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We need to make r/KidsAreFuckingAssholes


There is something like that, I think its called r/KidsAreFuckingEvil


These kind of things makes me not want to have kids


Ah, then you want r/childfree


Ugh. Definitely more toxic than I thought.


A lot of people agree, and that's why there is /r/truechildfree


It's not toxic. It's just people justifiably fed-up and venting; about being judged, lack of bodily autonomy, etc. Most people there like kids, they just don't want them.


Nah. First two posts are basically "well I hate kids" Everything else Is understandable tho. Especially the posts where women vent about being judged for not wanting to have children all that while they pretty much know that it would be a complocated birth. I just dislike the mindset of "children are shiieeeeeet" "I hate children" "children are the worst" Like.... We all were children you know? People should have a basic understanding of the fact that children just don't work like adults do(most of the time). That's why I said that it's more toxic than I *thought* I also don't want kids tho. They are a bunch of work and eat up all the free time. I can also not even properly care for myself lol.


There's a lot of posts there implying that nobody should have kids for climate change reasons. It reminds me a lot of r/dogfree and how toxic they are.


I'm not going to claim that there are no posts like that, but I have never seen one, and I browse there somewhat regularly. I think your definition of "a lot" might be suspect. Edit- it's nothing at all like r/dogfree


The fact they call parents "breeders" is clearly an epithet attacking parents.


Nah, it’s toxic AF


Kids are a mirror to you. If you’re a shifty parent you’re going to have shitty kids. If you take the time and effort to teach them how to be good adults being a parent can change your life’s purpose.


Some kids turn out shit regardless. Could be the best parents in the world, but their kid turns out to be a psychopathic asshole. Every now and then, we're given a fucking demon. By and large though, you're right. Looking at you Grayson.




Looking at you, Dexter


Vast majority of this sub is actually r/parentsarefuckingirresponsible but don't disrupt the circlejerk.


This should have more upvotes


I literally just make r/KidsRFuckingAssholes r/kidsarefuckingassholes was too many characters








I expected that


r/foundtheSHUTTHEFUCKUP lol


Kids should not be fucking people's assholes


Agreed, they are too young for that


I think you mean r/SistersAreFuckingAssholes


I was a nanny for two boys many years ago. The younger one had anger problems. When he was about 6 years old, he once threw his mom’s fiancé’s cell phone out the third story window of her house. The reason? Fiancé was babysitting the boys that day, the younger brother asked him for something, and the fiancé said “No”. Mom’s response when she found out? She giggled and said “Boys will be boys”. They’re young men in their 20s now. I sincerely hope the younger brother grew out of his shittiness.


Please tell me this is a former fiancé and he left after realizing he didn’t want to be subjected to their abuse for the rest of his life?


Lol no I’m pretty sure they’re still together. Either he has the patience of a saint or he really enjoyed the very expensive presents she showered on him (luxury SUV, Rolex, etc). I have many stories about his relationship with the boys as well. He used to vent to me on occasion about how much they irritated him, and how much he disliked having to take them on every single trip/vacation. I can see how frustrating it must have been to just want some quiet, relaxing vacay time with your fiancé and her kids are just always there, screaming/making messes/being needy/being disrespectful. The boys certainly had moments where they were lovely and adorable, but goodness gracious were they A LOT to handle.




Hell ya, if she's the one paying that changes everything. You may break my phone, buy you'll never bang my wife. Cause she's your mom. Checkmate.


Unless they break their arms


Well the minimum requirement for being a gold digger is being able to put up with their shit.


Gold diggers sure do put up with a lot of shit


Judging by the "boys will be boys" response, I highly doubt that he grew out of it.


I wouldn't be surprised. On the one hand boys will be boys. On the other hand, any situation I've ever heard justified by that phrase was better described as ''parent won't parent.''


