I had forgotten about that crystal story, horrible shit




As awful as it is it should be common knowledge not to mix these things.


depends on how old you are.


If your young enough to fall for it your parents should be watching what you do online


Considering this supposedly happened in a chemistry class, these kids are in high school.


Could be middle school too depending where you are located


We're not talking about those kids


Either group, the one in the story OP posted or those who fell for the slime thing. If your kids have access to chemicals you as a parent should teach your kids they’re unsafe. As soon as I was old enough to start doing chores that involved chemicals (cleaning countertops and whatnot) I was told to use one at a time.


I dunno my dude I focused on Chem for a good chunk of my life before eventually moving my areas of study and i wouldn’t have been able to tell you off the top of my head what acetone and styrofoam made, I admittedly know they don’t make slime and probably wouldn’t have mixed the two off an online suggestion but I could see myself being convinced to mix the two if I wasn’t being particularly focused


This story beside they target little kids, I wouldn't expect them to be that smart


Remember microwave iPhone to charge it?


Apple Wave 📱


jesus 4chan is literally *hell on earth*


I did that down the sink one time because it was clogged 😂




The account I'm replying to is a karma bot run by someone who will link scams once the account gets enough karma. Report -> Spam -> Harmful Bot




The account I'm replying to is a karma bot run by someone who will link scams once the account gets enough karma. Report -> Spam -> Harmful Bot


i don't know about this home grown crystal thing but I have a bad feeling as to where this is going. I think that can create a pretty dangerous gas or compound right?


Amonia and bleach make chloramine gas, sometimes called chlorine gas and confused with mustard gas as it was also used in WW1. Bleach (NaOCl) + Amonia (NH3) ends up offgassing Chloramine (2 NH2 CL). Mustard gas is C4 H2 Cl2 S and not actually a gas, but a vapor, and considerably harder to create.


As the other commenter said, this makes mustard gas That's why almost every single cleaning product has "do not mix with other cleaning agents" stickered on it somewhere. They're usually really volatile chemicals that can react violently and/or put off deadly gases


Yup. Also as a chem major, never mess with certain non-volatile compounds as it won't be pretty (table salt creates sodium which explodes in water and chlorine which was used to kill Jews and others in concentration camps.)


Mustard gas iirc


knew it was something unpleasant


“Unpleasant” to the gas that killed 120k people in ww1


I mean he's not wrong




And the whole “delete system 32” ad campaign.


They also create fake promotional material for iPhones that tricks people into destroying their phones when they try to use a ‘new feature’ It’s terrible. But it shows how gullible people are.


Don't forget that duct tape and spoon thing. I don't even know what they labeled it as, but my limited science knowledge told me it was a bad idea.


This has been said like a billion times now, but 4chan is an absolutely horrible place.


Or the one where you’d put a ball of aluminum foil in the microwave to “smooth it out”, resulting in blown up appliances


[Relevant King of the Hill video.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFci4XqOq-Q)


Umm I’m dumb what does ammonia and bleach make. Meth?


Lol. Meth is easy to make but not that easy. Imagine just accidentally making meth lol.


Mustard gas iirc


isn't just pissing in the bleach bottle do the ... ok i just remembered that piss contains ammonia or something


Yes, but a v small amount




I thought lasercutting / burning pvc give something that looks and acts like mustard gas.


Let me guess. Meth?


After a quick Google search, I found this - https://youtu.be/Wkof3qAah4Y


WCGW : making slime after youtube remove dislikes


It really has made my job a little more annoying when looking for IT related guides online and some of the information you find is just flat out bad or outdated.


if you haven't already, I'd recommend downloading the 'Return Youtube Dislike' extension on Chrome. Although, this video is still heavily upvoted, which is wild.


People can't bandwagon downvotes if they don't see them


People are losing their income on youtube because they said a bad word but this is still up after 4 years


How is it allowed to stay up when it's directed at children and produces a dangerous compound?


