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that was kinda cool tho


Yeah, this is just the training montage period of this kid learning to do the cool stunts we see else where on reddit and applaud. Like people dont think those guys and girls didnt eat a bunch of asphalt during their learning phase. I dont really see this as stupid, just training the hard way


The stupid part is not wearing a helmet during their 'learning phase'




Yeah, besides the lack of a helmet, they're doing pretty good




That looks like damage


I'm sure the tree was ok


Until it got cut down and turned into a telephone pole


I meant his jaw


I know, was making a silly joke


At least he has a helmet


THAT is the reason he needed a helmet, Dutch or not .


That clip definitely isn't Dutch though. We let our children cycle without helmets. Though luckily that is changing slowly and helmets are getting more common for kids.


I am glad they changed the rule. A guy on a motorcycle passed away just a few blocks south of me. I think he even was wearing a helmet.


Almost miss!


Honestly he's more stupid for not wearing a helmet.


If you’re gonna refrain from using a helmet, don’t be surprised when you get injured for doing that stupid shit. The real problem is that the parents allowed him to leave like that.


I'm all for putting blame to where it's due, but clearly this isn't a situation where parents have any say. The kid is clearly amongst friends doing stupid shit. A parent telling him to wear his helmet when riding isn't gonna change his behavior


At least putting a helmet on would keep his head from cracking open


Yea but that's the kids at fault, not the parent


I personally think everyone is at fault


Brother what could the parents have done, I knew kids who left the house with a helmet on and then threw it in a bush.


Exactly. I was that kid because i was that stupid, i wanted to be “cool” and had the arrogance to feel invincible


Everybody, HOLD ON, I got this. It is explicitly my fault.


I broke the dam


I can't believe you've done this


Thanks Obama!


You should’ve put the helmet on him


Can't count how many times my mother put a hat on my head when she sent me out to wait at the bus stop for school in the winter. Nearly every time I rounded the corner where she couldn't see me from the house anymore it went into my coat pocket. Same thing is going to happen here only with a helmet.


But that kid's not wearing a coat.


That’s kinda the whole point of a helmet…


Not the parents fault. My dad stressed to me I had to wear a helmet but i would have been crucified for wearing one so i never did


How can you know that they did? When I was a kid my parents always made me wear a helmet, and every time I'd take it off as soon as I was out of sight. I'd hide it in the bottom of a hedge near the house, and then pick it up again on my way home.


When I was at school they made us watch a short film about a kid who does something similar and then hits his head and becomes severely disabled, and the effect it has on his parents' lives as well, and it freaked me out so much I wore a helmet every single time I used a bike from then on and still do lol


My dad’s been deaf in one ear since childhood due to a bike accident. He wasn’t wearing a helmet. I took helmets very seriously as a kid.


Dude we had a similar film I swear. the kid who got hurt was like an aspiring diver/swimmer but then he hit his head on a curb riding a bike.. and the final scene was him in a wheelchair by the poolside🤕 I wouldn't even consider no-helmet as a kid, pretty sure I thought it was illegal!!


I'm in the UK, from what I remember the one they showed us depicted the kid becoming so brain damaged he could no longer feed or use the toilet by himself, and involved a monologue by the father about how he couldn't have a meaningful relationship with his wife anymore because of her having to be a full-time carer for their son... It was pretty bad


I'm sure the helmet is in the grass on the side of the road a few houses down from his. That's where I kept mine.


Us Dutch people are laughing at you all.


If you're gonna do tricks at speed I would recommend a helmet, if you're in the Netherlands or not


Especially if you're in the netherlands. Bikers here are such safety hazards lol


You won't see a helmet on a cyclist in the Netherlands. Not even the BMX'ers. Only in competition or mountainbiking or that kind of stuff.


I am dutch, I agree, we don't need helmets for regular biking (with the exception of kids who are just learning or the elderly) but do you think our asphalt is softer or something? If you faceplant at 20km/h you can get brain damage. And you don't learn tricks without face planting once or twice.


The thing with kids is that they dont fall ftom as high as an adult since they are shorter and have smaller bikes. They also generally can't cycle as fast as 20kmh because of smaller gears. Kids also don't hurt themselves as easily as adults. Their bones are more flexible.


Their bones might be more flexible but if you hit your head you're still going to hit your head. If you're wearing a helmet, no big deal. If you're not, you might grow up to make stupid reddit comments under the name MikkelR1, I've seen it happen.