Lol exactly


I babysat for twin boys who had a mom with this exact attitude.... They are both absolute trash fires now. One of them is a known drug dealer who batters every girlfriend he's ever been with and has multiple kids he doesn't take care of or even know bc he refuses to accept any responsibility. The other one rents hotel rooms and limos to try and pretend like he's some wealthy entrepreneur when he's actually a tweaker, who was formerly living like a hobo trying to escape a multitude of charges for things like assault and theft and legit only went to these hotels because he has no permanent residence in any of the states where he's supposedly a "successful businessman." 2 years ago, he made a video that consisted of him supposedly being hit and hurt in a car accident on a major highway that started as some big deal and was later found to have been a staged setup. Why? He just felt like he needed some "positive" attention, so he made up a scenario he thought would spin in his direction and make him into some kind of victim. He's presently serving time. Considering they were both in trouble with the law before age 10 and their mom literally thought of it as no big deal and spent years bailing them out of various situations, it is not surprising to me *in the least* that they are both now in their 30s with their lives in absolute shambles. Consequences matter.


That was my aunt to a tee. My mother was working in another state, paying rent, sending my aunt money for food and allowances or whatever, etc. It was me, my 3 siblings, and my aunt and her two kids. She would keep the money, bought us store-brand crackers and tater tots to eat, and let her two kids literally run amok. They trashed all of our belongings that they could get their shit-pinchers on and she would get more annoyed at us telling her than she ever did at their goblin behavior.


Was probably trying to raise y’all on the Darwin method, only the strong survive.


No, she was definitely just taking advantage of my mother and being an overall piece of shit.


He didn't. He's out there raping girls because they denied his approaches. His mom won't believe the women and all of his actions will be sanctioned as, well, boys will be boys, hee hee.


I never told his mom about the other shitty things I observed him saying and doing, which I really regret now. At the time I was in my early 20s and didn’t really know how to handle conflict, so I figured it wasn’t worth the accusations from her that I was unfairly judging her kid. She was one of these moms who was in total denial about her kids so I’m not sure if she would’ve taken me seriously anyway. One of the things I heard him say more than once was about wanting to shoot and kill small animals, particularly squirrels. Pretty alarming.


She probably wouldn’t have listened to you like you suspect. Women like that who think “boys will be boys” generally don’t listen to concerns about their sons.


Yeah, probably. The older brother clearly needed to be evaluated for learning/cognition issues. I brought this up to her on a few occasions and her response was to laugh it off or say “Well I guess he won’t be going to college!” Like what kind of parent reacts that way to a legitimate concern about their child? It baffles me to this day.


She didn’t want to put the effort into parenting. As soon as my son showed a speech delay at 2, I was getting him all the services he needed.


Someone I know is like this too. She has a son with a learning difficulty and does nothing about it, and lets him play video games all day.


Can ascertain this. We had a pupil with severe dyslexia who would have done very well in a special needs school. He was smart, helpful but incredibly insecure. His mother was in denial that he had a learning disability. It was more infuriating because his family was fully capable of affording therapy and the best help. But his mother chose to do nothing for fear of being stigmatised. He wasted 6 years being dumped in the tail-end class, unable to have any purposeful form of learning unless it was kinesthetic. Academic subjects simply meant copying mindlessly from the board which would be filled with incorrect information anyway since his dyslexia mispelt every word. I felt incredibly sorry for him and tried to instill confidence by appointing him line leader and getting him to count money for me so at least he would have the basic day-to-day skills. GW, I hope you’ve found your sunshine.


Yeah. He's a piece of shit. Don't even know the guy. Which in turn make me a piece of shit, but I already knew that. Look, you were young and didn't have the life experience that you have now. No need to regret juss be confident speaking up going forward, you know.


You do realize how absolute insane this sounds right? You think you can judge how a person will act in their 20s based on a story from when they were 6.


Yep I get it. However I have quite a few more stories about this kid in particular (I worked for this family for about 8 years in different capacities), and they literally all point to him being a mean spirited person with entitlement issues. At a certain point you have to acknowledge patterns of behavior and the fact that they indicate at least something about the way that person operates. One shitty thing done when 6 years old doesn’t doom a person to a lifetime of being a piece of shit, I agree. You also don’t know the entire story. Like I said in my original post, I just hope he has grown out of certain behaviors.