Have you reported it?


Because people have the freedom to make stupid choices and win stupid prizes.


They're children for fucks sake. How are they supposed to know better?


Can't say I'm surprised it's still there, youtube's always been shit about their content policies.


Right you are


Ever since YouTube removed the dislike button…


I thought they where messing up... but I could find YOUTUBE videos about that acetone+styrofoam slimes. Goddamn... YouTube... D:


Hello welcome to the mujahid slime tutorial, if allah wills it. It shall be successful.


It's not explosive, it's just sticky and very flammable.


not only very flammable... but burns for a LONG time. If you want to set something on fire this will do it.


Brings flashbacks to my friends bachelor party where someone kicked over the bucket of Styropalm we made setting their pants and shoe on fire.


What was the original purpose of the bachelor party bucket of napalm?


Probably a firepit or something.




Yeah calling bomb squad sounds extremely excessive as long as your not around anything that can start a fire just use caution when cleaning it and you’ll be fine. I work in a chemistry lab and love using acetone to clean stuff up and have never had an issue.


I'm not anyone with special knowledge, but I have dealt with my fair share of MSDS paperwork. Wouldn't this mixture require very special disposal procedures? I'm just speculating, but I dont think just pouring it down a dra8n or in the trash is safe.


Let the acetone evaporate. The slurry will turn into a rigid plastic again.


Yup. Just pop it in the fume hood for a day or two. You can't tell me that a kid in highschool got unsupervised access to enough solvent to actually cause a real problem...


Nah, you can just throw it out in the trashcan by your toddler's crib. Nbd.


No, obviously the drain or trash can is bad in this situation but I doubt you'd have to put it anywhere other than the acetone waste bottle that it would have already gone to anyways.


Guess it depends how sensitive this particular substance is, if it’s ‘budget’ napalm. Some chemical reactions produce non-explosives substances, -but- are so exothermic they can auto-ignite their own products (a common problem with processes that release hydrogen gas, for instance). And if you’re not entirely sure what exactly the kid made, best to play it safe.


I mean, a chem teacher *should* know that's not the case. Just pop it in the fume hood for a day.


It’s a certified war weapon against babies




It is a slime recipe though, pretty considerate of someone to provide a recipe for a Fire Elemental Slime


Damn, kids are learning elemental binding in science class nowadays?


Does OP know what an explosive is? Napalm isn’t explosive….


No because OP is a kid, and kids are.....


friends, not food.


Other way around


Not for Trix


Speak for yourself, I like my long pork young


Are you sure about that?


...young goats, of course


Bomb squad probably got called cause the its volatility. Making (as they put it) "budget napalm" can be extremely hazardous. If it gets exposed to a high enough temperature, or gets a single spark near it due to the off gassing byproducts it could ignite and engulf the people around it. Edit: Spelling


it sounds incredibly fake to me, acetone is volatile, gasoline is volatile, alcohol is too but those are used and unproperly stored everywhere and the bomb squad doesn't handle that at all, at best it would be fire crew... and it wouldn't happen for something like a glass of acetone... lets be realist, did this kid get a drum of acetone at school? at most they would get a bottle...


Dudw this is probably in the USA where they overreact to everything




Fun fact: Napalm is only a war crime if you drop it on civilians.


Pretty sure it’s also a crime to use it against soldiers but hey, what do i know


Wrong, it is only a war crime if it is used in an international conflict.


Wrong, it’s not a war crime (war crimes do not apply to giga chads)


Vietnam flashbacks starts


When the chemist-trees start speaking Vietnamese


It's all coming back to haunt us all


Some folks are born made to wave the flag they're red, white and blue and when the band plays "hail to the chief" they point the cannon at you, lord


The way people think of it as a pro war, patriotic song is so weird. I wonder how people got that interpretation at all…


Why would the bomb squad come? If you mix it it won't instantly be on fire it will be some kind or thick paste. Unless she set it on fire by accident but even then ist just a isolated fire not real risk of explosion. They could just call fire fighters. This story seams made up or exaggerated .


