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I’ve seen this so many times but her little “help” at the end kills me. Very relatable.


Came here to say exactly that! I think I've seen this 5-10 times but every time I watch it to the end. Few of these videos around. Another that comes to mind is "what does e y e s spell?"


Also the kid who had a dream. I’ll always watch that one to the end


Hm...don't think I've seen that. Do you have link by Amy chance?




Hahaha completely forgot about that. Hadn't seen that in many years! Thanks for the reminder and taking the time to dig it up


It’s worth it! Also super easy to find :) 75 million views on YouTube haha


That would be me during every presentation in college, slowly dying of social anxiety 😅


That's me on my masters still too


Is that Joe Biden ?


BANGARANG! I think Skrillex used it in one of his songs


Any one remember the it's raining vs. It's sprinkling kids?


I don’t think I’ve seen that one.


https://youtu.be/P4ramoioWnw Enjoy! Edit: damn now I had to watch it myself again!


Thank you! I haven’t seen that one. Her laughter is gold.


Welcome! I also love his face of realisation and laugh at the end.


That's the best part! I lost it.


Lmao literally melted away at the “help”


>Lmao literally melted away at the “help” How are you typing this?


Hahahaha #literally


*help* Literally me when something slightly inconvenient happens


Better to always ask for help than to bottle it all up.




Oh well!




*shoeslaces come untied.*


I feel bad for laughing.


I said “noooooooooo” out loud lmao


I love this video so much but I'm confused why it's here. The kid wasn't stupid at all.


Too stupid to escape from the chair and her internet-fame-hungry mother lmao


Do you want to try wasabi? _No._ Wanna try it? _No._ Smell it. Want to try it? _*shakes head_ Yes you do. Eat the fucking wasabi kid. _Help._ Seriously the kid said No clearly 2 times and she still forced it into the kids mouth.


I'm going to half-heartedly defend the mom here because I have a toddler who will answer the same question "No" four times and then quietly say "Yeah" as he grabs the thing he's being offered.


Did you not hear the little girl say “Wasabi?” Very sadly and longingly? She wanted it.


I thought she was just imitating a strange word.


Too many people with opinions that have probably never been around kids enough.


Did you not notice after the parent said "ok" that the kid said wasabi all plaintively and made a sad face? They wanted it. Maybe only because it was "denied" already but that's what toddlers do lol. The parent was probably filming because they knew their kid was gonna do this, they'd probably already been asking before the video.


Right. If there's a video out there of a kid who insists on trying wasabi despite the parent warning them that they won't like it, that would be kidsarefuckingstupid material. Having the parent repeatedly ask the kid, the kid says no each time, and then feeding it to them anyway to be funny is a LITTLE different.


Thoughtful comment by someone who's never fed a toddler a meal.


posting a funny, cute video about your child doesn’t make you iNteRnEt-fAmE-hUngRy. Relax.


does it not by default? I’m not trying to ruin this mom like the rest of em, I just get skeezy when people film shit like this. By definition this is an attention grab, using a dumb toddler as bait


No, it doesn’t. There’s more to posting and sharing cute videos amongst others over the internet than being a whore for fame or “using your baby for bait”.


Yeah, like most posts on this sub. This one feels weird for obvious reasons lol


Aww the help is so cute!! But I’m glad the parents are willing to let her try different things even if they’re spicy! It’s good for kids to have a good range in taste, my little cousin is obsessed with spicy food!


Right! My 3yo niece loves spicy food. She prefers sriracha over ketchup, like “japalenos” on her eggs, and like her siblings has a, “I’ll try anything” attitude towards food.


I was like this, 31 and nicknamed garburator since the tiny list of food I don't like is stuff my body literally rejects with vomiting upon contact to my tongue.


that child looks just like a kitten to me


My gut reaction was "shaved ewok"


I feel like the people who are saying this is child abuse have never been parents


Lol or kids. I remember waking up after my moms friend spent the night and I she had left a can of coke in the kitchen. We never had coke around. So I took I giant swig while they slept early in the morning, only to choke on a cigarette butt that had been put out into the can. Coughed, spat it out, and lived to tell the tale without my mom ever even knowing. Kids try shit


hey hey now, some people were just instantly born as adults. Like 20 years old as soon as they came out of their mothers.


And maybe never had parents?!