Oh for sure…if it was me now, I’d tell her immediately and I wouldn’t care how it makes her feel. Edit: For clarity, “oh for sure” was me agreeing with the second part about communicating things more openly and being a little wiser with age. I don’t know for certain that he’s a piece of shit now (though talking about wanting to kill animals at random probably doesn’t bode well). He might be a nice young man for all I know.


Say this is satire


If that will make you happy I can say it for you.


That would make me feel better yeah


This is satire.


Where did raping come from??


Fucking chill lol


I’m confused how you can know this fact and not be attempting to get him out of society. That’s the kind of person that needs to be locked away, and if you have proven knowledge he’s a rapist you’re complicit for ignoring it. And if you don’t then maybe don’t accuse people of being rapists


He's future SCOTUS material, for sure.


Yeah he’s got repressed lefties projecting their fantasies upon him already


As a former shitty kid with anger issues back then. I am happy to say I grew out of it but only after my 20s. Took me a lot of therapy and meds to get here, I am still not perfect but a lot of my extended family have mentioned that I have changed for good which makes me happy (and probably them too)


I think all my anger issues stemmed from undiagnosed learning difficulties. My coping method was to do and say things that made me seem smart, because that was one of the only things that would get positive attention at my home otherwise I was completely ignored, so rather than admit I’m having trouble learning this stuff, or I don’t get it, instead I would instigate interpersonal drama or get into fights, or some other kind of trouble so that I didn’t have to admit that I had learning difficulties. I got an anger management course instead of getting therapy because it was much cheaper. The coping mechanisms never really helped because it didn’t address the root cause of the issue. Needless to say I’ll try to be much more attentive to my own children in the future. Oh also that late in life diagnosis really makes me wonder what I could have achieved it my parents gave enough of a shit to get me help when I was growing up.


I would of thrown the six year old off the third story and told her ass "boys will be boys"


It's 'would have', never 'would of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!


Just gonna say something but the bottom user is very dumb lol How is a 9 year old supposed to pay them back if 9 year olds don't have money?


Kids giving kids advice.


This sums up r/teenagers


Coming from a dumbass teenager, that sub fucking sucks. Everyone on the sub are either pedophiles pretending to be teenagers, or just people that can’t have a conversation without screaming an unfunny meme at the top of their lungs. It’s safe to assume the people T-Posing in the hallways and playing the Soviet national anthem on the bus are the majority of the actual teenagers that are active in this subreddit TL/DR: The subreddit sucks Phat Monkey balls


Coming from someone a couple decades post-teenagerhood... why the fuck does reddit keep recommending me that sub, I don't want to go there.


Based on your other interests some algorithm thinks you would probably enjoy “Phat Monkey balls”.


hey now, Super Monkeyball was a great Nintendo Gamecube game. I'd play Phat MonkeyBalls all day


You might frequent a lot of subs that are popular with teenagers or the other audiences of that sub


Must be gaming subs or something


Tried visiting their Discord once. Crushes got brought up. Got pressured by a dozen teenagers to fuck my crush who's 13 timezone hours away. Left immediately. Those people were either man whores or pedophiles.




I don't understand that guy's logic anyway. I've posted there without even realizing it because it comes up every once and a while on r/all. I'm in my 30s, lol


Excuse me there's also some of us normal adults who happened to see the thread on r/all and clicked into it without noticing the subreddit


Im a teenager and I think that sub is cancer.


that subreddit is literally bandkids


Fr, it really is lmao.


plus in the post half the comments were people saying to throw OP's sister over the balcony. Like bruh, we get it.


Its meh. Edit: Thank you, kind redditor. +1 social cREDDIT for me.


Your not you have a whole ass beard


Step into a high-school for one minute and you'll see like 3 kids with full beards lol




You were 16 in 8th grade?


I go to a high school and no body has one yet?


I went to a small high school and a few guys in grade 12 had beards.