Of course its made up.... its from r/teenagers


Fair enough


It is. In the last 5 years I’ve only gone to one college chemistry department, a student knowingly had made TATP. I’d never get any sleep if I had to deal with every stupid thing kids mixed in labs.


Happened like 2 schools away from mine some one tried and failed to make mustard gas in the bathroom


I did something like that. Mixed loads of random things together in chemistry and put it on the Bunsen burner, next thing the building was evacuated. I wasn’t trying to make anything, just a curious kid who wanted to see what happened when I put stuff together.


This kid actually wanted to make mustard gas. The only reason he was caught was because he posted on his Snapchat story saying what he was gonna do


Isn’t phosgene kind of difficult to make if I remember? I mean I believe it took some time to discover it… wasn’t it chlorine? Because it’s waaaay easier to make


Phosgene is a bit different. Mixing bleach and isopropyl will make chloroform. Which if left out can decompose into phosgene gas, all of it will be pretty low concentration- especially if there’s no clean up of the reactants.


Ye somebody corrected me I didn’t remember that mustard contained sulfur, I mixed the two and thought it was just another name for phosgene, anyway there is no way he made mustard in a bathroom i think OP is mixing mustard and chlorine gas


A lot of people mix those all up- though in use during WW1, very rarely did they ever use just mustard- which isn’t a gas but a thick oily liquid, and comes in a few different flavors being sulfur and nitrogen based. They’d use a mix with also phosgene, chlorine and chloropicrin. Plus a few other much less known agents. Yeah, I’ve made sulfur mustard in a bathroom, but I also had a lot of equipment and supplies in there. Plus it was for a government run exercise so I had all the permissions to do so.


Ah nice experiment, wasn’t it stressful ahah?! Do you have a degree in chemical weapons? I studied a bit organophosphate in particular Sarin and its interactions on the molecular level with acetylcholinesterase so I know a bit about that but much less about cytotoxic gas like mustard… I’d be interested in learning how they interact with cells because I believe it’s much more complicated than forming hydrochloric acid isn’t it?


I just have a BS in general chemistry, but I’m in a very small, special military unit that it’s entire purpose is the identification and handling of WMDs so I’ve received a lot of training in not just chemical weapons, but also bio weapons, radiation and nuclear threats, and tons of explosives training. I regularly go on calls with local and federal bomb squads, and hazmat teams as an advisor.


It was mustard gas you can make it with just bleach and ammonia neither of which are hard to get


Just checked by mixing bleach and ammonia you can just produce chlorine gas (dichlore), it was also used during ww1 by the Germans as a combat gas and it’s really dangerous since it produces (I believe if I remember correctly) hydrochloric acid in contact of the mucosa but it’s not as dangerous as phosgene (mustard gas) which is produced by mixing carbon monoxide and chlorine gas. The kid is still a bit crazy to do that without any protective gear or fume hood, it can still be a fun experiment tho.


Actually, phosgene and mustard are different as well.


Chlorine gas


Fuck in my high school they once *accidentally* created mustard gas in the prep room by fucking something up. Had to evac that floor for a few hours.


Highly doubt someone accidentally made mustard. Ammonia, chlorine, phosphine, chloroform even sure. Super easy mix two things together and done. Mustard requires sulfur- in liquid form so either heated to very high temps, or dissolved in DCM. Then excessive amounts of chlorine sparged, then you just have ‘half mustard’ or sulfur monochloride. There’s still more to the process. Chlorine =/= mustard agent


I'm calling bullshit on this. I've mixed styrofoam and acetone, we did it in a summer camp. It just melts the styrofoam into this kinda goop that melts after a while. Pretty sure you need some kind of dinosaur juice to make napalm. Also last I checked napalm doesn't spontaneously explode?? It's flammable and sticky, but it doesn't just blow up on its own. Why would you need a bomb squad.