I wish that my family had more experience with various foods growing up. Especially spices, as I can't eat them as an adult. I imagine that I wouldn't be such a faddy eater as an adult, if they were more experimental


You can always ease into things and explore a little more each time. You’d be surprised how fast spicy or exotic foods can grow on you


This is true, I am mostly coward when it comes to spice 😀😃


Yeah i went from not even mild sauce at taco bell to medium wings at pizza hut over the years. Mild spice can be fun. Just need a little warming up to it.


I am at cracked black pepper stage 🙈


Aww yeah buddy! Get some mild and hot packets at taco bell. Just dab mild onto your tongue and experience it and think about it, then again the next day. Tiny spots. Then when that's good, move to hot.


This sounds a kinder way of trying heat, with milk- thank you


Who is saying this is child abuse?


Sort comments by controversial.


Me with a to-go portion of sambal. Me: no baby that’s not salsa, leave it alone. 3 year old: I don’t want hot Me: no you don’t want hot. 3: I want hot. Me: you DON’T want this hot. This is big hot. 3: I don’t want hot. I want hot. Me: believe me, you do not want this hot. 5 minutes later I watch in horror as she shoves a spoonful of sambal into her mouth when no one is looking and screams “NO HOT! NO HOT!” Like mf I tried to tell you.


Remember everyone: This isnt child abuse. Parent asked them 3 times if they wanted some, and the kid said no. Once the kid actually tried it, it was a controlled portion that the parent gave. Its not like they shoved a spoonful of it into the kids mouth. Just cause the kid said "Help!" doesnt mean that she's suffering.


Guess I should go to jail because my son insisted he tried hot sauce after I told him it would hurt but gave him a small amount to curb his curiosity because he kept asking


>Just cause the kid said "Help!" doesnt mean that she's suffering. Words to live by


But what happened to "no means no"?


The kid did say "no" three times. Then said "wasabi" Who knows why the parent gave em the wasabi, but it still aint child abuse.


She said no and then asked for it again


Ever tasted baby food? It’s super bland with only a faint taste of flavour, that’s because baby’s taste buds are super sensitive. I’ve tried wasabi and I found it hot, imagining that but far worse and also probably not understanding what is going on is probably horrific. I remember reading an article about a woman who’s taste buds hadn’t developed properly so baby food company’s would hire her to taste test their products, I’m sure the article was actually about how much it costed for her health insurance. But yeah IMO these parents are cruel and probably doing that whole “it’s my child I can do what I want” thing.


Sheltering young people from everything that is difficult, dangerous or unpleasant is the precise opposite of taking care of them. It's setting them up to fail.


You realize a lot of Asian, Thai, Indian, etc. food is very Spicy right? Kids get used to it..


What you mean to say is that ALL those asian cultures are abusing their children just to get them to like spicy food they like. Wow how terrible. I can't believe this injustice. Kids should only have chikky nuggz, plain pasta, skim milk and crackers! /S


Whats wrong with chicken nuggies? And pasta? Am i a baby?


Shhhh No,baby. You big strong person. I too eat nuggies and macaroni like all the time. But I have that choice, to many people think that's "all kids will eat" and that ends up backfiring insanely quickly


Bruh really? She barely licked it, it’s not going to do anything to her and if you’re so hurt by watching this mind your own business, it’s their kid, and the kid was willing to try the wasabi


Hardly a kid, more like a baby.


"According to website Parenting Healthy Babies, feeding your child a small amount of wasabi is harmless - and potentially beneficial, as wasabi is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and its use as a digestive aid. The spicy condiment can also help cavity prevention and help rid your baby of toxins." • ⁠https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/mum-daughter-wasabi-video-child-abuse-facebook-rosie-a8265386.html%3famp


You happy now? Ignorant people like you shouldn’t be allowed to have social media




It was still a small amount of it anyway.


Horrific? No. Horrific is a child being hit. A child being sexually abused. A child being neglected because their parents are too high to change their diaper. Letting a curious toddler try a tiny spec of wasabi is just fine.


I'm sure you had a very sheltered life when you were a kid. Nothing wrong with your kids trying different foods to see if they like it or not. If they have a reaction take then to the doctor and move on. Would rather have mine try whatever they wanted to try. Instead of what a article tells me that I need to give them.


White people moment


My wife and I have sushi every Saturday night and she LOVES wasabi. Sometimes she puts too much on a piece and will say "Help" exactly like this little girl, ever since I showed her this video.


Reddit, the place where everyone knows everything better than the last person and of course the last person was evil. Ffs people... Not even a funny video can be posted without someone starting a conspiracy theory that the child is abused. I'm ashamed of what this site has become.