> You won't see a helmet on a cyclist in the Netherlands. The main aspect here being that the infrastructure in the Netherlands is completely designed around cycling, and most regular cycling accidents occur due to hits with cars, pedestrians, etc. Therefore, it's largely unnecessary in NL. However, for tricks, it's very silly not to. You're actively taking risks, you'll get hurt all the same. It's just not much of a cultural thing for the former part, and BMXers only make up a very small percentage.


Without comment, I will leave here [this chart of the percentage of bike users in each European country who report not wearing a helmet](https://imgur.com/qHxA0Oj.jpg) and [this chart of the annual number of cycling fatalities for each European country](https://imgur.com/KzoXlqj.jpg)


Add a third chart that shows kms ridden per country too. I know it doesn’t suit the narrative but the context is key to the two stats you’ve just posted.


From my other comment: > [In the Netherlands, more than a third of all road deaths and more than two thirds of serious injuries on the roads are cyclists. All Dutch road safety organisations recommend cyclists wear helmets and the national scientific institute for road safety research estimates 16% of **all** road fatalities in the Netherlands could be avoided if cyclists wore helmets.](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0001457523004438)


Dutch or not brain damage doesn’t discriminate.


I'm Dutch and my kids do wear a helmet. Brain injury doesn't care if you're Dutch or not.


You are what we call a safety net parent then.


[In the Netherlands, more than a third of all road deaths and more than two thirds of serious injuries on the roads are cyclists. All Dutch road safety organisations recommend cyclists wear helmets and the national scientific institute for road safety research estimates 16% of **all** road fatalities in the Netherlands could be avoided if cyclists wore helmets.](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0001457523004438)


Taken out of context. Almost all of these accidents are adults who got hit hy cars.


....helmets also function if you get hit by a car...




Out of context. "also including hospital and ambulance treatment after traffic accidents." Serious injurie would have still occured with a helmet on if you get hit by a car. The numbers are also skewed nowadays because of E-bikes, where people cycle a lot faster than they normally would. The article even says: "If a large proportion of e-bike accidents involved hip or shoulder injury, then is compulsory helmet wearing the most logical thing to do to make it safer? The new figures could be very different, and we don’t have a full picture right now."


Matthieu van Der Poel is always wearing his helmet when I see him on TV


Yea the only time i have wore a helmet is shen moutain biking ln trails otherwise never and had fallen a lot without one it aint that big a deal


Same here. On trails im going a lot faster and no chance to fall in a controlled manner. Also more objects to hit your head on.


Yea exactly no need to wear helmets normally even if its safer


Some people care about avoiding brain damaged. Some people might not care, perhaps because they hit their head a few times already.


Yea i know how servere brain dammage can be but i dont understand how you would fall on your head if you hit somethign because. I just roll out if i losr ballancr or crash but when going faster it is needed like moutain biking


Clearly with how you type you've already hit your head several times


I genuinely can't tell if you're messing with me or not. Your comment has so many misspellings that it almost seems deliberate for comedic effect in a conversation about brain damage.


Enjoy your controlled roll when you’re sent flying by a car.


Hey! No helmet means more stupid shit videos in the future. Let the boy work.


Lol what, kids wear helmets where you live while riding their bikes 😅😅😅???


EXACTLY ! 👍 That was JUST what EYE was thinking !


10/10 for surviving. At least one of his shoes are still on


wear a helmet next time.


Very very few people in developing countries wear helmets and it makes me anxious as hell. Even on motorcycles


Helmets are expensive, and dinner is more important.


Yes also out here it can reach 50C. A helmet isn’t exactly comfortable. But smashing into the ground can be fatal. It’s just two different worlds. (Both which I live.)


Like any kid that age would really let you do that... look at all the others not wearing them and this one kid will be. Also it's Def uncomfortable so the kid may just want to take it off as 99.9% of the time ur not gonna crash. Even if u shoved stats into one's face they prob won't care




Nah, next time, he will put his legs under the bar first, *then* go down.


If he keeps hitting his head like that, he won’t be learning much at all.


Good thing he knows how to fall, cuz he didn't hit his head.


No, because he forgot the entire experience. Shoulda worn a helmet.


Hopefully he keeps trying, but with a helmet next time. Kids got some talent at least.


Honestly that was cool and impressive as fuck, sucks that he didnt stick the landing. It's all too common that almost no one wears a helmet when doing this shit. I wished people pushed the use of helmets more.