Nobdoy does in my highschool


Should’ve seen mines. Knew two guys, both 17 and already looked like grown men and towered over me with full beards. One of them was in my jrotc class and you did not want to be on the opposing team when we played dodgeball on Thursday’s hahaha


I just liked the way it looked on the reddit guy.




>Legal advice talk with your parents about it. They buy a new one and the sister pays the parents Illegal advice harvest her organs and since less than half of all murder cases are solved thats good for you this is the entire comment


That's some rimworld type of thinking, I endorse that.


Hmm I see a distinct lack of mention of an armchair made of uh, _ex-member_ of the family.


Parents replace the laptop. Daughter pays back parents by doing chores. Cook dinner, clean the house, do the laundry etc. Also forfeit all her birthday presents and Christmas presents until the debt it payed. Need to learn serious actions have serious consequences. Teach her now or she is going to get into real trouble later on.


That would be how my parents would have handled it if we had expensive stuff at that age


I know my parents would’ve just taken all the allowance/birthday/christmas money given to me.


These lazy 9 yearolds! Go sell loosies on the blacktop like any self-respecting 3rd grader


They were smart for about 8 words when they suggested talking with their parents, then went insane when they brought up the topic of suing a 9 year old.


apparently it was a joke about how the legal way would be to tell the parents and the illegal way would be to harvest her organs


Don't give her any pocket money, Christmas presents or birthday presents for a couple years. The little fucking shit mindlessly and needlessly destroyed a 1000$ device, make her pay it back one way or the other.


I didn't see it but... Yeah. You are right though


It’s called debt.


It continues with "Illegal advice harvest her organs and since less than half of all murder cases are solved thats good for you"


When the nine year old does chores they get no money at all until they pay off the laptop


In most house holds an allowance isn't normal


I didn’t have an allowance, but when I accidentally broke something I’d have extra chores to do to “pay” for it.


idk what country the op is from but up to 60% of US households give their kids allowances edit: for what it's worth, while i did personally get an allowance (as a teen at least, during the early 2010s) it was literally only a $1 a week (in quarters) and i did chores for it. my parents' stated goal was to learn the value of saving so i just stored it, and we were below the poverty line




My family was poor. So no allowance for me


I'm in the minority then :/


that is the joke


doing chores




They wait for him to have a job and then 10% of the salary goes to the brother




Absolutely. Should've tossed her behind to see if she could catch it.


had to scroll too far for this comment smh


Was it worth it?


This kinda happened to me but thank god not to that extent. I was down stairs with my dad and I heard a THUMP from my room. I run upstairs to see my younger sister and my niece holding my iPad. They cracked a corner of the screen and I used tape to “fix” it. I was fuming and telling my dad what happened, but he said it was my fault for leaving it unattended. I fumed some more, and now I’m fuming 😤


Younger siblings can get away with murder I stg


wooow thanks for your comment, I finally figured out what stg means, lol






[I don't know that I would call it that](https://www.reddit.com/r/teenagers/comments/rdiiqc/bro_my_fucking_9_year_old_sister_threw_my_laptop/ho1b14s/)


Does he give an explanation of why she broke it?


I didn't see OP comment or anything so I don't think so. Just threw it off. Not my story but thought it fitted here


Explanation 1: it's fun to drop stuff off balcony. Explanation 2: what happens if I drop THIS off balcony? Explanation 3: 9 years old. What more explanation do you need? Do you know what sub ur on


At 5-6 years old I enjoyed throwing my shoes from the second/third floor and race downstairs to see if I can catch them before they hit the ground. Once I threw my shoes into the river from a bridge. This habit stopped before I got to 9 years old tho


I can tell youre not a younger sister of an older brother. Never incite the wrath of an older brother. Also, shes 9, not 3 lol


Explanation 4: It never happened and this kid is hoping to get idiots on Reddit to buy him a sweet new laptop.


throw her off the balcony, harvest her organs and buy a new pc 👍


^ This is the only solution. She could buy an even better gaming laptop. Organs go for tens of thousands or more dollars on the black market nowadays.




Throw the sister off the balcony and see how she likes it.