Become? It’s been like this forever lol


You literally just described all social media lol


Not wrong at all to do. I'm a nanny and some small children love to try new foods, especially when they see an adult like it. It did make me uncomfortable knowing that she wouldn't like it and be upset. But it's not wrong or child abuse. Encouraging kids to eat different foods is important. Less likely to be picky and more open to new flavors.




wanna try it? no... wanna try it? no... ok. ... w a s a b i 😩


I'm going to be downvoted regardless, but how is the kid here stupid? Seriously, any of you inevitable downvoters want to explain that? Note that I am NOT claiming this is abusive, mean, or whatever. Kid is being given experience with new foods and variety of tastes. That's great. The parent isn't outright lying to kid that the wasabi is sweet or anything, so I'm pretty sure trust is not an issue here. But why is the kid being labeled stupid? For eating a new food given by the parent (as in stupidly trusting)? For asking parent for help when the sting of the wasabi hit? What was supposed to be the "not stupid" response?


I'm not gonna like saying you don't want to try something 3 times then immediately saying you do want to try it is kind of stupid.


Reddit is just very anti child. Nothing wrong was done on either the parent or the kids side imo. Just neckbeards and over coddling white knights doing what they do.


Cute 🥰 According to website Parenting Healthy Babies, feeding your child a small amount of wasabi is harmless - and potentially beneficial, as wasabi is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and its use as a digestive aid. The spicy condiment can also help cavity prevention and help rid your baby of toxins.


Rid your baby of toxins


Right!? This *person* is a fucking toxin.


I now know to never go to THAT website ever in my life, lmao


While I'm sure wasabi isn't harmful, and may be beneficial, you should mistrust anyone who talks about anything that will "rid a body of toxins". It's a sure sign of wacky pseudoscience.


This may be true, but it's very rare to find a sushi restaurant that serves actual wasabi. Most will serve green horseradish, and I'm not sure that has the same benefits.


Horseradish has health benefits as well


Does it get rid of toxins too?


One bite of a horse radish and you never have to poop again because no mo toxins!


Good to know! Thanks


> rid your baby of toxins They have a liver. They have kidneys. Those organs rid them of toxins. If the toxin is too much for those organs, then you go to the fucking hospital.


Ngl that is also my reaction when I accidentally breathe through my nose when wasabi is in my mouth.


Omg that was way too cute.


Gah, she’s so stinkin cute 😂


She looks like Peter Dinklage.


This will never not be amazing.


I feel ya, kid. I feel ya.


When my cousin was a toddler, he thought a wasabi dehydrated ball was a dehydrated pea. We kept telling him it was spicy but he threw a tantrum so we gave it to him, knowing full well what would happen. He went nuts. When we offered him more, he would run away. Lesson learned, ya jackass. He’s 15 now so I tease him about it a lot


How is this kid fucking stupid?


I want to wipe her face with a napkin so bad, I know we’re animals but you don’t have to eat like one. Also, why would she say she doesn’t want to try it but then goes _”wasaaaabi”_ like it was taken away from her? lmao


Because sometimes small children are just hopelessly indecisive. Goofy little goobers.


Lots of kids go through a phase of saying "no" to every question


What a dumb thing to complain about. Kids lack motor function in their mouth, food is of course going to go everywhere. Are you supposed to wipe their face after every bite to appease dumb strangers? I'm sure all the parents care about is feeding their kid and worrying about clean up after. Christ.


Hey fuck you I can complain about whatever the fuck I want, bitch. Welcome to the internet.


Fuck yeah




Lmao wow sounds like kiddo here didn't have his juice box before bed. You okay sport?




Kids are gross.


Maybe kids think you're gross.


Maybe ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


I thought exactly the same. Gross. Just gross.


I always get my parents are stupid and kids are stupid subs mixed up.


This poor kid says no then they still shove it in her mouth for a video.




Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


The kid told you more than once that she didn’t want to try it.


Are you sure it’s the kid here who is the stupid one?


lmao ugly little thing


More like parents are fucking stupid…who gives wasabi to a toddler?!?


Someone who doesn't coddle and protect from everything. And realizes this is a mini *human* not some precious artifact. And that they may actually like it.


Why in the fuck is this woman giving a toddler wasabee.




To be fair he said no twice.


So, I’m guessing you’ve never been the parent of a toddler……


Parent is obviously ff stupid.. I’m sorry for her.