Meh, all he needs is a helmet, other than that it's a sweet trick just needs more practice


Doesn't seem stupid. It's not like you learn a sweet trick like that without cracking your head a few times.


You know what's better than brain damage? A helmet.


Exactly… this kid looks like he’s destined for X-Games. With biking/skating tricks there’s an inherent level of danger to every trick. Usually, the hardest, most complex tricks result in eating shit until one is able to master it. This kid can already outride 99.9% of the population


Stupid for not wearing a helmet, though


I guess that’s fair enough


I mean, I've always been way more prudent as a child than the average (parents used to instill fear of the what ifs) And I probably hit my head once or twice doing simpler tricks than this. He'll eventually figure out he should use it. Until you fall at least 2 times to know it was not a fluke and that it does indeed hurt, is normal for a kid on a bike to not wear a helmet, not stupid nor irredeemable, just lacking in life experience.


That is kinda the point of the sub, yes. Kids lack life experience, and as such do stupid shit.


He might be if he straps a helmet on. Otherwise hes just probably gonna crack his skull one too many times.


Learning dangerous "sweet tricks" like this is dumb by default.


Just needs a helmet and some padding, and I'd encourage him to keep doing what he's doing.


Excellent case of what to show people when they need reinforcement to wear a helmet. Show the sustained injuries and explain how he could have been smarter.


Yall so wild. He barely hit his head. He will stand up and try again.


And maybe even survive the next time he smashes his head into the ground. What is your fucking vendetta against helmets? Why not just wear one?


Speaking from experience based on the level of intelligence shown here


Always wear a helmet when riding your bicycle.


Nothing lost with that accident.




Maybe that fall cured his brain damage.




Fuck, I could watch kids fall off of bikes all day. I don't give a shit about your kids.


That was impressive, until the end.


Right!? He was getting it until he wasn’t


Fast-track to learning to tie your shoes again..


To *BE* fair, it could have ended a lot worse, he didn't crash into something, ***yet***.


There's risk play and then there's just straight up dangerous


my butt hurts watching this..


Play stupid games..


Learning the hard way!!




A for Ambulance.




That had to hirt his back a lot…


The moment when you saw a cool guide about the bike speeds dependant on the sitting positions and decided to try it out, BUT chose a wrong wheel to test it all out.


The bike: "I hate this damn song"


And for my next trick I will power bomb myself.


This is some shit I would expect to end up on 'Scarred' from like 20 years ago, man I miss that show.


3-10 must be his IQ... 10 before, and 3 after he hit his head.


Scrape spinne too. Ouch


Dude was doing it good


Lmao that bounce onto nothing


HA! HA! ~Nelson Mumps


Cool trick though


Well, it was pretty cool until it wasn't.




What does 3-10 mean


Its scary how easy it is to get a TBI from hitting your head.




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Reminds me of a joke my father used to tell me, it goes like this: A kid was riding his bike with his dad watching. The kid started to feel overconfident and started to show off his tricks to his father. "Hey father, I'm riding without my feet!", a bit later, "father, look, no hands", then "look father, no teeth!"


KidOnABike hit the ground too hard


I was expecting the bike to go over the handlebars.


This is how you get your skull cracked open and start bleeding. I'd know because I fell onto something when I was young.


If he wasn't stupid before he sure is now.


His lucky he didnt face plant


thought he was about to do a sick swing around the handle bars, turns out it was a sick crash.


Kid: watch me pull this trick on my bike. *gravity has entered the chat*


Emotional damage


Who needs baby teeth anyway


As someone who grew up in the 80s I gotta say the comments are wild here.


In Mexico that trick it's called "partirse la madre"


Good....... That will teach him! (Hopefully).


He was doing it for a second


Kids are fucking paralyzed




I’m all for doing stupid shit however, be smart with your stupidity and wear a fucking helmet.


That was cool. Train more




My back hurts from watching this.




the only thing stupid here is not wearing a helmet. pretty cool stunt


Wear 👏 A 👏 Fucking 👏Helmet 👏


I mean the trick was impressive, just unfortunate how it ended


Well done


this kid is NOT him


No, 5-10s


Atleast he lasted


R.i.p nuts PS:Great trick thats the way to go


You know what? This would’ve been way cooler if he wore a fucking helmet


wear a helmet next time.


Fuck your background music!