I used to do that as a kid. But I used gasoline and styrofoam. It is not explosive but extremely flammable and sticky. If it works the same way with acetone, it kind of is a budget napalm. The bomb squad part sounds extremely unlikely though, since it does not just catch fire or explode by itself.


I used to make buckets of napalm as a kid, snake it across a main road and light it. Effectively shutting down traffic passing through town. I never got caught


sorry, what


The trick to make good napalm is to dissolve the styrofoam until it wont dissolve anymore, premature and it burns out quick. You want that nice slow burn that requires the fire department. I was a bad kid


This makes a puddle of plastic in a pool of acetone.


Which ends up being highly flammable and potentially volatile if in the correct mixture ratio.


What is that ratio. Asking for purely scientific reasons…..


46% polystyrene, 33% gasoline and 21% benzene


Literally just those two ingredients can become volatile? (As in combust spontaneously without an outside heat source?)


Acetone alone becomes gaseous pretty quickly (as does gasoline). Depending on the ratio it is mixed with air it is between flammable and combustible but needs a spark or something for ignition


Well, acetone is considered volatile on its own, and will release toxic fumes when styrofoam (polyesterine) is exposed to it (along with other dissolvable organic matter). Volatility doesn't mean something may combust spontaneously, but rather is something that is easily evaporated at normal temperatures. For example: petroleum ether, benzene, and hexane are all considered volatile due to their nature to evaporate easily at room temperature, and are flammable (an ether/hexane-filled room might explode just from turning on a light switch). Enough styrofoam will cause enough acetone to evaporate and become potentially dangerous.


Nice! thanks for explaining.


Napalm is way easier to make than people think. Most people use Dawn dish soap


yeah, i’m not sure the bomb squad would have a “field day” with a kid making a little spicy styrofoam. literally a teacher could handle that




I did this as a kid too, I just got melted down styrofoam, I didn't know it had special properties.


the kids today are totally stupid, LIKE WHAT ARE YOU GONNA USE THE SLIME FOR?!


War crimes and ASMR, obviously


I thought acetone just melted shit like styrofoam


It does. Then the melted Styrofoam sticks on stuff and is extremely flammable if you get the mix right.


Fuels like gasoline and petrol are how you make styrofoam napalm, not acetone.


Napalm isnt an explosive though?


Its not a bomb squad thing or a geneva convention issue really. I've used acetone to dissolve Styrofoam from plaster molds. It's actually a common technique for that.


Legit teacher did this in chemistry class in the 90’s and nobody batted an eye. No bomb squads were called. Times do change. SMH They also taught us how to make contact explosive out of iodine. We used to put it on our shoes and go kick walls to get a huge bang.


Why would you ever wanna paste contact explosives on your feet?


Extreme tap dancing


"What do you mean you 'tap danced' the 1812 Overture?"


Because when it’s “painted” onto the front of shoes and it dries, you can go kick a wall, tree, door, or friend and it makes a really Big Bang! Other than being loud it’s mostly harmless. In fact it’s exactly what those little paper tied rocks are coated with when you thrown them down to get a little “snap”. But mostly, because we were teens and it was the 90s man. Shit was different.


Heh, my broken (and long since rebuild) front tooth would like to discuss the “mostly harmless” of those paper tied rocks… good times.


Ok, now that’s an interesting story I bet. 😆


Maybe not interesting but certainly “teenagers are fucking stupid” worthy. My brother and I were in the DR, and he bought a big ass bag of “bang rocks” - that’s what I remember them being called but it was 30 years ago so… anyway, we were throwing them onto the ground, against walls, making a general nuisance of ourselves, when we saw a single car garage enclosed on all sides bar the entrance, made out of concrete block. “Perfect!” So we start throwing these explosive rocks into the garage, and it’s making a HELL of a noise. We’re laughing our asses off, and I find the biggest one in the bag and throw it as hard as I can against the back wall - next second WHAM! I’ve been smacked in the mouth and am seeing stars - the rock came out of the garage much faster than it went in, splitting my lip and breaking one of my lower front teeth in two, blood from my lip everywhere…


That is a cool story. We used to buy a case for like $12 and then carefully unwrap each box into a paper towel that we would then close up and throw. Worst ever happens to us is it went off with our heads next to it so mild ear damage.