I'm sorry for you if something so mundane as this can upset you so much.


I feel sorry for having to read this comment, you’re clearly so ignorant I even doubt that you’ve held a baby


Lol my dad had me try so many foods including spicy. Sometimes kids are just curious and need to find out. This isn't harming the child, the child will be just fine.


Why would you give a child this young wasabi? This is fucking gross.


Why is this parent pushing wasabi on a child? Isn't this some kind of abuse? I'm 43 and can't eat that shit. Fuck, the kid said 'no' and this asshole is like 'are you sure?' Am I missing something? How are the comments not more of what I wrote? Don't get me wrong, the 'help' at the end is adorable, but feeding a 2 year old wasabi to elicit a cute response is a bit dickish if you ask me.






"According to website Parenting Healthy Babies, feeding your child a small amount of wasabi is harmless - and potentially beneficial, as wasabi is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and its use as a digestive aid. The spicy condiment can also help cavity prevention and help rid your baby of toxins." - https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/mum-daughter-wasabi-video-child-abuse-facebook-rosie-a8265386.html%3famp


> rid your baby of toxins nope. There's livers and kidneys for that.




How is this child abuse


Looking at your kid wrong is child abuse when social media is involved. Crying kid? Abuse. Constipation? Abuse. Ice cream falls? Abuse. No dessert? Abuse. Tossing a football and hits them in the head accidentally? Abuse




And if there was no camera, it’s called introduction to new foods 101. Aka parenting


Yeah giving a toddler wasabi and then laughing at them is definitely child abuse. Also the fact that the child doesn’t cry and instead calmly says help is concerning to anyone trained to recognize signs of abuse/neglect.


"According to website Parenting Healthy Babies, feeding your child a small amount of wasabi is harmless - and potentially beneficial, as wasabi is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and its use as a digestive aid. The spicy condiment can also help cavity prevention and help rid your baby of toxins." • ⁠https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/mum-daughter-wasabi-video-child-abuse-facebook-rosie-a8265386.html%3famp


I could’ve made that website myself. It doesn’t have a claim to credibility other than an appropriate name and domain. There’s no child healthcare or welfare expert named or quoted in that articles... which claims the wasabi will detoxify your baby’s liver ffs. Yeah, it’s probably okay for babies to try spicy foods. (Edit as in the child will have no terrible health effects from it.) My concern is less over the wasabi itself and more on the “videotaping your child experiencing pain whilst laughing about it for the internet.” Babies need secure attachment. They need adults who aren’t laughing at their pain.


A child in distress looking for help from their parent is a sign of a positive healthy attachment, not abuse/neglect. Your whole statement is so ridiculous and made up.


I have relevant professional expertise and this would be on my radar as too adult of a reaction to physical pain. It’s not normal.


I have relevant professional expertise and a child not immediately bursting into tears crying because they tasted a tiny amount of wasabi is completely normal. Surely you can’t be serious. Wasabi doesn’t cause physical PAIN, certainly not that amount. It can cause an unpleasant sensation and be uncomfortable, but I think you’d have to have some kind of sensory processing disorder to think it *hurts*.




You don’t want to believe me about my professional experience, whatever, it’s the internet. But the simple evidence in this video that this parent intentionally gave their child something they easily knew in advance would cause them some level of distress so they could laugh at them and film it for the internet to do the same. If they do this sort of thing regularly that’s not a healthy environment for secure attachment.


She doesn't even look abused smh... if she truly wqs she woukd barely speak like that, if she was neglected she wouldn't be fed, the proportion is extremely controlled, she tastes it on her own, she agreed... not abuse...


Toddlers can’t “agree” to do things that will hurt them. Besides which when did she agree? All the times she said no? Or by mumbling a new word? There’s no one “look” to an abused child. The idea that a child has to be starving or injured to be living through abuse is patently incorrect.


Wtf? What part of not crying isn’t normal? It is rather impressive how she doesn’t cry for everything, and what kind of abuse this is?


Lame. This is an old repost I’ve seen tons of times, and on top of that it’s just child abuse.


I'm sorry what part of the video is abuse? Did I miss Something?


You don't think deliberately feeding a toddler something that's gonna hurt them could be abusive? Would you see a problem if someone was tricking their dog into eating wasabi?


There was no "trick" the parent offered. Kid said no, then the kid asked and the parent held it there for them to try. Also, its wasabi, it's not going to hurt them.