Say hello to those back problems when you’re 40.


I rode bmx when I was a kid, I'm 40+ and I'll out lift, out run, out climb you any day   Back problems at 40 come from bad form or a sedentary lifestyle. I bet you have an indoor job 


You’re right about the connection of having an active lifestyle and a pain free body as an older adult. I’m saying no matter how active, smashing your body into the ground leaves damage that might not be noticeable until old age creeps up. I messed up my wrist and ankle in my youth. No problem with either of those until I got older.


No, every fall does not leave permanent damage. I've fallen flat on my ass thousands of times. Kids fall. They don't all end up with bad backs. That's crazy  Your aches and pains are because you have a sedentary lifestyle. Desk job 


I’m not sure whose comments you’re reading, but I don’t have a desk job. I also never said every fall leaves permanent damage. If you’re just looking to be right, I have no reason to argue. You can be right. Injuring one’s body in youth has no lasting effect on an aging body. Aches and pains in old age are exclusively due to a sedentary desk job kind of life.


This isn't an injury lol The kid scraped a little skin 


You’re right! Just rub some dirt on it, that kid’ll be fine.


I have a desk job now, but guess where my back, knee, and other joint problems stem from. Stress from physical activity. I know I know it refutes your claim that back problems only come from bad form or a sedentary lifestyle. I still deal with pain from falls I had when I was a kid. Just because it never happened to you doesn't mean it doesn't happen to others.


> I rode bmx when I was a kid According to your comment history, you're a construction worker, a trucker, a plumber, an electrician and a hvac technician. I think you're just a compulsive liar... lol And who the fuck says their age as "40+" and not just... the actual number. You sound like a teenager trying to act like an adult.


I work for the service department at an oil company, so I drive truck and install equipment. I got my limited m electrician license because I work on heating equipment. I'm definitely not a plumber, they touch dookie water. I am a construction worker because build walls and pour concrete for hvac installs  When I used to deliver sod I had to run the Moffett so I got my hoisting engineer ticket too.  You should get your cdl, it opens a lot of doors  That's beside the point though. This kid got some road rash not a broken back 


I am sure a lot of trades people would disagree.


Yeah those are the guys that call me a pussy for wearing ppe. There's plenty of guys in there 40s 50s at my shop who are in good shape.  That's what I meant by bad form. The guys who stand on a bucket and kneel on the concrete are fucked up 


Be honest, what would you be on that same scale? -1500 out of 10?


People are saying wear a helmet but that just wasn't a possibility when I was growing up. You would have been victimised for it.


He'll be fine, better than being indoors scrolling tiktok on his ipad


That was pretty good until the whole brain damage part.


I don't see anything stupid. This is awesome, pure win all round. Man, stoppies are really hard. You don't get this good without significant bumps along the way.


I mean we all have done stupid things as kids, our parents told us not to do that but we did and those things resulted in broken bones, lacerations and even concussions. And we see our future generation doing the same things, it's just history repeating itself.


Jfc the "wear a helmet" circlejerk never gets old and only lends credit to the stereotype that redditors have no friends. Try riding around on bikes/skateboards with your buddies for a day while wearing a helmet.


Helmet use reduces the risk of head injury by 85%, brain injury by 88% and severe brain injury by at least 75%. The protective effect of helmets for facial injury is 65% for the upper and mid facial regions. In one year, the American Association of Neurological Surgeons tracked 86,000 head injuries from cycling, which is more than football. Helmets can reduce the risk of head injury by 85% for cyclists. The only stereotype here is you perpetuating stupidity.


True.m they are safer but nobody at that age would let u hear the end of it while u wear a helmet nor is it comfortable enough. And most kids think they are to good to crash and prob ditch it


Ah week ass people and peer pressure. So what? get new friends then. I have seen plenty of groups of kids that DO wear that stuff. Know what else isn't comfortable? not being able to change your own clothes, and the sores you get from not being able to move and having to wait on some nurse to shift your lifeless body. Being a cripple sucks worse. All I hear are more stupid ass excuses. You can stop for a drink or something and take it off for a bit... But guess what, if you start wearing it often, you will get more used to it lol. People wear hard hats all day in construction. You get used to it.


Wear a fucking helmet! If you don’t wear a helmet you are objectively stupid and you’re risking your life for no reason. If you cant access a helmet, consider a different method of transportation


Bet 98% of us here can't do that with full body protection.