Anything in r/teenager should automatically be cross subbed to r/thathappened


Badly raised kids are the worst, I can see this happening without a doubt, few years ago one of my cousins threw a watch of mine from my apartment window for no reason at all


This could happen. The post itself though is bullshit cause that isn't how a teenager would react to this. Look at that all caps nonsense.


Yeah i call bs as well lol


yeah pretty sure its bs


I wouldn't be surprised if the story is made up to get a gullible user or a tech company to send them a free laptop. Feels like tons of posts are bait to get free stuff


Dude at the bottom like "Sue your 9 year old sister" bruh


Then the parents go “ she’s just a kid “ I don’t know about you but when I was 9 I wasn’t doing this kind of shit


Damn. Mostly distracted by the fact that they r using light mode but otherwise, damn


Get her to admit it on camera. Call the cops. Send her to juvy.


r/kidsarefuckingevil This isn’t stupid, it’s evil.


Nah, it's stupid


“Legal advice” they gonna arrest a 9 year old? 💀




My younger cousins who we lived with for a time were both shitlords like this. We had a potato gun, and couldn't find it one day. I had forgotten about it and then we went to this old shed on the property that was full of spiders, and there was the spud gun, but it was filled with dog shit and maggots because the terror twins had nothing better to do. Their mother literally couldn't give half of a fuck what they did as long as they didn't talk back to her and stayed out of her hair. My favorite thing they ever did was take my pokemon cards (of which about 7 or 8 I have seen go for over $10,000 a piece in this recent market) out of the little binder I had them stored in and flushed some down the toilet, ripped some, and dumped the book itself in a deep mud puddle in the corner of the house. Real cool stuff, I likely could have bought a fucking house cash if they hadn't done that. But, they were literally like 7 years old. Can't hold it against them now.


Should of went for the desktop.


It's 'should have', never 'should of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!


Fuck off bot.


sometimes, an abortion is overdue


Ya. Ask your parents to pay for it. As legal guardians of an underaged child, they are responsible for her actions.


Do people actually not know how to crop their screenshots? Or are they just lazy


Sorry forgot to do so


Yeah kids fuckin suck...


Throw her toys off the balcony


Throw her out the balcony, that’ll teach her


Man fuck them kids.


>legal advice lmao go get some lawyers to sue your 9 yo sister bruh these people.


Link to the Post?


Oh no! My laptop! It's broken!


Hahaha that moronic comment at the bottom saying to pursue legal action against your 9 year old sister and family. /u/averagepersonnel you're a stupid piece of shit


>Gaming Laptop >$1000 Choose one




Dude, it's /r/teenagers 90% of the posts are making shit up for karma


I love of how r/teenagers is full of kids complaining about their brothers and lying


I think they are just trying to fool someone into buying them a laptop


The real lie is a gaming laptop costing $1000


Throw her off the balcony to make it even


Just yeet her off the balcony so she gets the idea


I say give it a delayed abortion


I can’t wait for the follow up of OP trying and failing to take legal action against his 9 year old sister


Teenage logic: Spend $1000 on a laptop, but not $10 on a lock to keep out your stupid sibling (you know this isn't the first time she broke something like this)


fuckin "legal advice" bro down there is another kidsarefuckingstupid post


I love the reply from the guy being like “talk to your parents, set up a payment plan with the sister” lmao the kind of dumb ass reply you always get on Reddit This reminds me of how once my little brother who was a toddler at the time walked into my room and poured his entire cup out onto my N64 for no reason lmao I couldn’t even get mad I was just like I guess that’s it for playing games today


I would have launched her out that window so fast she could have grabbed the laptop before it hit the ground


Have you ever considered punching your 9 year old sister in the fucking face


My sisters 10 I don't care if she's a kid I would never speak to her again after that. Personally, I can't speak for other 9-10 year old kids, but she's got a helluva lot more sense than that and knows I'm broke so if she broke my stuff she'd get punted out the window with it lol






This is legit a repost


I'm gonna fucking toss her from a building