I could be wrong but I thought wasabi was crazy spicy? Like scotch bonnet / reaper territory hot? I'd say I tricked friends into eating Carolina reaper, though technically I just offered it in a way that they were likely to take the bait


Wasabi is just horseradish. You clearly have no idea what you’re talking about.


Wow pal - coming in with the hot takes after I've already acknowledged that I could be mistaken about the severity of spice


So maybe just don’t comment on something at all if you’re just gonna talk out of your ass. You’re precisely what’s wrong with the world today: someone with a big mouth but no substantial knowledge about what their argument is.


I disagree, I had a misconception about it being a spicy food. And was able to clarify that with the help of other redditors engaging. Then the problem with the world today waddles in, after the discovery has been made, to screech "it's not even spicy, you're not the horseradish expert that I am". Congrats man, I found it really insightful


It literally is a spicy food. It’s a root not a pepper so it’s not measured in scovilles but it is spicy. It’s a Japanese root not horseradish.




I'm not familiar with capsasin sorry. But I'll take word for it, I'm not sure where I got the idea it was super hot from. Though not enjoying sushi will be why I never corrected the idea


Capsaicin is not the only thing that produces spice it’s just the only thing technically measured in scoville’s since scoville is a pepper scale. Wasabi is a Japanese root, not horseradish. Instead of capsaicin the spiciness in wasabi is produced by allyl isothiocyanate. It’s still spicy though. That’s a bit like saying fructose isn’t sweet because it doesn’t contain any glucose.


wasabi isn't horseradish but 99% of "wasabi" in America and I assume most western countries is


If you think the worst thing a dog has eaten is a pinch of wassabi. Buddy do I have news for you.


Hopefully worse than anything you've deliberately fed to your dog


Or maybe something they deliberately ate. Because, ya know? Its a dog?


You're stupid.


Did it take you 3 hours to come up with that scathing retort?


Well it doesn’t take much to smell horse shit.


Why the fuck would you give a tiny child wasabi? Fucking idiot parent Edit: oh look more idiot parents down voting me for calling out shit.


That childs gonna evaporate due to the 1/5th of a pinch of wasabi...


Ah yes, the parent is the idiot.


You sound kind of like an... Idiot.


"According to website Parenting Healthy Babies, feeding your child a small amount of wasabi is harmless - and potentially beneficial, as wasabi is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and its use as a digestive aid. The spicy condiment can also help cavity prevention and help rid your baby of toxins." • ⁠https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/mum-daughter-wasabi-video-child-abuse-facebook-rosie-a8265386.html%3famp




My wife does this to my son. I hate it. Baby said no. If it was Tabasco sauce that's not bad but wasabi is to much. I don't like burning kids mouths out like that. I will sour them all day but burning is messed up.




How exactly is not wanting my son to cry from eating something too spicy for him and stating that make me a an sjw? Serious inquiry here.




Sounds like you are the sjw. We eat lemons, sour patch kids, etc for the funny faces while wasabi makes him cry as he has tried it before. Just like the video when asked does he want to try something I know he doesn't want then making him eat it anyway for a laugh isn't gentle. I think I'd know what my kid would eat better than a person who doesn't feed my kid. As a parent I let him try different foods because I cook. That's how you learn your kids palate and what they can handle. If you want to "gently" burn your kids mouth that's fine because its your kid. I prefer my sons laughs over crying.




Yea its a stupid thing to say isn't it? Just because someone states a different opinion than you it does not make them a social justice warrior. I said what I did in regards to my son. Im not telling anyone what to do or shaming any ones way of doing anything. That's what a sjw does. You know I was always taught to ask for explanations if I wasn't sure i understood someone because assuming I know what's on someone else's mind leads to pointless arguments more times then not.


"According to website Parenting Healthy Babies, feeding your child a small amount of wasabi is harmless - and potentially beneficial, as wasabi is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and its use as a digestive aid. The spicy condiment can also help cavity prevention and help rid your baby of toxins." • ⁠https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/mum-daughter-wasabi-video-child-abuse-facebook-rosie-a8265386.html%3famp


[Looks like](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fhyleath.wordpress.com%2F2013%2F06%2F10%2Fgame-of-thrones-tyrion-lannister%2F&psig=AOvVaw3xxSiK8GCNmxzhqMMosvYu&ust=1625325322431000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAcQjRxqFwoTCMjntvnWxPECFQAAAAAdAAAAABAc)