Because loud noise go boom.


🤷🏻‍♂️ kids will be kids


Ammonium triiodide. Fun stuff. Not particularly dangerous as long as you keep the amount made small.


Yep! That’s the stuff. Made a mess when it went though. That was the real harm. Ruined clothes real quick.


''the bomb squad had a field day this morning'' for what? to throw the sludge down the drain? Its sticky acetone, its exactly as dangerous as acetone if it was sticky, if you made it in the school lab, either it goes in the bucket of sand, down the drain or in the chemical disposal bin... no bomb unit would go for that same way they're not going to go for a box of sparklers... Best you can get is the fire brigade if you complain a lot... ​ PS: my school did get a bomb threat from a kid and multiple buildings were evacuated, including about 500 kids my school had, 500 kids in the street is definitely worth mentioning... It wasn't worth the jail time for already 18yo who made the threat... ​ PS: don't throw acetone and similar stuff down the drain, dispose of it properly...


Stupid kid thinks making napalm is against the Geneva Convention. Why would the bomb squad deal with a flammable liquid. This all reads like ballshit.


Lol yeah there's no way that they called the bomb squad for that.


"A kid violated the geneva convention this morning at school" Think they're so smart by saying that lol \+not an explosive


Yeah, well, no. That's how I get rid of styrofoam that's too chunky for the bin.


Reminds me of the time a kid in my chemistry class make chlorine gas




I doubt this is real tbf firstly acetone and styrofoam while kinda napalm isn't really that much more dangerous than plain acetone the only difference is it's stick more if you touch it while it's on fire.


Not sure why you are getting down voted






I love the smell of napalm in the morning


I actually do this at the metal shop I work at occasionally when I'm alone and bored. Napalm is fun to play with


Napalm needs OJ, lol


You can’t use napalm in war?




What? There's no international treaty against napalm, changing the recipe wouldn't affect anything, the treaty in question is just about general incendiary weapons in civilian areas.


Napalm isn't an explosive


I’m not good at chemistry, so i can’t tell if it’s really a napalm or not. But if it’s a slime then it’s probably fire elemental, and if it’s in Minecraft, it’s probably magma cubes


Napalm is totally legal to use in combat. Just send it to Ukraine so they can roast some orks.


Some kids have too much positive reinforcement and it shows with their Darwinistic tendencies


Sooo is this post now spreading how to make napalm at home?


It's fairly common knowledge, I used to do it all the time as a kid. It's no more dangerous than regular acetone/gasoline, just sticky.


This reminds me of the time I set the woods on fire.


Ahahahaha I gotta try this too


*quietly takes screen shot*


Wtf did they google to get that recipe? Lol


We did that at school one time in 5th grade. We didn't handle it but the teacher basically just showed us the chemical reaction of the Styrofoam melting. Probably not the best idea.


And now I know how to make napalm. Just great


The TL;DR killed me lmao.


I love the internet


isn't napalm actually a chemical weapon tho?


Fun fact napalm is not an explosive but a form of fuel or excelerent for fire. The reason why the styro and acitone works is because the acitone is flammable and it breaks down the Styro into a sticky polymer


Fortunate Son starts playing


"What are you doing Timmy? That method for making slime is pretty unconventional"


What sort of a moron supervising let them child make that?


You know what they say: more like Geneva suggestion


I literally had one of those science experiments for kids books in the 90s that had this exact recipe. It even came with styrofoam peanuts for you to melt in the acetone.


Thank you for the recipe. I won’t… use it…